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Ekkiez Clan(finished)

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Ekkiez Clan(finished) Empty Ekkiez Clan(finished)

Post by Zeikke Ekkiez Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:27 pm

Name: Ekkiez Clan. A.K.A. Shinigami Clan.

Founder: This is Unknown by all since there is only scarce information about the clan.

Location: Somewhere under The Land of Fire.

History: Ever since the Konoha came to be, there was the Ekkiez clan. The clan of few. Only 98 members were known by the remaining ones that had lived out of all the years. Information was either hidden, or erased. Nothing could ever be found about this clan except for one: they were the clan of Death. Ekkiez family members were brutal to their children for some reason. They had beaten and trained them to a pulp. Nothing got out of the household. This palace was made underground where they lived. Some members traveled all around the world. No one knew where those people had went and how they would ever complete their training. It had been a mystery. Another mystery was that the Founder wasn't even known by the members. Truly, the Ekkiez clan had no leader that was known.

No one would ever get close to these Death masters without a battle. The only one who wasn't brutal was Zeikke, the unknown Ekkiez. The beliefs the Ekkiez family had were insane! They believed that genjutsu is not true pain; true pain is when someone is actually feeling it. When it actually comes true. That is why they specialize in Ninjutsu and for their brutal ways, Taijutsu. If anybody were to object it would definetly be Zeikke. No one hated those rules they had as much as him. The founder had only one thing known about him, he had started the tradition of having the curse mark. He had perfected the jutsu Orochimaru had made years ago. Somehow he still lives and had cursed Zeikke. These people were so underground it wasn't even funny. Their elite ninja had been powerful using the ancient ability of Kyoken mixed with the curse mark.

It was possible to even make your own ability for Kyoken. Your own specialization. It would have to be through the most intense training for years and years. For now, only Zeikke is known as the remaining member of the Ekkiez family

Special Info: They rank their members by Ninjutsu ability.
Bloodline Abilities:
Kyoken: Explained what it is in my jutsu creation.

GamiKyoKen(Gami is jap for god)- Only The top five members are able to use this and they are either Kage level and if they ae lucky, ranked too; or they are anbu level. This is unknown and will be explained when Zeikke becomes Anbu since he is fifth to obtain it. It will then be explained in jutsu creation.

Doragon Summoning- They specialize in summoning dragon-men. They stand on two feet like humans. But they have dragon feats.

Unlimited KyoKen- There are only two able to obtain it. One is Zeikke after he gets to a high power level for a anbu. The other one is the later to be revealed Founder.

Requirements:To become member
1) Have Taijutsu at higher than Genjutsu and Ninjutsu higher than taijutsu.
2) Be specialized in Ninjutsus and Taijutsus that are mixed.

To get kicked out:
1) Gain Forbidden jutsus. NOTE: You may be called aan outcast as your rank instead of Kicked out.

Current Members: Currently only Zeikke is known.

Outcast: Kicked out member.

Weakling: Beginner Ekkiez.

True Ekkiez: A missing Nin or Anbu.

Elite Ekkiez: A Kage level orHigh powered Anbu who has trained for 12 years as an elite ninja.

Leader: Will be Zeikke Once he kills the founder.
Zeikke Ekkiez
Zeikke Ekkiez

Posts : 13
Points : 7
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Join date : 2009-06-12

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Ekkiez Clan(finished) Empty Re: Ekkiez Clan(finished)

Post by Zeikke Ekkiez Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:23 pm

Sorry for double post but, I finished it...
Zeikke Ekkiez
Zeikke Ekkiez

Posts : 13
Points : 7
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2009-06-12

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