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Kuchinawa Bloodline

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Kuchinawa Bloodline Empty Kuchinawa Bloodline

Post by Paksennarion Sun May 31, 2009 12:06 am

Name: - There is no official name for the bloodline.

Type: Fuuinjutsu/Ninjutsu [Poison]

Rank: E-S

Description: The Kuchinawa’s bloodline deals with their affinity for snakes along with the poisonous state of their blood. All members of the Kuchinawa Clan have toxic blood, although each members blood is different. Once spilt, the blood can be used in many different ways. Mainly though, it is a strong corrosive acid that can eat through skin and metal. If the blood gets on soft tissue, like eyes or other such things, it can quickly do irreparable damage. At birth their blood is only a small irritant, but it swiftly increases in potency as the member grows. Their bodies have a built up immunity towards their own blood and at best, it will cause small burns when in contact with skin.

Because their blood is such an acidic substance, most if not all poisons do not work on Clan members. Even if they do, it is at a lesser effect and the body heals quickly. This is why some members choose to work exclusively with poisons, and most members can become fearsome shinobi for that ability alone.

The very same blood that can be used as such a great tool of destruction is also a bane, a double edged sword. There are many cases of a Clan members blood increasing in potency too fast for their body to adjust to. In these cases, the members blood will very slowly begin to eat them from the inside out. However, it is rumored that some Clan members have grown able to control this, and even gained a greater control over their blood, living off of the toxin that courses through their bodies.

Another aspect of the Kuchinawa Clan is their ties with snakes. The Clan holds the snake summoning contract, and once a member has proven themselves worthy they sign the scroll. Along with that, Clan members have bonds with nin-snakes. Almost like the Inuzuka Clan of Konoha, they are able to use their companions in battle and for other purposes, even going so far as being able to talk to snakes.

Like the Inuzuka Clan, members also have senses more in tune with their companions. Elongated canines, usually resembling fangs and the bright facial markings are the more obvious ones. However, most members also tout slitted eyes which allow them to see in the dark, along with various levels of heat sensitivity. Their sense of smell is also much stronger than a normal humans, and their hearing is aided by vibrations carried through the air and ground. A less noticeable trait is that their tactile senses are largely increased, which can both prove a major hindrance when wounded or a large blessing.

Weakness: The main weaknesses of the Kuchinawa Clan are social ones. Because their bloodline ties them to snakes, animals which most view as evil, they too are sometimes considered evil. Also because of their uses of poisons, they are considered underhanded, etc. In reality, most Kuchinawa members are ruthless and manipulative, so their "name" is one well earned. Most civilians find it hard to deal with Kuchinawa members after hearing stories of how they sacrifice babies to their snakes or what-not, whereas most shinobi find them hard to trust and at best disturbingly passionate. In Konoha where the people preach of a peacefuller race of Shinobi the Kuchinawa are often at odds with their comrades in arms.

Physical weaknesses are aplenty. First off, the toxic blood that runs through their veins often is the thing that ends people's lives. If the blood grows too toxic for the body to handle, then it eats them from the inside out. Because their tactile senses are so acute, they feel pain much more sharply. Bleeding becomes a major issue so much so that many Kuchinawa members carry around blood pills to clot their wounds as soon as possible. Even minor scratches become painful and annoying. Heightened senses also lead to the obvious weaknesses therein.

Posts : 28
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Join date : 2009-05-30

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Kuchinawa Bloodline Empty Re: Kuchinawa Bloodline

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun May 31, 2009 12:08 am

approved unless said otherwise
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
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