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Toushin Kamisori

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Toushin Kamisori Empty Toushin Kamisori

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Wed May 06, 2009 11:19 pm

Name: Toushin Kamisori



Village: Former Kumogakure

What cant be seen in the piture is that his sandals are wooden. His pants are black and his armor is silver while his coat is white with red stripes.

Personality:very mild and emotionless. Never really shows and emotion unless injured he will show pain. He won't go out of his way to help or harm anyone.

History: Toushin was brought into the world silently. Only the sounds of his mother's agony could be heard but he did not cry. Though he was breathing he just never made a sound. During his childhood his father had tried to make the boy social and talk more. He was afraid his son wouldn't talk at all. Toushin was learning he just choose not to speak in front of his family. He would spend his days walking around and writing in a small journal. His family had lived in Kumogakure. They decided that it was time for Toushin to enter the academy there. When they asked if that was what he wanted, Toushin simply nodded and walked away to write.

Once he had entered the academy he began to speak more out of necessity. He would talk to classmates and ask how powerful they were. Ocassionally he would ask the older academy students if they wanted to duel. He would begin the battle by finding a long stick and quickly knock them uncouncious with it. Most of the classmates either addored or feared him. Regardless of which it was Touchin ignored them. No one choose to talk to him unless spoken to first. He had control of the academy.

Needless to say when it came time to graduate he graduated at the top of his class. He was an official genin now but this was too boring for him. About this time Toushin had recieved his first sword. He looked upon it with tthe same cold eyes but inside he was overjoyed. He loved the cold steel and the way the handle felt in his hand. He felt invincible, like he could kill anyone. He squezzed the blade tightly and knew this would be his weapon from now on. Now he was assigned a genin team with a jounin sensei. He dreaded this because he thought they only slowed him down.

His sensei had rubbed him the wrong way from the begining. Touchin was becoming stronger than most chunin in his village but his master never acknowledged it. He would brush his acheivemnts to the side and say it was luck. One day in a rage, Toushin challenged him to a duel. He was hesitant to accept but finally did. Toushin had set the place and time to be in the forest at noon. When he arrived he had found his sensei waiting. His sensei laughed at him and said "You will never defeat me boy, I'll drag you back to the village a bloody mess" With this he threw a kunai which struck Toushin right in the chest. He quickly poofed and turned into a log. He had used the replacement technique.

Toushin was above him now coming down with the full force of his blade. His sensei was barley able to dodge it. The battle was raging on for an entire hour. They both were exhausted. "lets call it a tie Toushin" his master yelled to him, bending down to catch his breathe. Toushin, with almost blinding speed moved into position and stabbed him through the chest. "Never let your gaurd down...master" he then pulled the blade out as blood poured from his chest. Toushin wiped his sword clean and placed it slowly back in his sheath. One of his teammates had watched the entire battle. He began to run back to tell his village of the news. Toushin didnt care, he was determined to seek out more formidable ninja. He Began to walk away from his dead master and faded away into the distance.

A few years had past and Toushin was now covered in scars. It was his badge of honor, he loved the scars. Each one told a story to him. Each would tell him what mistake not to make again. One scar in particular was his favorite. The scar across his chest was from a fellow swordmaster who had an armory full of swords on his person. Toushin made one false step and was open for an attack. He remembered the sword sinking in his flesh. As bad as it was it left the man open. Toushin Had pierced his heart and defeated the enemy. He had now begun a habit of Collecting his enemies weapons. He now carried a large scroll over his shoulder which contained almost every type of weapon immaginable. The suprising thing was that with every new set of weapons he obtained, the scroll seemed to become lighter.

Toushin soon learned his former teammates were now hunting him. They had become very powerful Jounin. he had meet with them several times before and he felt that they were not strong enough for him to kill. Now they were more than strong enough to kill. Only one had actually wanted to fight him. When they had begun to battle toushin was sleeping. his former friend attacked him. He quickly rolled away to dodge but by that time he was already on top of touchinkunai thrusting towards his face. The kunai sunk into his eye. Toushin grunted a small amount and began to laugh. his teammate whispered to him "Don't let your gaurd down" Toushin laughed even louder "Same goes for you, my friend" with this he shove his sword through his old friends neck. The blood dripped onto his face and he whispered "goodbye friend" he pulled the blade away and threw his body to the side.

He had now travelled to all the major countries and villages killing shinobi of great skill. His headband now covered his eye and sported a slashe through the cloud symbol. He was feared by most and respected by some. He was meet daily with an attack from ANBU or hunter nin. He was at a point in his life where he did not fear death and was begining to wonder if it would ever come. He had now shaved his hea but a small pony tail in the back. This was because of the scar on his head. He was now in his twenties and a master of Kenjutsu. It was only a matter of time until he was the strongest warrior in his mind.

One day while searching through his belongings Toushin came across a small journal. He had barley recognized it. It was his journal from his youth. He flipped through the pages nostalgically. He cracked the first smile of his life looking back on how demented his former self seemed. It was filled with stories of his character, Kira, walking through the lands killing all of the most powerful warriors. He laughed as he saw now he was writing about his future self. Other than the stories there was accounts of his days where he would tell stories of what had made him angry or happy that day. They were all detailed accounts of hisdays in the academy. It ended on his graduation day though.

Toushin Had grabed a pen from in his puch adn began to write. He was recolecting his days from graduation to now. He wrote for was seemed like years in a matter of hours. He remebered his first kill to his most recent. It seemed that besides killing his new passion became writing. He was sitting by the road as people passed and waved to him. He ignored most but as he wrote more he became friendlier and would wave and smile. He began to write the latest kill and most recent events and his cheery mood began to slip away. He knew he would have to stop writing soon. He was back to his nuetral old self.

His pen stoped moving and his eyes began to glaze over. He lost himself in thought once again. After a few minutes he closed the book and returned it and the pen to his pouch. He stood up and pulled up his cloaks hood as it began to rain. The rain was comforting to him. When it rained he thought of angels crying or the sky was bleeding. He had his eyes closed and heard a soft crying in the distance. Normally Touchin would not respond to such things. This cry was near him though and would not force him to go out of his way. A small girl was crying by a tree in the rain. He bent down and reached into his pouch and handed her a piece of bread. "You look hungry." She smiled and snatched it away from him.

She quickly jumped out of the way. This suprised Touchin, why does she flee, he thought. Then he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. A man with some sort of claw blade had cut open his shoulder. He quickly backhanded the man and knocked him away. He drew his sword and charged. The small girl attacked him from behind. Toushin had no idea it was the girl. He twisted around and severed her head from her body. He stood in shock at the site. He had no time to do anything for the girl as another sharp pain was introduced to him. He looked down and saw a long sword coming from his left side. He ignored the pain, to sadned buy the death of the girl. He slowly turned to the man and droped his sword. He picked him up by the throat and began to punch him in the face continuosly. He wouldnt stop even after the man had died.

He released the mans neck and let his lifeless corpse fall to the ground. He walked over to the girl and stared at her body. He would never kill a child if he didnt have to. He would only kill worthy opponents. "Oh well" he said and kicked her corpse then began to walk away. He had no pity for stupidity. she should have just ran away and she would have survived. These constant attempts on his life were becoming annoying. Though a nuisance they were nessecary for him to find all of the powerful ninja.

At the age of thirty eight he ran into a face that was unforgetable to him. A blonde haired man with this knuckleheaded attitude about him. They walked by each other and toushin had to stop. He looked back at him then looked back forward. "One day I will kill that boy but for now you live." He laughed a little to himself as he continued on. He then thought Why did that boy not attack? The villages must not being spreading to much news of him because of his targets. No matter, he thought, I will hunt them if they will not come to me. He felt the breeze blowing gently on his neck. He watched all the faces of the young ninja that he would one day maybe kill.

seven years later Touchin was getting more and more attacks now from groups of Jounin and ANBU. This wasnt causeing him much trouble though. He had become to powerful for them. He would dispatch ten shinobi a day at average. He had gotten rid of his older scroll and replaced it with a larger one that was more organized. His coat was battle worn and staind. Hewas now riddled with scars from countless battles. the young face he once watched have now grown and he delighted in how much powerful they became. It was now time, with the rise of the Akatsuki he was ready to openly attack now. Everyone was a target for him, no one was safe but the weak.

Speciality:Kenjutsu taijutsu ninjutsu
Learned jutsus:
Gian False darkness
Lightning Dragon Tornado
Geand Waterfall Technique
Elements:Raiton Suiton
Weapons/items:Two Katanas and a scroll filled with many kinds of weapons
Goals:To kill every formidable opponent.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

Posts : 176
Points : 248
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Join date : 2009-04-12
Age : 34
Location : Michigander!

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Toushin Kamisori Empty Re: Toushin Kamisori

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Wed May 06, 2009 11:19 pm

if you want an RP sample just let me know
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Toushin Kamisori Empty Re: Toushin Kamisori

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sun May 10, 2009 6:20 pm

Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Toushin Kamisori Empty Re: Toushin Kamisori

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun May 10, 2009 6:35 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
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