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Dageki's test, A unique way of viewing things

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Dageki's test, A unique way of viewing things Empty Dageki's test, A unique way of viewing things

Post by Guest Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:26 pm

1. Name the five elements. Explain which element beats which. Name the element that you best use, and also explain how you would defeat an element that is not weak against yours. (Example: Lightning vs Water, Lightning doesn't beat Water and Water doesn't beat Lightning) Explain "Shape Manipulation", and how it plays into recomposing elemental jutsu.

2. Explain the use of taijutsu in battle. Explain how taijutsu can be amplifed with ninja tools. Explain why the 8 gates utilizes a great amount of chakra, but isn't considered as ninjutsu. Explain the effects of the 5th gate.

3. Explain the use of genjutsu in battle. Explain how genjutsu can be used without directly harming your opponent. Explain how you would defeat a user with the Sharingan, and provide details as in how you would go about fightning that person without using ninjutsu or taijutsu. Also explain the easiest way for a Sharingan user to cast genjutsu without his eyes, or without moving.

4. What year was Kirigakure formed? Who is said to be its Kage(not the current one here)? Name two great people from Kirigakure, and also name what country defeat those two people.

5. Name the oldest village in the ninja world. What two clans helped in their uprising? Name the most important person of those two clans.

6. Name the second oldest village in the ninja world. What happened to their Sandaime Kazekage?

7. If you are on a mission to obtain information from a country and your partner becomes unable to maintain stealth, what would you do? Please explain.

8. You're on an A Ranked mission to assassinate one person. Saving your energy and getting there on time is essential to the mission. On the way there you are confronted by missing-nin. What do you do, disregard them or fight them?

9. Your Kage personally gives you an important S Rank mission. You and your team must assassinate the leader of a small country. The objective is to get there on time, maintain stealth, and kill the person from a distance. On the way your partner has an idea to kill the person quicker and get there earlier, but that will give up stealth. The Kage gave you specific orders. The partner tries to disregard stealth, and orders. Would you kill him to complete the mission? What would you do? Please explain in detail.

Last edited by Taku on Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:01 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Dageki's test, A unique way of viewing things Empty Re: Dageki's test, A unique way of viewing things

Post by Guest Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:59 pm

Dageki walked into the testing room. The test was already about to start. He walked up to the sign in desk, entered his name with the ink pen provided, and walked to the seat he was directed to by the person behind the desk. The rules were quickly explained but Dageki was not realy listening. It was obvious that this was a test, by all means, the atmosphere was the samw as in the academy, only slightly more tense. The increase in tension had an obvious reason. This was way more important than any academy test. Graduating the academy was no big deal. Most were able to do it with out to much strain. The Chunin exams however were a different story. It was a way to showboat the strength of ones village.

The order was given to go and he quickly glanced over his test. Some of these required crisp mind skills and understandin all aspects of being a ninja. Some of the questions asked for critical and original thinking. Dageki loved questions like that, but unfortunately the first question was one straight out of a text book. Granted the question had three parts, and the last part required some independent thinking, but for Dageki it required no strenuous thinking. His answer was as follows.

Katon - Fire
Suiton - Water
Fuuton - WInd
Raiton - Lightning
Doton - Earth

-Katon is weak agianst Suiton but strong against Fuuton
-Suiton is weak against Doton
-Doton is weak against Raiton
-Raiton is weak against Fuuton

- I am a primary user of the wind element. It is a useful element for offensive manuevers, but its deffensive techniques can be difficult to
beat if used correctly. Its greates weakness is Katon techniques and could lead to my downfall if I am not careful and deciseive in
my use of it. It is best for close to mid-range techniques.

I am going up against a fellow genin whom uses the Doton elemnt. The two have no direct correlation in one being able to defeat the
other with out difficulty. It would be a bit troublesome depending on the opponet in question, but it could be done. First I would use my
wind techniques to try and deflect and possible turn the opponets earth based jutsu back onto them. To attack, if he was using earth for
a deffense, I would use my chakra to make the wind as thin as possible in my attack which should be able to slip through the earth, for
there are usualy cracks and such with in earth. Using these two trains of thought, I would try to secure victory over the Doton user.

Shape manipulation is using chakra to manipulate a specific element into a certain shape so that it may be used for a technique. For
example, you could refer to my answer above where I explained how I would go about taking the offensive against a Doton user. I would
be using shape manipulation to manipulate the wind into thin, fine gusts of wind to try and penetrate their deffenses. I would be using
chakra to alter the natural SHAPE of the elemnt wind.

Dageki sighed as he finished the question. All this for one question. No test from the academy had been this intriquite. He smiled, he had expected nothing less. Finally something that could challenge his brain. Something that required text book knowledge and free will thinking. At first glance the test had appeared as a breezer, but after answering that first question, it was actualy a bit more difficult than it first appeared to be.


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Dageki's test, A unique way of viewing things Empty Re: Dageki's test, A unique way of viewing things

Post by Guest Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:13 pm

Dageki looked over his first answer to make sure that it would satisfy the proctors of the exam. He read everything three times and decided it was good enough for him and would probably be fitting. He moved his eyes down to the next question and couldnt help but give a slight smirk. Taijutsu, what a question to ask a Hyuuga clansmen. It was their specialty. He himself had devloped two semi-unique taijutsu styles already and only had one ninjutsu attack. There was no doubt he woudl nail this question. It read:

2. Explain the use of taijutsu in battle. Explain how taijutsu can be amplifed with ninja tools. Explain why the 8 gates utilizes a great amount of chakra, but isn't considered as ninjutsu. Explain the effects of the 5th gate.

Dageki wrote:

2. Taijutsu is a very fine and simple art, yet devastating if used properly. It is used to inflict pain and damage to the opponets body with the use of little to no chakra. Very few of these techniques require the use of chakra, and so can help any ninja out if they get in a pinch. By utalizing ninja tools, the effects of taijutsu can be amplified. The destructive force can be increased by ten fold. Any type of weapon can make a regular taijutsu move into a deadly strike. The 8 gates release the normal limitations on the body and so wears it out quicker. Yes this requires chakra, but the fatigue felt afterward is due to the strain on the body and not solely on the amount of chakra used, though this of course plays some role as well. The fifth gate enhances the users speed and strength but inflicts great damage upon the opponet.

Dageki layed down his pencil for a moment and took a small mental breather. This was actulay somewhat enjoyable.


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Dageki's test, A unique way of viewing things Empty Re: Dageki's test, A unique way of viewing things

Post by Guest Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:33 pm

Dageki reread his second answer a couple times before moving to the next question.

3. Explain the use of genjutsu in battle. Explain how genjutsu can be used without directly harming your opponent. Explain how you would defeat a user with the Sharingan, and provide details as in how you would go about fightning that person without using ninjutsu or taijutsu. Also explain the easiest way for a Sharingan user to cast genjutsu without his eyes, or without moving.

Dageki itched his head for a moment. This was his only real weak point. Genjutsu was a foreign concept to most Hyuuga and he was no exception in this particular point. He had to think for about five minutes before he came up with an answer he found most suitable. He picked up his pen again and began writing.....

3. a) Genjutsu is used to force the opponet into an illusion of which the caster has almsot complete control over, with the obvious restrictions that life provides for in everything.

b) Genjutsu's primarily use is to cause mental fatigue to the opponet, though the body is in no immediate danger. It causes the mind to believe the body is in danger and so will begin to slow its processes in order to protect itself from the pain. This causes the user fatigue even though it underwent no real physical processes.

c) To defeat a user with the sharingan I would most likely use traps considering my clan has almost never used genjutsu, though we know how to counteract them well. I would most likely try to use explosive tags to try and confound the enemy and eventualy defeat them.

d)The sharingan users have a special way of casting genjutsu that does not require them to make eye contact. If they can just get the user to glance at even the finger, the opponet would be victimized. However, an Uchiha has to be very adept in order to utalize this method and is unavaliable to the typical shinobi of that clan.

Dageki shook his head. He didnt like that answer very much but he woudl make up for it in the rest of the test.


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Dageki's test, A unique way of viewing things Empty Re: Dageki's test, A unique way of viewing things

Post by Guest Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:13 pm

Dageki looked at the next three questions and easily answered them with out a problem. They required no extra mind power, just the knowledge of history more or less. He smiled, he remembered everything. There was almsot no bit of informaiton that escaped his notice.

4. What year was Kirigakure formed? Who is said to be its Kage(not the current one here)? Name two great people from Kirigakure, and also name what country defeat those two people.

5. Name the oldest village in the ninja world. What two clans helped in their uprising? Name the most important person of those two clans.

6. Name the second oldest village in the ninja world. What happened to their Sandaime Kazekage?

Dageki began to write quickly and was done wiht the three of them in two very short minutes. Dageki was glad he hadnt had to resort to cheating yet. He was afraid that these questions would be so difficult that the only way anyone woudl be able to answer them was to cheat. Then again maybe that was the case and he was just exceptionaly smart for a genin. Either way it didnt matter. Under either of these cirucumstances, Dageki proffered.



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