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Story Idea (Need a name)

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Story Idea (Need a name) Empty Story Idea (Need a name)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:25 pm

Well, since I’m not really sure where to start, I guess I can start from the day that everything changed. Oh, but before that, I’d like to tell ya a little about myself. The names Ryoku Sukai and I’m, sixteen, that lives in a small town. I got to the local high school, but I never did care for the name at the school, guess it wasn’t important. Anyway, now that ya know a bit about me, I guess it’s time to tell ya about this little story of mine.

The day was any normal day, just started off with me waking up and hitting my alarm off my bed, and then getting out of it. Sounds pretty normal right? Eh, so I did as usually, went to school, after meeting my girl, and then training after school with Pops. Ya, I thought it seemed better normal. Yea, until a weird looking man, with an axe and armor showed up. I figured that was a big thing out of the ordinary. I mean, why the hell would this guy just show up at our house, it’s not like we did anything fucking wrong. And then I was told to leave, I mean, what the hell is going on?! Well, either way, my father was a master at fighting, and I didn’t worry too much after I remembered that. So, I just popped in my music and walked around this boring town, waiting for the chance to ask what was going on.

Right now, I had no idea what to do, so I just sat down and began to doze off to sleep. I guess it’s better than nothing. About two hour’s later, I was woke up, but the fucking axe guy, who had blood on his axe, which worried me. And as soon as I noticed the blood, the axe came down at me. Lucky for me, I knew a bit about fighting and flipped over the axe guy and sweep kicked his legs and ran off. Good thing he had armor and a big axe, or I’d be dead right now. From this point on I ran as fast as a could home, and checked behind me about ever five minutes to see if he had caught up. The axe guy never did, he might have lost me or not, who knows?

Arriving home, I saw a bloody mess of a few bodies, a few of that people my dad trained and a few of ones that I’ve never seen before. I ran to my dad and saw that he was dead, and you’d think I’d be more shocked and so did I, but I just wasn’t. Well, I was for a second, but then I heard a faint speech of one of my dad’s men, calling me over. He had collected all the rings that the men wore and gave them to me. He tired to explain what they were to me, but he could not seeing as he did not know much about them, but what he did tell me, was that three groups were after these powers. He assumed that they could be shaped into anything the person wanted them to be.

He told me these groups, were spread out across the world, each of them looking for these powers. The powers were called Mahou. They were found about thirty years ago, by my grandfather, whom I’ve never even heard about in my life, till now. Either way, the guy didn’t know how he used his, they just worked for him, and this meaning I had no clue how to use either. And the very last thing he told me, was more information on these groups. The first one, which my dad had been part of which was called Te. Te used marital arts to fight with, and I trained a little with them, so I knew how they worked. Another group, the complete opposite of the Te, was Buki. The Buki use meele weapons to attack with, such as swords and staffs. They are both the big groups out of the three. And finally the elitle group who know the most about these powers and that use ranged weapons to fight with. The Taihou, is what they call themselves. They are the group with the littlest known about them, but he told me to watch out for them.

Soon, enough that axe guy I was telling you about, showed up before I could even think about carrying my dad's warrior to care. He brought the axe down at me, but for some reason it stopped. I didn't know why for a mintue cause I just closed my eyes. I guess I should have opened them, when I knew that I wasn't dead, but instead I jumped back and then opened them up. It looked like the warrior gave up his life for mine, what a dumb choice, now another life was gonna be taken by this axe guy. He should have just ran! I covered my head and waited for my death. I could hear this frickin guy come towards me, and lift up his axe. And then he fell on me. Fell on me? What the Hell?!? He fell on me? What the hell was going on? As you can tell im, very confused, so I was freaking out. Ya, so I had to see what was going on, I moved my head around and saw a good looking woman, she held a gun, looked odd too, but I didn't think much of it, cause I had a huge body covering me!

Anyway, I tried to push him off, but his body disappeared. Yea...what a normal day it's been! Well, either way, my life was changed forever today. One day and my life changes?! Who does that happen to? I can't tell you a single person. I just blew it off, cause this wasn't worth crying over. I had to see my Grandfather and ask him about these fucking powers. I knew that I couldn't do this alone, so I had to go around and ask my friends if they would help me. Well, that and I didn't want to walk to the airport. So, I knew that I would go see my girl first, cause I knew that she would come no matter what, she loves me like that. Haha, it's nice not being single, and well, my girl is one of the best. She fights like I do, but she's better than me, but not by much! So don't think she can beat me easy. Ganjou Karei, is here name, but most people just call her Kei. Not sure why, guess I don't care too much. Mostly cause she likes that name. Anyway, I gotta go see her about this.

So, ya I made it to her house, which was about the most normal thing that's happen to me all day! I knocked on the door, and her mom came to the door. "Hey, is Kei home?" I asked while looking around the house. "Yes, she is here." She told me back, and she said she would go get her. I waited for a mintue and Kei arrived at the door, I kissed her and took her hand and ran to my house. "Kei, I need to you do something with me, we got to run away from home. We gotta go see my grandpops, and figure things out." I told her, but Kei looked a bit uneasy and didn't know what to say. "I'm telling you it's all new to me too. I'm not sure what's going on, but you know that almost this whole town trained with my dad. They are next, and we gotta spot em." At this point she argeed with me, and ran back home. "Hey Kei, bring everything you can fit, we are gonna be gone a long time."

Now, that I had my girl with me, I needed to get two more people. I had two friends that didn't train with my dad, but they weren't in school, so they didn't need a real reason to not go. Casue they loved fighting, well fighting with their guns. Yea, I said they used guns, but they aren't part of Taihou. I know cause they will do anything for me. Well, I ran towards their house and talked it over with them. I ended having to pay for their plane tickets, but they would drive us there, and drive later. We'd have to fly from Japan to the United States. Never been there in my life, but I knew Grandpops was there. I needed to see him to save the people I loved, and well everyone else.


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