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Kiyoshi's test

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Kiyoshi's test Empty Kiyoshi's test

Post by Guest Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:56 pm

Taku sat upon a flat rock at the edge of a forest, far off from the village of Konoha, the Hokage's mansion just barely visible in the distance. A flock of birds flew over head, singing their long song as they departed from their roosts on a search for a new home during their migration. They were flying against the soft breeze which was blowing steadily on Taku's face, adding to his mediation, for that is exactly what he was doing. He was so deep in meditation that not much would be able to rouse him. His breathing was even slower than its normal calm. He enjoyed these moments alone, and ever since he had become a missing nin, there had been many more of these moments, where there was nothing to do. He had never realized how much being Kazekage had tied him down. In a sad way, he was grateful, even though the cause had been the loss of his only son. It had been a tragic loss, but just as a phoniex, from the ashes, a whole new set of oppurtunities had opened up for him, thus was the majesty of the Sookato. None of their race would ever leave the world with out some kind of gift. Taku was truly grateful for this gift that had been bestowed upon him, but at the same time he cursed it, cursed for the price had been his son.

At this time though, none of it mattered, for Taku's meditative ability was parallel to none. Thanks to the scroll of Kimigure which he had hidden in a distinct location known to and only accessible by himself. It was too big of an object to be carrying around, but it was to sacred to just ditch and leave to be either destroyed or found by undeserving hands. The sun was now going setting, leaving a trail of purple, orange, and red lights spreading out across the sky. He had been here since sun rise two days ago, thus concluding the third day. It was enough. He opened his eyes, embracing the flood of refreshment as his body began to feel revitalized from his intense rest. He could now go effectively 1 month with out sleep if there was no battle, but due to his nature, there was sure to be many a battle, and for sure, he would have to rest in a few short weeks, probably two.

As he stirred from his intensified slumber, his thoughts began flooding back. The loss of his son, his hardships as a child, all that he had lost. However, he also recalled all of his triumphs, which were many as well. Taku stretched out his legs and stood up, retrieving his swords from the dirt in front of him, sheathing them across his back. He walked through the trees towards the forests edge, almost floating. He exited wooded area, and walked off through the grassy field and towards the setting sun.


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Kiyoshi's test Empty Re: Kiyoshi's test

Post by Guest Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:14 pm

Kiyoshi swished through the forest, approaching Konoha. His hair was draped over his forehead, blurring out his village headband which had the Kanji symbol of Sand village emblem on it. On his thighs, were normal Shinobi weapon pouch strapped to it. A katana, strapped to his back. That was the only weapon visible on him if anyone was following, or had seen him. He wasn’t wearing the normal Shinobi clothing. He was wearing his own form of Shinobi clothing. A plain white T shirt with short sleeves, and beneath that was a Dark T shirt; with long sleeves. His pants were loose, which made him move more swiftly, and was also white. A scarf was wrapped around his neck.

A trip from the Sand village to the Leaf village was of course a long one. It took three days, which would lead to the question: ‘Why isn’t Kiyoshi carrying a bag of food, or something to feed on?’ Kiyoshi in fact had food on his way to Leaf. It’d already consumed it a few minutes ago. And yes, he did rest as well. He didn’t care about the Criminals who roamed the way to Leaf due to his Care free personality. He also didn’t care if he died, which would also bring up the question ‘Why is Kiyoshi heading to the Leaf village?’ Well, it could’ve been a mission. And it was. The current Kaze kage had sent Kiyoshi on a Chunin ranked mission to Leaf village, even though Kiyoshi was a simple Genin. That would be so; Kiyoshi wasn’t just a Genin. He was also an Exceptional fighter, and talented Genin. He fought on par with a few Chunins in Sand village. But maybe that was how weak the village of sand had become? Of maybe it wasn’t?

Kiyoshi could sight the gates of Konoha ahead. But due to it being so tiny, he wasn’t sure. He would need to get a closer look. After a couple minutes, the gates were now fully visible, and so was a Shinobi. Kiyoshi came to a halt, peering at the Shinobi. He wasn’t sure at first who the Shinobi was, then he clicked on it. It was the Ex Kaze kage. He was out here, and alive? That wasn’t a surprise. Perhaps he’d joined the village of leaf? But he wouldn’t have left his position from Sand village just to join another village. But that wouldn’t be a surprise if he really did do that. Or perhaps he was now a missing ninja lurking around Konoha? Kiyoshi didn’t know. He yawned lightly. But this wasn’t because he was tired because he wasn’t. He’d just been up from a nap. It was just because of plain boredom on his way to Konoha.


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Kiyoshi's test Empty Re: Kiyoshi's test

Post by Guest Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:42 am

OOC: Im taking one of mirage's characters as my student, so this topic is no longer needed.


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