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Yousei Fuusoku

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Yousei Fuusoku Empty Yousei Fuusoku

Post by Yousei Mon May 11, 2009 10:35 am

Name: Yousei Fuusoku

Age: 11

Bloodline: Harangan (doujutsu that apears only in Fuusoku clan).

Rank: Genin

Village: Sunagakure

Alignment: Good

Appearance: Has white hair mid length, deep blue eyes, kind face. Is a bit taller than other boys around his age. Wears dark violet, or dark blue Sunagakures uniform, bright brown cloak, (sometimes) straw hat. Has shin seal on right side of neck. His forehead protector is on left arm, under cloak.

Personality: kind, forgiving, calm, smart, intelligent. Likes to spend day in shade of trees and to admire nature. Dislikes bad emotions and noise.

History: Was born in Fuusoku clan. At early age he has shown signs of his bloodline and began training as head family member. He grew up fast as really talented because such things as basics were just a waste of time for him. Even if he was just a kid, he easily understood even most complex theory. At age of 7 he has learned how to manipulate Wind natured chakra. His father, member of Fuusoku council, was proud to have such "genius" son.

Then they noticed that he's not so good in taijutsu, causing him to avoid physical combat; his father suggested him to find a partner with equal strength for training. Soon Yousei made friends with another head family member, Minomo. She was about same age as he; she didnt mind to punch him in face. While training with her his dodging ability and speed increased a lot, but he still wouldnt fight hand2hand. He has taken empathy training and sealing, genjutsu, medical ninjutsu besics. After this he gave much effort to to master his first chakra element, Wind.

While doing that he found young phoenix named Ondan. Ondan was victim of humans wish for power; they used sealing techniques to drain most of his chakra and "inner energy" that he uses to "rebirth". Since Ondan saw fast awakening bloodline in Yousei, he thought that boy could defend him and they made a deal. Yousei's going to give his body as shelter and half for his chakra to phoenix for regeneration of inner energy that normaly would take over hunred years; and Ondan, in times of need, would give him fire natured chakra and would heal his wounds.

Young phoenix sealed himself inside the boy. Yousei kept this a secret and continued with his "grow". But now, as he uses half of his chakra for Ondan to restore his energy, he has weakened in ninjutsu. Yousei asked elder Tsuta to create a seal for him that could store his chakra; Elder found ancient "Shin" seal in families archives and placed it on young genius. That turned out in a good way and in age of 10 Yousei has mastered Fuuton and learned few Katon techniques, his seal fit perfectly with his Kekkei Genkai, also it had an ability to dispell genjutsu.

A bit later Mashiro Fuusoku, Youseis dad, wrote a letter to Kazekage, asking him to let his son from royal Fuusoku family join Sand ninja group. Kazekage eccepted him and made him go through graduation exam. That was too easy and now Yousei is genin of Sand, yet without group or captain to look after him.

Speciality: Ninjutsu, Empathy, (later) Doujutsu and Fuuinjutsu

Learned jutsus:
Fuuton, Kamaitachi no Jutsu
Fuuton, Hiroimono no Jutsu
Fuuton, Kaze Jiten no Jutsu
Fuuton, Fuushou no Jutsu

Elements: Fuuton (dom)...

Weapons/items: wakizashi, explosive tags, chakra blades.

RP Sample: Yousei was laying on roof of the hause he was staying in. He was looking at clear sky over the training grounds. -(Ondan) You dont like here, do you?- -(Yousei) Why? I just miss some trees, thats all.- -(Ondan) Maybe. Yet I feel that you're kinda depressed....- -(Yousei) Huh? That must be while I have to sit here and wait for them to find me a team. Its more like bored than depressed, I guess.-
Wind brought a scream from training grounds; "Somebody, help!". -(Ondan)If you're so bored, why dont you go and check whats going on there?- -(Yousei) Okay okay, you got it.- Yousei silently got off the roof and began walking towards the grounds. Scream repeated. Yousei began moving faster... -(Ondan) I thought you didnt care about this- -(Yousei) I didnt think about it, but now I think that if someone is screaming so loudly, then it has to be something serious.-
Training grounds were almost empty. Yousei found two academy students, one was the screaming girl and other was boy laying down in blood. "(Yousei) What happened?" "(Girl)He... he... *sigh*... I thought...He... *sigh*...He would..." Girl was crying, she was really scared. "(Yousei) Calm down" -(Ondan) Check that boy- Yousei kneeled down near the boy. This didnt look good; boy was unconscious and bleeding badly, he had kunai in his back. Yousei formed a seal to activate his doujutsu. "Harangan!" Instant body analysis showed that kunai did a lethal wound by piercing lobus dexter. -(Ondan) Can you heal this?- -(Yousei) No, I can only do First Aid medical ninjutsu. It wont fix this vital organ.- "(Girl) Who are you? Can you save him?" "(Yousei) I doubt it, sorry." Girl looked shocked. "Did I kill him?" -(Ondan) WTF are you saying? We can save him!- -(Yousei) How?- -(Ondan) Did you forget what phoenix does the best? Save athers!- -(Yousei) I thought you only save yourselves...- -(Ondan) Bullsht, now take that dagger out and run my chakra through his wound.-
Yousei felt that little flame inside him; this means Ondan gave him his chakra. "(Yousei) Ok, gonna try." He ran fiery chakra from his finger into the boys wound and removed kunai. While doing that he felt something more powerful and fiery than Ondans chakra coming from inside him; that "something" was flowing together with fiery chakra. Once it reached boys body, the wound in his back began burning. Fire wasnt really hot, it didnt burn Youseis hand, nor boys body. Soon lethal wound started to close and his liver to recover. Since this didnt take much of effort, Yousei asked scared girl about what happened. She told him that they were training; they wished to improve their taijutsu cause they were worse in whole class. While training she used a new learnt technique of replacement to get behind her partner and throw a kunai at him. She thought that he would block, or atleast dodge it. But since it was coming from behind, boy didnt see it and got hit. He instantly fell unconscious...
Sorry, im out of ideas how to end this one Smile

Goals: To bring his clan back to its fame. To see what destiny has prepared for him.

Last edited by Yousei on Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:00 pm; edited 12 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated)

Posts : 80
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Join date : 2009-05-07
Age : 31
Location : Somewhere in this galaxy

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Yousei Fuusoku Empty Re: Yousei Fuusoku

Post by Koga Mon May 11, 2009 2:46 pm

Well, as a Genin, I believe you are only allowed a single element. If you want the second element, which I believe you wish to be fire, you'll have to wait until you become Chuunin or higher. So, for now, stick with the Wind elemental techniques.

Most of it looks good to me, except.. what is all that under classification? >.>

Oooh, is it an rp sample? I dont think you need one, so long as you wrote enough paragraphs for the history portion, and I believe five is plenty for a Genin.

Unless someone else states otherwise, I approve. Welcome to the site.

EDIT: Just make sure you get those jutsu posted in the Jutsu section.

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Join date : 2009-02-10

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Yousei Fuusoku Empty Re: Yousei Fuusoku

Post by Yousei Tue May 12, 2009 9:43 am

OK, I removed jutsu discription. As of Fire chakra, its not my characters and I can create some rules for using it. But if you say, then I'll just start using it in C rank.

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Yousei Fuusoku Empty Re: Yousei Fuusoku

Post by Kenshi Tue May 12, 2009 12:23 pm

Classification: (This is based off of us, if your rp skills are somewhat low or average then we might just put genin or chuunin, by sending one of the mods or admins a rp sample, this will make this part the template easier for us, instead of us travelling around section to section trying to find your character)


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Yousei Fuusoku Empty Re: Yousei Fuusoku

Post by Yousei Tue May 12, 2009 12:50 pm

Should I delete that part then?

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Yousei Fuusoku Empty Re: Yousei Fuusoku

Post by Kenshi Tue May 12, 2009 1:26 pm

In your post, the character post, you just need to simply edit it. Where you put classification, put "RP Sample".

You'll be fine then.


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Yousei Fuusoku Empty Re: Yousei Fuusoku

Post by Yousei Mon May 25, 2009 2:14 pm

May I add empathy ability to my character?
I'll write about it in clan section.

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Yousei Fuusoku Empty Re: Yousei Fuusoku

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon May 25, 2009 2:25 pm

Yeah sure, as long as you explain it. Its cool
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Yousei Fuusoku Empty Re: Yousei Fuusoku

Post by Yousei Wed May 27, 2009 1:57 am

May I think my character is approved?
Since Koga approved it and nobody denied it yet.

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Yousei Fuusoku Empty Re: Yousei Fuusoku

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed May 27, 2009 8:27 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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