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First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title)

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First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title) Empty First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title)

Post by Zen Sat Dec 06, 2008 2:35 pm

A young man walked through the gates of the leaf village and into the streets,his arms behind him resting his head as he seemed to walk lazy having a rather semi bored expression on his face. His hair brown and spiked almost looking like a rooster and his shirt having the symbol for "bad" on his back. He then stopped in the middle of the street looking around"well this seems to be a more crowded then the other villages i've been to...least it's better and not somewhat gloomy as that one other village"Sanosuke thought as he shuddered abit. "Wonder if theres any jobs I could get....or rather something to eat"Sanosuke thought as he heard his stomach growl as he hung his head and sweatdropped.

Sanosuke then walked around abit more trying to look for a resturant or something to eat before finding the ramen shop"...well it may not be fancy but at least its food!"Sanosuke thought as he ran towards it and jumped in a seat ordering a bowl of ramen,as soon as he got the bowl it was steaming hot. But he just grabbed it and started to dig in not minding that his mouth was on fire from how hot the soup was he just wanted some food in him. When he was done he placed the bowl down and got up stretching"well that was some good food"Sanosuke said to himself as he paid the man and started to walk out.

Upon near exiting he heard a few drunks talk about how they were gonna change the government and a bunch of other crap. "You know guys I don't think you have a clue about what you're saying"Sanosuke said looking at the three,one of them got up but slowly as he almost fell over"ohs ya?...well what do you knows bout it huh!?"the drunk shouted. "Why don't we settle you're attitude outside"Sanosuke said as he stepped out in the street,the three drunks following him as they stood in the center of the street.

The one drunk walked up now abit more sober as he looked at Sanosuke"you know what,i'll fight you with just one hand behind my back infact i'll beat you with my finger"Sanosuke said as he then placed his left hand behind his back. "Oh shut up!"the man shouted having out a small knife and slashing at Sanosuke as he smirked hitting him,but his eyes then widened as he didn't have a scratch on him. Sanosuke smirked and raised up his finger"too slow"Sanosuke said before flicking the man in the head sending him flying into the other drunks as he was knocked out.
Anbu Captain
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First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title) Empty Re: First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title)

Post by Guest Sat Dec 06, 2008 11:39 pm

Shino had just strolled into the leaf village. He had taken leave from the Kazekage for a three day visit in Konoha, his home. He decided to drop in the Ramen Shop, maybe to grab a bite to eat, but mostly to see if Naruto was there. He remembered Naruto above everyone else in Konoha, next to his family and team of course. That was one ninja to look up to. His attitude was infectious and made Shino feel welcome amoungst a group of people. Of course this was no longer an issue for Shino, thanks to the influence of Taku, the Kazekage. As much as he missed living in the leaf village, he never regreted moving to the sand.

He strolled up to the Ramen shop. He sighed at the smell of ramen. He missed that too. He was about to walk in when he heard a commotion coming from the side of the building. He pause for an instant and redirected his course. He walked along the front wall and around the left cornor and was confrotned with a site that appaled him. An obviousl well trained shinobi was in the process of demolishing a couple of drunks. the reason for which, Shino doubted was a good one. When Shino saw one of the drunks flung to the side by the stranger, Shino barked, "What are you doing to these civilians," in an unkind and demanding tone.


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First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title) Empty Re: First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title)

Post by Zen Sat Dec 06, 2008 11:48 pm

Sanosuke sighed abit and stretched out his arms before turning his head to Shino who had barked at him"hey don't bark at me all I did was show those drunks that what they were saying was wrong,that and they got on my nerves alittle with their constant talking about the government which they had no idea what they were saying,so I taught them alittle lesson"Sanosuke explained as he stared at Shino. He then turned his head and looked around to the other people"don't worry im not here to cause trouble,just to see whats around this village and such,but I probably shouldn't waste you're time so I guess i'll be going"Sanosuke said to Shino before starting to walk through the streets.
Anbu Captain
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First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title) Empty Re: First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:29 am

As that had happened a more kind and gentle voice was called out from the ramen shop. The voice said [b]"I apologize for sano's behaviour that i am heres money to pay for damages." The voice said as a noise of a wallet was slapped down onto the counter and then footsteps from sandals were heard with a clack clack clak as the man walked out of the ramen shop.

The man held a blue tunic a x-shaped scar on his face and white puffy pants and he smiled at shino and said "Sorry shino for sano's rudness. hes not always this way he just loves to fight." Kenshin said with a smile as he ran after sano before more things happened.

WHen he caught up to sano he said "Dont go running off like that sano."

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First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title) Empty Re: First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title)

Post by Guest Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:34 am

Shino smiled behind his shirt collar. Should Sano act up wtih in the village, he would know. While everything had been going on, Shino had placed a single bug on Sano. It would alert him of any foul play.


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First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title) Empty Re: First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title)

Post by Zen Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:43 am

Sanosuke turned around to look at Kenshin,scratching the back of his head and shrugging"sorry Kenshin but its good to see you agian by the way"Sanosuke said smiling abit at him as he looked around at all the things going on in the village.
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First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title) Empty Re: First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:57 am

Kenshin smiled and said "Well sano there seems to be alot going on here that there is" As he walked past a bunch of shops people running in and out at high speeds almost like a battlefield. His eye then activated and he focused on a pickpocket and kenshin appeared grabbing the kids hand still with his smile broad.

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First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title) Empty Re: First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title)

Post by Zen Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:04 am

Sanosuke watched as Kenshin looked around and then seeing the pickpocket"hmm...well what do we have here someone stealing?"Sanosuke asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.
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First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title) Empty Re: First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:18 pm

Kenshin looked into the kids eyes and released his hand the kid jumped back and kesnhin pulled out a 2nd wallet that he kept on him sense hanging with Sano who was always either causing damage or making a bill he could not pay. He tossed it to the kid and said "The slightest of hands can always be caught the slightest of people. I want you to stop what you are doing as the world is full of despair as it is that it is. The boy then took of running after reciving the wallet. Kenshin went back to walking.

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First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title) Empty Re: First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title)

Post by Zen Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:21 pm

Sanosuke watched as Kenshin gave the wallet to the boy,he then followed him as he walked once more"so...whats gonna happen when you run out of money from you're other wallet?"Sanosuke asked as he had his hands behind his head as he walked,his eyes closed before opening his right one glancing over to Kenshin.
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First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title) Empty Re: First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Dec 07, 2008 3:15 pm

Kenshin smiled and thought while continuing there walk he really didnt know. "Well i will most likely have to start doing mission's for suna." Kenshin said as he continued to walk his blade and sandles producing sound with each step.

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First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title) Empty Re: First apperence(Couldn't think of a better title)

Post by Zen Sun Dec 07, 2008 3:31 pm

"Hmm...well I have my own money ya know,been going around the different parts of villages and doing some missions there,nothing really worth wild I might add but it got me abit of money..."Sanosuke explained as he shrugged abit but continued to walk with Kenshin. "So...what brings you here anyway?"Sanosuke asked looking over at Kenshin.
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