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Bachi Hyoukin

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Bachi Hyoukin Empty Bachi Hyoukin

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:26 pm

Name: Bachi Hyoukin


Bloodline:Serpent's Mark

Village: Sunagakure

Appearance: He has brown hair and eyes and always smiles unless in battle. He wears a black Flak Jacket and underneath he has a sleeveless and hooded shirt. his hair is short and spiked towards the front. he wears black pants as well and the traditional sandals that most shinobi wear. he also has two black gloves (somewhat similar to what kakashi wore). On his right arm is a tattoo that looks tribal but ends in a snake head on the back of his hand. he wears to straight swords on his back parallel to each other.

Personality: He is a bit happy go lucky and is usually smiling. He goes out of his way to make people laugh. at times in battle he becomes a bit pessimistic. He is a hopeless romantic but doesnt show it unless around very beautiful women. He becomes very serious during battles. He has a problem with bottling his emotions and acting as if everything is ok.

He was born in Sunagakure to a very strict father and a compasionate mother. He was the only child which often mad him feel alone. his mother died when he was very young due to an unknown illness. When his mother died his father went into seclusion and isolated himself from everyone including his son. Once his father snapped out of it, it was as if he was completley changed for the worse. Though Bachi was only four years old his father began him on a strict training regiment. He would wake him before the sun rose and start with conditioning, then they would continue through the night with combat training.

One particular event had changed Bachi forever. when he turned five years old, a short time before he was sent to the academy, his father put him to the test and sent him into the desert for survival traing. He had to live off the land for three month with nothing but the clothing he wore and a small pouch of ninja tools. Bachi fought of wild animals and hunger daily. Not only was this training hard on his body but it was very difficult for his mind. He hated the seclusion and no one to talk to. Most of his nights were spent crying wondering if he would survive. By the second month he had stoped his crying and focused on his wellbeing. He continued honeing his skills until the end of the third month his father came to him in the night. He told Bachi that the test he just endured was nothing compared to what a shinobi suffers through. His father continued to drive doubt into his head until the next day when they both returned to the village.

Once he had joined the academy his personality began to bloom and he began to focus more on his friends than on his studies. He would spend his days in class telling jokes and playing practical jokes on his sensei. Though all of the students, except three, loved Bachi, this never improved his studies. He was often scolded by his teachers and they had to contact his father on several ocasions. Once his father was contacted he was taken home and was told to sit in the middle of the room. His father would bring out a large metal rod and begin to whip him with it across the back several times until he was almost bleeding. He would come to the academy the next day in pain and many students would be consurned for him but he would smile and laugh then tell them he was fine. One of his fellow students in particular seemed to always run to his side. She was a very beautiful young girl who regarded Bachi as a brother, which presented problems for Bachi because he was falling for her.

The two were inseperable, despite the fact that she turned down Bachi's every advance. The two trained together every day then both went out to eat as well. Every morning they walked to the academy and Bachi would always buy her things he thought she might like. They worked great as a team and she began to slowly raise his grades in the academy. they both graduated at the academy together and were lucky enough to be on the same team when they became genin.

When they began their traing they both started to focus on the aspects they loved best. Bachi trained daily with his taijutsu and ninjutsu, while she trained in genjutsu and ninjutsu. They quickly devised ways of mixing their specialities to defeat enemies quickly and complete missions more efficiently. On their first mission they traveled to an old tomb that was rumored to be a hide out for bandits and gangs. once they had arrived they had found that this wasnt a hideout for bandits but two chunin level shinobi and a jounin level shinobi. They quickly attacked with a barrage of kunai and shuriken which were easily dodged. All four of the squad members realized this was a trap when the jounin used a sand trap jutsu which swallowed one of the genin and killed him. The other three, including Bachi, escaped it. The battle continued but unfortunatley the sensei they were assigned to was killed by both chunin. It was down to Bachi and his friend. as the battle raged on it became obvious to Bachi his friend was becoming weaker by the minute. He tried to help her but he was kept in check by the jounin opponent.

The battle wore on too long for their enemies so the traped Bachi in a genjutsu while they continued to finish off his friend. Bachi fought with all his strength to escape the genjutsu and eventually broke it. when he came too, he realized that all his comrades were dead even his closest friend. The ninja were confident that he would be trapped in the genjutsu so they retreated to a new location. Bachi picked up his friend on his back and carried her back to the village. when he returned home his father showed no compassion nor empathy. He simply said to his son "You are a failure to this Village and you dishonor your family." He began to drag his son outside the village where he took him to a small plateau and brought a metal rod with him. His father used a fire jutsu technique and heated the rod. He began to pray to his god that his son would be punished for failure and from this day on never fail again. He straped his son down with an earth style technique and branded his arm in the shape of a long twisted snake then began to pray. Bachi could not hear his father but his low rumbling voice made it sound menacing. Bachi then passed out from the searing pain in his arm. He awoke the next day in bed with a bandage on his arm and his father acted as if nothing happened.

From that day till the chunin exams he dwelled over his mistakes that day when his friends died. his daily reminder was his arm which no longer looked like a scar but darkened into a black tattoo of sorts. He asked his father daily why he did it ]and what this scar meant but he would not answer. One day his father became ill and on his death bed he explained to Bachi what the mark was. He said " I have given you a gift and a curse. our religon says this mark can give you tremendous powers. I did it so you would not I regret it. I wish I did not give you this burden. it will only cause you pain." His father told him to always strive for perfection and then passed away.Though his father treated him so poorly, something inside him missed his father. For a month he was not himself, then he returned to his normal comedic ways just before the chunin exam.

When the Chunin exam began his new team was very nervous about the written test but Bachi explained to all of them that no matter what they could not give up. The test began and Bachi only felt comfortable with a few of his answers. He decided to take a chance and cheat, he used mirrors to view answers written by other students. when the test was complete and the tenth question was asked, Bachi did not waiver but smiled when the procter said that they would be banned if they failed to answer correctly. When they passed the written portion Bachi's team met at the next exam area. it was a large dangerous forest which were filled with all sorts of dangerous things.

The goal was to find and take the teams scroll who has the opposite of you. Bachi's team had an earth scroll. Bachi saw his teammates were afraid so he placed a hand on their shoulders and smiled. while laughing he said "Dont worry, my humour will protect us." they all began to laugh at that. The procter gave the sign to begin and they sprang into the forest. the strategy was for Bachi's team to quickly take out as many teams as possible to find a heaven scroll. luckily they were quickly encountered. Bachi saw a flash so he quickly stopped and a kunai flew in front of his face. it stuck to a tree near his teemates. before he could look where it came from he realized the kunai had a paper bomb attached. It sparked and exploded causeing his teemmates to fall unconsious. Bachi was only slightly hit by the blast. He looked and saw three shinobi standing only thirty yards away. They began a relentless attack one began to throw shuriken while the second charged. He threw a punch at Bachi but he countered and threw him into a tree. The third began a fireball jutsu and shot it towards Bachi. Bachi barely had time to move and was hit in the right arm. He retreated a ways back and held his arm. He looked down and noticed a strange sensation. HIs tattoo began to move as if trying to break out of his skin. In a matter of seconds Bachi's Tattoo ripped through his skin and launched itself at the three shinobi, staying connected at the shoulder.

Bachi was slipping in and out of conciousness because of the pain which reminded him of the night his father branded him with the terrible marking. As he lay on the ground screaming he watched as it launched towards one shinobi and its fangs sunk into his throat. It picked up the helpless genin and threw him through a tree. The next shinobi was quickly dodgeing the snake and yelling in fear. it wrapped itself around the genin's legs and slamed him to the ground. It then viciously ripped at his throat until he was dead. Bachi's watched and became horrified, he never knew this could happen and wondered why it did now. the third enemy was just coming too and didnt notice the snake wraping around him and the tree he was against. the boy looked into Bachi's eyes then screamed as the snake squeezed and snap the boy with the tree in two.

After the battle, his friends came too and were shocked at what they saw. the snake was reattaching itself to Bachi's arm leaving only pain but no marks. Bachi was laying on the ground holding the heaven scroll in his hand. He sat there with a smile on his face and yelled for them to give him a hand. As he stood up he realized he could not move his right arm and that the glove on his hand was torn due to the snake head. he though to himself, where am I going to find a matching glove, then he laughed to himself. The three headed for the building in the center of the forest, hoping that they would not encounter anything hostile on acount of Bachi's condition. luckily they reached the building with no confrontations with a couple other genin teams already there. Bachi rested and tried to regain strength in his arm before the next portion of the exam.

for the next session they had to battle one of the other shinobi who had succesfully arrived with both scrolls. Bachi was fortunate enough to be able to rest through three matches. when he was called, he was choosen to fight against a shinobi from the land of water. Bachi was quick to the fighting, he didnt want to show any signs of weakness. whille his arm was regaining movement he made a quick assesment of his opponet. the man wore a cloak which covered him. he had a straw hat and a mask covering the moajority of his face. On his back were two umbrellas, but who knew what lied underneath the cloak. the procter signaled to begin and the man quickly threw four kunai. Bachi jumped backwards and they flew under him into the wall behind him. Bachi pressed his feet against the wall and flew towards him with his elbow outwards. Bachi slammed into the man but he countered by rolling and planting his feet in bachi's chest to launch him towards the ceiling. Bachi could not stop himself or turn in time, as a result he slammed into the ceiling causing a small crater then fell to the ground.

The man laughed and began to walk away, but behind him bachi was standing up again. He had a strange smirk on his face which switched quickly to an angry frown. the man obviously frustrated threw both umbrellas into the air. they began to spin and it began to rain needles. Bachi quickly used the mudslide barrier jutsu to blobk the needles. mud poured from his mouth and hardened, the needles began to harmlessly fall to the ground. Bachi made an earth clone while hidding underground. the earth clone ran out from behind the barrier, tricking the man into thinking it was the original. the man didnt take long, killing the clone with several kunai knives. As the clone slowly turned back into rock Bachi reached from underground and pulled the man under to his neck. He stood over him smiling. The man sneered at him and cursed him, he then spit in Bachi's face. Bachi's smile faded and he used a firball jutsu to finish the job.

The received time to rest until the final battle in the chunnin exam. Bachi was ready, he was rested and also the first one fighting that day. When his opponent arrived, a wave of guilt hit him. the young genin was shaking and sweating badly . Bachi knew this fight would be over quickly. The boy was from the sand and he knew that he was very weak. Bachi tilt his head back and looked up at the sky, he had a small smile on his face and thought of his father telling him forfeit means death in his earlier training. Bachi laughed out loud and looked over at his opponent. he smiled and winked at him then rose his hand. "to hell with my father. Procter! I forfeit the fight!" he said. turned and began to walk away then looked back at his former opponent and said with a smile " I wont beat on anyone for no good reason."

Later that week back in the village he was called to the kazekage's office. He racked his mind for any possible reason as to why he would be called there. when he arrived the kazekage seemed displeased. he explained to Bachi that he should not have just walked away from the fight. Bachi felt a bit disappointed in himself. then the kazekage walked in fron tof him and told him he respected him for it. "from this day forth Bachi hyoukin," he said " You are an official Chunnin!" Bachi felt the pride swell in him and a huge smile came upon his face. He saluted the kazekage and left his office. As he walked outside he looked up at the sky and said quietly "are you proud of me now old man?" He then began his walk home wondering what will happen to him next.

Speciality:Taijutsu, Ninjutsu
Learned jutsus:Mudslide Barrier Justsu, Earth Clone Jutsu, Fireball Jutsu
Elements:Earth, Fire
Weapons/items:Two Straight ninja swords on his back.
Goals: To protect the Kazekage with his life.

Last edited by Bachi Hyuokin on Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Join date : 2009-04-12
Age : 34
Location : Michigander!

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Bachi Hyoukin Empty Re: Bachi Hyoukin

Post by Aki Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:20 pm

The history is great, and it seems alright. Though, the snake tattoo thing, you'll have to explain that a bit. Other than that... you're good to go.

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Bachi Hyoukin Empty Re: Bachi Hyoukin

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:21 pm

Aki wrote:The history is great, and it seems alright. Though, the snake tattoo thing, you'll have to explain that a bit. Other than that... you're good to go.

Approved unless said otherwise.

I was planning on making it a bloodline thing
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

Posts : 176
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Join date : 2009-04-12
Age : 34
Location : Michigander!

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