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Nasamea Tishuto

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Nasamea Tishuto Empty Nasamea Tishuto

Post by Nasamea Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:03 pm

Name: Nasamea Tishuto

Age: 15

Rank: Genin

Village: Konoha

Appearance: Character Pic

Personality:Clam, Laid Back, Kind, creative, and imaginaive are her main traits. Shes generous however if she hates you then you know it and rarely the thirst to kill can become powerful so she tries to escape from everyone. She doesn't usually hurt or attack unless she must. In missions she turns to serious mode and will do whats asked, even if it means killing but only if the actions are right. Shes respectful and determined. Sometimes she mimicks the moods around her, making her happy one moment and angry for no reason the next, but this is rare.

History: Nasamea used to live in a small town, Sakuya town, a little ways off from Konoha. This town as never considered part of the map due to its small size and it was very peaceful here. People would travel through everyday and admire the cherry blossom trees as they did. Everyone knew each other and was very kid. Nasamea was daughter of Mazema Tishuto and Cazar Tishuto. Mazema was the best healer in the town, known for her medical jutsu, and Cazar was the best taijutsu user in her town. She was also the younger sister of Rion, the Anbu leader in the town that travled to Konoha to gain this position. He defended the town when needed but it was very rare anyone attacked. Cazar always traveled everywhere, defeating Dojo masters to test his skills so he was never home much. Nasamea loved Rion and Mazema the most. She hopes one day to become top Mecial nin to surpass her father but due to the killing rate among Medical ninja her mother warned her that she must learn later in life when she could handle herself. Nasamea agreed. Rion taught her the basic ninja, or academy, jutsus and she learned faster. Training with them everyday and getting the feel of using weapons like kunai, shurikan, exploding tags. Rion even brought home a handcrafted sword from Konoha, nicknamed the Blood Blade. Nasamea would always take care of it from childhood on. When she was 8 though the bliss tranquility of her village soon ended. Cazar was pronounced dead by an unknown enemy, possibly from an angry Dojo master who loved his Dojo way to much. Sadness feel upon the land and soon enemy ninja attacked. Rion fled home and his mom wuickly helaed his leg.
"Quick Rion, take Nasamea to the nearest village as soon as you can while I hold them off."
Before Rion could say a word their motehr burst through the door, using mystical palms, and began lsicing the oncoming ninja's legs. Rion, obeying orders, grabbed Nasamea adn began to flee.
"My sword!" she pleaded and he qucikyl ranback to grab it as she held it in her hand with a death grip.
Rion fled as fast as he could, tears forming in his eyes as he heard the crackling fire and the shouts of both the attackin ninja and town. He shook his head and continued forward but soon looked back, making Nasamea puzzeled. He frantically looked around, notcing something. What? Nasamea didnt know. He soon vanished and reappeard by a tree, removing its bark to reveal mit was hollowed out, the town had done this years ago in case they needed a place to hide. Rion placed Nasamea inside and gave her the sword, looking at her dead in the eye.
"Stay in here until day breaks, the birds sing joyfully, and the shouting and crackling stops. You will know when."
He kissed her forward, a tear ladning on her cheek and she looked at him, scared and beginning to cry herself.
"Promise me."
"I promise," she said and they said goodbye as he looked behind him. He closed up the tree and disappeared, eappering in front of the enemy as shouts were now heard and there was fighting. Nasamea cried and winced in horror of what was occuring and soon everything went silent, distant screams and crackling fo fire was heard in teh backgorund. It later went silent and as hours past, Nasamea waited till daybreak when the birds began singing joyfully and yet sorrowfully at the same time. She saw the light peeking through a tiny hole in the tiny tree door. She opened the tree and exmained her surroundings beforestepping out into the bright light that blinded her eyes. She slung her sword around her back, as it sat in its delicate sheath, and made her way towards the path. She saw a few dead enemy bodies and looked around more, not seeing Rion. She headed back towards teh village and gasped in horror. Dead bodies lied everywhere, both familiar faces and unfamiliar ones. The buildigns were all burned down as if the villae never existed. She walked around, searching for her old home but all that was let was cinders that wuickly blew away in the wind. She searched for Rion and her mother, but no luck. Although depressed, this gave her some home. She remebered what Rion promsied her mom and began to walk towards Konoha, figruing it was along the path they traveled. Memories of last night flashed through her mind the entire time and a wave of anger and yet sandess raineddown on her. Soon she made it to the gates and was allowed entrance. She was taken to teh hopsital for a check-up, due to the ANBU's force, and after seeing she was ok was taken to the kage's main building. She explained the senario and asked for RIon, but he hadnt been seen anywhere and that ANBU and Trackers would be dispatched immediately. The kage gave her a home to live in for free and enrolled her in the academy where she quickly became a genin. From then on she hopes to one day find her mother, or atleast Rion's face one more time...

Learned jutsus:
Basics- Substiution, Transformation, Body Flicker, Basic Clone, Rope Escape
Water- Hidden Mist Technique, Clone, Wave (basic wave of any size)

Weapons/items: A red and black mixed Kantana besides basic ninja tools (kunai, senbon, shurikan, exploding tags, smoke bombs, wire, and rope)

Goals: To become ANBU and medical nin and have the skills of a tracker nin

Posts : 152
Points : 155
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Notyad, Ohio

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Nasamea Tishuto Empty Re: Nasamea Tishuto

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:05 pm

Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Nasamea Tishuto Empty Re: Nasamea Tishuto

Post by Guest Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:03 pm

nasamea, you and my character sendo should team up. I am already teaming up with Minato so we have a team already.


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Nasamea Tishuto Empty Re: Nasamea Tishuto

Post by Nasamea Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:48 pm


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Age : 31
Location : Notyad, Ohio

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Nasamea Tishuto Empty Re: Nasamea Tishuto

Post by Guest Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:42 pm

sorry nasemea, I already teamed up with others, you waited to long. sorry.


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Nasamea Tishuto Empty Re: Nasamea Tishuto

Post by Nasamea Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:11 pm

Its ok, mayeb ill find soemone else.

Posts : 152
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Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Notyad, Ohio

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