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Rhonin Citadel, the deciple of shadows (N/F)

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Rhonin Citadel, the deciple of shadows (N/F) Empty Rhonin Citadel, the deciple of shadows (N/F)

Post by Shini Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:32 pm

Name: Rhonin Citadel

Age: ??? (Possibly over 4,000)

Bloodline: x/x (magic)

Rank: n/a (Ranked-S)
Classification: n/a
Village: None..
Alignment: Evil

Appearance: Rhonin as an adult:

Rhonin in his elder years:

Rhonin after dark ritual:

Rhonin's new corrupt body (current appearance):

Last edited by Shini on Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:15 am; edited 1 time in total

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Rhonin Citadel, the deciple of shadows (N/F) Empty Re: Rhonin Citadel, the deciple of shadows (N/F)

Post by Shini Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:28 am

History: Rhonin's early life was grim to say the least. Even before birth, he was unwanted by the people around him. His mother was the first daughter of a royal family who ruled a small village of elite magic users. At the time when she had become pregnant, she was only 17, but by the law of their village, she was not permitted to give birth until the age of 26. Her father, who was first in line to become leader of the village, was away on a scouting mission. Her mother though, was still in the village. Once the news reached her, almost 5 month's into Rhonin's mother's pregnancy, she was beyond outraged. Immediately, her mother had ordered for the man who had who impregnated her daughter to be murdered. Rhonin's mother was distraught, and had no clue what she should do. She tried with her mother to reconsider, but it only went to deaf ears. There was limited options she had in the matter. With no other options, she ran to the villages elders in hopes of having them veto her mother's order. Unfortunately, she was without luck, as her mother had already reached the elders first and requested she to be imprisoned until the to be father was assassinated. The elders quickly agreed, and without a second though, Rhonin's mother was taking to a jail cell once entering the room.

Quickly into her stay, Rhonin's mother somehow managed to escape her cell. She did not have much time to think, and without any second thoughts she quickly ran out of the building she had been being held in. However, two guards stationed outside of the building quickly recognized who she was as she exited the building's front doors. Both men questioned her for a moment as to why she was in such a hurry to leave. She figured the news of her imprisonment had not spread far yet, so she quickly said she was in a rush to make her way back home to finish dinner. The guards allowed her to go on her way without any other questions after that.

Rhonin's mother then headed to the home of the man who had impregnated her. By the time she had reached his home, guards had already entered the premises. She ran into the house with haste in hopes of doing something to stop her lover's near fate, but as she entered she quickly discovered she was to late. Three guards stood over the dead body of the man. One of the was startled by Rhonin's mother's quick entrance. She instantly spun around once hearing her, and without any thought, blasted her with a wave of wind. Rhonin's mother went fly out of the house and landed last twenty feet away.

She was rushed to the village medical center immediately. She was unconscious apon entering. The guard who had attacked her was assassinated by ordered Rhonin's grandmother. The doctor feared that she may lose the baby from the attack. Rhonin's mother stayed in a coma for the next 4 months. By this time, she was now 9 months pregnant, and still in a coma. The village's doctors were still not sure if the baby was alive, or if it had become a still birth. Near the last week of her pregnancy, Rhonin's mother woke from her coma. Unfortunately, she was extremely with complications of her pregnancy. For the next week, she stayed in bed almost near death untill the night of Rhonin's birth. The doctors were astonished when Rhonin had come out completely healthy and with no birth complications. Sadly that night, His mother died after giving birth.

By this time, Rhonin's grandfather had returned to the village from his scouting mission. He knew of his wife's intentions for the new born grandson. She wished for the child to be killed, and this only grew stronger from the fact of her daughter's death. Rhonin's grandfather did not agree with this though as he saw no use in killing a new born. Even more so, one of his own blood. Acting quickly, he took Rhonin from the doctor's custody and rode off into the forest with him before Rhonin's grandmother could initiate any plans. Within a few days, he reached his destination, the home of a experienced magician he had met durring his recent mission. With this man, Rhonin's grandfather knew Rhonin would be safe and be raised well.

For the next 18 years, Rhonin was always by the side of the man his grandfather had delivered him to many years ago. Rhonin only knew, and spoke to him as "Father". During his childhood, Rhonin spent every waking moment of his time around Father as both a son, and a student of magic. Teachings of magic came very early to Rhonin, around the age of three. Father knew from the moment he saw Rhonin, that he was gifted. He wished to make him very strong with magic as soon as possible in his life in hopes of letting the powers he could feel within Rhonin immerge from him fast. Training sessions would last for days at a time and were extremely enduring for the most part. At times, Rhonin would even come close to death during his training. The only thing stopping him from demise was Father's aid, which was very little to say the least.

By the age of eight years old, Rhonin was already a very prominent Magician. By this time Father had given Rhonin his full name, Rhonin Citadel, meaning "wondering castles". He said to Rhonin that this name reflected apon his ability to store much knowledge within his mind, making it the library the castle, which was this body in a whole. He said to never stay in permanent place though, so he could expand his knowledge to others, who were also castles themselves. All of father's teaching came very easy to him. Within short amounts of time he mastered every one the techniques and spells father would teach to him. He could easily be announced stronger then most other magicians who Senior him as an upperclassman. So as time grew, so did Rhonin. By the time Rhonin was eight teen years old, Father called him a true master at the art of Magic. He had fought along side father for many years now. He had become an extremely fearsome man with a true spirit, and gift for war. His pure genius, and natural skill truly made him into, at the time, one of the world's greatest magicians. This was exactly what father had seen capable in Rhonin many years ago in his youth. The fact that everything became a reality came to no surprise for Father, and he only knew that there was much only more in store.

Within a few years of Adult hood, Rhonin had come across what would make him what he is today. During his research and self practices, Rhonin had been working on a new art of magic. His goal was to become the first to learn, and possess this power before any other could. Years of study, and practice were slowly starting to build up more, and more. Close to the age of twenty, Rhonin believed all his work had come to its prime. Within the next months, Rhonin only kept to himself, never leaving the training corridors of his large house within the water country. Day, after day he could feel a new power grow stronger inside of him. He said it was almost like his body's aura had begun to change into something completely new, and stronger. The need for more of this power started to become overwhelming as each day only increased the measure of its strength, until finally the day came Rhonin accomplished his goal.

For the next many of years, Rhonin's strength with dark magic grew immensely. His ability's with the art made Rhonin legendary among fellow magicians very quickly. He became known as a renown artist, and was highly respected by his follower. Father was nothing less then pleased with the man he had raised. He always knew of Rhonin's capability for greatness would become something as they were at the time. In all his greatness though, there was tragedy behind Rhonin's accomplishments. Over the years, as Rhonin's body aged, the dark magic which fostered inside of him began to take over his body slowly. By the time Rhonin was forty, his appearance had become extremely frightening. His skin had become gray, and his eyes were now blood red. Each of this teeth were very sharp like a creatures, as were his finger and toenails. All of his hair stopped growing years ago causing boldness. The only way Rhonin found way to deal with this, was by wearing a cloak which covered his entire body. Still not sissified, he cased a spell apon his face which would cover it in an orange mist. He said that no one deserved to see anything that grim, nether Allie or foe.

Years continued to pass, the darkness inside of Rhonin continued to grow, tightening its grip on him each and every moment. The man he once was had almost completely drained away by now. With his old age, and the effects the dark magic had on his appearance, Rhonin was hardly noticeable from the way he once was. He did not act, nor feel the same any longer. The ambition he once had to spread his knowledge had died away by now. There was no more drive to accomplish the rest of the goal he wished to achieve. He no longer looked forward to the things he once did. His calm way of speaking melted away. His words were no longer used for spreading wisdom, but rather, for casting off and shunning people he saw as lesser. There was only a frail shell of what he once was left, and that part of him only had very little time.

Now, nearing the age of eighty, Rhonin's former self had completely fallen to an abyss. He was now a sinister beast, hand crafted by the darkness that he had created himself. A absolute black shadow enveloped every last shred of his former being. Not a single shred of his personality remained. Now, there was only a sinister, dark man left by this time. If a man is what you could have called him. His body was now an awful mass of pure evil, looking more demon then human. His old age had caused him body to become very frail and almost disfigured looking. His back hunched over largely, allowing his spin to protrude from his back abnormally. His fingers were extremely long and brittle. His weight had decreased greatly, allowing his ribs to show off in a disturbing manner. His arms and legs were now only bones attached to thin layers of skin. He grew sick of himself. He hated the inabilities this body gave to him. Rhonin knew he would die very soon if this body remained his vessel.

Over the years, after the darkness to infest into his mind, Rhonin began to have his men capture random people for him. He would have these people who had been kidnapped undergo experiments by him. He felt as though testing on an actual human being was the only true way to create the deadliest spells possible. His methods were very grim, extremely gruesome. During all the times of his experiments, Rhonin had kidnapped, and killed nearly 20,000 people. The number of people who died was not any of his worry though. He explained that if success is the goal, then keep success in your heart, and not what leads you to success.

Each of the many experiments he had tested came out as a success.Through his cruel methods, Rhonin had created the strongest spells he had in his entire life. Some where so powerful the the extent were he almost considered never using them. Still, there was a spell he had yet to finished. The idea for it began after Rhonin had read a reading in one of father's books, which spoke of immortality. Rhonin quickly become obsessed with the idea of living forever. He knew at the time that he grown rather old, and he would die in the near future. Rhonin was not ready for death though. Quickly, Rhonin forced his men to increase the number of people to kidnap. Experiment, after experiment began. Rhonin didn't expect barley any to accomplish his goal directly, but rather they were steeping stones. Over the time of one year, Rhonin had yet to finish his experiments, but he felt as though he was close. He said each day brought him closer to his youth.

Father, who was one of the only people to keep in touch with Rhonin after the darkness began to take hold of him, knew of Rhonin's experiments. Still, he chose not to act on them for some unknown reason. That is, until he discovered the plans Rhonin had for his next spell. Father quickly made a visit to Rhonin, telling him his experiments had to end. Rhonin would have nothing of it though, and took Father's words to deaf ears. With no other choice at hand, if Rhonin continued to not take Father's words, he would act apon it. Father came to Rhonin once again, demanding Rhonin to stop, and end his plans or he would be forced to kill Rhonin. Unwisely though, Rhonin only did what he had before. This time though, he attempted to preach father on the possibilities of his experiments. Father would have nothing of it though, telling Rhonin that people are like roses, They blossom, then die. Death is the way of life. Outraged, Rhonin attacked father without thought. As powerful as he was though, Rhonin was nearly killed by Father instantly. In Rhonin's unconsciousness, Father destroyed Rhonin's entire laboratory then left Rhonin to die.

Somehow, against large odds, Rhonin managed to survive Father's attack. After more then an entire day of unconsciousness, Rhonin awoke inside of his now destroyed laboratory. Once he came to his senses he was distraught and outraged. All of the work he had done was now fallen onto the floor, laying beside his feet. There was barley anything useful left, at least that he could find. This was the point of time were all of his followers and known peers had begun to leave him. His worth had decreased to them highly. At there point, there was not much left for Rhonin. Over those next four years, Rhonin lived in solitude in his mansion of ruins. He never left the building as he would lurch the narrow, broken halls of his home, waiting to die. His old body was starting to fail him, he grew disgusted by himself. He was glad everyone had left him now, he thought he deserved to be alone.

Behind everything though, the thought of immortality still lingered in the back of Rhonin's head. He would think of his experiments from time, to time gave nothing of it. Until, the day he decided to wondering back into his broken down laboratory. He had no clue why, but he began to seek threw all the uncleaned rubble for any random things he could find. Searching for hours, he found much of nothing. His hands and feet had started to bleed from rubbing again the rubble for so long. Rhonin continued to search into the night, fighting against the urge of slumber to search for any last remnant of his study's. Nearly morning, Rhonin was still awake, and still pondering through, and under all the broken rock. Still, very little was found at that point, but after mid-day had struck Rhonin came across a discovery. An old book of his he had written in during the time of his test.

He immediately took the book and began to read it from page, to page sitting in the same spot he had found it in. Hours, apon hours passed and Rhonin continued to read. A feeling of devilish excitement pored into his body. He could feel the intensity he once had, become alive within him once again. This book was all that was needed for him to have great aid in finished his delayed experiment. As the night struck, Rhonin had already finished the book and made way out of his home, making way threw the shadows in the alley of the village. Rhonin intended to finish what he started. Within an hour's time, Rhonin personally captured 13 people, and quickly took them back to his home. The next few days were critical for Rhonin as he proceeded once again with his experiments. Over the first few hours, Rhonin had begun to make more progress then he had in a month's time, before.

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Rhonin Citadel, the deciple of shadows (N/F) Empty Re: Rhonin Citadel, the deciple of shadows (N/F)

Post by Shini Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:48 am

Name: Takashi Citadel

Age: 120

Bloodline: x/x (magic)

Rank: n/a (Ranked-A)
Classification: n/a
Village: None..
Alignment: Evil


History: Takashi Is the created daughter of, Rhonin Citadel. (Will finish this after rp..)

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Rhonin Citadel, the deciple of shadows (N/F) Empty Re: Rhonin Citadel, the deciple of shadows (N/F)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:52 am

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Kyouken Uchiha
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