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Raisen Empty Raisen

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:40 pm

Name: Raisen

Age: 16

Rank: Genin

Village: Mist

Appearance: Raisen ThAction7

Personality: Hardy and independant in her own right, she can be a little (very) stubbourn at times but is kind at heart and is always prepared to fight. She is rarely surprised by anything but when she is she will let her curiosoty win over and discover as much as she can. Although she often gets into trouble when she lets her curious side win over but somehow managaes to get out unscahed. Her fighting style seems to be more like danceing as she took dancing lessons after the ninja acadamy but kept it a secret from everyone els.

History: Raisen grew up in the village hidden in the mist and learned quickly the mist justu's and basic ninjutsu, passing her acadamy exam with an above avarage score and putting in 12 hours of training every day, she strived to be the best at what she can do and gained small recognision for it.

During the first year of being a gennin Raisen completed her missions with a good level of skill, confidence, and competance. She did however complain a little at some of her mission's simplicity and demanded something a little more challenging but was denied many times. When she finaly got a C rank mission she helped out her team to her best efforts but sadly one member passed away due to an incedent were an enemy kunai bounced off a tree and hit him in the neck, severing th main artery and wind pipe, he died almost instantly.

After the death of her comrain she did solo missions in order not to loose any more team members. She travelled a little away from her village a few times and knew the surrounding area well, she trained harder and worked harder to better protect the ones close to her. But in her atempts to protect and grow in her skills she became more and more oblivious to those around her, she fought and fought untill that was all she knew anymore, luckaly the kage talked her into calming down and rejoining a team. She declined the offer but did calm down enough to find herself again.

Learned jutsus: Fu rai sen: (thunder fan attack) Fu ka sen: (fire fan attack) ((im just making up these names so if they are inacurate sod it)) Fu chi sen: (chakra fan attack)

Weapons/items: Twin bladed fans.

Goals: Just to protect her village and to become a dancer although that dream she keeps a secret from everyone els.

Last edited by stone hearted shedemon on Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

Posts : 259
Points : 30
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Join date : 2008-11-22
Age : 32
Location : wereever i am I wont be here for long

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Raisen Empty Re: Raisen

Post by Guest Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:52 pm



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