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Post by Zen Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:12 pm

The wind blew against a young man as he walked through the streets of Kumogakure some dust rolling by him as he walked. He had this out of dazed look not really paying attention to anything really as he was focused on something and that something was power"one way or another I need to get stronger,stronger then anyone in my village"Sora thought as he kept on walking. He was merely passing by is all not really hoping to get engauged in a conversation with someone as he didn't let anyone start one with him,but he wasn't the type of person to speak to some stranger for very long. Sora then stopped by a resturant going inside and taking a seat near the back,he also liked being alone and really the only person who he could talk to for a long peroid of time was his master who was teaching him Kenjutsu.

The young man then sighed and leaned back in his chair no one really came close to him since most of them saw his katan and figured that if they got near him he would kill them. He wasn't the one to kill an innocent person he wasn't like that,which is why he mostly stayed to himself since whenever he tried to approch a non-ninja they backed up away from him. Sora looked around abit the katana on his back making a slight noise as he moved,the resturant was fairly quiet and most didn't try to start any trouble"guess it wouldn't hurt to stay here for abit longer"Sora thought as he started to get comfortable.
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Post by Aki Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:16 pm

Ankyo walked into Kumogakure, another hard day at Yumeji trying to find out who he was had been tiring, he was extremely hungry now. Now that he thought about it, he really should have stocked some food at Yumeji... After a few minutes of walking around, he ran across a restaurant. Feeling even more hungry from the smells that came from it, Ankyo stepped inside.

Ankyo looked around for a place to sit. The place was a bit crowded, a sign that it was either a good place to eat, or a popular hang out, or both. There were only a few seats open, and all of those were in the back. Ankyo let a small groan. He hated being around people... but he was hungry. So, Ankyo walked all the way to the back and sat down beside a man with a katana.

Ankyo put up an acting face and pretended to be intrigued by the man's katana. "Cool sword," said Ankyo when in truth he didn't even care.

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Post by Zen Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:27 pm

Sora was rather liking the silence around him,he was rather annoyed with the lack of training he was getting and it was nice having a quiet place to himself. Though it didn't last long as Ankyo sat beside him,he stared at him for a momment ignoring the comment and just turning his head to the wall resting it against the wooden wall letting out a sigh. "So much for a quiet place to be..."Sora thought as he he then closed his eyes trying to imagine that Ankyo was not there,its not that he didn't like him its just he wanted some alone time to himself and that didn't involve this person at all.
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Post by Aki Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:36 pm

Ankyo half glared at Sora when he didn't answer. But, since he didn't really care, he let it slide. He too closed his eyes and tried to focus on something. The few comments he was hearing from a few tables away were getting rather... annoying. He finally remembered why he didn't enjoying being out on the streets of Kumogakure: girls.

With a small irritated sigh he crossed his arms and focused on his teammates. For once, the memories didn't sadden him. Instead, he was actually enjoying them somewhat. So when the waiter came around to ask for what he wanted, Ankyo ignored him, preferring to stay in his dreams. Shizuka and Osamaru... They really were the best people he had ever known, and probably the last.

Ankyo no longer felt hungry. He was content with remembering the good old days with Shizuka and Osamaru. The days before Shizuka's death, before Osamaru's death, before everything had gone wrong. Ankyo completely forgot about Sora being there, losing himself to the past.

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Post by Zen Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:32 am

Sora was lost in his own thoughts,he then suddenly changed and pushed himself out of the booth and heading to the front door of the resturant throwing things out of his way. He knew what he had to do and no one was going to stop him from getting it,he relized in order to get his power he had to kill one person and he would do at nothing to do so. As he came out of the door he then raced off heading to the village gates and out the forest,forgetting about everything else besides the one thing he needed to do.
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Post by Aki Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:58 pm

Ankyo let a sigh of annoyance as the guy sitting across from him randomly got up and ran off somewhere. He was extremely annoyed now. Tch... So much for my good mood.

In annoyance, Ankyo got up and went after the kid. He was really ticked off now. And what better way to take out his annoyance than on the guy who had caused it?

[[OOC: Sorry it's soo short.]]

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Post by Zen Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:42 pm

OOC: See! I told you you can write less then a page ha!,and np

IG: Sora continued to run away from the cloud village trying to get back to the leaf village,but he then stopped as he felt someone follow him. He turned his head slightly before turning around fully seeing that guy following him that sat next to him,he growled and stopped then grabbed the handle on his sword on his back"I'm warning you stay out of my way,you are not the one I need to kill"Sora said. He glared at Ankyo he wasn't messing around he would kill anyone who got in his way of getting to his target,no one would keep it from him.
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Post by Aki Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:05 pm

Ankyo didn't feel threatened at all. He merely let out a yawn and crossed his arms as he stopped a suitable distance away. "Yeah, yeah. Say whatever you like. Actions are louder than words." Ankyo grinned, "Probably don't even know how to use that thing anyway."

Ankyo was provoking him on purpose. He needed a little distraction after all. And he hadn't fought a Kenjutsuist in a long time anyway, might as well brush up on his skills. "What, just some lowly Genin that can't do anything?" taunted Ankyo. He knew perfectly well that with his added face it probably made him seem arrogant...

Ankyo still had his arms crossed, but he was alert and ready for any attack that might come forth, despite his somewhat lazy posture. "Well?" he asked again.

[[OOC: ... It was short cause I couldn't think of anything to write, but I could have made it longer. Anyways...]]

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Post by Zen Sun Mar 29, 2009 12:50 am

Sora just stared at Ankyo as he tried to provoke and taunt him,it wasn't working. He then let go of his sword"I don't have time to deal with your nonsense just quiet following me"Sora said as he then turned around. He then took off ignoring Ankyo's words he had more important things to do then to listen to someone taunt him,like he said actions spoke louder than words.

OOC:Right..sure,srry short its late here.
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Post by Aki Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:43 am

Ankyo was more than irritated now. But he calmed himself down and let his anger fade in a small sigh. "Guess you don't understand," said Ankyo, taking out a kunai and twirling it in his hand. He was debating slightly as to whether or not he should attack. Ankyo grinned. What the hecK? He was bored.

Ankyo threw the kunai at Sora. He might want a fight, but he wanted a challenging one. The kunai whizzed through the air, aimed at Sora's heart... Ankyo stood in a lazy posture, but ready to counter if Sora attacked or ready to catch the kunai in case Sora wasn't as good as he thought he would be.

Seconds seemed to turn into minutes and hours as Ankyo waited for the kunai to cover what seemed like an agonizingly long distance. But Ankyo was patient and waited... and waited...

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Post by Zen Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:01 pm

As Sora continued to walk along the path,he grabbed the hilt of his sword on his back he then got down to the ground taking out his katana and swinging the sword making contact with the kunai and using it to force back the kunai to a tree. He then stood back up,turning his head slightly glaring at him"im warning you try anything else,I won't just deflect it next time"Sora explained,he then tossed his sword in the air above him as it spun it bounced off light from the sun and then coming back down in an aim position going right into the shealth.

Sora then turned around and started walking again,he wasn't really in any hurry even though he wanted to get back to his village and do what he needed to do. Of course if Ankyo did try anything he thought it might be fun to play with him,he wouldn't kill him since he had no quarral with the cloud ninja.
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Post by Aki Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:09 pm

Ankyo grinned. Challenging. He watched as Sora continued to walk off. After a few minutes he jogged up to Sora. "You're good, care for a... little fun?" asked Ankyo mischievously. Sure he wanted some fun, but he didn't want to go about it rudely... well not today anyway. Besides, he didn't know if Sora was anyone "important". Ankyo supposed that if Sora could have done that, he might very well be under someone's special instruction, or he was just a talented nobody like himself.

"How about it?" asked Ankyo again, making it more of a statement than a question. A plan was already beginning to form in his mind about possible ways to defeat Sora, or at least have some fun while doing it... He wouldn't kill him of course, but he might injure the guy, Ankyo couldn't promise anything though. Ankyo grinned again, maybe he'd actually get cut this time. In all his years as a shinobi, not once had he ever received a cut or a scratch. He briefly supposed that it did have to do with him being... special.

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Post by Zen Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:18 pm

Sora looked out of the corner of his left eye as he spke before stopping and turning fully to face Ankyo rasing an eyebrowl"and just what kind of fun did you have in mind?"Sora asked as he stared at him. If it was a fight,he wouldn't be so easy to beat he knew kenjutsu well but not aswell as his former master....yet. But he knew well enough to handle himself in any situation that called for it and he assumed that this would be one of those situations. He really didn't want to waste all of his energy fighting Ankyo if thats what sort of fun he was mentioning,since he wanted to save it for his master.
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Post by Aki Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:08 pm

Ankyo grinned, "Oh, just fun," answered Ankyo. "Let's agree on one thing though, loser buys the other a free meal... and something of the other's choosing."

Ankyo crossed his arms for a minute. "So you're in I take it?" asked Ankyo. Kenjutsu, sword techniques. Unless the guy had an element, the fight should be easy for him. As long as he stuck to far range techniques and maybe some Genjutsu, he'd win. But he'd just have to wait and see wouldn't he?

((OOC: Gah, I can't think of anything else... and personally I think I'm getting out of character for him. And yeah, I'm too lazy to bold or color code...))

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Post by Zen Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:27 pm

Sora looked at Ankyo and shook his head"fine,fine lets just get this over with I have to be somewhere soon..."Sora said as he stared at him. Since he only knew kenjutsu he didn't hae any long range techqinues....but that still didn't stop him from getting close to his opponent he would use his speed to his advantage,during all that training time he was quick with a blade. The wind blew against them as Sora waited for Ankyo to make the first move.
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Post by Aki Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:05 pm

Ankyo didn't want to use any close combat techniques, so he decided he might as well start off with a Genjutsu. The Genjutsu could test Sora even more, Ankyo already knew that Sora was talented with the blade, but just how talented was he with jutsus?

Phantom Fire. In a few seconds the Genjutsu would begin. The clouds were already starting to gather together. It looked as if it were going to start pouring any minute now. "Looks like it's gonna rain," said Ankyo, trying to make Sora fall for the Genjutsu even more. "That'll just make this even more fun, won't it?"

Ankyo took a few steps back and acted like he was going to perform a Ninjutsu technique, knowing that the Genjutsu would take affect in a few more seconds.


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Post by Zen Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:19 pm

Sora stared almost lazely at Ankyo as he said a storm was coming,he raised an eyebrowl and looked up in the sky seeing the dark clouds before looking back. "Odd....wasn't any dark clouds in the sky before.."Sora thought as he then looked at Ankyo. He then raised an eyebrowl again seeing the handsigns,he stayed still though for a few minutes he wasn't dumb to just run at that first sight. As the lighting hit and struck the tree nearby them he looked over to the fire and walked towards it somewhat,he stared at it for some time before picking up some dirt and throwing it to the fire.

He waited for some minutes for something to happen before turning back to Ankyo"enough with the kid games are we gonna fight or just stand here while you play tricks?"Sora asked as he then grabbed the hilt of his katana and pulled it from his back,he then got in form 3 stance this stance would make no openings for attack.

Last edited by Zen on Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post by Aki Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:21 pm

Ankyo scowled slightly, but soon grinned again. At least now he knew it would be challenging. So the guy was gifted with Kenjutsu, knew how to deflect some minor Genjutsu, meaning he would know a bit about jutsus and be able to counter it slightly. Challenging indeed.

Ankyo quickly terminated the Genjutsu. So Genjutsu was out of the question, at least Genjutsu alone. Taijutsu... eh he could, but he didn't want to. Not with those dangerous blades of Sora's. Ankyo eyed the new stance cautiously. It was obvious that it was a defensive stance, so that meant there wasn't much room for him to attack.

Ankyo could have stood there and attacked, but he choose to disappear into the forest, waiting for Sora to come after him. Even if Sora didn't come after him, he'd be ready to let lose some of his attacks. Ankyo waited, preparing to use Holy Arrow should Sora not come, that or Lightning Claw or Wind Blade should Sora come after him.

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Post by Zen Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:24 pm

Sora watched as the genjutau was terminated and then watched as Ankyo then ran off. He counted to three before running after,training in kenjutsu with a katana made him fast getting use to the weight of the sword which made him move faster even when he carried it. Sora then switched to Form IV stance this would make him go on whats physically possible for anyone to move,though he wasn't a master of this form he was close to becoming one.

Last edited by Zen on Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post by Aki Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:57 pm

Ankyo cast a glance back and grimaced. The guy had changed forms while running after him. Ankyo had hoped the guy would just simply run after him or at least just stay there. He debated between Lightning Claw and Wind Blade or Holy Arrow.

Tch, if I had known he was gonna have another stance I wouldn't have ran... but... Argh, I'll just use Holy Arrow first. He's catching up pretty fast. Amazing, I suppose, seeing as he's carrying that sword too. Ankyo quickly charged some lightning chakra to his hands. Ankyo turned around, running back as he did so, and released the first wave of arrows from his left hand.

Lightning chakra escaped from Ankyo's fingertips and went towards Sora at a rather fast rate. The lightning condensed into a vague arrow like form, the arrowheads being a bit bright. Ankyo prepared his right hand to release the next five arrows.

Should the arrows hit, Ankyo would follow up with his planned Lightning Claw or Wind Blade, and if not... well he'd have to think of that, wouldn't he?

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Post by Zen Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:06 pm

Sora continued to run forward towards Ankyo,then seeing him turn around and fire lighting from his finger tips,he stopped and jumped up high into the air spinning around acrobaic like. He then switched back to form 3 stance though unoticed seing if he could beable to suprise Ankyo for when he sends his next jutsu so he could send it right back at him. "I can't waste time playing around,I need to finish this quick..."Sora thought he had wandered if he would ever acutally face Ankyo instead of chasing after him like a running coward.

He had always thought if you ran from you opponent and attacked it was a cowardly move to make on their part,never acutally facing them in combat which then the opponent would think you were not worthy to even kill.
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Post by Aki Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:31 pm

Ankyo grimaced again. So he had dodged them had he? Oh well. Ankyo let the next wave lose from his fingertips after he turned around once more. Once done so, he quickly followed up with Lightning Claw, taking out a single marble with his left hand, preparing to use it.

His hands were covered with a pale yellow lightning chakra as he ran right behind the arrows, using their somewhat bright spots to help defend him. Should Sora look directly at the arrows he would most likely get somewhat blinded. His range had extended so now that if he lashed out at Sora, he would have about the same distance as his blade.

The claws narrowed more at the end, til they were almost invisible, but they were still deadly. Ankyo grinned. "Sorry, but I just remembered, I got an appointment soon. Gotta make this quick," said Ankyo as the arrows neared Sora, he himself within striking distance.

Once Sora moved to defend or attack, Ankyo would unleash the marble, letting it fall to the ground and produce three shadow clones, saving him some chakra. Two of them would attack with Wind Blade and the other with Lightning Claw. Hopefully Sora would be able to counter... or at least dodge it enough not to get killed or severely injured as the clones would spring up and effectively surround Sora into a nice little square.

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Post by Zen Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:21 am

Sora smirked as Ankyo fired then next wave of lighting,then noticing him run before turning his attention back to the lighting. As the lighting came,he blocked them with his sword and did an almost bat to ball type thing in which it send the lighting right back at Ankyo and the clones. As Sora landed on the ground,he jumped out of the way of the other attacks getting slightly grazed by one and having a slight numbed foot from the other but he shook it off.
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