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Kuchinawa Paksennarion

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Kuchinawa Paksennarion Empty Kuchinawa Paksennarion

Post by Paksennarion Sat May 30, 2009 11:34 pm

Name: Kuchinawa Paksennarion

Age: 16

Bloodline: Kuchinawa Bloodline

Rank: Jounin
Classification: -
Village: Sunagakure
Alignment: Neutral/Self-serving

Appearance: Paks is extremely short, almost to the point of being labeled a midget. She is commonly mistaken for a child, standing at four feet and ten inches. She has long limbs thin limbs, and a slim build. Her overall physique appears to be fragile due to her smallness and lack of bulk. However, hidden behind the childlike façade, Paks turns out to be quite solid and strong. Her eyes are a reddish-garnet color, and bigger than normal thus adding even more so to her resemblance of a small child. When she feels strong emotions her pupil compacts themselves and resemble slits more-so than normal circles. Her canine teeth are notably pointed more than normal and resemble small fangs. Paks has vibrant red and black colored markings on her face in the form of tiny stripes. She wears her purple hair down, and commonly keeps most of her stash of senbon hidden there.

Paks wears a maroon shirt, the loose sleeves reach her wrists. A wide black sash is tied tight around her stomach, with the ends left to flutter behind her. She wears fishnet tights along with dark gray shorts, and a long trench coat. Her left arm is always swathed in bandages, hiding an old and rather ugly scar that resembled a large oil burn if not more vivid than it should be. The rest of her body is liberally littered with small scars and seal marks, most notably a tiny black swirl on her left wrist and a matching one on her collar bone.

Personality: Paks is very intense in both her beliefs and actions. Everything she does is controlled and fluid, all of her movements are made with no energy wasted. She tends to act in a rote manner, but can be friendly when she feels like it. Paks strictly adheres to a polite code of conduct, abhorring any disrespect unless it is for a mission. At times Paks can seem extremely driven and cruelly vicious, as she will do anything to accomplish her goals.

History: Paks grew up in Suna. Her earliest memories are of her father talking to her about the proper way to throw a kunai. She grew up in a flurry of training, all aimed at being a proper shinobi. There was never any other choice, she couldn't imagine wanting to be anything but. Paks didn't find anything out of the ordinary with the fact that while she read books about wars other children her age were making friends and playing. Both her parents were shinobi, and were frequently away on missions. But Paks was used to their absences and went on with learning all she could about the art of the shinobi. Her family moved to Leaf soon before her sixth birthday. As she finally grew old enough to join the Academy, Paks was informed of her obligation to the Clan, to uphold their pride and not fail. With those words in mind she stepped outside the bubble of existence she had lived in her whole life and entered the Academy. She graduated within a year, at the top of her class.

Soon after becoming a Genin, Paks was placed on a team with Dustin Azataku and the Jounin Tobimaru. She soon formed a close bond with her teammate, Dustin, and they spent most of their time training together and talking. As a team they completed several high ranked missions and trained together frequently. After her first mission, Paks received the Sumitsuki seal.

After becoming a Chuunin, Paks met Raiden Uchiha and several other missing ninja. After talking, she agreed to join their reorganization, the Reshiato 7, as a means of gaining power and so that she could get revenge against her Clan and Konoha, which she viewed as being full of corruption and taint. She helped the Reshiato 7 stage an attack against Konoha, and after creating devastation, she left with them.

Paks trained under Raiden-sama, learning many things from him. Because of her "condition", Raiden promised to heal her with the an ancient orb once R7 had collected them all. Determined to both become stronger and help Raiden-sama accomplish his goal, Paks worked hard on both accounts, dedicating herself to Raiden-sama because of the inherent debt of what he was offering.

She and the other members of R7 attacked Sunagakure to get their orb, and Paks ended up fighting Blaize a Suna shinobi. She poisoned him badly but the fight was never decisively ended, suffering some serious wounds herself. Paks also went with Raiden to get one of the orbs from Takigakure. When the only orb left was the one in Konoha, Raiden-sama hatched a plan to sneak into the Chuunin Exams and steal the orb. Paks agreed, both wanting to accomplish her goal and finally be healed and also wishing to see her teammate Dustin again. To make sure that he was growing strong, and if need be add more incentive to his quest for power.

So they snuck in as Takigakure shinobi, Paks taking the alias Rin while Raiden-sama was the Jounin Gin. Fighting in the Exams, Paks managed to win her matches and gather some intel. on the other prospective Genin.

Their plan had been to release a special plant/gas that Paks had formulated out of a plant Raiden-sama had brought her. It was supposed to make those who breath it in hallucinate and begin to attack their allies, the perfect cover to search for the orb. They waited to the last match, before releasing the airborne toxin. It went into effect almost immediately, as people started fighting with each other, small fistfights breaking out and slowly evolving into more serious things. Because their plan was almost completed, Raiden-sama healed Paks' "condition" with the regeneration orb, newly invigorated and doubly indebted to Raiden, Paks eagerly proceeded with the rest of the plan.

While Paks and Raiden-sama moved to find the orb, something unexpected happened. Paks' father, along with an ANBU squad descended on the two. The battle that ensued was more mental than physical on Paks' part, as she fought against her Father. The Kuchinawa Clan is an illustrious Clan, and along with the power flowing through their vein's comes a sort of paranoia. Kuchinawa members are best at fighting one another, because it is then that their jutsu show another level of use. Most Clan jutsu negate each other, and there are many that are used simply to subjugate another. Paks had trained hard, she had grown in skill, but she was still no match for her Father, and he quickly and easily subdued her, placing several seals on her and effectively making her as useful as a civilian who knew how to throw knifes. Even taking that away from her by throwing her into a pain caused by the activation of one of the seals. A pain so deep Paks couldn't work up the thought process to think let alone move.

Still, the ANBU descended on Raiden-sama, and Paks' own father joined the fray after dealing with her. It seemed as if Konoha had been ready, after hearing of the attack on Sunagakure. Instead of working to quell the hysteria and fighting that was going on in the Chuunin Exams stadium, the higher ranked shinobi all seemed to coalesce in their direction. It was Raiden-sama against them all, and Paks watched with disbelieving eyes as he was swarmed by pure numbers. It was a bloody battle, and true to his skill Raiden-sama defeated many of his attackers, but it was an endless hoard. Paks passed out at some point, but she had seen enough to know that no one could escape such an onslaught, not even Raiden-sama.

When she awoke, things were different. Her memories of acting as a missing-nin had been sealed away, replaced by far tamer things. All she was left with was strange skills, jutsu she couldn't remember learning or knowledge that floated through her head in a voice she couldn't place. It was strange, unnerving, and throughout it all the Kuchinawa Clan members treated her with disdain, even outright hatred. She had stained their prestige and that was unforgivable. Somehow Paks lived, working in this strange environment without the knowledge of what had truly happened.

Speciality: Fuuinjutsu, Weaponry[Poisons/senbon]
Elements: Dominant - Raiton; Recessive - Water

Last edited by Paksennarion on Sun May 31, 2009 1:26 am; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 28
Points : 39
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2009-05-30

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Kuchinawa Paksennarion Empty Re: Kuchinawa Paksennarion

Post by Paksennarion Sat May 30, 2009 11:45 pm

Learned jutsus:







Elemental Ninjutsu:





Clan Jutsu:


Last edited by Paksennarion on Sat May 30, 2009 11:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 28
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Join date : 2009-05-30

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Kuchinawa Paksennarion Empty Re: Kuchinawa Paksennarion

Post by Paksennarion Sat May 30, 2009 11:46 pm



Cabbage Tree/Worm Bark

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Kuchinawa Paksennarion Empty Re: Kuchinawa Paksennarion

Post by Paksennarion Sat May 30, 2009 11:48 pm

Goals: To grow stronger.

OOC - This is the Paks from another site. If her history is to risque I shall change it. I'll add a RP sample soon.

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Join date : 2009-05-30

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Kuchinawa Paksennarion Empty Re: Kuchinawa Paksennarion

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat May 30, 2009 11:54 pm

This is good stuff, just post your jutsu's and weapons onto the other sections

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Kuchinawa Paksennarion Empty Re: Kuchinawa Paksennarion

Post by Paksennarion Sun May 31, 2009 1:26 am

I edited to switch to Sunagakure.

I refuse to edit all the references of being from Konoha in the history though. That'd take waaaaay to long. XP

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Kuchinawa Paksennarion Empty Re: Kuchinawa Paksennarion

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun May 31, 2009 1:34 am

lol, thats fine, still approved
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Kuchinawa Paksennarion Empty Re: Kuchinawa Paksennarion

Post by Kenshi Sun May 31, 2009 1:57 am

Classification: - Jounin


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