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Training Drac

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Training Drac - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by tradebuzzing2 Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:17 pm

Drac began laughing as he saw the attacking coming, which would be much to late. Drac smirked and took one last look at Taku. "I already said goodnight." He made a hand sign and he fell asleep. A different voice came from the monster bellow. "HAHAHAHA FINALLY I AM OUT!" He smiled and looked at Taku. "You seem strong! time to die!" He laughed and then, sucked in a lot of air and blew it out at Taku.


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Training Drac - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Guest Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:21 pm

The blast of air hit Taku's ball of chakra. As the two balls of imense power collided, a huge shockwave was sent in every direction. Taku was rocked back, but he was using chakra to anchor him to the ground. He sheathed his sword, it would be ineffective against the one tailed beast. He stared up at his head where Drac was, "Why would you do this to your village Drac.?" Taku opened his Jagan eye, the signiture move that he was taking the battle seriously. "Show me what you got Shukaku!!"


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Training Drac - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by tradebuzzing2 Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:26 pm

Shukaku laughed as he saw that eye on Taku's forehead. "I've never seen this before, something new." He laughed and again, sucked in big amounts of air. He aimed it at Taku and then jumped back. "This is no longer Drac. Drac made a good chocie for me, just like the one before me." A flash back to Gaara's attack on Konoha, happened insides Shukaku's head. This was almost the same sence, excpet it was Drac's own village, which made it even worse.


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Training Drac - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Guest Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:34 pm

Taku watched as Shukaku leapt back. It was obvious what he was going to do. There was about to be a huge blast of wind about to be thrown his way. He ignored the taunting of the demon. He could not afford to give his words any thought. The village was at stake here. Taku was actually worried. He waited for the Shukaku to attack.


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Training Drac - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:40 pm

Shukaku began laughing. "Ah this is so much fun, I've been trapped for many years!" He then hit his chest a few times sending two blasts of wind towards the village and one at Taku. "This village will pay for trapping me away for so long." He laughed and waited, but then he was shocked, because Drac did not want harm to come to his very village. He began having trouble staying in control. But Shukaku was just too powerful for Drac.


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Training Drac - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Guest Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:18 pm

What Taku did in response was extremely difficult, even for him. First he had to use chakra in his feet to speed up his running out of the path of the large air missle fired in his direction. Now he had to worry about the village. He body flickered inbetween the air missles and the village and threw a bundle of kunai at the air wall. "Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu," he called out after performing a complex string of hand seals. There were now thousands of kunai speeding towards the air blasts. To follow up, Taku used one of his primary jutsu, Chakra Blade, to cover each kuani in a veil of Sookato chakra. The wind hit the wall of energy enwrapped kuani. The chakras mixed and the wind was weakened in most areas, and completely stopped in others. The kunai were stripped of their chakra covering, but they continued on their path towards Shukaku. The demons wind coninued through the village, though very minor damage was done thanks to Taku's deffence. Taku took a deep breath. This was insanely difficult. He alone was taking on Shukaku. This was ludacrious.


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Training Drac - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:03 pm

A single man stood behind the kage and then instantly charged at the shukaku this man wore a dark outfit a jacket and a reverse blade sword. As the man arrived at the base of shukaku it jumped up slashing out with a loud cling as sound reverberated from it shattering windows of the dome.
Training Drac - Page 2 Seijurohiko3rk

Then another man with a robe and a even bigger sword came falling from the top of the dome and fell over the jinchuurik that was on shukaku's head and it shouted. HITEN MITSURUUGI RYU STYLE, Ryu Tsui Sen Zan" As the man held its blade facing down aiming for the shukaku's head and if it hit it would shoot off a soundwave that would cause nerve damage and awaken the sleeping jinchuurik.
Training Drac - Page 2 Anime_samurai

Another man wich was kenshin stood his blade ready behind the shukakku with his blade in the sheith but his hand at the ready and then he withdrew his sword in a flash and then attacked the shukkaku's tail with HITEN MITSURUUGI RYU STYLE, "Kuzu Ryu Sen (Nine Headed Dragon Flash)" And the man turned into a blur as he tried to strike all 9 vital points on the shukakku's tail.

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Training Drac - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by tradebuzzing2 Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:48 pm

Shukaku laughed at the failed apdemts to wake Drac up. "No gonna happen" He smikred and sent a few blasts of wind at Taku and the other men on the ground. For the one on the top of his head, sand, came up from Shukaku's head, and took hold of the mans legs. "Fool, getting on top of my head, was a bad choice. You don't know much about me." He laughed, and watched his wind blast race towards the other men.


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Training Drac - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Guest Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:54 pm

Taku watched as the sand shinobi arrived. He did not recall his name, only that he was high ranked and Shino seemed to like him. Taku was glad he had shown up. Once again the demon proved more powerful than anticaipated. 'Kenshin' Taku remembered, was easily cast aside by Shukaku, acting lazily in his responses to the new comers ploys to end this now. Taku decided he had waited long enough. He would fight htis demonh with a demon of his own, which by now, was more powerful, for the Shukaku had weakened itself with its numerous attacks. Taku concentrated chakra into his right arm, instatnly awakening the black dragon. THe beast uncoiled from his arm and surrounded Taku, showing its full size. "Move Kenshin," The dragon was aimed stright for the one tails massive stomache.


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Training Drac - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:33 pm

The man named Kenshin was behind the shukaku but he jumped to the side as the bodies of the other 2 just poofed away as the dragon charged at the One tailed Biju. The man named kenshin held a smile on his face as he landed at the side and rolled his blue tunic getting ruffled.

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Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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Training Drac - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Drac

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