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Tetsuhada Sumi (Finished for now)

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Tetsuhada Sumi (Finished for now) Empty Tetsuhada Sumi (Finished for now)

Post by Tetsuhada Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:26 pm

Name: Tetsuhada

Age: 17

Rank: Chuunin
Classification: Ninja
Village: Hidden Mist Village
Alignment: Kirigakure no Sato

Appearance: I have thin and shaggy black hair, which usualy hangs on my face and barely above my eyes. Much like my father i have very pale skin and i have pitch black eyes, but they are wide and full of emotion which i get from my mother. For my outfit i usualy where a black cloak and a anbu mask, but when i am not in my cloak i have a short black shirt, with red straps, and black pants. My shoes have red straps and are a deep black for the rest of the way.

Personality: Much like my father, I am very strategic and deadly in style. I hunt down ninja and always follow through with my mission. As i get from my mothers side i am very energetic and 'alive' with emotion.

Birth: Tetsuhada's history was a long and hand struggle through life, faced with many challenges. It all started a long while ago, when his mother, Shihada met Sai on a mission in the hidden leaf village. At first the only response she got from him was a cold shoulder, and none the less freindly. Shihada hated not being treated well, so she took this response badly and was determined to get him to like her. They had a hard and long confrontation, leading to a large battle and in the end Sai came to recongnize her as a equal. So with this she was satasfied, and took freindly to him. She soon fell in love with the emotionless man and set her sights on a relationship. So with this her romantic search for his heart began.

The two were close, and after sai's time with naruto he was capable of feeling emotion. He decided the best way to experience "Bonds" was if he gave love a chance. The two began dating. After long nights Sai fell in love, beginning to wonder how else to bond his body easily seduced the young girl into a "romantic evening". A few days later the girl came to announce she was pregnant! This through sai deeply off gaurd and made his mind go hang wire.

Nine months later the poor girl died giving birth to a boy. Spikes coered his body and ripped through her as she gae birth, tearing open her stomach. The boys tongue emerges like a spear peircing one of the doctors. Slowly the boy emerged from blood, dripped in a thick slime and glaring around. The boy was a silver color, and a demon. As his skin gained normal color his hand turned rubbery, as the doctor went to touch him the boy wrapped around the doctor, choking and strangling him.

Fall of the Village:Tetsuhada (鉄肌 Literaly meaning "Iron Skin") started out young, a demonic nature, sai was away on missions alot and had no time for the boy. Tetsuhada lived happily by himself, since his father was usualy awat on missions. One day it all went wrong though, His father had just returned when a explosion erupted from the kage tower. At this point Tetsuhada was only five years old. As his father left a ninja broke in and began to ransac the drawers. Tetsuhada hid in a corner and watched. As the ninja went to leave he pulled out a match and tossed it onto the floor, then pulling out several balls out exploding tags and tossing them onto the floor. With this the ninja left. Tetsuhada watched in terror as flames rose up all around the room, consuming the house. His father realized the explosion at his house, and though he dis-liked his son he didn't want him to die, so he rushed to the house.

The boy walked around as his village lay in ruins, dead bodies scattered all over the feild. This horrific scene dramatized the poor boy. Tetsuhada began to search for his father. As he searched he looked at all the bodies, each one bringing more tears to his eyes. Finaly a leaf ninja appeared behind him, stabbing a sendon in his neck which knocked him out.

Ass the boy woke up he saw blood everywhere, his father lay lifeless before him. The boy reached out and touched his fathers head, blood splashing on touch. The boys eyes lit up with anger, spikes ripped through his clothes. Tetsuhada raised up yelling in anger, his face turning steel, suddenly iron wings emerged from his body and he rushed into battle, flying and beheading people with his wings, ripping them apart, the boy landed and turned, all of the ninja lay dead. Tetsuhada looked around, his eyes were pure red, and as the leader of the ninja spoke his last words, Tetsuada learned something. The words were "You child have a gift... That gift is your body... Unlike the Akimichi's ability to change body size... You can transform to rubber... And harden into steel.." Slowly tetsuhada's mind was struck with fear, was he a demon? Tetsuhada turned and slowly began to walk toward the gates, he exited and turned one final time, A smile on his face. He had a new mission, He was going to meet te akimici clan and learn about there blood line.

Search for Akimichi: Tetsuhada set out from the village, after veiwing the blood slaughter he lost his tears, and gained courage. The boy walked silently down the road, blood streaming down his pale arm and his blood red eyes glowing. The boy saw a tree and smirked to himself, he was hungry so he decided he was going to eat. The tree was a orange tree, Tetsuhada decided to train, he concentrated chakra into his arm and suddenly his bones began to ache, the cells rapidly produced into iron and slowly his arm turned silver. Tetsuhada stood for a few minutes, gaining momentum in his arm as it formed a long blade. With this new ability Tetsuhada easily sliced the tree, it collasped broken into peices. Tetsuhada was proud of himself and walked over to the branch, merely picking up a orange and taking a bite. Satisfied with his earned meal he once again set down the path, but not before he packed his shirt with oranges for the long journey ahead.

Not knowing how to get to the Akimichi clan, Tetsuhada had to find a way to get to land, he traveled before he found a boat merchant and asked for a ride, the man asked for money which Tetsuhada didnt have. Tetsuhada once again relied on his iron skin, manipulating his skin into a dripp and as he went to thank the man for his help and shake his hand, a blade went through the mans arm, the man fell back and tetsuhada leaped at him, driving his hand into the mans skull. Blood was everywhere, and tetsuhada smiled, licking the blood from his cheek and leaping into the boat, setting off.

The boat ride to the land was a long journey, A thick mist covered the feild which blinded Tetsuhada's vision. Not knowing what to do tetsuhada activated his iron skin. The boat slowly begin to sink, water filling into the boat. As the boat went under tetsuhada turned his arms to rubber, In a split second he came up with a new move, to save his life. Using chakra he blasted both his arms out, soaring toward a bridge, The great naruto bridge. This move was named Nanbuenwab Nii Gouken- Name of Jutsu: Soft Rubber Body Two Way Chain Punches. Tetsuhada was yanked through the air, his arm wrapped around a large pole and he landed on the bridge, panting as his arms slowly turned normal. Tetsuhada walked, not knowing he was on his way to Konoha because of the bridge, he had without knowing it found a quicker route to Konoha.

Tetsuhada walked silently down the bridge, looking around at passing people. The bridge was engulfed in a very thick mist, concealing most of his and other people around him appearances. Finaly he came to a large man in a thick red armor, he had brownish red hair and a red head band. Tetsuhada had heard of ninja like this, these were Leaf Ninja. The boy walked up, and asked kindly if he knew where to find the Akimichi clan.

The man startled Tetsuhada with his anwser, his comment "I am the leader". This startled Tetsuhada, he had easily found the leader of the akimichi clan. The over joyed boy explained his clan ability and how a man he once killed said he was like a akimichi, So the man named Choji said he would train him.

Training with Choji: Choji first wanted to know about the boy and his history, so Tetsuhada started with what he knew about his parents and lead up to why he was on the bridge. Choji at first didnt believe Tetsuada waas powerful enough to take down a large group, So tetsuhada asked for a spar. Choji agreed.

Choji took Tetsuhada to a large feild, the smell of fresh water splashing from a waterfall rapidly as the lili's waved in the water current. Choji at first only wanted a Taijutsu battle. Choji at first was hesitant to fight Tetsuhada, But Tetsuhada came at Choji with great force, sending his hand in full Iron Skin mode crashing at Choji. Choji leaped back and used a Partial Expansion to knock the strike aside. Now knowing how strong the kid was Choji knew he needed to go all out. The battle ragged on for seceral hours, at first it was only Tetsuhada using his Rubber Body Skill and Choji using Partial Expansion. Choji decided it was time to hurry this up, transforming himself into a Human Bullet Tank Technique he launched himself at Tetsuhada with blinding speed. Tetsuhada turned his arms into metal, catching choji's boulder like formation infront of him.

Tetsuhada held Choji there, stopping him from spinning. As choji ceased to move Tetsuhada whipped his hands to the side, sending Choji flying across the feild. Choji slammed into a tree, it exploded from force and choji lay in a large crater. Tetsuhada panted from using all the strength and stamina needed to hold off the powerful attack. Tetsuhada had let his gaurd down, Choji's shadow cast around him and as he looked up two massive fist came crashing down on him, slamming him into the ground. Tetsuhada had released his iron skin by now and was deeply slammed into the ground.

Tetsuhada stood up, faking that he was done, and as choji returned to normal size Tetsuhada turned rubber, slipping next to Choji and wrapping around him. Choji was slowly being strangled and used Needle Gaurdian, causing his hair to spike out and peirce Tetsuhada badly. Tetsuhada fall off bleeding and admitted defeat. Choji told him how he was suprised that Tetsuhada was that strong.

Choji brought Tetsuhada to Konoha, and as they came there Kiba and Shino were at the gates. Kiba and Shino were curious about Tetsuhada's ability and decided to help him train. Choji began to show how he stretched his skin and arm to add more strength, and explained that if Tetsuhada used his rubber skill he could also turn larger like Choji. Kiba then started explaining how he used his dog and speed for movements, and explained that his rubber made him quick like needed for Peircing Fang, and Choji's Strength and changing. They showed Tetsuhada how to use his rubber size and speed for attacks, thus he gained the attack Ballistic Soft Rubber Body Bomb Wheel.

Tetsuhada stayed with Choji and the leaf village for six years, leaving when he was eleven.

Speciality: Iron skin
Learned jutsus:
• Hardening Technique- Kōka no Jutsu
• Heavy Body Skill- Omoiwan no Jutsu
• Iron Skin Defense- Tetsuhada Bōgyo
• Patial Iron Skin: Jackhammer Palm- Bubun Tetsuhada: Tettsuishō
• Partial Iron Skin: Iron Sword Arm- Bubun Tetsuhada: Tetsukiri Kakūn
• Full Body Iron Skin: Spiked Armor- Seishunwan Tetsuhada: Goyoroi
• Soft Rubber Body- Nanbuenwan
• Soft Rubber Tongue Whip- Nanbuen Zassben
• Ballistic Soft Rubber Body Bomb Wheel- Mizudan Nanbuenwan Danuiten
• Soft Rubber Body Two Way Chain Punches- Nanbuenwab Nii Gouken
• Earth Release: Underground Traveling Tank- Doton: Dochū Nami Sensha
• Earth Release: Large Dust Cloud- Doton: Taihō Sunabokori
• Earth Release: Earth Style Wall- Doton: Doryūheki
• Earth Release: Earth Flow River- Doton: Doryū Taiga
• Earth Release: Rock Pillars Rising- Doton: Ganchūsō
• Earth Clone Technique- Tsuchi Bushin no Jutsu

Elements: Iron Skin, Kekkei Genkai and Skin Condtion, Rubber Body, Kekkei Genkai and Skin Condition

Last edited by Tetsuhada on Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:54 am; edited 7 times in total

Posts : 14
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Join date : 2009-06-22
Age : 32
Location : The Hot Spring Village

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Tetsuhada Sumi (Finished for now) Empty Re: Tetsuhada Sumi (Finished for now)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:27 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Tetsuhada Sumi (Finished for now) Empty Re: Tetsuhada Sumi (Finished for now)

Post by Tetsuhada Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:23 am

Tetsuhada's Great Battle: Tetsuhada walked out of the village gates, looking over the land as he set out. The sun danced across the blades of grass, sparkling with the morning dew and Tetsuhada looked back at choji with tears in his eyes, knowing he had to leave Choji. He gained alot from them, He gained speed from Kiba's Training, Strategy from Shino's Training and from Choji; He learned to control his strength with Iron Skin, Use his Iron skin as a defense, He learned to change size with his skin abilities and finaly how to use his rubber skin to the best of his ability.

Tetsuhada didn't want to go but he knew it was time to leave, so he set out alone with nothing but a chuunin jacket which he was given, A long sleeve shirt under it, Large baggy black pants and ninja sandels which were a deep green.

Tetsuhada entered a large forest as he left the border of the Fire country and after a few hours he became hungry. So he went in search of food, finding a large apple which he took a bite of. Not knowing this was a trap by several ninja from Ketsumigakure- Hidden Smoke Village. As he ate the apple a sleeping poison entered his body, knocking him out. Four ninja jumped down and grabbed him, then body flickering away and fleeing to there base, thinking he was from the leaf village they were going to interogate him and find out what ever they could.

Tetsuhada woke up in a dark room, strapped to a chair with four ninja around him, the first man put a kunai to Tetsuhada's chest and threatened to cut him open. Tetsuhada struggled violently to escape but failed to suceed. The questioning began. After hours of interogationt hey decided they needed to get rid of him, so they made the move to kill.

As they came near him he used his iron skin to cut through the ropes, leaping up as his arm turned into a blade. Tetsuhada sent his bladed arm through the targets stomach, causing a severe blow which ripped apart the ninja's insides. The man slid to the side and fell down, lost in a dying haze. Tetsuhada twisted and wrapped his rubber foot around the mans head, sending his crashing into the second man, Tetsuhada leaped at him and drove his bladed arm through the first wounded mans heart and also going into the other mans chest. They burst through the wall. The other two came rushing in to see the comotion. They saw the large fight in action, Tetsuhada twisted and drove a leg into one of the ninja's gut, but the man was a shadow clone, and used shadow clone explosion to tear apart the room, chakra slamming Tetsuhada backwards and out the window. The leader, who's name was Karimaru watched as his final and last ninja who just used a shadow clone, Shikaji leap after Tetsuhada.

The ninja brought his leg slamming into Tetsuhada's stomach in mid air, sending him crashing into the ground. Tetsuhada hadn't used his iron skin before, not knowing he needed to use it yet. As tetsuhada rose Shikaji appeared behind him, holding a red and brown scroll. The scroll has blood dripping from the tip and the man smirked, suddenly a explosion of smoke surrounded them, out of the shadow came two horns, Tetsuhada turned, his iron skin begining but not soon enough, A ragging bull slammed into him and sent him crashing in a tree, a spike impaling his ribs.

Tetsuhada slowly got up, the bull charging at him again. This time he was ready and he turned all the cells and muscle tissue in his hands to iron, grabbing the bulls horns as it came near, then twisting and tossing the bull into the air. Tetsuhada leaped up and turned his toes into blades, ripping through the tips of his shoes as the kick impaled the bull. They slowly declined in air, the bull roaring and thrashing, the bladed toes grew longer until they shot out of the bulls back, the bull went limp. Tetsuhade twisted and flipping onto the dying bull, slamming him into the earth and leaping into the smoke at Shikaji. Shikaji sent a kunai at Tetsuhada, striking his cheek but the kunai fell to the ground, deflected by the iron skin. Tetsuhada's eye glowed red with rage as he walked toward Shikaji, each step leaving a large buldge in the ground.

Shikaji formed seals, using Fire Release: Grand Fireball Jutsu, Casting a large ball of fire foward, the fire exploded on Tetsuhada's skin, the iron part lessening the pain of the flames, Tetsuhada's hair simmered with smoke as he stood there, flames all around him and his clothers almost completely disenegrated. Shikaji formed more seals then used Smoke Binding Coffin, The smoke from the summon turned grey and moved around Tetsuhada's legs, slowly binding him tightly. Tetsuhada stood contraped in the smoke binding and he grinned, the smoke couldnt squeeze very tight with his iron skin. Shikaji once again used Fire Release: Grand Fireball Jutsu, flames catching onto Tetsuhada, his skin slowly beginning to turn normal so he was burned, Shikaji realized he couldnt hold his skin in one state for very long.

Tetsuhada released his iron skin, slowly morphing his cells to a elastic form and he slid down, moving out of the smoke by thinning out, the smoke condensed in a ball with nothing to hold. Shikaji leaped at Tetsuhada, sending a kick at him. Tetsuhada used his training, twisting his elastic arm into a drill and striking into Shikaji's leg, blood splashing as he broke into the skin. Shikaji pulled out a exploding tag, tossing it down and falling backwards, releasing the tag as a suicide attempt. Suddenly flames exploded up, tetsuhada roared in pain as his skin started to burn, blood ripping out of him. Tetsuhada ran back, trying to turn his skin back to normal as he was on fire. Shikaji stood up, also burned but not as bad. Finaly Tetsuhada returned to normal, with a large amount of burns on him.

Shikaji ran foward, grasping Tetsuhada's shoulder and pushing chakra into it, the burns began to ache horribly and Tetsuhada morphed his arm into a blade using Partial Iron Skin: Iron Sword Arm, Tetsuhada set a slice from between Shikaji's legs, bringing the blade up and slicing him clean in half, the man fell dead and tetsuhada dropped to his knees exausted.

Karimaru's Purpose: Karimaru appeared next to Tetsuhada with his hands glowing a light blue, from the Mystic Palm Technique. Karimaru ran his hand over Tetsuhada, slowly all of Tetsuhada's skin cells began to heal, the muscle and tissue closing together and regaining blood flow. Tetsuhada grunted, the skin turning from the deep red burns to a tan pink. Slowly Tetsuhada sat up, Karimaru stated his name and said the meaning of it, Karimaru meaning "Healing Man". Tetsuhada's first instinct was to attack the man, he leaed up and grabbed the mans throat. Karimaru chuckled and explained he had just healed him, Tetsuhada was confused, not knowing to trust him or not.

Karimaru told Tetsuhada the reason they interogated him; A while back a ninja fromt he smoke village named Kiko left on a mission to deliver a note to Konoha, but a group of anbu saw him as a threat since there villages were enemies, and killed him. They didnt know until they found the note that he was trying to deliver a peace treaty. So Karimaru and his three students, who were all jounin, but he was a S-rank kage level ninja. The three ninja's names were; Koshi, Shikaji, Kurosate. Kurosate was a famous weapon ninja who was born in Kirigakure, he carried a large blade named the "hell mist" which allowed him to create and bend mist, smoke and steam with his blade at will. Koshi was a puppet ninja and Shikaji was a Fire and smoke ninjutsu user.

With this knowledge Tetsuhada understood why they did what they did, and he agreed to help them. Karimaru began to tell him his plam; Karimaru asked for help since Tetsuhada killed all his ninja, and Tetsuhada felt he owed the man his revenge, so he agreed. The mans plan was to kill the group of anbu.

Fightning the Anbu: Tetsuhada rushed fastly through the area, he broke through a large wall and was now inside the anbu base, his iron skin actived. Kunai clashed against him but fell to the ground from his iron skin, Multiple ninja leaped at him, he twisted and grabbed two ninja, twisting and breakingt here arms as he slammed ther ehands together. His palms turned to blades and slid into there head. A third ninja leaped at him, using Chidori. Tetsuhadsa was struck and fell down, a strong shock in him, Suddenly his earth clone leaped on the ninja's back, his arm turning into a steel blade and ripping through the man. Hours past and finally Tetsuhada took down all of the ninja. He walked out and left to find Karimaru who was impressed and offered him a spot as a student, but Tetsuhada turned it down.

His Real Name!: Suddenly Karimaru grabbed his cheek, it stretched out and Tetsuhada leaped back in suprise, a tearing noise was heard and suddenly his skin ripped off, showing a under skin of a pale man with shaggy white hair. Karimaru pulled down his body, his skin peeling off and revealing his real identity. The man was very muscular and had long white hair.

The man laughed, and pulled a shuriken from his pocket, sending it at Tetsuhada, Tetsuhada blocked with his iron arm, suddenly the shuriken flashed, turning a clear color. A blur moved as a Clone which used transform and hiding camouflage emerged to sight, punching Tetsuhada's not changed stomach. Tetsuhada stumbled back. The clone sent a kick at his side, tetsuhada turned catching the foot and flipping the man to the side, the clone poofed and in his place were tons of exploding tags all bunched into multiple balls. The balls caugth on fire and the clone stood infront of the real man. The man laughed, A explosion spread all around like a beam from the heavens, blasting Tetsuhada across the feild. Tetsuhada landed and growled, the man ran at him. Tetsuhada leaped up and drove a kick into the gut of him, the man poofed revealing it was a clone.

The real man laughed, explaining his name was Mizuki. Tetsuhada was at first confused, Mizuki closed his eyes and black designs covered his body. Tetsuhada went full body iron skin, turning a dark black color as he turned harder then iron. Mizuki grabbed Tetsuhada and lifted him up, his arm squeezing Tetsuhada's neck and easily injuring him, Tetsuhada was confused that someone was strong enough to injure his iron skin. There was a buzzing noise and tetsuhada looked to the side, a large blur of black waves appeared, bugs rapidly flying and wrapping around Mizuki, yanking him back off of him and binding him in a coffin, Shino emerged on the top of a platform, looking down, choji ran after him.

Tetsuhada found out that Mizuki was a missing ninja from Konoha and was suppose to be dead, but he was saved by Shino and Choji who finished him off. Mizuki was finally dead.

Posts : 14
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Join date : 2009-06-22
Age : 32
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Tetsuhada Sumi (Finished for now) Empty Re: Tetsuhada Sumi (Finished for now)

Post by Tetsuhada Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:56 am

Genin Exam: Tetsuhada smiled seeing his old sensei again, but he couldn't help but wonder where Kiba was. As he asked shino told him that Kiba was away on a mission. So Tetsuhada was okay with it but still wanted to see him again. Tetsuhada had a guilt conciounce for attacking the village, and told them everything he had done. They said they wouldn't rat him out but only if he promised not to do it again. Choji began to try to convince Tetsuhada to come to the village, but Tetsuhada tried to say no. Eventually Tetsuhada gave up and went with them to the village, Choji let him stay at his house.

The next day Tetsuhada woke up with Choji packed next to him, Choji told him that today they were going on a mission, and if it was a success the Tetsuhada would be promoted to genin, But first thing is they had to stop by the Academy. Tetsuhada and Choji stopped by, getting a pamplet and a pencil, which Tetsuhada had to take a test while on the journey. Choji set off to the gate, Tetsuhada rushed after him, using his arm as a desk as they walked he began his test.

The mission was to go to the Waterfall Village and ask for a alliance. They walked out of the Fire country without a bother, Tetsuhada had finally finished his test and choji told him to run ahead and scout, this was a secret plan. Tetsuhada agreed and ran foward, suddenly a shadow caught his foot holding him still. Suprised he looked around, he couldnt move, This was Shikamaru secretly giving Tetsuhada the exam. Tetsuhada growled and opened his mouth, shooting his tongue like a whip out and striking Shikamaru behind a tree, shikamaru fell back and the jutsu was released. Tetsuhada used his Iron skin, transforming it and leaping at the tree, he sent a slice and the tree fell, Shikamaru rolled over letting the tree barely miss him. Suddnely with Shadow Sewing a arm made of shadows emerged under Tetsuhada, striking him and knocking him into the air, the arm split and another came smashing into his back and knocking him into the ground. Tetsuhada leaped up, a final shadow arm holding a kunai came to slice at tetsuhada, Tetsuhada turned his finger into a blade and blocked the slice.

Choji ran up acting suprised, Shikamaru used Shadow Imitation on Choji, holding him in place so he had a excuse on why he couldnt help. Shikamaru leaped out, kicking Tetsuhada in the jaw and sending him into the air, but a spike emerged which drilled into Shikamaru's foot, Shikamaru leaped back with a grunt and saying his famous line; What a drag. tetsuhada rushed at Shikamaru, Shikamaru opened a scroll, summoning a sheild of chakra and sighed "you passed" shikamaru said and stood up. Tetsuhada was over joyed and looked at choji who smirked and said "It was all a test".

The Summoning Contract: Choji lead him back to the village, but on the way they ran into the spot where mizuki was. Tetsuhada went to the spot where he killed Shikaji and saw a red scroll with brown tips and a brown symbol on it, for Buru, bull. Choji saw Tetsuhada looking at it and ran over, Shikamaru begin to explain to Tetsuhada what the scroll was, knowing he didnt know. "Well that scroll aparently summons Bull.. Or so the symbol for Buru says... Scrolls can be used to learn summoning but once you sign the contract you can summon them without scrolls..It's really all just a big pain.." Tetsuhada picked up the scroll and looked at the two, asking if they could teach him how to summon.

Choji agreed to show him the move to summon, but first he had to sign the contract, Choji opened the scroll to see it was blank and he sighed "It has a special blocking seal on it" he said. Shikamaru flipped the scroll over and put his palm on it, chakra ran through it and suddenly smoke exploded up, symbolds burned through the back of the scroll as it was revealed. Two names where written on it, one was blurred and worn away and the other barely visable name was Shikaji. Shikamaru explained how to write and sign into the summoning contract.

Tetsuhada bit his thumb and write his name in blood, slowly his hand began to glow with chakra and seals, they sank in and shikamaru leaped at Tetsuhada thinking it was a counter barrier, but soon the chakra wore away and tetsuhada looked around confused. Choji showed Tetsuhada the hand seals; Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey, Ram, Palm On Ground.

Tetsuhada followed his instructions and placed his hands on the ground, gathering chakra and suddenly smoke exploded up, next to him was a bull.

A brush with Death: Suddenly the ground exploded under the bull, its legs sucked down and a large black sword stabbed upward through the bulls back. Blood shot up and Tetsuhada jumped back forming seals. Tetsuhada leaped up, his arm turning larger with its elastic ability. Tetsuhada slammed his hand down, the ground shot up and a ninja in all black with a scratched rain head band leaped up, he sent a kunai at tetsuhada but it merely bounced on his skin. Tetsuhada leaped up and kicked the mans side, knocking him into the ground, the man formed seals and pulled down his mask, sending a blast of water at Tetsuhada and striking him, A clone emerged behind shikamaru and stabbed a senbon in his neck, he fell knocked out. Choji leaped with partial expansion and sent a punch at the man, the man was quick and ducked.

Choji turned and sent his kick at the mans face, the man used Shunshin to appear over choji and send a powerful kick into choji's back. The real man leaped and grabbed tetsuhada's throat, twisting and slamming him into the ground. A strong electrical current went into Tetsuhada's body and paralyzed him momentarily, Choji got up and another kick struck his chest, his armor broke to peices and he fell back with it shattering. The man twisted and a black blade emerged from his sleeves, slicing up Choji's face as blood splattered, Tetsuhada yelled. A poison sunk into Choji, he coughed and lunged foward, using needle gaurdian his hair shot like a long barrage, striking into the man and the clone, they both poofed revealing they were clones.

Tetsuhada stood up screaming, his body shaking from shock. Choji fell down and lay paralyzed and immobolized. The man appeared next to Tetsuahda forming seals "Hidden mist jutsu" he said, slowly a thick mist rolled into the place, covering it and making everything un see-able. Tetsuhada looked around, he was blinded from sight but he was taught to hear since he was from Kirigakure. A slash ran up his spine, he turned and the black blade slid up his iron skin. Tetsuhada smirked knowing he was safe from the poison since he had his iron skin.

The man leaped back and then his body disapeared again, Tetsuhada formed hand seals and put his hand to the ground, smoke shot up and a dark figure emerged, horns shooting out in the mist, a stomping noise was heard, Tetsuhada summoned a bull. The bull charged into the mist, going at the target with great speed, suddenly the man jumped aside, kicking at the bulls legs and tripping it, the bull spun on the ground and leaped up, sending a thrashing blow at the man, the man brought a foot up and kicked the snout of the bull, tossing it backwards, suddenly a elastic arm shot through the mist, punching the mans face and knocking him down, the arm grabbed his leg and yanked up, releasing the grip and sending him flying in the air.

The man landed, the elastic arm turned and slammed intot he mans back, he coughed up blood and formed seals. Fire armor gathered around him and burnt into Tetsuhada's hand, the man laughed and stood up "I watched your fight with my brother... Shikaji.. I am Mansho.. Meaning Full Blow..." Tetsuhada stumbled back, bleeding as his arm lay on the ground un-movable from the fire armor.

Tetsuhada tried running, he was in deep pain and didnt know what to do, as he rushed through the forest the man chased him, throwing multiple kunai at him. Tetsuhada activated his iron skin, blocking multiple kunai. Suddenly a large object tripped Tetsuhada, he slammed down and turned, it was a large mace.

As Mansho leaped at Tetsuhada with fire in his hand, Tetsuhada twisted, grabbing the mace and sending a slam into Mansho's side. Mansho's fire chakra touched the corner of the mace, A eye opened and slowly it drained. Mansho was stabbed with multiple spikes, slowly Tetsuhada's arm returned to normal and he was panting. Mansho fell down with a huge gash in his side, blood spilling all over, then he smirked and exploded in smoke, chakra knocked Tetsuhada once again backwards, flipping him across the ground before he landed on his back coughing. The real Mansho stood in the trees watching; Suddenly he formed seals and Tetsuhada recongized them. He leaped up as Mansho leaned foward, his mouth openining and release a Fire Style: Wild Forest Explosion. Flames exploded out, striking the ground and billowing into the sky, like a wave they spread all around him, Tetsuhada formed seals and Went full body iron skin.

Tetsuhada was struck with flames, this time no rubber in his skin so the fire struck him, but the iron skin made the flames barely burned. Tetsuhada heard bubbling and looked down, the ground was starting to melt, Mansho laughed and he leaped into the sky, soaring over the flames as he attempted to escape, Tetsuhada turned and ran after Mansho who thought he killed Tetsuhada. As he ran he heard a whoosing noise, he turned and saw the mace he had dropped was flying at him, thinking it was a trap he twisted, grabbing the handle and bringing his feet over the blade,t he blade slammed ont he ground and took off with great speed through the flames, leaving a deep train of dirt behind them.

They emerged from the flames to see Mansho crouched and coughing, he was out of chakra. Tetsuhada leaped off the mace, grabbing the handle and swinging it, the handle thinned out and shot across the ground at Mansho, spikes turned into wings, it lifted up and flew, striking mansho's face. This time it was the real him, he was drug with the mace into the ground, a spike penetrated into his eye making blood splash all over him. Tetsuhada walked up with a effort and pulled the mace back, looking at the mans ruined body and sighed "Why did you make yourself do this... Because of this you will never be able to fight again.." Mansho shrugged and coughed some, slowly he was slipping away into a dead state, Tetsuhada apologized for it and stood up, But before he could leave mansho pulled out a scroll "These were earth jutsu that my brother had stolen... I want you to have it" And finaly Mansho pulled out a poison antidote for Choji, before slipping into death.

Tetsuhada walked over to choji and poured the serium into his mouth, a few seconds later choji woke up barely alive and asked what happened, Tetsuhada explained the whole thing.

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Tetsuhada Sumi (Finished for now) Empty Re: Tetsuhada Sumi (Finished for now)

Post by Tetsuhada Thu Jun 25, 2009 8:05 am

Earth Training: As Choji and Tetsuhada went to Shikamaru a group of Anbu arrived, they had seen the flames and wanted to know what was happening. Choji explained the situation and they understood, one of them performed medic ninjutsu on Shikamaru, waking him up and into a half asleep state. Shikamaru looked at choji to make sure he wasn't hurt. The anbu picked up Shikamaru, Choji and Tetsuhada and quickly returned to the village, placing them in the hospital.

Tetsuhada was very irritated that he was in a hospital bed, so he kept trying to leave, but everytime a doctor stopped him. After around a week Shikamaru came to visit, he wasn't placed in a hospital bed since he was only paralyzed but the Electircal jutsu used on Choji badly injured his insides. Shikamaru brough Tetsuhada a scroll and sat down beginning to talk "I know you took a liking to that Mace... But its very heavy and that would bring down your stamina and cause pain.. But in your metal state it can be weilded easy, but it woud slow you down... So i signed it into a summoning scroll. with this scroll you can summon the mace" Shikamaru noted then turned, leaving the mace on the table. Tetsuhada got to his feet and grabbed the scroll, opening the window and checking to see if anyone was watching, then he leaped out of it and took off with great speed. Tetsuhada leaped from building to building, only stopping at one place.

The place Tetsuhada stopped at was the Ninja Supply Store, he bought a chuunin jacket and clothers, as well as a deep black cloak to cover his body. With this he set out again, leaving the village gates and entering a large forest. The doctors had discovered he left and sent out a search team to find him, Tetsuhada had to flee quick. Tetsuhada rushed out of the forest and emerged in a large terrain, He ran faster as the anbu searched the forest, coming to a halt when he stepped foot on a large spiked statue head, without knowing it he had entered the valley of the end.

Tetsuhada decided this was a good place to stay the night, so he opened the scroll and read the first jutsu, it was Tsuchi Bushin no Jutsu- Earth Clone Technique. He read the hand seals which were; Snake, Ram, Boar, Hands Together. As he did so he focused chakra around him, slowly some of the hair on the statues head begin to mold off, forming a face and turning to mud. In seconds a liquidized mud body walked toward Tetsuhada, but then it collasped. Tetsuhada began to do the seals once again, holding the chakr as the clone came very close to forming. After hours of training he finally created one complete clone, but this took all of his chakra.

After he re-gained chakra, Tetsuhada once again started forming the seals, using chakra in the mud on the ground he slowy began to form a large blob which rose up. Chakra condensed as the clone slowly began to mold into the exact shape of him, and soon it was a complete clone. Over joyed Tetsuhada used chakra threads in hsi mind with the clone, moving him around and feeling proud he made a successful earth clone. Tetsuhada had the clone sit down and gather in chakra, as well as he did the same. The two of them began to draw chakra in, Tetsuhada formed hand seals for the next jutsu, Earth Release: Large Dust Cloud. Once he finished the seals he pushed his head out, releasing a burst of Dust and Ash from his mouth. The dust and ash swirled around forming a thick coat around the place blinding all site. Tetsuhada knew this jutsu would be helpful to him if the anbu ever got close.

Tetsuhada looked at the Third jutsu, he knew he didnt have the chakra to perform it since he used most of it on making a clone and a massive explosion of dust and ash. Tetsuhada looked at his clone and realized his clone had been gathering chakra all this time, mabye he could use it. The hand seal to this jutsu was "Tiger". The clone got up and gathered chakra in his arm, flashing to the tiger seal, then closing his eyes as he gathered chakra around him. Suddenly a bullet of mud burst up from the statue head, then more mud started shooting out, all around him mud begin to explode out, splashing together as it formed a strong wave of mud spewing all over the monument head. Mud shot off of the head, splashing in the water below and Tetsuhada smirked, his clone's jutsu was working.

Tetsuhada worked on the jutsu a bit more, then deciding it was time to leave, but before he could go the ground in the monument below him opened up, earth sucking him down, this was the Earth Release: Suicide Decapitation. As he was pulled down a man burst up from behind him, he had a anbu mask on and a black cloak just like Tetsuhada. The man walked over to Tetsuhada and began to ask questions. Tetsuhada wouldn't anwser at first but then he decided it was the only way to escape. The man asked why anbu were hunting him down, Tetsuhada told him how he had fled the hospital and the anbu laughed, pulling out a bounty sheet.

The sheet had Tetsuhada listed on it, with a large amount of money on his head, which is why they wouldn't let him leave the village. The man gave Tetsuhada a scroll and told him that it was a map, and then formed seals, placing his hand on Tetsuhada's head and leaving a secret message in his mind, the message said; "This is the whole story we were told... The anbu that attacked Kirigakure no Sato a while ago were suddenly killed by a young boy who had iron skin abilities... They didn't know what happened to the boy since it was a rumor but after years they came across you... They knew you were the kid and they want to study you.. But then you killed more anbu so you got a bounty on your head.. They wan't to study you like a toy.. Use this map to find you way away from here!" The man pulled his hand back and nodded to a scroll, suddenly whisping away as a poof of smoke, he was gone.

The hunting Begins: As the man disapeared suddenly a large explosion was heard, Tetsuhada turned and saw blurs moving in the trees, the canopys were shaking, Tetsuhada knew he had to go. Tetsuhada had seen ninja use chakra in there feet to run up trees and run across water, but he had never done it before, he decided it was now or never.

Currently Tetsuhada was only thirteen. He jumped off the head of the statue and heard people yelling "He was on Madara's head!!" they yelled, Tetsuhada turned and looked at the large statue which was Madara's monument, he landed on a large stone jutting out as water sprayed on it, he started to gather chakra in his feet, two ninja appeared on the edge of Madara's nose and Tetsuhada knew he had to act now, he leaped and chakra strung around his feet, his foot caught the water and he held it there, going to take a step, he almost fell but he regained focus and leaped up, landing higher on the waterfall, one of the ninja leaped, his white cloak swaying as he landed on the waterfall. Tetsuhada truned forming seals, his cheeks buldged and he closed his eyes. He released a Earth Release: Large Dust Cloud from his mouth, a thick amount of ash and dust exploded all around him, the anbu couldn't see him, Tetsuhada burst at the top of the dust cloud, flipping and catching his feet on the water, two shuriken zipped past him and he turned, his arms turning to rubber and shooting down into the dust cloud.

His arm struck on of the anbu, there was a loud splash as he fell off and landed at the bottom of the water fall, a ninja leaped up sending a shuriken at Tetsuhada, H moved to the side only letting it skid his shoulder and he flipped once again and his hand turned iron, turning and punching the ninja who escaped in the back. The ninja fell backwards, tumbling down the waterfall. Finally the third anbu member leaped up, Tetsuhada flipped his hands to the scroll on his waist, whipping the deep grey scroll with black edges up, he opened it, the ninja coming at him. Suddenly smoke exploded up and a clash was heard, there was a soaring noise then suddenly the Kuroshikihagane shot out, striking against the ninja and sending him flying, the mace exploded as smoke as Tetsuhada released it. The three ninja who found him were defeated, the cloud of ash and dust slowly spread out in the valley, Tetsuhada turned and rushed up the waterfall, emerging over it and running down the river.

Tetsuhada fled with great speed, running as he knew that soon the three ninja would make it back up, he had to hurry. Tetsuhada re-attached the scroll to his belt and pulled out the scroll he was given, opening it up and reading it. He was on the right course, he was going to the Sound Village at this route. Tetsuhada rushed with speed, gripping the map scroll tightly as he rushed down the stream. The river came to a end and Tetsuhada leaped onto the land, relieved he made it. Tetsuhada decided this was the time to relax, he sat down and sighed, then crawling to the end of the land and dipping his head in the water, drinking it.

Tetsuhada brought his head up, water splashing as he shook his hair dry. Tetsuhada got up and knew it was time to go, a short break but a break at that. He took off running at top speed. Many hours passed as he rushed across the land, he came to a stop at a massive gate which read "sound village". He knew he had arrived at where he was suppose to be, He turned and saw nobody, so he gathered chakra in his arm, turning it into a massive iron fist and slamming it into the gate, the gate came crashing down and he walked in.

As the gate fell down a loud echo roared down into the hallway, lights lit up and ttetsuhada stepped back, not knowing what he had set off. There was he sound of ruffling, the walls begin to blur, several ninja emerged from them. The ninja all wore grey vest and a camouflage black and white scarf. The first man rushed at tetsuhada and formed seals, Tetsuhada expected a ninjutsu and leaped at him, the man pulled his sleeve back and large holes in his arm made a popping noise, sound exploded out and sent him crashing into the wall. Tetsuhada's heavy body made impact crush a huge hole. Tetsuhada weakly stood up and walked foward, the man appeared behind him and brought his knee to Tetsuhada's spine, but his iron skin protected him, the man broke his knee against Tetsuhada's back, Tetsuhada smirked and turned, the man fell down in pain.

Tetsuhada brought his foot up, and slammed it into the mans throat, blood splashed out of his mouth and he went limp, two men flashed with great speed behind tetsuhada, both slashed with the katana's but they broke on his shoulder, tetsuhada brought his hands back, slamming them into the two men and knocking them back with great force. The two men fell back gripping there stomach. A fourth man leaped up but tetsuhada was already on it, he leaped up and his fingers turned into blades, Tetsuhada grabbed the mans chest and his bladed fingers ripped into the man, shooting out of his back as he fell. There were two more ninja left.

The first woman whipped her hand to her kunai holster, bringing out a large scroll and opening it, smoke exploded down the hallway blinding all veiws, Tetsuhada knew she was summoning something, he flashed through the Kuchiyose hand seals and pressed his palms to the ground, smoke exploded around him as well. Suddenly there was a screech, Tetsuhada leaped back gripping his ears as a sound wave exploded through it, the smoke around her cleared and she was standing on a large spider. The roof under exploded as the spider grey larger, the other ninja chuckled, the lady leaped onto her growing spider, and next to Tetsuhada was just a small bull.

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Tetsuhada Sumi (Finished for now) Empty Re: Tetsuhada Sumi (Finished for now)

Post by Tetsuhada Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:45 am

The Spider Ninja: Tetsuhada looked up as the spider unfolded its legs, stretching it across the land, its long fangs sticking out and its multiple eyes all glowing red as they stared at Tetsuhada. Tetsuhada grabbed his bull and leaped on, Ready to fight the lady. The bull took off at the spider, charging with great speed. Tetsuhada formed seals as it ran toward the spider.

The lady also formed seals, then suddenly the spider drew its head back, its cheeks buldging. A large blast of spider thread shot out at Tetsuhada and the bull, Tetsuhada leaped back as the webs caught the small bull, holding it down. A burst of mud shot up from under one of the spiders legs, the brought its leg up and cried out, mud was shooting up all around its front foot and striking the spider. Tetsuhada had used Earth Release: Mud Flow River. The spider spit more blast of spider webs in bullet form, Tetsuhada danced around the feild dodging it.

The lady leaped off the spider head, forming seals and suddenly the sky exploded with smoke, hundreds of spiders began raining down, Tetsuhada formed his arm into a blade and got ready. In a flash tetsuhada leaped up, slashing through the spiders rapidly and with great speed, he was cutting them down and apart quickly, but more were falling down, he knew he coulded take them all on. He whipped out his deep grey scroll and formed the Tobidogu seal, smoke exploded from it and covered over the feild, Shadows emerged, the lady came rushing at him and tossed a exploding tag at his feet. Tetsuhada raised his gaint mace and slammed it on the ground, the force caused shock waves all around. As the exploding tag hit the ground it bounced up, Tetsuhada emerged from the smoke and slammed his mace into the ball, sending it at the women.

The woman twisted to the side, using Shunshin she re appeared on the gaint spider, but the shaking ground caused many of the spiders from the sky which touched the ground to poof away. More spiders were coming down, Tetsuhada knew he had to end this, he leaped at the gaint spider, but the spider twisted and slammed its leg into Tetsuhada, sending him back, While in air he flailed his gaint mace around, crushing a large amount of spiders. He landed on his back and formed more seals. He then tossed his Kuroshikihagane up, the spikes twisted to the side and formed wings, the mace shot out of the air and went toward the spider, it then struck the spiders left leg in the front.

Fromt he force the leg was crushed, breaking off and the spider fell down, roaring as green ooze slid out of its crushed leg. Tetsuhada rushed foward, the spiders in the sky stopped falling as the large spider was hurt. The lady leaped at Tetsuhada and slammed her katana against his arm, Tetsuhada twisted his elbow and trapped the blade in his armpit, sending a punch at the girl, she did a front flip and twisted, kicking him in the back of the neck, Tetsuhada fell foward and twisted, in a flash her fist struck him in the face, knocking him back and breaking his nose. She opened her mouth, spider webs shot out as a spear, Tetsuhada hardened his chest and the web spear struck it, striking but not penetrating.

Tetsuhada grabbed the spear and yanked it, the girl came flying at him and he kicked up, striking her chin and knocking her into the air, she fell and the spider began to stand up, she was going to be his toughest opponent he had ever faced. The spider opened its mouth and a thick purple mist came out, she yelled "poison mist technique". Slowly the haze moved over the land, Tetsuhada hold his breathe and rushed through the mist, but soon he had to breathe, taking in a large amount of the air and coughig he fell down, the poison sunk into him and slowly sterolized him.

Tetsuhada lay on the floor unable to move, the poison had immediatly knocked him into a paralyzed state. The girl got down and walked over to Tetsuhada, picking him up and studying him. He coughed some and she tossed him aside, walking into the hallway and whispering to the man. The man walked up and grabbed Tetsuhada's neck, lifting him up and walking into the hallway. Tetsuhada was drug like a lifeless puppet after them.

As they came to the end of the hallway the girl turned "Who are you?" she asked, but Tetsuhada couldnt speak, this made her angry that she had to wait. It had tooken a few hours for the poison to wear off. Finally he was able to move again, he raised his hand and grabbed her arm, yanking her close to him and whispering he was told to come hear by a leaf anbu, she said she knew him and let him out of the prison, taking him into another, identical hallway.

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Age : 32
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