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To any genin who is serious about rping

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To any genin who is serious about rping Empty To any genin who is serious about rping

Post by Guest Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:34 am

Alright all, my character Taku hasnt had much to do as of late, and in the overall story line, he wont be playing a big role for a while, so the time has finally come, I am seeking out an apprentice. However, I will not simply be taking in any person, they have to be dedicated, and willing to learn, and of course have potential, I'm not wasting my time on a lost cause.

First off, here are some examples of how you will be learning to rp if you wish to learn from me.

Example 1

Example 2

Now simply state your name and why you wish to become my apprentice, if you so desire, and I am not guaranteeing that your character will survive the training, for I can be a harsh teacher, so only those willing to risk everything to gain everything should post here.


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To any genin who is serious about rping Empty Re: To any genin who is serious about rping

Post by Guest Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:00 pm

Name: Hiroshi Kiyoshi.
Rank: Genin
Reason: 'Cuz I need something to do, and I'm bored.


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To any genin who is serious about rping Empty Re: To any genin who is serious about rping

Post by Guest Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:22 pm

Pffft, let me see an rp sample, and then i might just think about it, might.


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To any genin who is serious about rping Empty Re: To any genin who is serious about rping

Post by Guest Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:17 pm

RP Sample:

Kiyoshi sat on top a tree branch, just outside the perimeter of the village of mist. What a low ranked shinobi like him was doing outside his village? Well, nothing had been happening inside mist village lately. He hadn't gone out on any missions as well. The only active thing he was doing now lately, was pulling Night, his blood brother out of fights. Yes, after all this years, Night still got in fights. You'd think he'd stop by now, but he hadn't. He ruffled his dark blue hair, which was draped over his forehead, blurring out his village head band. He yawned lightly, out of boredom. He now stood up on the tree branch, tucking his hands into his pockets. He then leaped from the tree branch he was standing on, and onto a closer one, trying to think up a more fun activity.

Just then, he heard ruffling beneath him. He frowned, turning around to check out where he heard the ruffling sound from, which was beneath him of course. There, a shinobi stood. An outlaw. He had a grin on his face, and a Kunai pulled out. He chuckled, bounding from the ground, and onto a tree branch, now standing opposite from where Kiyoshi stood. Kiyoshi just peered at the shinobi, not bothered one bit by his presence. Kiyoshi yawned lightly, taking his hands out of his pockets. " I'm gonna go ahead and assume you are here to kill me, correct? " The shinobi grinned wildly, amused by Kiyoshi's calm, care free attitude. Kiyoshi shrugged, placing his palms together in front of his chest, he began performing hand seals. Without hesitation, the shinobi leaped from his tree branch, launching at Kiyoshi, his arm up above his head, as if he was about to hurl the Kunai down at Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi simply bounded backwards from the tree branch he was on, and down to the ground. Just then, a Shuriken came whipping past him. Sliding backwards, he glanced backwards, just to notice there was another shinobi in the area. Now there were two guys trying to kill him? This didn't mean anything to Kiyoshi. And judging by the way they only used weapons, he assumed they were Genins, just as himself. He would come to a stop, leaping up into the air, mere seconds before the other shinobi Kiyoshi had saw whipped his Kunai down at Kiyoshi's spot. Kiyoshi had now released the seal. The two shinobi's, which were now on the ground, ready to launch at Kiyoshi again found themselves overwhelmed with clones of Kiyoshi. 20 to be precise. They weren't shocked, or anything. Kiyoshi, who was now standing on a tree branch noticed they didn't have any facial expression what-so-ever. They weren't shocked or anything, so he knew the shinobi's must've known he was just a mere Genin. Explaining their reactions when they saw the clones.

Whoever sent this men to assassinate Kiyoshi must have known him quite well ... but who would? Kiyoshi's thoughts were interrupted by one of the Shinobi's who had called out to him, " Hey! You got any better techniques than this?! You're starting to bore us, " Kiyoshi groaned, slightly annoyed. He performed a different set of hand seals. Two of the clones would then launch at the Shinobi's. The Shinobi's didn't even move an Inch. The clones would then slash at the Shinobi's, only for the clones to phase through them, bursting into Ink. The two Shinobi's chucked out loudly. Two more clones would then rush at the Shinobi's again, slashing at them in the same pattern the last two did. This time, the two Shinobi's felt the pain of a real Kunai. They were stunned. Time seemed to have frozen for a second, and then, continued. Both Shinobi's held their chest, thinking they would feel a wound around there, but they didn't. They didn't have any evidence on them that proofed that they were slashed, except the pain which surged through their chest of course. This was one of Kiyoshi's best Genjutsu. He wasn't the best at Genjutsus, but it still helped him here.

Kiyoshi, without hesitation, would descend towards the ground, landing on both feet. He reached into his weapon pouch, extracting two Kunais. He would bound up, now soaring above his clones, and the two Shinobi's who were clutching to their chest. He swung his right arm downward, opening up his palm, the two Kunai's he extracted out of his pouch spiraled towards both Shinobi's. They had the whipping sound heading towards them. But before they could react, the Kunais pierced into their left arm. Now, unlike the previous attack Kiyoshi had made with his clones, this one was real. Not an Illusion. Blood gushed down their left arm, the pain which they once felt in their chest suddenly 'vanished', due to the attack Kiyoshi made now. But how? Well, pain was one way of releasing a Genjutsu, excluding the pain the Genjutsu inflicts itself of course. And since the pain they now felt wasn't from the Genjutusu, but from the real world, it thus broke the Genjutsu.

They both clutched their left arms, leaping backwards. The clones had also vanished as well. Kiyoshi stood, replacing his clones. The Shinobi's new they were no match for Kiyoshi, and so fled, using a Jutsu, Kiyoshi knew nothing off. Well, they'd gone. He had a little fun, but he knew they were going to come back. Yawning lightly, he tucked his hands back into his pockets, and headed towards the gates of mist village. It was stupid staying out here.


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To any genin who is serious about rping Empty Re: To any genin who is serious about rping

Post by Ushiro Hyuuga Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:26 pm

Name:Ushiro hyuuga
Rank: Genin
Reason:I'm bored and i wana show that im a good rpg thats why.

RP Simple:Shikaku whase sitting down with Shikamaru playing a game of shogi witch lasted 3 days, Shikamaru whase playing as smart as his father whase, Shikaku place a Shogi piece on the board as it whase game and Shikaku beat his own son in the game, Chouza Akimichi then walk by the open door whanting to grab a few Saki Shikaku then got up and told Shikamaru "keep on training" as Shikaku then head to the neer by bar with Chouza Akimichi as Shikaku grab a Saki and started to drint from it as He then became drunk and started to say how smart his son is and how we could never beat his old man at Shogi, Inoichi Yamanaka then walk in and ask to join in a drink as Shikaku sayed the more the better tasting the Saki is as Shikaku Fainted from to meany Saki as Shikamaru enter the bar to bring his Father home as Shikamaru sayed "How troublesome" to his father as he help his father up and walk him home

The next day.
Shikaku whase playing a nother game a Shogi with his some that lasted 10 Hour's long, Shikaku then finish it up the same way he did befor but Shikaku started to walk around town to buy a few stuff for his wife as Shikaku walk buy his son in a Sparing match with his Friend Shikaku use his Shadow Imitation Technique on Shikamaru and his Friend as Shikaku sayed "hay Shicamaru i need you to get a few thangs for your mother" as Shikamaru replayed "what a drag as you can see im in a match dad" as Shikaku rub his heda and sayed "Shikamaru you should listion to your mother ok she dont look like mutch but if you make you mother mad will to let you know i did not get these scars from the field" as Shikamaru then look scared for a but and then sayed "fin but can we finish ar match first" as Shikaku smilled and sayed "fin but make it fast" as Shikamaru finish the match with style.

the next day
Shikaku whase in a field mission at a fort with Chouza Akimichi and Inoichi Yamanaka also know as the Ino-Shika-Cho trio whase doing a mission to get info on a hidden jutsu as Shikau rush a the fort door and use his Shadow Imitation Technique to control the guard to make him unlock it and as Chouza swing the door open to nock the Guard out for the Ino-Shika-Cho trio to get in as Shikaku walk slowly to the next door Shikaku next the door to see if its unlock as Shikaku use his Shadow Neck Bind Technique to get the other Guard out of the way the Ino-Shika-Cho trio make thare way thrue the fort as Shikaku use his Shadow Gathering Technique to gather the enemy to him as Chouza got read to nock the other gaurds out but no Gaurd are in the room so the Ino-Shika-Cho trio make thare way down true the cell area to get to the Scrool with the hidden jutsu on it as Shikaku saw a weird jutsu on the place as Chouza and Inoichi also saw it as Shikaku the thaught of a way out of the Genjutsu as Shikaku the rush to the right to break it as the Ino-Shika-Cho trio got the info on the Hidden scroll and return to Konoha.

Back In Konoha
as Shikaku gave the info to the hokage Shikaku return home and then started a Game of shogi with Shikamaru and thay played piece by piece Shikaku then play a Piece down and beat Shikamaru in a game as Shikaku when to the bar to get a drink with Chouza and Inoichi to Grab some drink and rest after a perfect mission finish as Shikaku took a drink and started to fall a sleep at the bar.

That Night
As Shikaku woke up and saw the bar almost close Shikaku then walk home as he mad it a little way out he could see some poeple playing poke for money and a Shogi tournament going on as Shikaku enter the tournament and won over 1000 yen as Shikaku then stop by Inoichi flow shop and pic up 3 dozen rosesd for his wife and Shikaku left and whent home to give his wife the flowers.

The Next Day
as Shikaku got up and when to the Academy to tell the young ninjas how to be better at a battle Shikaku sayed to the kids "ok kids my name is Shikaku Nara im the father of Shikamaru Nara and i will tell you all how you must train you mind to inprove you Tactics" as Shikaku talk for 3 hour on to inproving the mind half of the class of fast asleep and Shikaku help Iruka with the class and left to his next job.

That after noon
As Shikaku started to go to the bar to get a few drink and left after a few hours and whent to the next job as Shikaku whent to help kids with Kunai training and jutsu training also Taijutsu trainng with kids to help them survive in a mission when thay become Genin as Shikaku show the kids how to toss a kunai and other ways to throw a kunai as Shikaku toss one and toss Another kunai at his kunai to bounce it off of eatch other as the kids whase gitting use to the kunai training shikaku move on to jutau training and show the kids how to use a clone jutsu and how to use a trainformation jutsu also as Shikaku move on to taijutsu training and show them how to perform a few combos and left the he place to join Shikamaru and his friends for a Mission as Shikaku return to is wife after the mission whese over and then whent to the bars agien for a few drinks with Chouza and Inoichi and have a few drinks and rest.

Last edited by Rock lee on Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ushiro Hyuuga
Ushiro Hyuuga

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Join date : 2009-05-17
Age : 35

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To any genin who is serious about rping Empty Re: To any genin who is serious about rping

Post by Mirage Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:31 pm

Name: Ayame Kurama
Rank: Genin
Reason: Might be fun.

Posts : 543
Points : 56
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Join date : 2008-11-21

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To any genin who is serious about rping Empty Re: To any genin who is serious about rping

Post by Guest Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:43 am

Mirage, I select you.


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To any genin who is serious about rping Empty Re: To any genin who is serious about rping

Post by Ushiro Hyuuga Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:57 pm

the rp simple is if i play as shikaku
Ushiro Hyuuga
Ushiro Hyuuga

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Join date : 2009-05-17
Age : 35

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To any genin who is serious about rping Empty Re: To any genin who is serious about rping

Post by Ken Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:58 pm

Name: Ken Mittsui
Rank: Genin
Reason: i ned to lern


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To any genin who is serious about rping Empty Re: To any genin who is serious about rping

Post by Mirage Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:05 pm

I guess let me know when to start

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To any genin who is serious about rping Empty Re: To any genin who is serious about rping

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