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Menska Kenkashi's demon

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Menska Kenkashi's demon Empty Menska Kenkashi's demon

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:42 pm

Name of Demon/Spirit Menska
Gender of the Demon/Spirit: Male
Age of the Demon Spirit:
Appearance: Menska Kenkashi's demon Demonhunter
Appearence when demon is active: He gets a crisscross pattern across his chest back and arms. His feet turn into hooves. His ears become pointed and he grows 2 horns. His skin become mysteriously bluish purple and his muscles become bigger in a way from all the chakra that is searing through his body.

Personality: He is a being of just pure rage and hatred


Passive: The demon infuses kenkashi's remaining senses with about 2 times the normal amount allowing him to hear the slightest movement in hands or the tinyest thing flying through the air. He can smell even the slightest change in the air's smell. It also allows him to have alot stronger ability in healing as it can heal a cut within in seconds of being made. The demon is also able to control 2 blades with its pure chakra eminating from Kenkashi. It however takes up 15% of Kenkashi's mind at all times causing him to be distracted sometimes.

Active: Kenkashi is infused with more chakra his speed is almost trippled and his senses increase by 2 times the amount. However the longer he has his demon activated the more he slow's down from the chakra he has to put off to keep the demon active. If in this form for to long he has a high chance of dying.

History: How he was sealed in Kenkashi

This was Kenkashi's first stop on his way through the countrys. This was the one that would change his apperance and his ability's immensly. He Had snuck into the village and walked among the people without suspicion untill he was picked up by a medical team and forced through expirements. The expirments ended up mutating his physical form giving him wing's one white the other black.

This was a time where Kenkashi was confused he was stuck in a cell with almost no light and barely fed. He could not break out as he had been placed with a chakra drain device. He just trained his physical form training for hours in a day getting stronger untill one day...

An Alarm arose with a loud beeping and screams from men were heard. Kenkashi awoke and looked around expecting to see someone but all he saw was a empty hallway. Until he heard a racing of wind from blades flying through the air he ducked down as if he was to be attacked. Nothing happened however as he waited for 5 minutes but then...

A slam of metal againts metal was heard and then a grinding sound was heard as metal sparks were shot at Kenkashi surronding him as they collected onto his body. He then heard a collapse from his cell and he looked just in time to see a blade stop in front of him.

He then heard a voice from inside of him playing directly into his head. ["Hello kid my name is menska it looks like were part of eachother now. Well its time for us to leave grab the blade and lets get out of here."

Kenkashi did what menska asked and ran out of the place cutting the chakra drain device from his stomach and putting it in a pack along with his other eguipment. He then began to leave oto.

After Kenkashi had left oto he hide in the forest outside of konoha learning all about Menska and laughing somewhat maniacly as he heard the demons history showing the evil wich now grew inside of him. He was a man of 16 and the world was his plaything so he thought as he entered Konoha.

The Demons Past

Menska was once a ninja about 10000 years before ninjas became common.. He was powerful and was once a raikage. He one day left his position to look for his true purpose only able to find power. He found a cave with mystic symbols written upon it. There 2 blades were perched in stone and a pendant was hanging from them. Menska took the pendant and soon became somthing of power he had grown horns and black marks were all upon him. The blades then pulled themselves from the stones and floated around menska. Menska could now control the blades with his mind. He then started his rampage as one of the strongest people of that time. Menska was almost unbeatable because whenever he was cut the cut would close almost instantly. He then charged upon a stronghold that would soon become konoha. He suceeded and then charged upon the fortress of sages. The sages defeated him and he was then imprisoned into a vile by 6 strong users of a mysterious power. He was then placed in the care of a small family of hermits. Each year he was trapped his anger grew and grew untill he became the form that kenkashi becomes when he takes over.

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Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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