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Kenkashi Empty Kenkashi

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:24 pm

Name: Kenkashi

Age: 25(physical) Unknown (chrono)

Rank: S rank

Village: Team blaze

Appearance: Kenkashi AnimeGuyAngel

Personality: A single person divided into 2 different minds. His first side you see is calm and collected and shows truely no emotion of happyness or sadness just a blank look across its face as if it didnt care.

The next face you will see is the same except it's left eye will shine and you will see nothing and then in a flash you will see a man with a evil smile and red eyes and a single intention to kill.

In a instant you will see nothing but darkness as death has been given.

On a day of nothing of significance except the birth of over 50 kids. One kid would play a significance in the worlds history. That kid would grow up shed his last name and try and one day destroy the world. His name was Kenkashi one name only and thats all it will ever be.

Kenkashi was born in the waterfall village as a playful child loved by all but soon tragedy struck his parents had another kid He was a child of Nine genin. This set him off some and caused him to snap in ways. He withdrew a katana one night and entered his family's oboe and killed his mother stabbing her in the back leaving her to die pushing her out into the streets. He held the blade in the air ready to kill his little sister. He however could not do it he just walked out dropping the katana.

His father was a man of great intellect and he went looking for Kenkashi hoping to make sure he was alright. When he arrived however kenkashi was in wait and he just Smirked as his father fell to the ground as 8 kunai was placed into his back each hitting him in vital points of the spine. His father keeled over and Kenkashi dragged him away from the village and stole all his possessions off the corpse and let it sit there and rot away.

Kenkashi then left the waterfall village freezing the exit on his way out. He was not to be seen for a while by anyone who would survive who saw him.

He stayed in a barren wasteland where he went through his father's stuff finding stuff on his power, forbidden technigues contracts for summons, and among alot of other things. He spent his time in this wasteland training for a couple years pillaging off of people.

After 4 years he had learned things that would help him on his new quest. He left the wasteland and began to visit the 5 great shinobi country's.

This was Kenkashi's first stop on his way through the countrys. This was the one that would change his apperance and his ability's immensly. He Had snuck into the village and walked among the people without suspicion untill he was picked up by a medical team and forced through expirements. The expirments ended up mutating his physical form giving him wing's one white the other black.

This was a time where Kenkashi was confused he was stuck in a cell with almost no light and barely fed. He could not break out as he had been placed with a chakra drain device. He just trained his physical form training for hours in a day getting stronger untill one day...

An Alarm arose with a loud beeping and screams from men were heard. Kenkashi awoke and looked around expecting to see someone but all he saw was a empty hallway. Until he heard a racing of wind from blades flying through the air he ducked down as if he was to be attacked. Nothing happened however as he waited for 5 minutes but then...

A slam of metal againts metal was heard and then a grinding sound was heard as metal sparks were shot at Kenkashi surronding him as they collected onto his body. He then heard a collapse from his cell and he looked just in time to see a blade stop in front of him.

He then heard a voice from inside of him playing directly into his head. ["Hello kid my name is menska it looks like were part of eachother now. Well its time for us to leave grab the blade and lets get out of here."

Kenkashi did what menska asked and ran out of the place cutting the chakra drain device from his stomach and putting it in a pack along with his other eguipment. He then began to leave oto.

After Kenkashi had left oto he hide in the forest outside of konoha learning all about Menska and laughing somewhat maniacly as he heard the demons history showing the evil wich now grew inside of him. He was a man of 16 and the world was his plaything so he thought as he entered Konoha.

As he entered konoha something he felt had changed His entire outlook of this village had changed he only saw piece and love and prosperity. This caused something to happen inside kenkashi his entire body had become full of hatred. All he knew was that he wanted to destroy this place.

His body vibrated as he used his wings to fly into the air and then roared as he shot out waves of hot and cold energy at the people. The people who were hit were either instantly frostbitten or dehydrated. He had did this to countless villagers as he then screamed in a sense of pleasure.
Then konoha had reacted anbu and jounin appeared but they soon fell pray to him. The ninjas fell to the ground there body's drained. He then let loose menska's powers causing 2 blades to shoot out at the ninjas killing them. Kenkashi however felt that it wasnt the time to kill everyone. He left the village his sense returning as he left.

Kenkashi then after his attack on konoha left and soon found a organization that called themselves team blaze and he joined up in order to forward his own goal of destroying anything.

Learned jutsus: To come soon

Weapons/items: 2 rings and assortment of blades and tech (will post link soon)

Goals: To destroy everything

Last edited by Kaji-Kanto on Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:22 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 716
Points : -9821
Reputation : -10012
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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Kenkashi Empty Re: Kenkashi

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Dec 13, 2008 10:14 pm

Bump its good enough at the moment the history im writing is going to be much longer but that would take me a while and i promised pillow boy id have this done.

Posts : 716
Points : -9821
Reputation : -10012
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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Kenkashi Empty Re: Kenkashi

Post by Guest Sat Dec 13, 2008 10:30 pm

NOT APPROVED... lol Joke.

Of course i approve it!! it's good Kaji!! Just felt like saying not approved for once hehehehe!!!


Yes guys... I said approved, therefore it IS approved. Have fun Kaji... not that you don't already!! hehe


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