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Checking Things Out

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Checking Things Out Empty Checking Things Out

Post by Kenshi Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:24 pm

Yoshimo had traveled through the dense forests of Konoha, making his way in and out of trees and branches, and keeping an eye on the sun, which also have direction to his shadow. Yoshimo wasn't on a mission for the Akatsuki or anything, he just wanted to check his rival country, the country of his distant past where his family used to live in. He was actually in a good mood today, which was awkward for Yoshimo, who was always tired ang groggy. With the air running pass his face, and the wind that flurried his Akatsuki uniform, it was obvious that Yoshimo just needed some fresh air once in a while. Before Yoshimo could get to the main village, he came to the edge of the forest, and stopped, perching on a tree branch.

"I wonder what they are up to today..."

Yoshimo jumped down into the village streets, far far away from the Hokage or any ANBU that might be sifting around. It was a strange sight, seeing and Akatsuki member in the middle of the streets, walking around like he belonged, but Yoshimo knew that someone would confront him after a while.


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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by Kaji-Kanto Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:51 am

Ippin a member of Faita Akatsuki was on top of the Akatsuki situation he tailed the akatsuki into one of the more deserted sections of konoha and performed handsigns when the ninja stopped. He placed his hand onto the ground and in a matter of seconds a entire diamond wall formed around the man and a ceiling and floor was created. Ippin then charged forward to see if he had captured his prey. He doubted it but he could have.

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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by tradebuzzing2 Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:52 am

A sigh came from the mouth of Sannam, as heard an Akatsuki memeber was spotted, in the village. He jumped from his window in the the streets."Tell no one to worry, I have this covered." He walked towards where he was lasted spotted. "Well, Well, Well, Yoshimo, nice to see you again. Well, it may be the first time for you to meet me. You should know, I am the Hokage." He laughed and walked closer to him. "You do not look in the mood of fighting, am I correct?" He still kept his guard u, even so.


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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by Kenshi Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:03 am

Yoshimo smiled as the Konoha shinobi finally began to show up. The situation had gotten even more weirder since the citizens were becoming less threated of Yoshimo and thinking that it was a cruel joke played by some idiot. The first ninja that arrived instantly went into action and quickly showed his ability and tried to close of Yoshimo's exits by making a dome around him and the Hokage. Yoshimo found it actually quite funny and began to laugh at the fact that they were taking this so seriously. It was good for Konoha though, that they were quick on the draw, Yoshimo could be assured that Konoha would remain the same as it had been for years now. Yoshimo stopped walking and leaned up against the dome, facing towards the Hokage. He looked at him and sized him up. He kinda remined him of the legendary fourth Hokage he had read about in his studies with that head of hair. Yoshimo chuckled and put his hands in his pockets as he leaned up against the wall.

"So, how has it been? And no I'm not here for a fight. I've developed some new poisons and I was wondering could I test them out on a few citizens before I have to test them out on your ANBU and Jounin, of course, when the time comes."

Yoshimo smiled at his own comments and waited for a response.


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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by tradebuzzing2 Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:11 am

Sannam began to laugh. "Kill, Kill, Kill, Thats all you Akatsuki do. Why not try it on an animal? I mean taking an innocent life? Ah, but this is but a hopless cause." He laughed a bit more. "You are but the same as the rest of the Akatsuki, you will never learn." He sighed and glared at Yoshimo. "You know what will happen if you try that." He got serious, but not too much, because if he did, Yoshimo would either, attack or run. Yoshimo would almost havto attack, running from Sannam, was not easy. He sighed, yet again. "Think, before your next move."


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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by Kaji-Kanto Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:15 am

Ippin was like o Shi* as he had trapped the hokage on accident. He ran over to the dome and placed his hand on the dome performing handsigns. He divided the dome into 2 parts down the center and released the side the hokage was on. He then bowed down to Sannam and said "Hello Lord Hokage. Shall i kill the akatsuki scum?" He asked as he placed his hand on the dome.

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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by Kenshi Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:22 am

Yoshimo listened to the Hokage, and his so called "smart words". Of course he would say something like that, but it was comical because Yoshimo thought up most of the things that he would say, and just like he had planned it, the Hokage had said it. Yoshimo didn't want too much trouble but he didn't mind getting into a scuffle if he had to. He had been groggy for the past weeks and now since he was feeling better he wanted some fun.

"Of course killing is all we do, we like to kill and it feels good to kill. I've already did my human and animal analysis with my poisons, and I just wanted a few of those ANBU members, you Konoha ninja are the best test subjects around. Hokage-sama, it is you... that will never learn. Akatsuki could protect Konoha, but you guys have your own opinions.", Yoshimo said, pretending to have respect for the Hokage.

Yoshimo watched as the ninja split the dome and release the Hokage, making the dome smaller, and leaving Yoshimo in it. Who ever that ninja was, he was completely clueless about Yoshimo. He thought he was at the advantage, but he was far off, so far off it was comical and Yoshimo chuckled again.

"So you want him to kill me? You think he can? Hokage, let me fight him and see how badass he is"


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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by tradebuzzing2 Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:26 am

Sannam turned his head and shook it. "No, he is not here to fight, but be watchful, because you may never know, with these types." He turned his attetion back to Yoshimo."I think, would enjoy it if you left my village. You are not welcome here." He reached for his kunai bag, opened in and pulled out a long toothpick, and placed it in his mouth. "I can even lead you out."

As Sannam heard the words of Yoshimo, he smiled and then laughe."Ah, how I wish your words were truth. Akatsuki is known for attacking villages, that can't have their way. They want the tailed-beast. The Akatsuki is nothing more than a nine-year old brat team, with fancy powers. All you want is to rule, you must earn these things. Again, I say. The Akatsuki will never learn."


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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:35 am

Says the human who is going to die by the hands of two "nine year old brats". Dont make me laugh human. Oh and for the other human please let the little bag of meat fight Yoshimo....It will entice me to a point histarical laughter a voice echoed in the dome. It seemed impossible to get in, physically. But travelling through the spirtual realms to obtain a location for this man was no factor to him at all. Rising out of Yoshimo's "shadow", came up a man with spikey blue-greyish hair with crimson red eye's staring at both the hokage and the jounin. His mouth was covered by his cloak but you could almost tell that there was no smile, no anger, no hate, just pure emotionless evil.

Kyouken stands beside Yoshimo and looks over at him "Yosh, you get into the most oddest situations I've ever seen sometimes. Its funny sometimes" he scratches his head. He then non-chalantly looks over at the hokage and the jounin "Well well well, if it isnt the Hokage, I have never seen a hokage come out so boldly to handle situation's like this. I was hoping that either me or my brother would become it someday but alas, fate has turn that around on me..." Kyouken sighes. The cold, haunting air filled up the dome. It was almost chilling, frightening, almost un-earthly evil.

Kyouken looks over at the Jounin "And who do we have here? Another bag of waste we have it? From the looks of it, you are the one that created this dome. Impressive" Kyouken eye's became blood red, which unlocked some of his kill intent that he was holding back. "This is going to be indeed interesting"
Kyouken Uchiha
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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by Kenshi Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:47 am

Yoshimo was suprised when he saw Kyouken rise out of his shadow. He hadn't expected him to come, but it was good that he did. It was fun having a stand off like this, each ninja waiting for the other to make a move, each of them ready to flick a kunai at their opponents. With the arrival of Kyouken, his kill intent only made the situation more tighter, and Yoshimo could bet that everyone was on edge. Two Konoha shinobi and two Akatsuki shinobi stood off, waiting for something to happen, but Yoshimo needed something, something important.

"Ahhh! Kyouken-san, its nice to see that you have arrived. This jounin, he is being quite bothersome at the moment, but its all good, its only expected from shinobi that are scared. Jounin-dude, you should take up after your Hokage, he didn't even attack or try to kill me, its because he isn't scared. We Akatsuki members like shinobi that aren't scared, it only makes the kill greater knowing the last thing your opponent knew was fear when they thought they'd had none to begin with"

Yoshimo walked over to the place where the Hokage was, but he was still inside of the dome, just facing towards him, blocked by the diamond. Yoshimo raised his hand slowly, he knew that they probably thought he was about to draw a weapon, but when his hand came up under his uniform, it was empty and bare. Yoshimo knocked on the diamond, making several thunking sounds.

"You wanna let this 'nine year old brat' out? I came here to get something, not just to poison your ANBU you know"


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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by Kaji-Kanto Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:56 am

Ippin smirked as the man appeared. He wasnt afraid this was just the adrenaline talking. He had his hand right next to the man where he formed and he had his other hand in his jacket holding a open scroll ready to summon a puppet incase this became a more intense fight. He was hoping this was just a chat not a brawl but if he had to he could sned off the faita akatsuki signal and summon the rest of the group to help take these people down.

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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by tradebuzzing2 Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:12 am

Sannam shook his head, mostly to Ippin. "You know, you are only proving his point. Sending for them, is good, but when someone says you are afraid, and then you summon for me, its true. You still have much to learn." He looked in the sky and smiled. "Minato, Namikaze, My uncle was one of the most feared shinboi alive. I want to leave up to my uncles name. And then you have his sensei, Jiraiya. He was feared as well. Both strong ninja, from Konoha. We must live up to them." He put his hand on Ippin. "It will only be a few mintues till they come, you made a wise choice. I can see, you are afraid of death. I however am not. My live is for this village." He paused and looked to Kyouken. "Ah, the Uchiha leader of the Akatsuki, how wonderful." He messed around with hs toothpick."It has been some time, and I know your strength. Although you are greatly feared with these strengths. You have no power here. I think you of all people know, power is merely fear. You have no power, to those who do not fear you. I know you are much stronger than I, but, you also know, my ways."

He then finally turned to Yoshimo. "You are not going to do such thing. You have two choices now, either leave, or conuinte to talk with this Jounin and I. I am sorry, you cannot do everything what you want." He laughed, yet again. "You sound more and more like these brat said you were. You talk to me, like you can do whatever you want."


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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:25 am

Kyouken begins to clap slowly. "Very well put, by a Konoha shinobi. The pride of your corrupt country. I give you credit, Hokage, for even knowing who I am. I was banished here from Konoha 30 years ago and yet people still know my name. Its funny how things still stay the same. What a small world....what a small, small world

Kyouken looks at Sannam. He notice that his stature, his stance. He was confident. But even if he looked the part of a unfearful hokage, he could look into his mind and see the fear that he didnt want the village to be attack. Kyouken smiled with pleasure seeing this. He points a finger at the ground.

"Fine we'll just "chat" if you will. I dont want to end the life of two humans. Thats too much paperwork to do"
Kyouken Uchiha
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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by Kenshi Thu Nov 27, 2008 3:01 pm

Yoshimo listend as the Hokage finished his words and also Kyouken. Things were getting more heated by the moment and it seemed as if nothing could calm it down. Yoshimo didn't want to fight, but if he wasn't peacefully released out of this diamond prison soon he would have to break his way out. He didn't want to, from the first decision to come here he didn't want to cause I type of scruffle or anything, just to pick up some old scrolls from the abandoned Izoto houses, that were deep in the Nara forest. Getting there wouldn't be hard for Yoshimo, he had did his studies on his clan and he knew exactly where to go to get the scrolls. They were of up-most importance to Yoshimo, and he if needed to he would attain them by force. Yoshimo looked at the situation that had escalated into a big crowd and a stand off, he walked back to the diamond wall and leaded up against it and sighed, quickly putting his hands in his pockets to relax.

"Look I don't care what you don't like or what you think we should learn, or how you despise us so much. Akatsuki never caused any harm to you guys unless you wouldn't give up something, like the damn nine tailed beast 25 years ago. We still have yet to collect the bijuu, and this time we aren't so focused on that. We have, other plans, but before we can get to them I need to pick up some scrolls. You have 10 seconds to release this diamond or I will be forced to release myself. I mean really guys, you don't come across an Akatsuki member like me that actually ASKED to be released"

Yoshimo tapped his foot on the diamond floor, making a loud *tink* sound that echoed off the diamond walls causing great suspense. Yoshimo was getting a little ticked off that the Konoha shinobi were ruining his good day.


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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by Kaji-Kanto Thu Nov 27, 2008 4:45 pm

Ippin sighed and performed hand-signs. He then created a small exit for yoshimo. He didn't want this to turn violent. He let Yoshimo out but he kept the diamond dome set up so he could keep up usable diamond. He looked at the Hokage with a look of respect then said.

"Konoha is the only thing that keeps you from your goal of destruction. I am part of the Faita Akatsuki my goal is to keep your organization under watch. I am here to destroy your goals and ambitions even if it cost's me my life." Ippin then pulled out a scroll that held a seal of diamond. His other hand holding a single diamond kunai on the tip of his finger balancing it non chalonet like.

He was getting ready to attack incase this did turn violent which he hope didn't happen.

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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:02 pm

Kyouken hand raises up "I see that your dome is made out of complete diamond. That is impressive. Diamond is made up of carbon if Im correct" Kyouken places a hand on the dome. "By defintion, the molecules are combine to together, tighten in a sense"

His hand begins to glow bright red. A chakra color that is not seen very often. A cold looks stares upon Ippin "Its unbreakable, nothing physically can get through it which I understand.....however....if you break the molecules apart you want get diamond anymore now will" The diamond dome began to crack slowly "If im correct, if by destroying the carbon molecules it wont be anything now will it"

The dome begins to fade away as though it turned into air almost. Kyouken puts his hands back in his cloak "Elemental Manipulation: Disperse" he replied to both the hokage and the jounin
Kyouken Uchiha
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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by Kenshi Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:31 pm

Yoshimo was glad that the jounin~dude had finally came to his senses by letting him out. Yoshimo began to walk a bit away from the scene, causing the citizens to move in fear away from. Before he could leave, he watched Kyouken perform his famous techniques, the "Elemental Recomposition." It was always pleasing to see a shinobi's jutsu defeated by that technique, a comrade of Kyouken's could rest easy knowing that he held such power.
"It's a shame to end all this fun that we are having. But, every thing must come to a end..."

Last edited by Yoshimo Izoto on Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:19 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:32 am

Sannam laughed as his point was only be proving about him saying that the Akatsuki were nothing but brats. "Ah, Yoshimo, still much to learn. You only get mad, when you can't have your way, attacking someone over that, is simple childsplay. In life, not everything is handed to you. You must understand that." He turned his attection to Kyouken. "Ah, so you think I should be impressed, or something?" He got a odd look in his eye."Because someone like yourself, should have not even got put into a jutsu like that. Unless you were testing us, and even so, getting out was excepted. I knew it would not hold you. Therefore I am not impressed."


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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:38 am

Kyouken looks at Sannam with no emotions and just shrugs. "How could you not be impress if you cant understand the concept of sub-atomic structures. I cant believe the shinobi of today are more ignorant then they were before. Ahhh time sure does fly I guess"

He turns around a goes back to where Yoshimo was standing. He takes out a kunai and throws it at there feet. He nods "Lets go Yoshimo"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Checking Things Out Empty Re: Checking Things Out

Post by Kenshi Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:29 pm

The whole reason Yoshimo had been asking to be released from the diamod prison ws simply because he was low on chakra. From the start that he got there, he had made preparations with several shadow clones that already traveled to the Izoto house and had already picked up the scrolls. They where on their way back to the Akatsuki hide out with several scrolls, those with information on jutsu, tailed beasts, and a load of anicent Izoto scrolls which Yoshimo needed to read. If he would have used techniques to get out of the diamond, he wold have surely used up all his chakra and be lying out on the floor. His Kage Bunshins were not the ordinary kind, but more "real" and they contained more chakra. Not even a trained eye or the Byakugan could tell them apart. Yoshimo had played with the little Jounin's mind, and had got him to release him from the diamond, making it all the more easier for Yoshimo to conserve his chakra and escape with out harm.

"It's been good Hokage-sama," Yoshimo said taking a fake bow, "Maybe some time we will meet up and have a little fun, I'd love to run all over you and make you cry."

Yoshimo looked at the kunai down by his feet, and waved the Hokage and the jounin bye with an evil smile.


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