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Re-uniting the Caelum family

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Re-uniting the Caelum family - Page 2 Empty Re: Re-uniting the Caelum family

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:22 pm

As she teased Hitoshi since he was still in the crater she felt hands on her shoulders,she heard "H-Hanashi..." it was a calm and warm voice for her her eyes and her body quickly turned from the crater to now the woman that was in front of her.her eyes widened a bit but she still kept her cool ...Mother....

She grasped one of the hands that was on her shoulders and let a smile creep on her face then it became bigger ...Mother! she quickly hugged her closing her eyes in the process,enjoying the moment that was layed before her.
Hanashi Uchiha
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Re-uniting the Caelum family - Page 2 Empty Re: Re-uniting the Caelum family

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:03 pm

As Kyouken begins to enjoy the renunion of his first family, he glances upward. At the direction he was looking at was a balcony, it was ranging from forty feet to fifty feet in length and was able to hold up to 100 people. But the one thing that the balcony lacks was lighting, it was extremely hard to see as it was in complete darkness, anyone could hide themselves in that long balcony. Kyouken facial expression did not change, not for the single reason he had for he knew that if he were to change his emotion, they would know that he was looking. Kyouken turns to C.C and Hanashi, he goes towards them, he snaps his fingers at Jouten. Jouten looks over to see why Kyouken snapped his fingers, he backtracked to what Kyouken was looking at before he snapped his fingers and it clicked in Jouten's mind that there was someone there, someone watching them as they were battling and conversing. Kyouken's was determine to find out who it was but he knew that he needed to get both C.C and Hanashi out of the room before anything

Although they were enjoying there moment, it would be ruin if they were not ready to leave. Kyouken, with a smile on his face, begins to slowly lead C.C. and Hanashi out of the room. He chuckles alittle and begins to scratch his head, a simular trait he picked up from his younger brother "Hey, lets go meet somewhere else, eh? This place is quite a bother", his tone was more kinder and alot more friendlier, he knew that he needed to act this way in order to get betwen them to. He got between C.C and Hanashi by wrapping one of each arms around there waist and lead them out of the room, closing the door behind him. He knew that it was about to get alittle hectic in a minute. Alright, Jouten, I'll meet you up soon, make sure that you find them and kill them, leave one so that we can interogate, understood Jouten?

"Hai" Jouten replied as he began to walk up towards the balcony. He turns back to the crater, crawling out was the now furious and pissed off Hitoshi, who was actually ready to kill Jouten. As his hands grabs onto the ground and begins to dig deeper in, his eyes showed that he was on a ready-to-destroy killing spree. He jumps up, his teeth was grinding as he lands on his feet. His shirt and pants were alittle scathered up and a bit of blood. He wipes the blood off his face as he was approaching towards Jouten. Jouten turns around and puts his hand out and he begins to gather chakra to the palm of his hands, he saw that it order to handle Hitoshi, words would not be able to describe it at the moment where Hitoshi wanted to kill Jouten. As he approached to Jouten, Jouten's attention was behind Hitoshi. Behind him was a man wearing a attire that was simular to a man in a suit. He wore a black tie, black sunglasses, black shoes, black shirt, black everything. He was hiding his presence from Hitoshi as he was about to strike him. Jouten smiled and adjust his sunglasses with his left hand

"Alright mutha fucka, im about to take yo ass with this....." he released the purple colored orb of energy at Hitoshi, Hitoshi jumps up and flips in the air missing the orb completely. As he turns towards Jouten in mid-flip, he see's the man who was about to attack him suddenly fly backwards, his arms and legs flail in the air as he hits the wall behind him, making a dent. Hitoshi lands on his feet about 10 feet away from Jouten. He looks at the man who just been attacked, the man slides downwards towards the crater and falls into it. That black suited man's life began to fade away as he hits the crater's surface. Jouten turns upwards and see's two other men, both of them bald and had the same attire as that of the other man about to attack Hitoshi. Both of there hands were pulsating with white energy. Hitoshi turns around as though he was about to do a back side kick to them but chains, errupting from the ground rips through the earth and stabs the two men both through the chest. The chains impales them completely, there screams was blood curdling until the chains reached up to the ceilings, slaming both of there bodies into the same ceilings, blood comes pouring out of there mouths, eyes and noses. Hitoshi turns to Jouten, Jouten jumps towards the balcony

"Considered that a tolken of my apologies"

The metal gourd, which was placed only sixty-five meters in front of the two thrones, jumps as soon as Jouten jump up from the ground. As Jouten lands on the balcony, he glances over and see's that it was very hard to see, although he knew there were many chairs and probably a few chairs in front of him. It was hard to see people, which in terms forced Jouten to use sensory of touch through vibrations of the balcony flooring. He sensed that there was ten other people on the balcony, standing up. They were radiating dark energy, which actually helps them and gives Jouten the disadvantage. Jouten tightens his fist as he began to display a purple like aura from his hands.....


Kyouken lets go of C.C and Hanashi's waist as they were far away from the room. He knew the room was soundproof but he could hear the sounds coming from it. He turns to C.C and Hanashi and hopes that they would begin to converse soon.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Re-uniting the Caelum family - Page 2 Empty Re: Re-uniting the Caelum family

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:32 pm

As she was hugging her mother she felt a hand around her waist she looked to who that hand belonged to and it was none other than her Father Noctis.She gave a smile towards his way then she looked forward because he was walking with them,she was his other hand at her Mother's waist and tilted her head to the side.

Why are we leaving?H-Hey!i'm missing a shoe...oh well. she decided to walk without her other shoe as they left the room but she forgot that she left Hitoshi with Jouten He'll be ok...i think. As they were out of the room she couldn't help feel a little weird,as if something could happen or maybe that was her imagination.decided to just ignore that she looked at her Mother's been too long.. she forced a smile on her face as she felt this awkward silence with her,but with her father it was fine but when it came now to face her Mother she didn't know what to do,say or whatever.
Hanashi Uchiha
Hanashi Uchiha

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Re-uniting the Caelum family - Page 2 Empty Re: Re-uniting the Caelum family

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:07 pm

{I'll be taking over C.C looks like it,said L}

C.C's eyes wandered over to Noctis's hand on her waist,she smiled a bit but then just as her smiled appeared it quickly dissapeared and her facial expression went back to the way it was almost always,cold as well as her eyes....So Hanashi,how have you been all these years..? C.C knew it was a stupid question to ask but she missed her daughter more than anything and Noctis knew that too.

One of her hands softly gripped Noctis's hand that was on her waist while still looking forward,her face still held the same expression as usual but she was happy even though she didn't show it.

Hanashi on the other hand was looking at the walls and was worried about Hitoshi Damn..i don't know why Father wanted us to leave...i'm worried...about's a first she mentally chuckled as they walked away from the room with each passing minute I've been fine...more or less...been training as usual,nothing else new..'cept the fact that Father came with Jouten and got my memories much..hehe she laughed nervously as she thought that there was an awkward tension in the air between her and her mother but she was wrong.

A quiet chuckle escaped C.C's lips while her eyes were closed Ahh...i nothing new,Hanashi,i'm...sorry i wasn't there for you since the beginning.. she waved her hand dismissively while giving her a smile Nah it's fine...if anything i think it taught me how to be strong on my own,in a way.. then it became quiet against as Hanashi thought about why Hitoshi and Jouten were still in the room while C.C had her hand on Noctis's hand,also in thought.
Hanashi Uchiha
Hanashi Uchiha

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Re-uniting the Caelum family - Page 2 Empty Re: Re-uniting the Caelum family

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:20 pm

Kyouken lets both of there waist go and opens up another door. As he turns the knob and the opens real slowly, it looked like a very victorian room only thing that stood out was a large screen television that one the wall on top of the fireplace and a desk that was on the opposite side of the room which faced the windom. Kyouken lets both C.C and Hanashi into the room first before he came inside, closing the door behind him. He glanced over at C.C, her cold side was somewhat showing. It was not truly a surprise to him for he was use to her being that cold. When it came to family, however, she was indeed motherly and a wife that Kyouken can be honestly be proud of loving.

He reaches over to a comfortable chair by the window and sits down. He then looks at both C.C and Hanashi "Please you two, sit, i would like for us to get back together as a family before we do anything to extreme" he said in a polite term. His father voice came out the moment he sat down and it was not rare for him to change terms. When he father all of his children, he never gave them a hard or cold voice like his father did to him. It'll make them what he is today and he wishes not for them to change into him. He sits down and a small smile comes across his face, he was trying to focus his attention towards them instead of the magicans who were in his house and had inflitrated his household. He was extremely distrought and very aggrevated by the fact that they had inflitrated. Nonetheless, he'll have to worry bout that later. Right now it was Hanashi and C.C. He'll have to speak to C.C in private after this thing was over. It was quiet for a moment, there was not much to say but it was a comfortable quiet. He was actually waiting for them to say something instead of him.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Re-uniting the Caelum family - Page 2 Empty Re: Re-uniting the Caelum family

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:34 pm

C.C said nothing as she walked over to a chair that was near Noctis and sat on it,crossing her legs a she looked at Hanashi,her eyes scanning her older daughter as if checking how much she has grown since she's last saw her,her hair was down to her mid back and her hair was black with red tips in front of her,her eyes were just like hers in a way but seemed brighter than hers.She wondered why but she may have the answer already but decided to be quiet.

Hanashi on the other hand looked around,everything picking her curiosity since ever since she was a child she's been always curious about everything around her even if it did get her in trouble.She heard her Father's voice and sat down near her parent's,legs also crossed just like her mother but both of her hands in her lap while looking at both of them with a smile Father,may i ask why we left the room?Jouten and Hitoshi are not at each others throat again,are they? she was worried that they might have tried to go another round without an audience now watching them,it made Hanashi worry for both of them even though she would never admit it to Hitoshi nor Jouten Idiots.. everytime she thought about something she made a face,it was really awkward when she did that 'because some people
may think she's crazy.

C.C looked at her Daughter as she made faces,it made her chuckle silently as she looked at her,her expression motionless nonetheless but in her mind she was chuckling It feels so long since i've seen her...well it has been long..too long.Her eyes then wandered over to Noctis Well it seems his fatherly side is out now.. as her eyes went back to what she was originally seeing she changed her position in the chair Well,Noctis since you want us to get back as a family why don't you suggest something then? she wouldn't admit it but she was also wondering why was Jouten and her Daughter's Tengu Shadow,Hitoshi were taking long.
Hanashi Uchiha
Hanashi Uchiha

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Re-uniting the Caelum family - Page 2 Empty Re: Re-uniting the Caelum family

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:38 pm

Kyouken looks away at them both for a moment, he knew once he explains this, it was gonna bring up other news as well which he did not want to, it was too early to bring it up. But because Hanashi and Hitoshi's closeness and how much Hanashi cared for him, he could not just ignore the fact that he was fighting for his life right now and for the protection of the Caelum mansion. Kyouken folds his hands and looks down for a moment

"We are at war.....although you probably already know this, but Im going to explain it anyway. The people that are after us are not shinobi, they are not demons nor angels, they are not gods or goddesses, no these are magicans. Not the play magicans that you see at at show i mean wizards, witches and warlocks, those who can manipulate the things around them by the chanting incantations that allows them to use anything and everything at will. They are the complete opposites of shinobi and in fact they are the complete likeness of us in a way. These people.....wish to kill us.....everyone of, me, your mother, Jouten, Hitoshi, your teammates......everyone, they want carnage and blood.....war, the thing that makes us different from them is that we do anything to avoid war. But they wish upon it, pray for it.....lust for it...."

He looks up at both of them now, he knew that this was going to be the kicker "The magicans have been around for millenia at a time, they've had control over this earth before the shinobi was even heard by anyone, the thought of shinobi and ninjutsu was not in the mindsets of anyone. The magicans orignally were peacemakers but they are the exact opposite of what they believe in. They believe that war, chaos, destruction, turmoil and even death is the way to control this world. They created a organization, The Order, an elite type of organization that was suppose to bring up war......This war that first came about was the first Shinobi vs Magican wars. The Order was at there strongest but because the way of the shinobi was new and no magican had any recollection of fighting these types of people, they were defeated and sadly, they were put into the dark......until 39 years ago. You see that was when some of the villages were at war and during that time, The Order was the thrid party to that. They knew the villages would be at there weakest for they were hit both economically and socially. The Order had there chance until we came along. Three groups, The Council of Oz, a group created by an angel in order to bring balance among all realms of life, The Akatsuki, the group that I was presently in at the time wish not to have any other type of force going up against th village. Lastly the Council of Kings, they intruded for they were also the few that controlled balance and order of the human realm. With those three groups, they defeated The Order to a point of total and utter submission. I was still a young teenager at the time and Jouten was my sensei. I met the Leader whom they call the Father. He was the one that was in complete control over this operation. Sadly, I defeated him and I thought I killed him.....but that turned out to be very, very wrong...."

Kyouken stands up "Now im in the Council of Oz and a few days ago I was attacked by the Mizukage, she was being controlled by the one of the members in The Order. Now that The Order had inflitrated the villages, theres no telling what might happen or what is going to happen. Because I am in the Council of Oz, I am a leading target of The Order. They are after me.....they will try to kill me......and if such, I must kill them....I dont want to kill humans, I've tried to hold back on that but....I cant hold my promise any longer....So as such if anything happens to me, you stay at this mansion C.C, go to the lower basement of the house. There, will be a pod that transport you to the Caelum kingdom. As for you, Hanashi.....knowing this, you'll probably go up against powerful magicans. Regardless of what might happen to you, you cannot hold back. Release your power upon them, do not use the current ranking of what you have. Release the powers of the Caelum and Death for that is what you are......" Kyouken stands up and begins to walk out. He opens the door. He turns towards them again "I love you both, C.C and Hanashi......" he walks out of the room
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Re-uniting the Caelum family - Page 2 Empty Re: Re-uniting the Caelum family

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:04 pm

Hanashi got up and looked at her Father,her eyes showing anger while gritting her teeth So...could the reason why you made well not 'made' us leave the room..was that..the magicians are here? That is correct, least,that's what i think C.C was already up looking towards the door where Noctis had left,the only door really.Her eyes were cold but showed a hint of sadness in them while Hanashi tried to control herself from following her Father C.C saw this and walked towards her and extending her hand to grab hers ...I'm guessing i can't stop you..please be careful... her voice wasn't monotone as usual,but now showing an emotion through it,she was worried about her Oldest Daughter being killed but she knew better,she knew that she wasn't gonna die...that easily anyway.

Go to the basement as Father said..i want to go and find Hitoshi..i'm worried about him.. both of them hugged each other tightly not wanting to let go but they knew they had to let go.Hanashi was the one that let go first and smiled at her mother while C.C smiled slightly back Be careful... with that said Hanashi left the room already leaving C.C in the room with only silence as her guest at the moment ...Please both of safe... she then walked slowly towards the door and headed towards the door,opening it slowly then closing it aswell slowly.

***With Hanashi****
She was runnning to each door she saw,trying to remmeber which door led to Hitoshi and Jouten.After many attemps of finding the right door she opened it to find Hitoshi and Jouten fighting some people Must be the Magicians that Father said.. Hanashi quickly had her guard up,her face had a smirk on it as she got inside and closed the door.She looked down,her hair covering her face and said Shadow..." she calls out "come and abide me.... Underneath her feet, her shadow began darker, it began to spread across the ground towards one of the enemies feet which made the enemy slowed down he looked underneath him to see that it was completely black.the man could not budge as the shadow began to wrap itself around his leg like some kind of tentacle.the shadow began to drag him down as if the man was being devoured by quicksand,the man let out a cry of pain as he became engulfed in darkness.

She looked at the other magicians with a dark look in her eyes'r the Magicians,eh?

Last edited by Hanashi Uchiha on Thu Jun 25, 2009 8:09 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : (editing))
Hanashi Uchiha
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Re-uniting the Caelum family - Page 2 Empty Re: Re-uniting the Caelum family

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:30 am

Surrounding Hanashi's were a few dead bodies of some of the magicans. They were completely bloody and shredded to pieces thanks to the bloody and chaotic Hitoshi Munashii. Up top on the balcony were a few more dead bodies across the railing of the balcony. These magicans were not like the one's who were laying on the ground shreded, these bodies were impaled profusing with chains among chains among chains. The sight was extremely gruesome for the smell of feces, blood, organs and the smell of death roamed around. Up on the balcony was the sound of someone being punch and hard. The yell of a man got louder and louder to Hanashi's and a magican flys off the balcony smashing his head down as he made impact with the ground. He was only two feet away from Hanashi's feet. The eyes of the magican's rolled out of his head and reach to the tip of her scandal. The whole site was becoming more and more gruesome the more a person would look at it and the smell was becoming more unbearable.

A few magicans who were still on the ground level looks at Hanashi, eyeing her like a piece of fresh meat ready to kill. The four of the magicans lick there lips and two of them rushes forward. Both of them began to chant "Flames dellolurum". There hands began glow red and then began to emit fire and they threw it at her, hoping it'll burn them. The other two waited until she was weaken before they were going to proceed into attacking her.

On top of the balcony, there were still forty to fifty magicans surrounding Hitoshi and Jouten. Jouten had his arms folded standing motionless, his types of tactics were to stay stationary before he used taijutsu in order to handle his opponents. He was a master and a master never needs to move against weak students, whom the magicans were to him in his mind. The chains came out of the gourd and goes towards the magicans. The magicans that had some dexterity and agility could dodge it while the slower ones were impaled by the most pain vigorating metal chains that were near infinite, according to Jouten. The ones that were moving faster, the chains began to increase in speed towards the magicans. Hitoshi, on the other hand, was moving around, slashing at the necks at some of the magicans. As the magicans still performed fire spells and darkness spells, Hitoshi would absorb the dark magic and dodge the fire spells. There was one incident where he ducks underneath a magican. The magican tries to sweep kick him but Hitoshi jumps in the air and uses his knife to stab his eye. He rips the knife out of his skull and front kicks his chin in mid-flip and lands on the head of another magican.

"These magicans are persistent, they just dont know when to quit....fucking little shits, Im prepared to kill every last one of these guys....". He runs towards then grunting while proceeding forward and takes another knife to stab at one of them. The magican uses the darkness as a shield but Hitoshi WAS darkness, he phased right through him and proceeds into stabbing the magican over 100 times in rapid sucession. Jouten looks over and smiles, his chains still stabbing at magicans repeatedly without his conscious even focus on the battle

"You are quite unmerciful.....I have to admit you are the opposite of Kyouken, I see why you were extremely good with him. You were to yin to his yang....histarical really"

"Dont get sentimental, ancient man.....I've still got alot of killing to do....ehehehehe...." Hitoshi's body began to glow an odd white. His eyes turned silver and his hair began to spike up. He raises his hands and he begans to yell out profusely. "For all you mutha fuckin magicans who havent gotten my name" he said in a very calm but almost demonic tone "My name is Hitoshi Munashii, the seishin the seishin god, I am the ex-shadow spirit of Nokutisu Caelum and now the present shadow of the heir......and you will die by my hand" The ground underneath the magicans and Jouten began to shake. Jouten gets on one knee and stablizes himself. He was wondering what he was doing. Hitoshi begins to levitate, floating upward until he was in the dead center of the balcony. He looks down at the magicans who look ready to attack with a giant fire ball but it cease to work as they began to float around, unable to control there movements for Hitoshi had a control on them. Hitoshi smiled as he raises his arms up to the ceiling

"Mental Destruction-Second Seishin Kaika technique"

Instantly the bodies of all of the surrounding magicans were destroyed into nothingness. The sound of yelling could not be heard by the magicans. They completely evaporated into particles, dust. Jouten was astounded, he has never seen something like that happen. This was an actual first. Jouten snickered "Well what do you know, you are one fucked up guy......eheh". Hitoshi floats downward and his body loses the white aura. His hair settle back down and his eyes return to a dark red. He looks at Jouten and then begins to walk towards the steps towards the main floor where Hanashi was fighting. Jouten shrug and followed.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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