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Kumori Uchiha

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Kumori Uchiha Empty Kumori Uchiha

Post by Uchiha Kumori Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:16 pm

Name: Uchiha Kumori

Age: 20

Bloodline: Sharingan

Rank: Unknown; Never Ranked
Classification: ---
Village: None
Alignment: Good/Neutral

Kumori Uchiha 15e7dec
He doesn't have the konoha symbol, or the plate on him, however.

There is something that you notice about Kumori right away, and that is he has a firm sense in right and wrong. That does not mean that he believes what others commonly believe, however. Kumori seems to believe in different things, but one thing he does believe in is friendship. Kumori knows which people are his friends, and which people aren't. He usually will not go out of his way for a stranger, though he sometimes makes an exception for somebody he thinks is “special”. He can say things that might arouse anger and turmoil in a conversation, as he is a bit rash at times, and can be harsh. But, he still seems to be a good person in terms of stature, though his past is a bit questionable. He is also one to hold a grudge as well, usually not lifting it easily.

In battle, Kumori shows absolutely no mercy, readily striking down an enemy without a second thought. He has the guts and attitude to kill and act as a Shinobi, most of the time. However, he does have a sense of honor, and would not disgrace an enemy, most of the time, though if they have wronged him in some way, he may not be so kind. However, Kumori is known to hold a soft spot in him, and has even cried sometimes. Kumori is still mentally intact, but he is still a person, and still experiences emotions and can know love.


The story of Kumori Uchiha is one that that is not known by many people at all. Kumori was born to a travelling Uchiha mother, who was one of the few Uchiha who survived the attempted massacre of the Uchiha by Itachi Uchiha. She was only a child when she was taken out of the Hidden Leaf Village by her father, who, rather than cooperate with the Uchiha's planned coup d' etat, or function as a spy for Konoha, they left the village all together. The Hokage respected the decision, and allowed her to leave at a very young age, to be taught by her father, and try to begin life a new. She lived in the Fire Country for much of her life, but when her father died, she found herself in something of a depression. In addition to that, life was made ever harder when she was forced with living on her own, without her father to help her or take care of her.

However, she met Kumori's father during her travels, who was also an Uchiha. The two of them had spent a good part of their lives outside of the village, even together, about four years. However, something went terribly wrong. They had a baby, who was a full blooded member of the Uchiha Clan, and possessed the powerful Sharingan bloodline limit, though not awakened yet, It was thought that he had the potential to awaken not only the Sharingan, but it's more superior, yet more risky form, the Mangekyou Sharingan. Uchiha Kumori was born to them, but immediately after being born, nightmare struck them. An assailant came in the middle of the night, seeking the powers of the Sharingan. The Assailant arrived in the middle of the night, looking to capture the newborn baby of the couple.

Unfortunately for the two, the assailant was successful in his thievery, and he managed to steal Kumori from his home, not even a year old yet. The two resisted bravely, but they were unable to save their baby from being stolen. They hung their heads in shame for much of their life, knowing they let their powerful bloodline limit be taken away, a much sought after ability, the Sharingan was out again. The two parents that had Uchiha Kumori would, four years later, go on to have a new child, Uchiha Shin. Shin was never told the truth about his older brother, who, the two thought was probably dead by now, experimented on and having his gift ripped straight from his eye sockets. Whatever that man wanted to do with the Sharingan's powers, he now had the opportunity to do it, something not many people ever got a chance to do.

The assailant's name was Kyuukokakai Sugoi. He was very smart, and strong, but his true power was his speed. Even without a Kekkei Genkai, Kyuu was still able to achieve very high speeds, allowing him to have pulled off that job so easily. Now that Kumori was in his hands, he was unsure of what to do. He knew that he would have to wait for the Sharingan to activate before he would be able to take it as his own power, but he needed to be patient. He knew, or at least, he thought that he would be able to do this, and when he finally got the much renowned eyes, he would just cast off Kumori, and leave him for dead, right? However, things were going to go much differently. Kumori was a kind soul in his childhood and infant years, and even still retains some of these traits into adulthood.

When Kyuu first caught Kumori, and took him back to where he was hiding, somewhere in the Grass Country, Kumori seemed to be attached to Kyuu, unable to distinguish him from his real parents himself. Kyuu seemed to actually be a little uncomfortable around Kumori, expecting him to hate him or be afraid of him or something. But, rather than that, he seemed attached to him, and and wanted to play games with him. At first, Kyuu seemed to try and shake the feeling away, and continue caring for the baby, but for some reason, he couldn't shake it either. Something about the baby just made him feel strange, and he seemed to dislike being around him most of the time, only coming into contact with him when necessary. Kumori would often spit up food, and laugh, which, although it infuriated Kyuu at times, it managed to make him let off just a little chuckle.

Kyuu took relatively good care of his hostage, feeding him well, and giving him sufficient shelter. However, he tried to ignore the baby's crying, and pleas to play with him, and went about business as usual, hunting down bounties, and returning them to a bounty station. It was dirty work, but Kyuu returned every day a smiling face, sitting in a crib, with happy eyes, determined to please. He was only a baby, so he could understand why he would be so blind to the truth, but he knew he would have to tell him the truth sooner or later. Kyuu himself had to teach Kumori about learning to speak, and how to do various things that would be vital for a normal life. However, a normal life was not what Kyuu had in mind for Kumori. He still wanted the power of the Sharingan.

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:13 am; edited 3 times in total
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Kumori Uchiha Empty Re: Kumori Uchiha

Post by Uchiha Kumori Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:16 pm

As he got older, Kumori's perception seemed to be increasing, as well as his general comprehension, and speaking abilities, and it was about the time where Kumori would have to start learning the art of the Shinobi. However, he was not in the academy, so the only way for him to learn the art of a Ninja was to learn it from the master. Kyuu thought that teaching him the way of the Ninja would be a terrible mistake, as he may one day resist having his eyes removed, but he did it anyway, as Kumori was heart set upon it. Kumori made quick progress as a Shinobi, learning the basic Genin skills in only a year, though this may be due to Kyuu's method of teaching, Kumori only got better and better. However, once, Kumori cut himself with a shuriken. In a moment of...something, Kyuu came and tended to his cut immediately. Kumori seemed to be curious as to why he did it, but he only smiled at it.

As he got older, at around the age of ten, Kyuu knew that he would not be able to hide it any further. He let it straight out, and told Kumori that he was not his real father, and his real parents were somewhere out there, where, he did not know. At first, Kumori seemed shocked at this, but even then, he only gave Kyuu a hug, which made him want to hop on the ceiling and stay there. But, he seemed to embrace it, and did not try and get out of it. Kumori seemed to be sympathizing with his captor, who was no longer really his captor, much. Even now, however, Kyuu still held the intention of getting the Sharingan, but now, it seemed out of his mind, overshadowed by this new personality.

Kumori's Sharingan finally activated, and Kyuu looked at it in awe. He knew he had finally achieved what he had been seeking, and now the Sharingan was in reach. But, for some reason, he did not try and take it. He hesitated to take away his eyes, almost as if he couldn't. Kyuu couldn't hide it from Kumori any longer, as he valued Kumori like his own son. He decided to teach Kumori his way of fighting, and his style. Kyuu focused mainly on the usage of speed and Taijutsu to fight foes, only using Ninjutsu or Genjutsu as a trump, or when the time was right. Kumori was able to learn quickly, and master it with the use of his Sharingan. Kyuu now looked at Kumori differently. He saw things in him he never saw before. He saw the blazing image of a legendary Shinobi, even though he was not there yet, Kyuu had confidence in his apprentice.

After Kyuu taught Kumori everything he knew about battling, etc, Kyuu advised Kumori to begin working off of what was given to him, and develop some of his own jutsu to use. Kumori specialized with Kyuu's style, using Taijutsu to keep up with enemies, and Ninjutsu and Genjutsu to get the upper hand in battles. Kumori had two elements, Lightning and Water. Because Kumori did not have amazing chakra supplies, he used jutsu sparringly, and focused most of his time on training his speed abilities. Kumori was making quick progress, developing the three tomoe sharingan early on in life. Kyuu himself was getting older however, and felt the law enforcement on his trail. ANBU had already tried to attack Kyuu, though they were shaken off, Kyuu knew the games were ending.

As Kumori slept, a shadow crept through the house that Kumori and Kyuu lived in, making sure to get close to Kumori, with utmost stealth. Kumori was still sleeping by the time he came, or at least it appeared that way. Kumori laid on his bed, sleeping, when the assailant creaked the door open slowly, checking inside to make sure there was nobody near, he withdrew a blade from a pouch, and approached Kumori, seeming to have the intent to kill him. Then, something broke down the ceiling, and dropped inside, attempting to kick the shadow in the room. Kumori looked at the man, who was masked, with an ANBU uniform on him. Kumori had been taught about the ANBU, and knew that they were hunting Kyuu, and probably attempting to get Kumori as well. Kumori jumped at the masked figure with the intent to kill him. He held out his fist, and attempted to punch him.

However, the masked man grabbed his fist, and flung him into the wall, and then jumped backwards, and pulled out some shuriken, throwing them at Kumori. Kumori immediately rolled over the wall, and jumping at the enemy, withdrawing his knife, and attempting to cut the man when he passed him. However, he managed to duck just in time, and avoid getting cut up. Kumori hit the other wall, and looked at the masked assailant, who stiffened his mask, and stood there, performing handsigns immediately, and activating his jutsu. Suddenly, electricity filled the room, and the man shot a blast of lightning at Kumori, who had little time to react. Kumori jumped out the window, sending shattered glass everywhere, and Kumori rolling across the ground, watching the window to make sure he didn't come after him through that way.

Kumori then looked up as the man came down from the midnight sky, the moon behind him, he stuck out a katana sword, and attempted to stab Kumori in the head. Kumori had to back flip, and then jumped in the air, being forced up there by a roundhouse kick on the enemies part. Kumori looked as he kept on laying on attacks, Kumori studied his abilities, and knew what he needed to do. He seemed to be masking something other than his face, however. His style of fighting was very similar Kumori's own, and he kept this in mind. Kyuu had gone out to work, so Kumori was stuck at home, but this agent must've come to get Kumori for ransom or something.

Suddenly, a noise came behind Kumori. It was the real assailant. The thing before him must've been a Shadow Clone, a jutsu that is used by Konoha Shinobi, one used by Kumori too. It attempted to stab Kumori in the back, but Kumori acted quickly, and drew his sword, and blocked the strike, and then he threw it back, and turned the tide on the man, and then the kage bunshin drew a sword, and tried to stab Kumori, but instead, stabbed the man. He spit up blood, and Kumori looked at him. Kumori threw him to the ground, and then stepped on his chest. Kumori seemed pissed off to the extreme, and then removed the mask.

“Now, you'll die, seeing the sky one last ti-” Kumori said as he took of the mask, cut off.

Right there, was Kyuu sensei. Kumori's eyes immediately flooded, and he dropped to the ground, the waterfall hitting Kyuu, Kyuu had already barfed up a good amount of blood, and Kumori held his hand on his face, and held up his head, crying uncontrollably.

“Kumori...” Kyuu said. “This was...for your own good.” Kyuu said, his life slipping away.

“But...No...No, please, don't do this. We can find a doctor, or do something.” Kumori said, tryign to breed false hope.

“No, no, you've done enough. All the time I've spent raising you, I did it only to get your Sharingan. time moved on, that seemed less and important to me, as my memories with you, and our training clouded over that...” Kyuu said, barfing up something else, he then looked up at Kumori, finding it hard to speak.

“No, please don't Kyuu-san...DON'T” Kumori said, falling onto him, gasping and mourning.

“My time on this earth...It was never destined to be long, when you live the life of a Shinobi, y'know?” Kyuu tried to laugh. “This is my parting gift, to you.” He told Kumori.

“What...? No, don't, we can still-”






And with that, Kumori spent a good few hours crying over his body, unable to accept his sensei's death. Kumori, after all the tears were gone, began digging a grave where they stood, spending the whole night doing just that, without rest. By the time he finished, Kumori had dug a deep enough grave, and then putting his body into the grave. As he buried the corpse, a depressing look on his face as he did it, the sun came out, and he looked up at it, and sighed. Later on, he found out that, through the ordeal, because he killed the one person he held close, the Mangekyou Sharingan awoke in the end, and he was endowed with it's power. Today, it serves a reminder of what Kyuu did, and how Kumori thanks him to this day. Even so, he only knows two Mangekyou Jutsu. The third one is still yet to be awakened...

Specialty: Speed, Taijutsu, Chakra Intuned, Ninjutsu
Learned jutsus:
Elements: Earth & Fire
Weapons/items: Kunai, Shuriken, Explosive Tags, Two 3 feet long knives (the blades are 2 feet)
Goals: Unknown

Last edited by Uchiha Kumori on Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:03 pm; edited 6 times in total
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Kumori Uchiha Empty Re: Kumori Uchiha

Post by Kenshi Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:22 pm

I'll approve it, but I need GN to approve it also.


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Kumori Uchiha Empty Re: Kumori Uchiha

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Apr 07, 2009 5:34 pm

I also approve it as well
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Kumori Uchiha Empty Re: Kumori Uchiha

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:15 am


Also, if any admins come across this thread, can my username be changed to my char's name?
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Kumori Uchiha Empty Re: Kumori Uchiha

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:56 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Kumori Uchiha Empty Re: Kumori Uchiha

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:03 pm

Updated again, didn't want my elements to be sound and poison, since those things can be produced without the elements.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Kumori Uchiha Empty Re: Kumori Uchiha

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:06 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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