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Nasamea Tishuto

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Nasamea Tishuto Empty Nasamea Tishuto

Post by Nasamea Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:59 pm

Name: Nasamea Tishuto

Age: 16

Bloodline: None

Rank: Genin

Classification: B-ranked

Village: Waterfall Village

Alignment: Good, but can be evil (although rare)


Straight black hair that falls to just below shoulders, normally worn down.
Green iris's and normal black pupils
Average 5'8 and athletic

These Clothes with Black Pants and Black Durable Shoes- Nasamea Tishuto Grownupsmoke

Personality: Normally keeps to herself and kind of quiet although she knows when to have fun. At first shes silent around people but once she knows you, its as if she comes to life. Shes cheerful and likes to talk to good friends. Shes loyal with good judgment, knowing who she can trust. She can be trusted and tries to keep justice in mind of just about every situation. Shes slow to anger but does have a fierce side, like a wolf. Shes observant, determined, strong-willed, but knows when to give up. Shes also protective over those she cares for and would die for some, but doesn't carelessly throw her life away.

Nasamea was originally born in Konoha with an excellent family and plenty of friends. Her parents were both workers, and relatively a poor family, but to Nasamea being poor didn't mean a thing. One day, when playing with her friends, they talked of joining the academy to become ninja. Nasamea was skeptical, but found this very interesting. She couldn't wait to get home and ask her parents if she could join. But cruel fate settled over the Tishuto home and upon her arrival she only found blood and two massacred bodies. Before she was able to alert the ANBU, her uncle soon emerged from another room in the house, a bloody knife in hand. Nasamea was only five, and defenseless against her uncle who was skilled in taijutsu. However, she stood her ground and took many beatings. Her uncle came out and said he needed her alive and turned to leave. But at that she grabbed a nearby shard of glass and drove it straight into his heart as if it was instinct. He turned but fell, being stabbed again by the knife, a careless mistake. Unable to accept she killed someone and that her parents were dead, she fled from Konoha and tried living on her own in the forests. She only went to the village to steal food, clothes, and other items she needed. To her surprise, she was never hunted down, hoping that the ANBU or whoever saw the truth and accident.

She never let go of her grasp to become a ninja, and due to being defenseless she knew she had to or she would probably die in this world. Especially considering she lived in the wilderness. Everyday she watched other ninja train and listened in on their private classes, trying to learn their skills before enrolling into the academy, if she would. She grasped the basic idea of ninja tools and chakra and began learning how to control both. She watched as genin would climb trees and jonin would cross water. Although it took her a long time, she managed to gain more control and was able to climb to the top of the highest tree she could find. Water was more of a challenge, but eventually was able to learn this as well. That's when she began teaching herself basic jutsu, learning how to substitute first. She told herself, log equals friend. She then learned transformation, using this as an advantage when stealing since she was disguised as other people. Yet, she was caught by ANBU and returned to Konoha. It was question after question, and the first time she learned to hide her emotions and make her face look completely emotionless. The past caught up to her, and she told of what happened. However, her uncle was an evil man (obviously) and she wasn't sentenced to imprisonment or death, but was given a home to live in. She then attended the academy, but the rumors spread and her friends rejected her so she left before finishing her class.

Hate for Konoha grew in her heart so she fled on the night of the new moon. She traveled far and wide, nearly dieing many times but continued to press on. She then came across the Waterfall Village and took refuge there. The people accepted her but she was still silent, hardly talking unless she wanted to. She felt dead inside but her passion to be a ninja kept her alive. She soon attended an academy and passed quickly, earning her ninja headband. Here, she was able to put the past behind her and keeps it deep inside, making sure it doesn't control her life like most people do.

Upon being the waterfall village she learned many new things from their customs to what types of jutsus they learned. One thing Nasamea did notice in this village was the lack of genin and ninja in general. She still kept her distance from people, despite them accepting her, and every day would travel out past the waterfall to the out edges of the water. She would sit along the bank and relax, smelling the sweet scent of the flowers that decided to hang around there. If she wasn't here she was out trying to discover the land by hiking up the nearby mountains as high as she could go, walking around the village, and more. She grew attached to exploring new things and surroundings and soon made it into a game of 'what can I find today'.

One day, sitting at the water's edge, Nasamea's life made a drastic change. An abnormal wind had picked up, followed by an unknown man who appeared to be in the Waterfall Village. She had never seen him in her life and grew wary, but felt defenseless for it was obvious he was powerful. 'How could I even manage against a force such as this being, even the wind seemed to bow before him' she thought. As they traded words, Nasamea learned the name of him, Jin Chisoku. Not ever thinking such a turn of fate would occur, she began to follow him at his side, becoming his apprentice. From this she finally learned to not only become more powerful but to finally trust a human once again.

For three months they trained, and in just those three months Nasamea grew epically from a weakling to someone who was only a genin with mid-jonin power and such. She trusted him with her life, even though during his training she felt the essence of betrayal and anxiety, when betrayal wasn't the case at all. She felt the pain he gave, staked, burned, thrown around until death was knocking at her doorstep. However, her true personality shown through and she never let it in, hanging onto reality even though she was to weak to even move anymore. After that training was over and Nasamea woke up, she still followed Jin no matter what.

Persistently she wondered about his abilities and true power and finally asked. At first he was silent, not saying much, which she then knew she had to wait. The day she was finally able to see part of his true power made her shocked. The rush of true adrenaline coursed through her veins and she had been so amazed she could barely form words. That day she hoped he would never have to use his true power again unless necessary, but she had spoken to soon. That same day was the day she learned of the organization called, The Council of Oz. This was the first time she had ever experience many sources of great power all in one place. She stood wary and restless, waiting and feeling something was wrong but never uttered a word, not knowing what would happen if she did. This was when yet another powerful ninja struck, Mirage.

She struck with a force, sending the Council into quick combat against clones and more. This was also the day she learned simple Fireball jutsu, using it to defeat a clone of herself. As she caught up to Jin, the others following suit, she then saw his true form. She believed the time he showed her before was magnificent but this time she froze, ice running through her veins from the adrenaline, as her mouth quivered, trying to form words. She waited to talk to him about it later but just as the battle was truly about to start, Jin throwing the first move, Mirage appeared in front of Nasamea. Nasamea tried reacting quickly but the ice in her veins made her frozen as she was pushed back into one of Mirage's mirrors. From there Nasamea became oblivious of where everyone was and how the battle was proceeding. She waited, wary and alert to anything before finally hearing Jin's voice through her mind and signaling her position. From there she waited longer until finally she met the council for the first time.

Jin sent her mind and soul here for protection and she talked with the council, waiting patiently for news on how the battle had unfolded. Deep down she knew Mirage had sealed her own fate and there's no way Jin would die, but she could practically hear his cries, making her shudder to the core. It pained her as the feeling of being useless set over once again. At that she began to pray for every one's safety, Jin's win, and more, the first sign she actually broke down her walls and accepted the people in the council. She gave full trust in them from this point on, although remaining wary for the situation that seemed to be unfolding.

Not to long after, her prays were soon answered as Mirage's life was taken. Nasamea soon returned to her body and made her body without the feeling of failure embedded in her heart. She finally made her way back to the Mist Village from Takigakura; where she met up with the rest of the council. To her surprise, Jin had not showed up yet and soon after Nasamea was entered into the chunin exams to officially be classified as Chunin besides her missing-nin status. She was the first to arrive and it didn’t take long for the other genin, and her team, to arrive. She was the first daring one to tell the hokage who her and her team was, they were dubbed team 1. Nasamea waited in silence for the exams themselves to begin and soon the hokage announced that there would be no first exam. This disappointed Nasamea but it also meant that they all could finish and become genin soon.

As the second, or first, was getting ready to begin, Nasamea left the meeting area and was the first to arrive at the Forest of Death. Odd occurrences took place, from cries of pain and terror to birds flying away in fear. However, Nasamea was not afraid whatsoever and began planning out what her and her team may do. It wasn’t long till the others noticed her disappearance and more genin began showing up. Here is where she soon met the stronger genin, Kokoro and Sousei, and where she and Tenchi first became comrades rather then enemies or rivals. Upon talking amongst Tsukasa and Metsubou, her teammates, she learned about them as well and formed yet more friendships.

Upon the proctor’s arrival, the Forest of Death was soon opened as the exams began. Nasamea mainly led her team, taking the title of leader and thinking through things to keep them from dying. Their first challenge was when they ran into Kiyoshi, the loud mouth that many teams weren’t to fond of. Just as Nasamea and her team began to move in, an explosion occurred elsewhere and to her disappointment it was Sousei. He had foiled her plans and so she sent Metsubou to go get Tsukasa and flee the area. As this occurred, Nasamea worked fast as she set up exploding tags all around Sousei and Kiyoshi in hopes to trap and maybe burn one of them. The tags set off as she fled the area and met up with her team elsewhere; the area now a burning mess. Nasamea met up with the others and from there they began planning once more. However, once again any plans were foiled as a firework was set off, a symbol for her to leave the exam area immediately. She and Jin had planned this ahead, in case she had to leave. A second firework was set off and with that, Nasamea left the exams and her team behind.

From there the trouble had just begun. Due to her setting the forest on fire, the exams soon ended and caused chaos amongst the genin. She had ruined the exams; causing many to be not to be happy. As she fled back to the waterfall village, she met up with Jin once more in what was becoming her most memorable spot. They went back up to the castle, which she now called her home, and were about to continue training until the trouble soon began. Tsukasa, her teammate, has hunted her down and with his bijuu he blast through the castle in rage and pain. Nasamea had luckily calmed him down and met him outside the waterfall village and far from the castle. It appeared not many had seen the castle and lived to tell the tale so she hoped Tsukasa would get away. She couldn’t see her own teammate be killed due to her own mistake.

Soon he was calm but then once again trouble arose as Ushiro, a member of the exams, came after her for revenge. A fight started as her and Ushiro fought, her mainly toying with him in the beginning. Soon she had him wasting chakra until finally he was at the point where she murdered him was her kantana. She burned his body to ashes before arriving back to the area where Jin and Tsukasa were. She gave her apologies once more to Jin and in her mind made sure she wouldn’t fail anyone anymore.

Speciality: Taijutsu and Kenjutsu

Learned jutsus: Basic jutsu such as Clone, Substitution, Rope Escape, and Transformation.
Jutsu's (Not all are learned just yet)

D- Fire (Katon)
R- Water (Suiton) and Earth (Douton)

A black and blood red mixed Katana

Goals: To become high in rank and prove everyone my potential of being a ninja.

Last edited by Nasamea on Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:23 pm; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated History)

Posts : 152
Points : 155
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Notyad, Ohio

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Nasamea Tishuto Empty Re: Nasamea Tishuto

Post by Jin Chisoku Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:01 pm

Approved, removed the Body Flicker.
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Join date : 2008-11-20

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Nasamea Tishuto Empty Re: Nasamea Tishuto

Post by Nasamea Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:30 am


Updated History and added on another recessive element and speciality.

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Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Notyad, Ohio

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Nasamea Tishuto Empty Re: Nasamea Tishuto

Post by Kenshi Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:58 pm



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