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Dian Keito (Main Charater)

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Dian Keito (Main Charater) Empty Dian Keito (Main Charater)

Post by aries Sun May 17, 2009 1:46 pm

Name: Dian Keito
Bloodline: The Keito Bloodline is a unique and mysterious one. Dian cells are canabalistic and virus-like, and when in contact with human flesh, merge with the host cells and devour them from the inside. This process is known as corroding. The process of corroding causes a target to lose strength and capability, though through mere physical touch alone, very little damage is done. It is when their cells are used in combination with ninjutsu, that the clan's true power is shown. By using ninjutsu to mass replicate their cells and manipulate them outside the body thus constently healing them. The user is able to attack and infect targets with his cells from a ranged distance and on a mass-scale. Virus-Cell infects are non-lethal, with most infections wearing off anywhere from a couple hours to a couple days, depending on the size of the infection. Death can only occur when there is a constant, prolonged exposure to the virus cell, or if the cells are being directed by ninjutsu to corrode vital parts. Even paralysis and other side effects brought on by what is known as 'Locust' infects go away when the infection dies.
Alignment: Neutral (for now)

Looks: Dian looks like a typical 11-years old bay. He is average height, pretty thin (though he may also be considered a bit athletic), and looks fairly healthy at all times. Despite that, he prefers to hide most of his body and a part of his face underneath a dark blue shinobi suit and a black shawl. His eyes are green and his hair is dyed white (one of his clans habits. His hair collor was originally brown). He pretty much always carries his blade along with him on his back. The rest of his shinobi tools are carried around in a pouch strapped onto his right leg. His forehead protector however is not worn on his forehead, but instead strapped onto a black belt around his waist.

Personality: Dian does not do things by halves. He is a very committed individual; always finishing a task he starts. If he knows he cannot complete a task, he will not even begin or attempt it. This attitude also translates into him hard-working attitude when training or on a mission.

As one might expect, Dian has little time for social events. He does have friends – close ones even – though they are admittedly few in number. Those who dislike him tend to stay well clear, his serious personality frightening them enough to keep them from voicing their dislike. His primary hate is boredom; he is always looking for something to do and cannot cope with an empty timetable. To this end, he is often rallying his close friends to go and train or explore.

It would be naïve to say or think that Dian is always a serious individual. As long as he is with company that he is comfortable with, he’ll happily chat, joke around and enjoy himself. That is, if it doesn’t involve anything he would consider ‘childish’.

[b]Clan History: Before the world of ninja and ninja techniques, the people that would become the Keito were persecuted against. Hated for their corruptive touch and inhuman features, the Keito were often treated as lepers and disease-bearers. They were exiled from every village they ever entered. On many occasions, militias formed to try and take out the Keito, none of which were ever completely successful. Hundreds of years passed, yet the Keito persistently survived, hiding in mountain ranges and abandoned forests, living like beasts amongst the jungles of the wild. It wasn't until the first ninja clans formed that the Karamasu left their hidden homes. With the seemingly supernatural becoming widely accepted, the Keito gathered together and named themselves as a ninja clan. Though very few knew actual ninja techniques at the time, they picked up on the trade quickly. While only having a general proficiency in ninja techniques, their unique bloodline allowed them to defeat enemies in subtle ways, most commonly through hand-to-hand combat and prolonged exposure to their virus-cells.

RP Sample:b] The bright light of the day spread out across the fields. The sun floated majestically in the air, warming the Earth with its immense power. He began walking across the field, one hand on his staff , and the other one in his pocket, until he was a good distance from his opponent. He knew his opponent thought he could easily in, but Dian didn''t care about that, because he knew that he would emerge the victor. The boy smirked as he watched his opponent assume a weird fighting stance.

Dian took his hand out of his pocket and slowly pulled his sword from the holster, gripping the staff tight enough to strangle a person to death. He loosened up his grip as he realized his hands were beginning to bleed. He began taking deep breaths to relieve himself from all his excitement. The young boy lifted his sunglasses, and slowly folded them up and placed them in his pocket, and was readied himself to fight. There was tension in the air as the two opponents glared at each other for several moments, waiting to see who would step up and make the first move. Dian took a advanced towards the challenger, trying to figure out why he had not moved yet. Was he planning something or just waiting for Dian to strike so he could learn how he fights? At any rate,this fight had to begin.

Dian began to gather chakra to prepare for a Small Chakra Blade attack. He was halfway through the hand seals before he was attacked by his enemy from behind. That was it! He was never really looking at the real enemy. It was a clone all along, and the real opponent was slowly sneaking up behind him, waiting to strike. Dian chuckled to himself as he said \" You may be a challenge after all."

History/Background Story:Dian arrived at the academy on schedule and soon worked hard to become the top of the class. During this time that his mother took him out for chakra control training. It was here that he learned how to control chakra to certain parts of his body, more specifically his hands and feet. He forced himself to learn how in order to overtake Keito clan in the be the best. His mother taught him that to waste even a small amount of chakra would cause him to become weaker. It was also during this time, he learned of his aptitude for Medical jutsu.

Once, Dian graduated from the academy, he became very skilled in chakra control Jutsu and mastered many of his justus, many of which he taught himself. After graduation he spent many days pushing himself to the limit of his chakra. He wanted to be able to do diffucult jutsus for his age. Because of this intense training of his, he had a big reserve of chakra. Then during Weapon Training, Dian was a skilled kunai and shuriken master because of his years of training in the Academy. Dian was a prodigy to his family, but his father was not pleased yet. His control over his Kekkei Genkai had barely improved for his father’s approval. Dian would spend hours focusing and trying to master his Kekkei Genkai but couldn’t hold it any longer. He could already hold it longer than most members of his clan. Because of his long hours of training with his father, Dian is one of the faster Genin of his generation.

Speciality: Medical, Puppetry
Learned jutsus:
Elements: Lightning,
Weapons/items: Katana
Goals: To become the strongest ninja of his clan.My characters

Last edited by aries on Mon May 25, 2009 3:02 pm; edited 5 times in total

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Join date : 2009-05-03

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Dian Keito (Main Charater) Empty Re: Dian Keito (Main Charater)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Tue May 19, 2009 3:41 pm

Use our Template.


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Dian Keito (Main Charater) Empty Re: Dian Keito (Main Charater)

Post by aries Tue May 19, 2009 3:58 pm

changed and finished

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Dian Keito (Main Charater) Empty Re: Dian Keito (Main Charater)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Tue May 19, 2009 4:12 pm

Approved, post bloodline in creation.


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