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Sinic's Equipment

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Sinic's Equipment Empty Sinic's Equipment

Post by WTFlash Fri May 08, 2009 12:15 pm

name: Chemical/toxin list

Body Temperature denaturer- A poison, that once administered, causes the inner thermometer of the body to break. Every post after administration, the opponents body temperature will raise approximatly 1.5 degrees. If this is the case, within about four posts, ones body temperature will become dangerously high (104+ degrees) to the point that the protiens in the body begin to denature. Any higher and the opponent will most likely black out, dying soon after as the blood becomes unable to carry gasses and cells no longer able to function under such heat.
HyperGastric mutator- A drug that takes three posts time to take effect, unless adminstered by mouth, in which case it will only take a single post. Ones stomach acids that are natually created will be augmented to become many times more powerful then they would normally be. As a result, ones gastric acids will literally begin burning the opponent from in the inside out. After breaking the wall of the stomach, internal bleeding caused by the decaying effect of the acids will lead to the death of the individual
Memory inhibitor- A drug that compresses the minds ability to hold short term memories.
Euphoric hormonal discharge- A compound of enzymes that release dangerous amounts of endorphines into the body. This is the 'feel' good hormone associated with happiness and pleasure. When the endorphines meet the blood steam (about 2 posts after administration) the opponent will become lost in a euphoric state, where even pain feels good. They will most likely be unable to focus on fighting as they will be overwelhmed with feelings of pleasure. Only an increadible strong will and stable mind can keep their priorities into a fight once these effects have taken over.
Reaper poison- A flesh eating compound that is considered 'S' rank. There is currently no cure to such a substance. One must be careful how one handles it, for exposure is potencially deadly. Once the poison is administered, it will begin rotting and decomposing the flesh from the body, including fat, skin and muscle tissue. A horrible pain will be experienced as the user can visually watch their flesh melt off of their bones before the compound reaches and destroys a vital organ, thus killing the person. If adminstered directly a vital organ, death is instant. Ones only hope to combat such an effect is to completely remove any infected areas before it takes complete effect ( the post after the poison is adminstered, they must completely remove the inflicted limb, otherwise it will spread through the entire body by the post after)
Ice nine - A liquid compound that ionizes H20, causing it to freeze. A single drop can freeze up to a gallon of water.
Dietary Supplement Overkill - a dietary supplement originally used for increasing metabolism to help people loose weight, the Overkill version causes the body to consume at a much faster rate. If the user cannot eat constantly, they will become famished and die of hunger, and even so, the toxin build up in the body from waste products can cause the liver to collapse, and kill the person as well.
Hyper solider solution - based off the original soldier pill, a poison that when administered causes the body to release dangerous amounts of adreneline into the body. Senses become impossibly sharp, and thus hyper sensitive to the point that stimulating them can be painful. In about five posts time, the heat will be unable to handle the force of muscle contraction and one will die from a powerful heart attack, if not before then.

Name: Specific Tools

Senbon Sringe- Hollow senbon with two pressure sealed tips. the tips curve inward like a quill. Upon impact with something (usually thrown) the sealed tips will break, and the substance inside will leak out. If having hit the skin, the substance will shoot into the body of the one hit. It is possible to carry any liquid substance in very small amounts in each individual senbon. He can only carry up to 40 at any one time, however has basically an unlimited amount in storage, at his lab.
Glass beaker- multiple glass tubes and containers used for the safe transport of poisonous or dangerous substances. There are many varieties in size and shape. He hand a well stock of them and thus isn't concerned if they are broke or lost.
Clay dolls- small clay objects with a cavity placed in them. Using it, he can pluck out his own eye and place it within the clay doll. As long as chakra remained with his eye, he can see from the perspective of that eye, while at the same time growing back the eye in which he had lost in the process. Not a battle ready process however, but the premade clay doll can be set up in strategic places, to give the user a third vantage point in which to look. Only one can be made at any one time.

Name: Witchcraft

Description: It is a sword carved and enchanted with one purpose in mind. A blade that can block any other blade. It literally stops all forward momentum of solid objects it comes in contact with. However, as a result of its ability as the ultimate defense, it is infact impossible to cut with the blade itself, making it more or less a blunt object unless some form of supplementary technique is used to give the blade cutting potencial.

History: The blade was created from the death of Koume, one of the sarogate mothers of Sinic. When her sister died, she waited a weeks time. Not dying herself, she used all of her strength to form an enchanted sword known as the witchcraft. SHe thus died, as she intended, a form of suicide that left the sword behind for Sinic to yeild and use.

Appearance:Sinic's Equipment WItchcraft


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Join date : 2009-05-03

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