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The Akatsuki Conflict (Current Plot)

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The Akatsuki Conflict (Current Plot) Empty The Akatsuki Conflict (Current Plot)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun May 03, 2009 2:09 pm

Now that the Akatsuki organization has risen from the ashes, there goals are somewhat the same and yet different to that of former fallen Akatsuki 25 years ago. Every member in the Akatsuki has there own agenda's, there own goals and there own seekers of power. But it was made clear to them that the Akatsuki has one cause chaos, destruction and war amongst the villages.

Like before, the Akatsuki is trying to collect all of the bijuu once more for unknown purposes. It was clear by The Six Paths of Pein to use the Bijuu as a weapon to cause mass destruction towards the five great shinobi and use it to cause massive war. It is unknown whether or not they are using that for war or just to keep the villages under alert of the Akatsuki. Or is it because the mastermind wants the shinobi occupied on them as there is another threat occuring?

Although not known to many of the Akatsuki members themselves, the mastermind of the group has intentions on trying to destroy the shinobi system by causing a huge war that would devastate the world if it collaspe, or is this his true goal?
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
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