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Azieno's Flashback

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Azieno's Flashback Empty Azieno's Flashback

Post by Azieno Sun May 03, 2009 2:14 am

-Azieno looks around taking a final glance at the Fire Nation of Leaf and Fire for awhile, then he looks far off into the distance and see's the Water Nation of Rain, Mist and what used to a waterfall of ever clear blue colors, now a graveyard for thousands hence the name Grave. He glances to what's known as the Blizzard and Wind Nations..."Heh, this it for awhile huh?" he tells himself, "Somewhere along these villages I've lost myself, I've lost my own name within the vast Desert,Deep Seas,Gale Winds, and The Thunderous Clouds."

"I don't who I am anymore, or what my sole purpose for even being here is, but I'm gonna find out." Azieno then traveled off to train in his own ninja arts in search of new power, information and abilities. ~He drops a note to the table in the Clan's Main Hall.

~ I've gone on a search for the hardest thing to find, myself...I don't feel like being bothered for quite sometime. So I hearby leave the Clan under temporal circumstances.

-Azieno has little black pocket notebook he carries along with him he writes down information of his adventure inside daily.-

This is "Day One" Azieno hadn't written a single thing inside the booklet at all today.

~~Azieno had grabbed only a few thing and begins his journey far off into new uncharted lands he's never explored before around the 5 Nations. He roams these newly found areas alone no longer looking back at his clan knowing they are in good capable hands. As he enters a small town just not far off from the Leaf called "Tanzuku Town" he could smell the scent of fresh bread rolls dancing through out the air tempting him to follow it back its source. A man at the market place screams out "Fresh Bread!" get it while its steaming hot! ...Azieno was lured and entranced by this scent, fore he hadn't eaten in weeks.

~~The bread was decorated in edible food coloring in the image of a cat. *growl...gurgle...rummmbble urrrrgge* Azieno's stomach couldn't take it much longer, he reached deep into his pockets and retrieved not a single drop of ryo.Azieno waited for the merchant to divert his attention on to something else. Just then at that very moment *Ring Ring Rinnnggg* Someone stop him!!! -several security units yelled out- a masked figure had just ran out of the Tanzuku Casino with a large amount of money inside of a burlap sack. Azieno barely even pays attention to the figure minding his own business while he goes for a bite of his bread he'd stolen in the shape of a neko.

~~"Stop Thief!" The masked figure yells out "OUT OF MY WAY KID!" Azieno *blinks at the sprinting kelpto*. BUMP! -Azieno's only meal was this small loaf of bread and it was just knocked out of his hands. This loaf of bread was now flipping just 5 meters above Azieno's head. Azieno looked at the man getting into Jeet Kun Do stance. He launhes off a series of rapid fire punches shown in a bluish green hue hitting the man directly below his chest in, the Solar Plexus(An air pocket like space, if hit the victim will lose their breath). The man begged for air as Azieno then glared at him directly in his eyes unforgivingly. Azieno proceeds to pummel the mysterious figure with a brutal combination of Muay Thai kicks ,until he can barely stand to his toes. The man drops to the floor in severe physical pain barely even concious, as his saliva drools onto the ground.

~~Azieno then catches the bread munching it as it falls back down within reach into his open plams. *smiling to himself in satisfaction* Azieno continued on not realizing he'd over-reacted to having his only meal knocked away was miniscule to what he's done to the man. Of course Azieno was cranky and had stomach aches so he didn't care at the moment. The security saw the man drop from only a single punch from Azieno. They called out to him "Hey You, yeah you kid?" Azieno looked over his shoulders at the security wanting to be alone and eat his meal in peace, he walks off. How'ever this doesn't help the sitituaiton. The security pursues him which annoyed Azieno even more so he halted. The security guards offer Azieno a job as an Anbu around the small town. Azieno refuses, so they generously rewarded Azieno with the ryo the man had stolen.

~Azieno decided it was time to enjoy the nightlife here. (end of Part One)


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