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Naruto Kaisen

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Naruto Kaisen Empty Naruto Kaisen

Post by Uchiha Kumori Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:19 pm

I'm gonna post all chapters in this thread so I don't spam the chat section. So, here's the introductory chapter.

The sharp, metal clang of two blades striking one another echoed through the wind, as the two swordsman faced one another, trying to overpower the other, their enemy, trying to kill him in the name of their village of origin. The two of them stood next to one another, their metal blades screeching as they grinded, the two men stared at one another, scowling with the great hatred they were bred to feel, trying to turn in onto their enemy in battle. Even in the face of a suicide mission, the Shinobi of this world gladly stared death in the face in order to serve their Kage. The world has changed quite a bit since it was last seen, with the Kage no longer protecting people, but the people giving their lives for the Kage's orders. It was their honor, and duty in their eyes, and that is why these two men stood there, clashing swords. If one of them died, they would be dumped in a mass grave, forgotten in the ages. But, the age of war has turned a whole generation into a breed of monsters, raising some of the most diabolical things the world has seen in it's lifetime.

If you took a look at their uniforms, it clearly shows just where their allegiance lies. A ninja from Iwagakure, the Village Hidden in the Rocks, and a Ninja from Kumogakure, the Village Hidden in the Clouds. They fight blindly to their deaths, contributing to the endless war that has raped the land, and disregarded the theory of humanity. In this world, all they know is war, and then they die. Suddenly, both of them reversed their blades, and both struck one another in a vital point, blood seeping out of the point of impact, blood dripped from their mouth as they frowned at one another, trying to push the other to the ground and hasten their death. Even in the end, they literally fought to the last breath. All around them, ninja from the two villages clashed, swords and weapons flying across the battlefield, killing people, blood also flying all over. Some of of them were drenched in blood that wasn't theirs. The pain, the screams filled the air, unending, hell. As they one by one dropped, they left this world believing they helped their country. But in the end, all war does is lead to pain and suffering. Their deaths were just another casualty, and would never hold any significance. Yet, even in knowing this, they still fight, not knowing anything else but fighting.

The wind carried the scent of bloodshed across the forested canyon, rocky walls lining the blood flooded gulch. The trees hid much of what was going on, but you could still hear men screaming their battle cries and hustle right into their death. The sound of metal clanging also filled the air, as ninja trained in Kenjutsu attempted to pick off the lower ranking ninja. Above all of this, there was a high cliff, with a steep edge, overlooking this battlefield like a balcony. Up there stood about five people, standing or kneeling, the sun blocked them out, but they looked down at the kill zone, and one of them drew their blade. He had pale blue, spiky hair, with a Leaf Village forehead protector on his head, with a coat with a darker, but similar color, with various straps and “belts” attached to him. He had a fishnet undershirt, and had a typical pair of baggy pants, and ninja sandals. He also had a sword at his side. A ninja beside him had brown, untamed hair, with white eyes, those of a Hyuuga. He had a uniform similar to an ANBU members, but he had more of a dark purple theme to it, and he did not have a mask.

Another girl with a robe on, and brown, tidy hair, and a pack filled with medical supplies. Another girl with blonde hair had a few summoning scrolls. The last one was something of a scrawny male, with a brown and pale yellow coat, with a leaf forehead protector on his belt, with spiky, brown hair, and a fishnet undershirt sticking out of the coat sleeves. Then, in a flash, they scattered, jumping right off of the cliff they stood on, and deep down into the canyon. When the blue haired boy hit a tree, he used chakra to soften the impact, and prevent himself from being done in by the drop. He did not waste any time in his movements, moving like a blue flash, slipping past the pre-occupied soldiers, who were already killing one another, they had yet another pain to deal with. As the blue flash went through the forest, he held out his blade, cutting through the enemy was he went past, slicing them cold, they had no time to react, and died not knowing what the hell sliced through their hides. As he sliced, he stopped, and then paused in the middle of it all, crouching down, he looked around.

“It looks like it's just another skirmish. We can end this one quick.” He said to himself.

But, in the blink of an eye, an enemy soldier appeared right behind him. It was too swift to decipher his movements, almost like he had been tracking him. The chakra emanating from him was unbelievable. It was almost overwhelming to be in it's presence, and so close to him. He turned around, but it was already too late. He prepared to be ended, and braced himself for certain death. All of the things he survived this war torn world to do, and why he trained so hard, all of that would be worthless in the face of death. But, instead of being dead on the spot, another ninja came and stabbed him in the back, right through a vital point. The blood literally poured out as the blade was moved, the man trying to throw his dead body off of his sword, and take this boy's next. But, he was reckless. As the man then kneeled down, slamming his blade into the ground, he rolled over, and jumped up himself. The man watched as he got out of it so quickly, and tried to keep up with him, but as he himself got up, he felt a hard elbow hit his back, and he spit out, and fell to the ground.

“That was close. If he hadn't came, I would've been done for.” He said to himself. He then looked around, and immediately backed against a tree, trying to hide from the main combat. Then, he looked beside him, to see a sword right through the tree he was standing at. Luckily for him, the blood on the blade wasn't his, as the blade was only poking out of the spot next to him. There was a man on the other side of this tree. The boy then took out his Katana, and pierced the tree on the other side as well swiftly, and as he heard a scream, he then slowly pulled out his sword out of the tree, and then heard two thuds. He did not even bother looking, because he saw the man's legs on the ground. He then looked around, and hopped off. As he ran, he could see one of his comrades fighting as well.

The one with the long, brown hair was seemingly poking his enemy rather viciously, with little “button” noises with each strike, when he finished with a few of these strikes, the man fell dead to the ground, with no obvious wounds or anything. It was none other than the Gentle Fist. He had something like veins popping out of his head, and spreading from his eyes. It was no doubt the Byakugan. He did not even acknowledge the man with a knife, rushing towards him like he thought he was sneaky. He smiled as he approached him, and when he brought his hand forward to stab him, he simply turned around, and grabbed his wrist, and then followed with a good gentle fist strike to his arm, dealing some real damage to it, he then proceeded to grab his shoulder, and he flipped him over his own shoulder, slamming him into the ground, he looked at him, and walked away, leaving him to ache, and die.

Suddenly, he found himself facing five different ninja, who had all seemingly arrived to confront him. He simply kept a straight face, and waited for them to move. All of them were cloud ninja, with their asymmetrical uniforms, they all seemed like some real winners, and they sure as hell weren't. They were the Raikage's dogs. He turned around, and spoke out loud.

“Do you really think this fighting is going to bring you, or your country anywhere? Haven't you had enough of the death and dying, the economic pressure of war?” He asked.

“Hey, shut up! I was considering taking you as a prisoner, but I've changed my mind. We'll just murder you on the spot, and-” He was cut off, as the Konoha ninja had sped over to him, and pushed his palm into his stomach, his eyes widened, and tried to look at him, as he stood next to him, he stared at awe.

“You bastard, you'll die! I'll finish you off! Go get him men!” He tried to scream, knowing that his time was coming. He then git his teeth, as the effects of this ability took effect, he blacked out in his hand, and the boy threw him down to the ground. He then turned to see them try and take him down as a team.

”One of them is coming from 4 o clock, with just his hands, trying to punch my gullet. Another at 6 o clock, wielding a knife. Two more at 8 o clock, with swords. Luckily, they've left some weak points I can exploit. Okay, time to end this all now.”

As they all came, the young man sprang into action, ducking, he kicked the man with the knife in the head, probably dealing some damage to him, he twirled around, and grabbed the sword from one of them, holding on to it, he used it to block the second Katana strike, he twirled around and jumped in the air, sending kicks in both directions, kicking both the hand to hand combat user, and the sword user, they too dropped to the ground in a heartbeat. They were all easy, but the real problem came with this next one. As he knocked out the man with a sword, he took it and was forced to duel the other one. But, then he just simply decided to take him out the painful way. He blocked another sword strike, as he would normally do, and brushed it off to the side, and then twirled in place. He was not just using simple agility drills, but was actually using a technique, the heavenly spin. He hit the enemy, chakra emanating out like a tornado, shattering his enemies bones, and rearranging his body, the jutsu left him debilitated and probably permanently disabled. He looked around, and simply left.

He then hopped away, trying to find a new challenge, taking down new people as he moved, sticking his chakra pumped palm into foes as he moved, severely damaging vital organs as he struck them, and dooming them, he suddenly found himself fighting alongside the same blue haired boy, watching him as he also took out enemies, fighting people in one on one combat, there was no reason to let down your guard here, and that showed. The Hyuuga had to turn around to flip in the air, kicking the assailant as he flipped, and knocking him away, he tried to find a way to rest, but there was no rest here, he felt. This battle would probably engulf the entire day, maybe even the next, or several more days, but they fought to stop it all together. Suddenly, the found themselves getting closer and closer to one another, being pushed together, they decided to try and group together, and they dashed into some bushes to try and hide from plain sight.

“Ugh, there's a lot of them.” The blue haired boy said.

“Not really. We're just cramped in a small area. This is canyon, the walls are closed in on us.” He told him gravely.

“Ahh, don't worry. I'll just slice em' all with my sword, and we'll do great.” He told him, trying to sound loud, but also trying to be quiet.

“Kyashi, I don't suppose you can use a jutsu to shake things up here?” He asked Kyashi.

“Yeah. But, I'll need to be in the cliff top to actually make it effective.” He told him.

“Then I'll cover you on the way up.”

“Okay then, Dageki, just remember to watch your own back too. Because I sure as hell won't be.”

“I don't need anybody to watch my back, remember?”

“Oh yeah, you're a Hyuuga. I forgot. Then I guess we don't have any problems?”

“Not now.”

“Alright. Dageki, let's make these guys eat dirt.”

“With pleasure.”

“Right. Let's do our best, as always, Dageki. Now, let's move.”

Kyashi and Dageki immediately sprang out of the bush, and straight into the trees, making sure to take a peak to try and find the cliff side, they skipped the tree branches, hopping all the way to the top of the trees, they then began hopping across the forest like real ninja. They moved with such speed and finesse, they surely carried some kind of will, maybe even the will of fire. Still, they did not even pay mind to the battle going on beneath them, but their only intention was to end it. The canyon was too large, so they got to the rock quickly, and then started their upward trek, immediately focusing chakra to their feet, they than began running up the rocks, moving with speed, they reached the top in a short time, and Kyashi looked around, and then stood there, concentrating his chakra. Dageki moved over to the side, watching Kyashi as he got ready to unleash it all.

“Do it, Kyashi.” He told him with enthusiasm.

“Right. This place looks good enough. Enough rock to go around, and a good enough slope to send them crashing down even further.” He said to himself, mostly.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Naruto Kaisen Empty Re: Naruto Kaisen

Post by Uchiha Kumori Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:19 pm

Kyashi immediately started weaving hand signs, but in three seconds he was already done, and then he held his ground, but the ground around him did not. The rocks on the cliff began to rattle, and Kyashi smiled as he knew his jutsu was taking the effect. The ground in front of Kyashi split, and the cliff's structure was broken down into big ole' boulders, that went tumbling down into the canyon all over the place, rocks rolling across and knocking down trees as they went, throwing up dust clouds as they went, it was really something to see, and Kyashi then stretched, and took back a casual stance. He watched as the rocks tumbled down into the canyon. Because of the trees, it was hard to see if the jutsu actually crushed anybody, but with some of the trees knocked down, Kyashi could see some people lying down on the ground, brought down. Kyashi grinned, and looked at Dageki.

“Good, but don't do it again Kyashi.” Dageki told him.

“Why the hell not?” Kyashi shouted.

“Because you don't want to crush Kirin, Emi, and Senkai, do you?” He told him with an urgent voice.

Kyashi simply sighed. “Fine then. Now what do you suppose we do?”

“Get down there and fight?”

“There you go, being a brilliant ASS.”

Dageki sighed.

“You're lucky, Kyashi. If I didn't like you, you would be dead right now.”

“Oh really?”

“We both know it” Dageki said with a smile. He then started walking, and then dived down into the canyon, running down the walls, Kyashi simply watched him, and scratched the back of his head, his eyes widened, as something caught his eye, and he blinked. He looked, far away, and saw something. There were two people overlooking the battlefield. Both of them, on the other side of the canyon. They were small, but their form was still visible. The way they looked from here, they might be soldiers, but then shouldn't they be down there fighting? Kyashi simply looked at them, and he could almost sware that they were looking back at him. Kyashi stared at them, and then saw something that might beckon a movement. Suddenly, a couple of ravens flocked right into Kyashi's face, and caught him by surprise, making him snap, and fall back, and he watched as the raven's flew away. Kyashi was confused, as he was unsure of how exactly they even got to him. He didn't hear, or see anything. Then Kyashi looked back, and the two were not there. He seemed confused, and wondered where they had gone.

“Was it just my imagination? What was that all about?” Kyashi asked himself. He simply sighed, and jumped back into the fray.

Later that day, all five of them were sitting at a table in the far end of a shack, where they decided to go to celebrate for the night. The group managed to force the skirmish to an end, when both sides lost a significant amount of men, and the remaining ninja retreated, in truth, it was the team that had managed to do so much damage to the enemy side. Still, despite their “success”, they had yet to experience what really lied ahead for them. They sat at the table, eating some food, as they had saved up some money, and managed to get some money in the battle, and they celebrated their victory over the enemy. They are the last of their kind, the last of Konoha Shinobi. They are the only people who keep the will of fire burning in their souls, continuing to burn until the day they die. Still, they were not the only Shinobi still alive in this world. There are still very minute remnants of the village of Konoha other than these freedom fighters, who try to undermine the war effort of both Iwa and Kumo.

All five of them were the children of the survivors of the attacks launched against konoha nearly twenty five years ago. They were orphans, but they survived on their own, and eventually find own another, and have formed something of a war clan. They watch out for one another, and they all share a common goal, even if it does not show on the outside, their intents are very real. Their ultimate goal is to avenge their fallen ancestors, and avenge the entire Village Hidden in the Leaves itself. Ever since the day they learned the truth, they have put their time and effort into one goal. The day they formed a team, they all agreed on one thing. They swore to end this bloody war, and revive Konoha. It will be a bloody venture, and some of them may not live to see the day they achieve their goal, if that day ever comes. Still, there are those that still exist, that wage their war a very different war. A war of terror, destruction, and ruin...
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

Posts : 427
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Join date : 2009-01-03
Location : Unknown, now go away

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