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Shikyo no Tomo

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Shikyo no Tomo Empty Shikyo no Tomo

Post by Uchiha Kumori Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:29 pm

Name: Shikyo

Age: 23

Toujitakumi (Will post later on)

Rank: Jounin (ANBU)
Classification: --
Village: Iwagakure no Sato
Alignment: Evil


Shikyo is one of the most brutal and evil of all of the Shinobi belonging to Toujitakumi Bloodline of ninjas. Shikyo does not believe in the fair treatment of others, and he has absolutely zero respect for those around him, with an extremely high sense of pride in himself, and an infamous ego. He believes that all others around him are simply too dumb to decide on their own, and act on their own, and he attempts to boss around others, and his been known to manipulate the simple minded, and the desperate in order to get what he wants, and he would often get some of these “pawns” killed for him. He does not show any respect to his comrades, as well as his commanding officers, which would be S Ranked Ninja, and the Tsuchikage. Shikyo will often dig deep into his subjects, and hurt them on a deep, personal level, and often asks for it. He believes that torture and manipulation is a game, and he is undefeated.

In addition, Shikyo does not believe in rights, and as said, he believes everybody around him is inferior. Shikyo believes that all should bow down before him, in a totalitarian government, where the government would have complete control over people's lives, and he wishes to be that commanding figure, and dictate all of Hidden Rock. In addition, he is often known as “The Judge”, as he seems to not only judge everybody around him, but he even performs the duties of one, metaphorically. He takes it upon himself to decide which people are good, and which people are bad, and bases his actions toward other human beings according to these observations. He will mercilessly kill anybody he feels has done wrong, at least according to his own twisted “Judgment”. In addition, Shikyo has a firm belief in law, and law enforcement, and will take it upon himself to enforce the law, and enforce his own laws, making him an infamous ninja.


Shikyo was born into the Village Hidden in the Rocks as Shikyo, and Shikyo only. Shikyo was born to two parents, each one hailing from a different clan, and each one having a different bloodline, or Kekkei Genkai. Shikyo's father had the ability to use the Toujitakumi Kekkei Genkai, or Clay Artisan. His mother had the ability to use the Shitaka bloodline, or the ability to create and manipulate Naton, or Diamond. Shikyo inherited both Bloodline Traits, and was therefore expected to become an extremely powerful Shinobi. However, it was not even up to his point in life where he would be signed up for the Ninja Academy, and sent on his way to become a Ninja. No, he would first have to overcome his early years before he became a Jounin Ninja.

Shikyo was not known as a happy child, and was born into a family of three other babies, being the first baby born out of the three triplets. Shikyo was a bully, and it showed all the way into his adult years. Whenever one of his siblings got a cookie, Shikyo took the cookie, and ate it, and whenever his other sibling got a new toy, Shikyo would ruin it during the same day, and definitely made life hard for his siblings, and his parents knew that something was up. However, before his parents could really understand Shikyo's mind, it would have already been too late for his siblings. Shikyo made a living off of bullying his siblings, and enjoyed every bit of the sadness leaked from his family, and almost fed off of it. Shikyo laughed as his siblings lacked snacks, while Shikyo ate like a king.

Shikyo had shown great interest in his abilities, and as he got older and older, he attempted to experiment with his abilities, creating a clay spider, he was intrigued with the thing, and when he found out how to use this spider as a weapon, he became all the more mischievous. He began blowing things up, granted he could get into his father's clay stores, or he could find clay himself, he would use it as ammunition to create his explosives, and wreak havoc on his siblings. Shikyo did not dare attempt to make a life threatening move against them, as he knew that would only end in trouble for Shikyo, so he planned his steps carefully, and moved with caution. Shikyo only became more and more slick. It was, however, nearing time for him to be registered at the Ninja Academy.

Shikyo was an exceptional student, never failing a single quiz or test, and showing himself as an excellent potential ninja, and a potential genius. Shikyo was of great interest to the teachers, who saw him, and saw great potential in him. Shikyo was on his way to graduating to Genin already, and he was only 9 years old. His parents, and his siblings, however, saw him as a cheater, and a monster, and was nothing but trouble, and when his parent's boy was complimented, they attempted to act modest, and ruin Shikyo's image, and he grew only more irritated with his parents, and his siblings, and soon began to contemplate killing them. “He would not allow this filth to exist.” Shikyo made every attempt to bring hell to his parents, and his siblings, physically beating them up, and being scolded endlessly, things were heating up.

When Shikyo passed and became a Genin, he was left with nobody to congratulate him, no friends, as he was arrogant and rude, and not his parents, as he was disrespectful and tyrannical. Shikyo then was matched with a Genin team, and took out his anger on them, and his Jounin Sensei sensed that something was wrong with him, as they almost seemed afraid of Shikyo, and stayed far away from him. Shikyo could already use C1 Kibaku Nendo jutsu by now, and he was extremely dangerous to anybody around him, having mastered C1. He could do away with his team members at any time he wanted to do it, but he did not, as he did not focus on them, and did not try to kill them, but was in fact more focused on training. His father refused to teach Shikyo the arts of his Kekkei Genkai, so he was forced to learn them on his own, and had to figure out everything on his own, which only made him even more enraged with his family.

The Chuunin Exams were not going to roll around again for another five months, so Shikyo placed all of his time into training. He attempted to decipher every way and conjure up any method of killing an opponent at any given time. He trained extremely hard, and became exceptionally strong. Then, the Chuunin Exams rolled around. The first exam was a snap for Shikyo. All Shikyo needed to do was to send his Kibaku Nendo bugs, while carrying one of his diamonds, across the floor, and allow him to see the answers, and cheat on the first test, which would grant Shikyo access to the Second test, and probably the easiest test for Shikyo. This test would demonstrate his true colors, and his monstrous personality.

Shikyo set up a trap, first, to catch any ninja he could catch. Shikyo had put a piece of his Naton Diamond on the ground, and had planted Exploding Clay in the trees. Any ninja team who got caught would be blown to pieces, and the team could get their scroll. A team easily fell for it, being blown to pieces, and leaving only one survivor, Shikyo managed to get his hands on that one, and kicked him in the head, dislodging his brain, and killing the third one, commenting “You were a fool in allowing yourself to get captured, Hyuuga. You're a fool, and to think your team could still be alive, had you been responsible, and sensed my trap. But trash like you doesn't deserve to live.” Shikyo kicked him across the head, and they made their way to the checkpoint. Shikyo was looking forward to the Third Exam, where he would be able to really let it all out.

Last edited by Uchiha Kumori on Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:43 pm; edited 11 times in total
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Shikyo no Tomo Empty Re: Shikyo no Tomo

Post by Uchiha Kumori Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:29 pm

Shikyo was, however, forced to battle a user of Wind. This ninja proved to be a strong opponent for Shikyo, and was able to pin him down, but Shikyo was able to pull a Crystal Portal Jutsu on him, and plant a Kibaku Nendo bomb on him, and sent him to hell, and destroyed him, winning the battle by blowing part of his back off, and paralyzing him for life, taking away his chance to ever become a Shinobi again. He did not show mercy at all during the exams, and his ego once again shined, and Shikyo was certainly prepared to do just about anything to attain what he wanted, and kill who he no longer wanted around. And Shikyo had a good idea of who he wanted to kill now. Now that he was a Chuunin, he was ready to bring it on.


Shikyo was getting tired with the way things were going in the world around him. The Great Shinobi Villagers were simply too peaceful. He does not necessarily believe in peace, but all he wants is his order to be the law, and he took measures himself to try and damage the bonds between villages, and the country's themselves. Shikyo has assisted in several assassination missions that were handed to him by the Hidden Rock Village, and has shown himself to be an extremely deadly assassin, taking out his foes with ease, blowing them up with a single C1 Bomb that was thrown at them, and his crystal abilities only made things worse for his opponents, as his bloodline Naton let him spy on foes, and take them out silently and without trouble. Shikyo no Tomo, as he was called, was merciless and calculating, and he became heavily resented outside of the Rock Village, and even many people on the inside hated him, mostly do to his arrogant personality.

Shikyo, however, was not satisfied with simply killing enemies of peace. Shikyo wanted to bring about war, and bring his village to ultimate victory, and therefore, he began doing things that, if he was ever discovered, would, without question, be locked away in prison, but more likely, be executed. Shikyo began embarking on his own assassinations, killing anybody he thought would be a formidable opponent in war, or an obstacle on his path, making sure nobody interfered with his dark doings. In addition, Shikyo took it upon himself to kill large amounts of the innocent, mostly people who were “simple minded” or “useless”. He manipulated plenty more people than he actually killed, but he has shown no empathy, ever in his life, and this continues to hold true. When Shikyo undertook these activites, He wore a wooden mask that only exposed the eyeholes, where Shikyo could see, and the mouth and nose. He also wore a hood, and a cloak.

After killing people by the hundreds, he decided that it was time to turn his fiery wrath on his own family. Shikyo planned out his murder very well. He sent C1 explosives in key areas in his house, and leaving them there, and waiting for victims to come along, he would detonate them when the time came, carefully making routes for the explosives to get to their prey, and kill each family member simultaneously. While his brother was sleeping in his own apartment, His sister still awake, reading a book, and his parents eating dinner, each family member currently pre-occupied, Shikyo made his move. He chose to kill his sister and brother together, first. Both of them were successfully killed. Their heads were blown off, and their bodies were left behind, left to bleed out, and they would not be found for some time, either. However, that was not where Shikyo chose to end it.

Shikyo chose to kill both of them at the same time, but he had to wait for the best opening. When they went to kiss one another good night, a C1 explosive came into their faces, and blew the both of them up, ending them both, leaving nothing but bled out corpses when they were all found, dead. Shikyo had apparently at his home at the time of the murders, and was the most likely suspect, and since they were found dead, killed by explosives, they assumed it was Shikyo. However, when they decided to try and neutralize Shikyo, they themselves were found out, and Shikyo confronted them, binding them with a C1 Centipede. Shikyo told them they had no real evidence to suggest Shikyo was the killer, and they were forced to leave, and forget the incident ever happened, otherwise they'd be dead in a good amount of time.

Speciality: Ninjutsu, Element Attuned
Learned jutsus:

Naton Jutsu
Kibaku Nendo Jutsu
Doton Jutsu
Kibaku Naiya Jutsu

Naton (Diamond) (Bloodline)
Doton (Earth/Clay) (Bloodline)
Weapons/items: Clay Pouches, Diamond Pouches, Basic Shinobi Gear
Goals: To bring about his own judgment.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Shikyo no Tomo Empty Re: Shikyo no Tomo

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:55 pm

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Shikyo no Tomo Empty Re: Shikyo no Tomo

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:13 pm

Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Shikyo no Tomo Empty Re: Shikyo no Tomo

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:02 am

Approved again?
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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