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Kuroda Akira

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Kuroda Akira Empty Kuroda Akira

Post by Jacksanto Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:16 pm

Name: Kuroda , Akira (american Akira Kuroda; Bright black field)



Alignment:Neutral but very easy to persuade if you do it right

Appearance:Akira is a 5'10'' male whom tends to wear white flowing robes with the hood up over his head with the symbol of the cloud village on his headband, gleaming slightly from his arm where he wears it as a badge(such as shikimaru i believe)His eyes, if you ever get to see them are Cystal blue and generally covered by his glasses. When his robe is removed he tends to wear just a regular pair of pants and a white t-shirt that is short sleeve and usually dirty in some way. His eyes bear the mark of musougan and are generally soft but cautious.

Personality:This man is a very shady charactor, his strongest trait is that of his paranoia and his train of thinking that mainly consists of "There are too many risks in the world to get close to many". Because of this it is hard for him to make new friends and alot of his conversations are strained and awkward. To the few people that truly do know them he is a caring person whom will protect the ones close to him even if it means his life.

eight years after pein was defeated this boy was born to a happy family in the cloud village. For the first couple years of his life he showed no potential and his parents began to doubt his abilities for the future, But even thinking this they sent him to the ninja academy where he was trained to be a genin. he achieved this as soon as he could take the genin examinations. During his time at the ninja academy he grew in mental ability at the cost of separating himself from others for his own protection. people that remember him tend to refer to him as the shady kid who didnt talk much but was smart. After becoming a genin he was assigned to a squad of which he tended to skip training and missions he went his own way only to be punished by his sensei later on.

When the first chuunin exams came along he was forced to take them by the rest of his squad. During the exam he excelled in the written exam by using his knowledge and access to a library to study for most of his time not done training himself or on missions.But even with his greater knowledge he and his squad mates failed to obtain the scrolls necessary in the time given of part two and were forced to stay behind and watch the other genin fight in the preliminaries and final round of the chuunin exams.Doing this infuriated him and caused him to distance himself even more from his squad mates and family. But doing this he had, without intention, saved his own life. Later that week robbers broke into his home while Akira was away and brutally murdered his parents and ransacked the home.

That day when he came home at around midnight he noticed that the front door had been broken open and forced shut. After observing this he quickly reached on his right leg and grabbed a single kunai knife from his pouch and proceeded into his house slowly and cautiously. Soon after he entered he exited just as quickly, blood soaking his hands as the kunai is held tightly in his hand. That night, at two in the morning he ran... He ran until dawn and hid in an alley on the other side of the village sleeping lightly and gripping that kunai. After the first week he used another kunai and carved the character for "revenge" into that kunai and made a special sheath for it in his sleeve, where the kunai is kept ready for any battle.

Shortly after this week ended he returned to his squad mates whom believed that Akira was dead along with his parents. From this point on he slowly began becoming attached to few people to replace his need for a family. From this point he accepted his squad mates and sensei as family and became very protective. This protective trait of them caused him to begin training with them and following them in the mission until the end, refusing to let any of them die on his watch. From this point on he refused to die until his goals have been fulfilled.
(Updated June 11 10:23 EST)
About seven days later during a mission assigned by the raikage to his squad his sensei was mortally wounded and his two squad mates killed in action. After that unfortunate event he decided that one day he will meet with the raikage that sent him on this mission and have a chat with him... even if it means death. Still to this day he has not heard from his sensei, whom commanded him to leave after his squad mates were brutally killed. After being told this he looked at the enemy ninja as they glared at him with cold eyes of blood lust. From this point Akira knew he must leave in order to achieve his goals.

For three days he ran from the forests outside of Kohonagakure back to Kumogakure where he collapsed nearly immediately. He woke up the next morning in an inn near the outskirts of the village, where he met a nice woman who told Akira that if he ever needed a place to sleep her doors would be open for a free night. Akira graciously thanked this woman and began his journey back into Kumogakure, hoping for something new... something helpful... someone to assist him in his goals... but most importantly someone who understood him for who he is.

After that he began to search and search for anyone, just anyone in power to help train him.After 5 days of searching he still has not found anyone, and it is only a week until his seventeenth birthday. Akira knew that he was ready for the chuunin exams at heart but he would never make it on his own so he had to find other genin to assist him. He soon decided to put his hood up and become a creature of the shadows, taking up petty assassinations hiding his identity under the name of "Koide the Assassin", a relentless killer who has assassinated 24 civilians and criminals, and it is still unknown if any more have been killed. There is not a single person alive that knows Akira is "Koide the Assassin",well no one knowledgeable to Akira anyways.
(End history update, Appx 7 paragraphs)
Speciality: He has a very trained mind which allows him to understand a lot and focus greatly on one object or task at hand as long as it benefits him.
Learned jutsus: He knows few jutsu but among them is Fire Element Dragon Fire Technique, Kage Shuriken no Jutsu, Kokohi no Jutsu - False Place Technique, Jigoku Gouka no Jutsu - Demonic Illusion - Hell Fire Technique

Elements:he would carry the elements of Fire and Lightning, lightning being recessive
Weapons/items: His most prized possesion is his kunai bearing the mark of "Revenge" along the flat edge but he tends to carry some senbon needles opposed to kunai knives.
Goals: To avenge his parents death and become the best in stealth abilities

Last edited by Jacksanto on Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:16 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : History update I(more of a background story seems how i dont have a squad in rp))


Posts : 14
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Join date : 2009-06-10
Age : 30
Location : Cloud

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Kuroda Akira Empty Re: Kuroda Akira

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:18 pm

Approve, when you obtain chunin/jounin status, you can have the lightning ability

Classification: Mid-level genin
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Kuroda Akira Empty Re: Kuroda Akira

Post by Jacksanto Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:24 pm

(updated the appearance possesions and personality when you posted)


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Kuroda Akira Empty Re: Kuroda Akira

Post by Jacksanto Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:48 pm

Sorry for double post but i updated history to suffice for his lack of a squad ^^


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Kuroda Akira Empty Re: Kuroda Akira

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:13 pm

Approve, change classification to low-chunin rank
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 33
Location : Akron, Ohio

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