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Naruto Kaisen Spoiler

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Naruto Kaisen Spoiler Empty Naruto Kaisen Spoiler

Post by Uchiha Kumori Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:23 pm

Shortly after Nagato was defeated, the rearming Kumogakure, or Lightning Village, and Iwagakure, or Rock Village, immediately attacked a crippled Konoha. Between periods of war, there is always a rearmament period, in which sides replenish their troops, resources, and within some years, the nations are ready to clash yet again. The world of ninjas that we know has been shaped by countless wars, whether they be over territory, rivalry, or even fighting to survive, life has clung on. However, not only was Konoha well aware of a possible invasion from one of it's neighbors, but they were unable to properly prepare. The plagues of the last few years have taken their toll on the Hidden Leaf Village. The attack of Kyuubi no Youko, the loss of the Uchiha Clan, the unison Sand and Sound invasion, and the attack of the Akatsuki Organization on the Village of Konoha have all left very deep marks in the village, but the real reason the damage was so extreme was because of the rapid succession of events. One after another, another natural disaster, or plot left konoha with less and less ninja to defend the country. The village itself has also suffered damage in the past, and when the Akatsuki attacked, they devastated the entire village, destroying thousands upon millions of dollars worth of hard work and life. All of it was taken away in a single fell swoop. There was no way to react, or save themselves. They were already a sufferring people, weakened, they had no defense against an invasion force from a nation who is already at maximum. The Nine tailed Jinchuuriki was killed. Men in the two villages wrote about the beast that emerged. When it was all over, however, Naruto Uzamaki had died.

Still, even if they were outnumbered one to eight, all of the ninja of Konoha fought bravely, even though they knew it was futile, they battled anyway. However, they were quickly overpowered, and within a few days, one of history's greatest homes, was brought down by a horde of war pigs. Konoha's ally, Sunagakure, took a relatively long time to discover konoha's fate, and that was about the time they were attacked, right after konoha was brought down. Suna, however, was lucky. It withstood the first push to try and break it down, and kept sturdy for many pushes to come. The armies of the Lightning village and the Rock Village were prepared for this war, and neither side would do with loss. Total war was launched by both sides. Both superpowers went to the depths of the planet to undermine their enemy just a little bit more. And as the competition continued, more and more people would die, more and more of the world would be ruined, and it seemed as if humanity was going to destroy itself. And hope was just about gone. However, Konoha was not yet beaten. The will of fire still burned strong in the next generation; the children of those that were able to avoid death. And even today, their pain still echoes, yet they still fight. They still battle to end the struggle. They are the last hope for Konoha.

And hell will bar the way.


Naruto Kaisen is a fan fiction written by me, K. It will feature both original characters, and characters that are on this site. I've always wanted to make a fan fiction, but I was always too lazy to stick to it, but this time, I am going to try and bring myself to write this fan fiction, even if it kills me. XD

Keep a lookout for the first chapter. I can't gurantee when it will arrive, as the fan fiction itself is still in the works, but I hope you will enjoy it, when it finally does make it's debut.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Naruto Kaisen Spoiler Empty Re: Naruto Kaisen Spoiler

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 6:19 pm

very nice, cant wait to see it.


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Naruto Kaisen Spoiler Empty Re: Naruto Kaisen Spoiler

Post by Zen Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:35 pm

Yeppers looks good.
Anbu Captain
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