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A day of chill

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A day of chill Empty A day of chill

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun May 31, 2009 4:25 pm

A kid sat againts a tree trunk scribbling things down in a notebook. His knees were being used as a table and his hair was now hanging down over his eyes as the kid had not groomed it in a few days. He wore black baggy jeans and a torn to shreds white T-shirt. He hoped that when Kokoro got here they would be able to do something somewhat fun.

Sousei looked up into the clear skys to see the sun hanging in almost dead center in the sky. It was around noon and Kokoro would hopefully be here soon. Sousei closed the journal and placed it into a small knot hole in the tree. He would come back to get that later but now he stood up and stretched a little bit as he heard bushes move and make small sounds that gave away someones arival.

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A day of chill Empty Re: A day of chill

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun May 31, 2009 4:58 pm

A small amlunt of laughter was heard, and soon a kid that looked much like Gaara arrived. Infact it was a complete copy of he genin version of Gaara. However, this was not Gaara, infact, he wasn't even of the same village. The Gaara copy then made a hand sign and changed back into his normal self. The kid had black shaggy hair, that reach to his next. He wore a lot of black, with bits of white. His headband was blank. Kokoro waved at Sousei. "Your damned wings let you travel faster than me. At least you know how to wait." He sighed and sat down next to him.

"Well, what do we do now. We just left our sensei, and she's probably pissed as hell." He laughed a little, and shook his head. "Eh, no matter, we can take her if need be. And we won't be Genin for much longer, Chunnin exams are soon, and we both know, that we will pass." He stood up and smiled. "Why don't we do something? This is a little boring."


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A day of chill Empty Re: A day of chill

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun May 31, 2009 7:29 pm

Sousei chuckled as it was true he could travel a lot faster than kokoro since he could fly. However kokoro was a little bit more confident in battle since he didn't really have to rely on his own skills when he can take it from some of the strongest shinobi's alive. Sousei looked around and he pulled out a small silver watch from his pocket.

He then opened it and spoke to kokoro "Well its 12:05 so the village square would be crowded right about now so why dont we go there? Good place to blend in and hopefully we can hit a few of the resturants."

Sousei didn't know about kokoro but he had his pockets lined with cash from his past lives. So even if Kokoro couldn't afford something sousei would be happy to lend him the cash to get it. "If you dont wana go to a resturant we can hit that little arcade place they got going on up town."

Sousei laughed as seriously why would he be the one to consider a arcade as a choice. Sousei also hoped that sometime today he could get a new wardrobe cause seriously his t-shirt was falling apart.

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Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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A day of chill Empty Re: A day of chill

Post by tradebuzzing2 Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:35 pm

"Well, I don't know if those are such good ideas. I'm not too hunger, I ate a few hours ago. And the other idea, nah, I want to do something calm." He sighed and plummeted down to the ground to think of something of the two of them to do together. "Well, something calm, something by a body of water." He sighed and held his head with his right hand. He looked up to the sky and sighed. "Well, I mark swimming out of the question, getting wet is not my thing." He sighed and looked at the stream.

He soon saw a fish jump in the air and back into the water. Thus, he snapped his fingers and jumped in the air. "I know what we can do. We should go fishing!" He began to walk off, because he had not been fishing in some time. This would also gvie the two a chance to talk. "We should just lay back, catch fish, and look at the clouds. We haven't had a day like that in forever. Lets do this!" He yelled and had a huge smile on his face.

"Meet back here in twenty or so minutes. This is gonna be a blast." He began to slowly walk away.


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A day of chill Empty Re: A day of chill

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:14 am

Sousei thought that kokoro wouldnt want to do any of that. So he knew that kokoro would think of something. Sousei told himself that he was going to be happy with anything kokoro chose to do but when he heard fishing his eyes sank. Sousei was a user of fire and a pheonix in heart and for some reason sousei and water didn't mix very well.

Kokoro didn't know that much about this fear of sousei's. Sousei however as he saw kokoro walk away he sighed. He got up and began to walk into town. However as he noticed how far town was and how he didn't feel like walking he let his wings come out and he lifted into the air and flew towards the city staying near ground level so he wouldn't be spotted.

After about two minutes he landed on the ground his wings folding back into his back as he arrived at the ouskirts of the city. He stepped out of the shadows and into the hustle and bustle of the kumogakure streets. He walked along the people with ease and soon arrived in the shopping district. He looked around at all the women just running around between shops and sales screaming and in groups.

Sousei sighed and realized why kokoro didnt wana come here. However he had twenty minutes to do something and he might as well get a new shirt or something. He entered a shop and before he got into the door and a good look he instantly jumped outta the shop his eyes buged he backed away and ran into another shop.

As he entered the shop it was small but there were tons of clothes and then a small counter with a register on it. As sousei entered the guy behind the counter looked at him with a angry stare. Sousei however shrugged off the stare as it was resonible since he did look like a thief in his ripped up shirt and torn up baggy jeans.

As he walked through the selection something caught his eye it was a rack of cloaks of different colors and fabrics. He walked towards it like he was drawn to them mysticly. He chuckled as he thought of the flaws in faith. He looked at the cloaks and soon decided that this would serve as a new outfit.

He inspected the cloaks with his senses and soon narrowed it down to two a black one and a red one. He looked at both of the cloaks and decided that he prefered the black one. He grabbed the cloak and walked up to the counter placing the cloak on it. The man looked at sousei with that stare again and told him how much it cost.

Sousei pulled out a wallet and instantly the man behind the counters jaw dropped. Sousei pulled out the amount he asked for and handed it to him then pocketing the wallet again and took the cloak and walked out of the building just whistling like a little child would. He pulled out his watch and smirked as he had 5 minutes to get back to that spot. He decided he would walk.

Sousei walked throught the endless crowds once again soon arriving back at the outskirts he had came into the city from. He just shrugged and continued walking. After about 7 minutes Sousei had arrived back at the spot and he looked around for kokoro but he did not see him anywhere. Sousei laughed as he thought this time he was the punctual one this time.

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Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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