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Shikyo's Jutsu

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Shikyo's Jutsu Empty Shikyo's Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:41 pm

Name of jutsu: Doton – Kibaku Nendo - C1
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Toujitakumi
Element Affinity: Doton

Shikyo no Tomo is a ninja who possesses the Toujitakumi Bloodline limit, which allows the usage of Kibaku Nendo. This is the first type of explosive chakra used by Clan members. This explosive chakra produces varied explosions, with the smallest amounts being enough to blow off a limb, or blow up the human head, with the largest explosions using each round of C1 being big enough to take out two people in a single explosion. Explosives at this size are usually relatively small, with explosives usually not being any bigger than a human child. Size varies between C1 varieties, with some being as small as a kitten, to others being the size of a full grown large breed dog. These are also the most stealthy of the C1 explosives, able to take out foes in a single blast in the most sneaky manner possible. They also use up the least chakra, only taking up a forgettable amount of chakra for each creature.

Weakness: It takes about 10 seconds for Shikyo to eat the clay, infuse it with chakra, and then mold it into the desired creation. Also, they are weak to Raiton.

Spider: These are the smallest of the Clay explosions, only being about as big as a kitten, but their size does not matter in this case, as they are the least noisy explosives in Shikyo's arsenal. The spiders can stick to just about anything, and it is very hard to dislodge them once they've stuck to something. The explosion that this creature makes is big enough to blow off a human limb, or in the cases of assassination, blow off an enemy head, or blow a hole through their chest, and let them bleed out painfully. When a hand eats a blot of clay, each hand can produce up to 5 spiders per hand.

Bulky Bird: These birds are also creations of C1 chakra, also being proportionately small compared to the other C1 creations. Bulky birds take on the shape of a normal songbird, and being imbued with enough speed to chase down targets, and destroy them, although a quick ninja could dodge them, they are often used in combo attacks, and are useful for destroying enemy positions, or taking out an unwary enemy quickly. Also, they do not use up a lot of chakra, just like the spiders do. The explosion they produce is big enough to severely damage a human being, and knock them unconscious with ease. A well placed hit can instantly kill them, but it usually has to explode near the head or upper body, and it should be close. Each hand can create up to three bulky birds at a time.

Lean Bird: These birds are different from the previous birds in that they are much faster than any other C1 explosive available to Shikyo, and they are capable of overtaking a fast Ninja, and blowing them up. They have two pairs of wings, making them ultra fast, and able to dodge an enemy's counterattack, making the only possibility to survive the Lean Bird is to either substitute, trick them, or block the attack in some way. They have the same blast power and radius as the bulky birds. The downside to these powerful explosives is that only one is made per hand, meaning two can be used at one time.

Centipede: A different kind of C1 creation, Centipedes are produce in two varieties. The first is much larger than the second, and rather than be thrown and used separately, it is utilized from the hand itself, and is shot out, similar to Orochimaru's Striking Shadow Snakes. The centipede, once it has ensnared and captured a foe, will be detonated, and if you are caught by it, you will be blown up. Only one can be made per hand at any one time, and is it misses, then the user is left vulnerable. This centipede is very large, able to wrap around and perfectly trap up to seven fully grown humans in a single move, and blow them all up. The other centipede is smaller, but the same basic usage is applied. It is separated from Shikyo, and can be manipulated like Shikyo's other creations, and can wrap around a foe, and when constricting them, they can be blown up.

Grasshopper: These C1 explosives are usually meant only to delay a pursuing enemy. These explosives are different than the others in that they are capable of selecting and executing actions on their own, rather than be controlled by their creator. They are locked onto a single foe usually, and will stay in place, acting as a barrier, and mirroring their opponent's moves, and with their jumping power, it is a difficult barrier to get past. The creatures can stick to opponents, and blow them up right there, meaning a ninja will usually be delayed significantly when trying to catch a fleeing ninja. The grasshoppers are produced in large amounts, usually 30-40 per hand, and when activated, will act as a barrier, and prevent a single enemy of the user;s choosing from moving any further until they defeat the creatures. Each one has the same explosive power as a Spider.

Fish: These C1 explosives are much different from all the others, in that they are water resistant, and therefore can travel through water at super fast speeds, and can be detonated like other explosives to kill enemies in the water. These fish can be usually be created in batches of 10-15 per hand, and the explosion they produce is equal to an explosion caused by a spider.

Dog: Most likely the fastest kind of explosive in the C1 arsenal, along with the Lean Bird. These dogs don't look so much like dogs, more like hell hounds, with strange faces and a strange structure, the dogs are produced in large groups, and have a high explosion ability. In addition, like the grasshoppers, they are able to act on their own, and if they find an opponent, they have the ability to take them out skillfully. Because they travel in groups, they can attack them together, and defeat a fleeing foe. The Dogs are created in batches of up to 5 per hand, and each hand making a pack. The explosion made by these dogs is equal to the ones made by the lean birds.

Name of jutsu: Doton – Kibaku Nendo - C2
Rank E-S: C-B
Range: All
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

This is the second kind of explosive clay that is used by Shikyo no Tomo, and is much more versatile than the other kinds of explosive chakras. While some creations made by this form of chakra have much larger explosions than the C1, able to obliterate enemies entirely in a single blast, others are capable of very weak explosions, such as the carriers, which are C Ranked explosives. However, all C2 forms have a common trait in that they are they are very sizable compared to C1, and even alone they are huge. Carriers are usually the smallest, but the big ones, like the C2 Dragon, are humongous, and very, very dangerous. This is usually where the usage of Kibaku Nendo gets rather complicated, and Chuunin who have Toujitakumi can usually only begin to learn this ability, and only until they get to Jounin can they really use C2. Only 1 C2 can be made at a time, even with both hands.

Weakness: Same as C1.

C2 Dragon: This is the most recognizable form of C2, the Dragon. Because Shikyo does not have a partner, a Nendo Bunshin will do the team part of the jutsu. The C2 Dragon is easily the largest C2 creation, being big enough to completely crush the Hokage's Office in Konoha. The C2 Dragon has a very long tail, being like a worm, and made up in segments. The smaller, multiple segments near the end of the tails will be released in the form of land mines, where a Nendo Bunshin, created by Shikyo, will bury the mines underground, and once he has done that, and established a mine field under the surface, the real attack can begin. There are five remaining segments on the Dragon's tail, and each large segment can be absorbed, and a fatty, explsosive projectile can be launched, which will blow up, making a powerful offense. The last segment is extremely powerful, able to completely blow up a battlefield. Because there are mines underground, any wrong move will be the enemy's last.

Basilisk: This is also a very large usage of C2, but not in total size, rather it is completely made out of it's length. The Basilisk is a quick moving, and powerful explosive, and is specially made to kill a Summoning. The Basilisk can coil around a summoning, and holding on to it using it's arms and claws, it will explode, killing the captured summoning. The Basilisk will destroy anything it has coiled around, and is very powerful, creating a huge explosion all on it's own.

Octopus: This is the strongest Explosive in terms of underwater combat, able to move easily and with agility through the water, able to dodge an enemy attack relatively easily, meaning defeating it is not easy. The Octopus, if it coils around a foe, can detach it's tentacles, which will then coil around it's foe completely, and then explode, killing them. The Octopus itself is capable of blowing up it's mantle, creating a humongous underwater explosion, and will usually produce something of a small tsunami. The Octopus is also able to launch itself from the water spontaneously if desired, and can go high up into the air, and hit a land locked target.

Elephant: This is, without a doubt, the most explosive, and the most deadly of all the C2 explosives. Simply put, the elephant is near invulnerable. Elemental attacks, unless they are Raiton, are ineffective, and physical attacks are also forgettable, as it could simply explode and kill an attacking foe. The Elephant can also stampede through any barrier made by a B Rank or higher jutsu, and can destroy any barrier B Rank or higher, and severely damage an A Ranked defense. The Elephant explodes with an amazing force and heat, and will completely destroy anything and everything in it's path.

Thunderbird: This is a powerful C2 Explosive used by Shikyo. This C2 takes on the form of a giant bird, as described in some legends in some regions. The Thunderbird is capable of using it's wings to rain down smaller explosives from the wing region. These smaller explosives take the shape of dandelion seeds, millions upon millions of them, and they are heat seeking. Once they reach something that is above 95 degrees in heat, they will detonate. The bird itself can produce an enormous explosion and destroy any B Ranked defense, and still damage an enemy.

Gryphon: This is a special B Rank explosive. It has the body of a lion, with the head and wings of an eagle, and a tail that resembles a snake. The Gryphon is capable of vast aerial maneuvers, and is average sized for a C2, about as big as a house. However, the body is not really explosive, but rather, it is the extremities that are very explosive. The limbs can be dropped and detonated, producing a very large explosion, and if required, wings can be shed to be detonated. However, the most explosive part is the tail, which when dropped, will produce a monstrous explosion of incredible proportions.

Carrier: Hawk, Owl, Pelican, Swan, Dragon, Bat, and Dragon.
These are all C2 Explosives, but use up only a C Rank amount of jutsu, since their explosions are not lethal. Rather, they are simply made to allow Shikyo to fly through the air, and dodge attacks. They are all capable of storing things, such as captured targets, or anything else that might need transportation. They are all capable of the same feats, such as being able to travel long distances, and dodge attacks very well. The only difference is appearance.

Name of jutsu: Doton – Nendo Bunshin (Clay Clone)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close-Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

This is a special jutsu used by Shikyo. Shikyo will create a clone made out of clay, which acts like a normal elemental clone, having explosive clay. However, the Nendo Bunshin has a horrifying ability. If it puts explosive clay in it's own mouth, it can create a very, very large explosion, which can be used as a delay attack, or as a trick in itself, and blow up enemies.


Name of jutsu: Doton – Moguragakure (Mole Hiding)
Rank E-S: C
Range: None
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

This is one of the few, normal Doton techniques used by Shikyo. Shikyo can use this jutsu to travel underground quickly and effectively, like a mole, and either avoid an otherwise point blank move, or just set up for another attack.

Cannot see the surface.

Name of jutsu: Doton – Retsudo Tenshou (Revolving Split Earth Palm)
Rank E-S: C
Range: All
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

This is another standard issue jutsu used by Stone Village ninja. Shikyo will place his palm on the ground, and stand in that position, and then churn up and twist a selected area of earth, killing or trapping whoever is inside.

Must remain still while performing it.

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:26 pm; edited 6 times in total
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Shikyo's Jutsu Empty Re: Shikyo's Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:41 pm

Name of jutsu: Kibaku Naiya – Exploding Diamond - C1
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close-Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Shitaka
Element Affinity: Naton - Diamond

This is the end result of combining the Shitaka Bloodline Kekkei Genkai abilities, and the Kekkei Genkai of the Toujitakumi. The result is the ability to use Kibaku Naiya. Similar to Kibaku Nendo, Kibaku Naiya requires the usage of the hands on Shikyo's hands. He will take in specially made Diamond, and crunch down on it, and imbue it with the same explosive chakra that is contained within Kibaku Nendo. Kibaku Naiya is different from Kibaku Nendo in that, because it is made out of Shitaka Diamond, Shikyo can see out of the explosives eyes, and guide it through threatening areas quickly. In addition, when the diamond explodes, the diamond is broken up, and turned into spiky bits, sort of like shrapnel, which are thrown out of the explosion, and can pierce, and even blow off a limb, if done in a close range strike. Also, because it is made of crystal, it no longer holds the same weakness towards lightning Kibaku Nendo once had. However, Kibaku Naiya not move nearly as fast.

C1 explosives are similar to the Kibaku Nendo, in that they usually take on the forms of smaller creatures, and are more strategic explosives than anything else. Some explosives are exlcusive to clay, while others are exclusive to diamond.

Weakness: In description

Same thing as the Kibaku Nendos, except the birds

Projectiles: These are not really animal like explosives, but they still get the job done. Shikyo will hold out his hands, and shoot out these acorn shaped, very strong explosives, will multiple spikes and bits, making the shrapnel blasts even stronger. They are shot out near the speed of sound, making dodging them extremely difficult. For each creation, three are made per hand.

Woodlice: These are explosives unique to the Kibaku Naiya abilities. These woodlice are very flat, allowing them to slip through potentially troublesome obstacles, such as floorboards, and the like. Lastly, since they are woodlice, they have the ability to roll up into a ball, a very tight one, and avoid certain attacks. They are about as big as the spiders, but can squeeze down to a very small size, and get through these obstacles. 10 are made by each hand when used.

Name of jutsu: Kibaku Naiya – Exploding Diamond - C2
Rank E-S: C-B
Range: All
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Shitaka
Element Affinity: Naton - Diamond

This is the end result of combining the Shitaka Bloodline Kekkei Genkai abilities, and the Kekkei Genkai of the Toujitakumi. The result is the ability to use Kibaku Naiya. Similar to Kibaku Nendo, Kibaku Naiya requires the usage of the hands on Shikyo's hands. He will take in specially made Diamond, and crunch down on it, and imbue it with the same explosive chakra that is contained within Kibaku Nendo. Kibaku Naiya is different from Kibaku Nendo in that, because it is made out of Shitaka Diamond, Shikyo can see out of the explosives eyes, and guide it through threatening areas quickly. In addition, when the diamond explodes, the diamond is broken up, and turned into spiky bits, sort of like shrapnel, which are thrown out of the explosion, and can pierce, and even blow off a limb, if done in a close range strike. Also, because it is made of crystal, it no longer holds the same weakness towards lightning Kibaku Nendo once had. However, Kibaku Naiya not move nearly as fast.

C2 Explosives are not really like the Kibaku Nendo explosives, in that they are designed to produce large explosions, and also have an EXTREMELY far shrapnel range. They are not used as carriers like before, and are able to blow up B Ranked defenses and still harm the ninja inside easily.

Weakness: In description.

Same thing as the Kibaku Nendo, except for the mythical birds, and the dragon.

Rhinoceros: This is another C2 Kibaku Naiya explosive that is used when the C2 level is needed. This Rhinoceros is capable of using it's powerful horn and brute strength to crash through anything, including earthen walls, and homes, as well as buildings, and when it explodes, it creates a very, very large explosion.

Turtle: The most explosive, no contest, of all of the explosives, the turtle is slow and cumbersome, but when it reaches it's target, they have no hope. It's explosion is huge, but the real threat is the shrapnel. There is no dodging it, and if you are hit, even a little, you will probably lose a limb in the explosion. The turtle has great defenses, as one might expect, but is very slow in terms of movement speed.

Name of jutsu: Koukentenshi (Guardian Angel)
Rank E-S: -
Range: All
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Shitaka
Element Affinity: Naton - Diamond

This is not really a jutsu, but more a bloodline trait given to Shikyo. Shikyo has “three” eyes. The two in his eye sockets, which he sees out of, and a third, normally inactive vision. This vision can be used at any time, and can view any viewpoint. Shikyo, since he actually has crystal in his eyes to serve as his eyes, there are actually three possible viewpoints available. There is also a fourth, but that is unlocked at Sannin level. He can change between viewpoints at any time, meaning he could get a full, 360 degree view of his enemy.

Weakness: N/A

Name of jutsu: Naton – Haridainin (Crystal Substitute)
Rank E-S: D
Range: None
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Shitaka
Element Affinity: Naton - Diamond

This is a jutsu that is used by Shikyo, instead of using the normal substitution. Rather than replace Shikyo with a piece of wood or a few rocks, Shikyo will replace himself with a very large, about five foot across sphere made out of diamond, with spikes as long as 6 feet coming out of it all over. This jutsu can be used to surprise an attacking Taijutsu foe, and stab them.

Can only be used once per battle. If the normal substitution is used, than you cannot use this jutsu. If you use this jutsu, then you cannot use the normal substitution.

Name of jutsu: Naton – Haribenso (Crystal Defense)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Shitaka
Element Affinity: Naton - Diamond

This is a Diamond jutsu used by Shikyo no Tomo. Shikyo will use the Diamond Element to produce a defensive barrier to protect Shikyo from an enemy attack. It is supported by several beams in the ground, which hold it in place, and is designed to brush off many attacks, including most physical attacks, since it is made out of diamond. Haribenso, like other Naton jutsu, allows Shikyo to look out of the shield using his “third” eye Shitaka eye.

An enemy could just go around the shield and attack, and is usually only good for one blow, since the enemy usually changes attack direction afterwards.

Name of jutsu: Naton – Hariyoroi (Crystal Armor)
Rank E-S: C
Range: None
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Shitaka
Element Affinity: Naton - Diamond

This is another defensive Diamond Jutsu, but is a little more complicated, and arguably less reliable. Rather than form a defense, the crystal will form around Shikyo, and make an armor, with joints, allowing him to survive an enemy attack. Because of his kekkei genkai, he can still see out of a completely sealed armor. It allows him to survive a variety of attacks, including stabs amd slices from an enemy sword, meaning the armor is very strong.

Weakness: Can't move.

Name of jutsu: Naton – Harikongoku (Crystal Prison)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close-Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Shitaka
Element Affinity: Naton - Diamond

This is a simple, Crystal based Ninjutsu technique. Shikyo will instantly create multiple stumps of crystal, which, because of their rapid speed and surprise, a ninja will have little to no way of dodging the attack. The stumps do not serve as a perfect restraint, but they can still hold the enemy there long enough to be attacked and taken down. Also, if their hands come within 6 inches of the ground, they will be instantly caught themselves as well.

If you can, you can pull your foot out of the ground, since the crystal does not actually go very far under ground.

Name of jutsu: Naton – Hariseki (Crystal Gate)
Rank E-S: C
Range: All
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Shitaka
Element Affinity: Naton - Diamond

This is a Diamond based Ninjutsu technique which is very effective, and powerful in battle. About five feet tall, oval, flat surfaces are created from rocks made out of crystal. These portals can allow for Shikyo to hide inside, and think up of a plan, or conserve chakra. In addition, each portal is linked by this jutsu, and as long as there are two in existence, Shikyo can, at will, teleport between the portals, sending his physical self across the portals, and appearing elsewhere, similar to his ability to see out of the crystal, he can hide inside of it as well.

Weakness: It takes about two seconds to enter or leave the portal, giving the enemy the chance to hit him, or see him. In addition, if the portal is somehow broken, Shikyo will not die, but will be forced from the portal with minor injuries.

Name of jutsu: Naton – Hariengai (Crystal Dome)
Rank E-S: C
Range: None
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Shitaka
Element Affinity: Naton - Diamond

This is another defnesive Crystal jutsu used by Shikyo. Shikyo will sit in a lotus position, and raise a very thick dome made out of Crystal, which is actually a sphere, since the bottom is also filled. Inside, Shikyo can still view the outside world, and respond to an enemy attack or other action, which would probably catch them by surprise. The Dome can fend off a wide multitude of jutsu, since it is made out of diamond. However, it takes time to make the dome, and time to get out of the dome.

Limited physical movement inside.

Name of jutsu: Naton – Haribunshin (Crystal Clone)
Rank E-S: C
Range: None
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Shitaka
Element Affinity: Naton - Diamond

This is yet another Shitaka clan jutsu. Shikyo will make a human shaped crystal structure, which takes on the form of Shikyo, making the clone. It is capable of using Crystal based jutsu, but is not like Kage Bunshins, having chakra evenly divided amongst the clones. The clone, because of it's crystal structure, is completely impervious to Taijutsu, since it is made out of the hardest substance in the entire world.

Weakness: Not as fast as Shikyo himself.

Name of jutsu: Naton – Harisubeta (Crystal Sword)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Shitaka
Element Affinity: Naton - Diamond

This is a jutsu that is very similar to the jutsu once used by a ninja known as Mugen, who knew the Crystal Release. A blade made out of crystal is attached to the arm of the ninja, which would be used for offense. However, in this case, the jutsu is used in case Shikyo is engaged in close combat. The blades can be blade fighting, but are more commonly used to block attacks, or inflict a fatal strike without the usage of explosives. One is made for each hand.

The blades are not very sharp. They can cut through meat, but not too well.

Name of jutsu: Naton – Naiya Senbon (Diamond Needles)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Mid-Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Shitaka
Element Affinity: Naton - Diamond

This is a basic jutsu using the Diamond Element, used by Shikyo. Shikyo will grow crystal on his arms and wrist, and on his hand, and on his fingers. He will use the crystal on his arms as “ammunition”, and can fire out ten senbon needles at a time, able to fire four times. These needles are extremely sharp and strong, able to easily go through earth, wood, etc, and even some metals. The needles are extremely sharp, and is not really able to be broken.

Weakness: Takes a while to actually get them ready and shoot them, enough for an enemy to take advantage and attack. About 5 seconds.

Name of jutsu: Naton – Sakashima Hariyoroi (Reverse Crystal Armor)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close-Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Shitaka
Element Affinity: Naton - Diamond

This is simply Hariyoroi, but in a different manner. The armor will actually attach itself to an ally to block them from an attack, or it can be used to constrict an enemy, and keep them from moving all together. Once the legs and feet are caught, there is little hope of escaping the jutsu. It takes two full posts for the jutsu to completely encase an enemy. The first post will have Shikyo attempt to catch them, and if Shikyo succeeds, then the jutsu will then take a second post to restrain their arms. After that, they care considered captured. Shikyo can then open a hole in the heart area, and stab them using a kunai, or a crystal blade.

Weakness: Must stay still while performing the jutsu.

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:38 pm; edited 6 times in total
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Shikyo's Jutsu Empty Re: Shikyo's Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:47 pm

Name of jutsu: Naton – Naiyachiri (Diamond Dust)
Rank E-S: B
Range: All
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu/Genjutsu
Clan(Optional): Shitaka
Element Affinity: Naton - Diamond

Naiyachiri is a deadly Crystal based jutsu used by Shikyo. Shikyo will create a large amount of microscopic particles made out of crystal, that will float in the area in a 50 meter radius from Shikyo. These particles will then drift into the enemy, through any opening in the body. Once enough crystal is in the enemy, Shikyo can then control the particles, and re-collect them into sharp shards, and use them to cause internal damage, and cut through the enemy, and either paralyze them, neutralize them, or even kill them. The particles are blow away from Shikyo in this radius, and therefore will probably get inside the enemy. Also, Shikyo can slowly move the particles in the air, and guide them to the enemy. The particles are still visible, and actually form something of a shiny mist in the air. It is very harmonizing, and may beckon some inside. Seeing the crystals may bring them in, making this jutsu very dangerous.

Weakness: Shikyo could also breathe this in. It can also be blown away.

Name of jutsu: Haribureka (Crystal Breaker)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Shitaka
Element Affinity: Naton - Diamond

This is an extremely dangerous Jutsu. Shikyo will create a blade similar to the normal crystal blade, but this one is about a meter long from the hand. This blade is only 1 micron thick, sharper than the width of a bacteria, or a gas. The blade is capable of cutting through ANYTHING. There is not one substance in the world or defense strong enough to defend against this blade. Even metal is easily slashed like paper. An enemy sword would also be cut through, making combat with this blade out of the question.

Weakness: Even though it is incredibly sharp, it can be broken.

Name of jutsu: Naton – Harijaianto (Crystal Giant)
Rank E-S: B
Range: All
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Shitaka
Element Affinity: Naton - Diamond

This functions as both a defensive and an offensive jutsu. The start of the jutsu can be used to block an enemy attack as well. At the start, a large golem made out of crystal will be made in about a few seconds, which can defend against most B Ranked, all C, D, and E rank jutsu. It can also withstand some A rank jutsu, as one injury to the golem will not topple the whole thing. The golem can then be “entered”, and Shikyo can hide inside, and send out his explosives to attack foes. He can get out at any time in case an attack comes at him. Because it is made of crystal, he can see out of any of the viewpoints. Also, if an enemy is in range, it could attack them.

Weakness: It moves relatively slow.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Shikyo's Jutsu Empty Re: Shikyo's Jutsu

Post by Kenshi Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:36 am

I don't know about diamond man.


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Shikyo's Jutsu Empty Re: Shikyo's Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:16 pm

Yoshimo Izoto wrote:I don't know about diamond man.

Shikyo can't even use Taijutsu, otherwise he'd break the jaws on his hand mouths, and probably break their teeth too.

I didn't give him C3 or C4, or the self destruct ones to try and balance the power. And I didn't add any A Rank jutsu, even though he is a Jounin :/
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Shikyo's Jutsu Empty Re: Shikyo's Jutsu

Post by Koga Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:38 pm

Well, you gotta keep in mind.. its DIAMOND. A substance that is basically unbreakable. And also keep in mind that the setting of this world is a feudal japan style, not really the highest state of technology or knowledge for breaking diamonds, considering we can barely do it today. That means your armor and barrier techniques are, in all respects, invincible. That, also, kind of makes your explosive diamond abilities a bit unsensical. Diamonds are a bit difficult to make shatter, especially into large waves of small shards. If it did break, it would probably just snap in half, if at all. This also means any diamond summons/spawns you do are totally undestroyable, making the golem ability a bit overpowered, and its effect making no sense (that it can only withstand weaker jutsu when its the hardest substance known to man).

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Shikyo's Jutsu Empty Re: Shikyo's Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:43 pm

Koga, in the chapter where Sasuke was battling Itachi, when he used Kirin, he was using actual, natural lightning. Zetsu said that REAL lightning was really fast, while ELEMENTAL lightning was able to be dodged. That's kind of the case with elemental diamond, most likely. It's hard, yeah, but it's not going to be as strong as real diamond. It can be broken, and it can be destroyed. It's stronger than earth, but it's still something produced by a ninja, not by the actual forces of nature.
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Shikyo's Jutsu Empty Re: Shikyo's Jutsu

Post by Koga Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:49 pm

Thats why theres multiple names for different minerals. Since theres only one type of lightning, thats what they call it: lightning. If they arent as strong as diamonds, and they dont have the same properties as diamonds, then I think its safe to say they arent diamonds.

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Shikyo's Jutsu Empty Re: Shikyo's Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:52 pm

Well, it's not my bloodline. It's Kaji's, and he said I could use it. He says it is Diamond, so that's what I am going with.

And even if it was real diamond, if I made an armor of it, how am I going to move? I guess I can't. And what happens when a big bush of diamond suddenly gets in your way? Do you stand there and wait for it to fall down, or lay on attacks until it breaks? You can't go around it? Razz
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Shikyo's Jutsu Empty Re: Shikyo's Jutsu

Post by Koga Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:01 pm

Well, if Yoshimo sees any problem with it then, I suppose Kaji would need to be brought into question as well.

And, well, since youre the one making abilities that involve armors of diamond, you would be the one to answer that question, if the armor is in fact made of diamond. Though as far as the barrier technique goes, what happens when you use the barrier while youre up against a mountain? "Oops, Ill walk around, urrr! See you in a few hourz! XD"?

Regardless, the fact that its not your jutsu style kind of defeats the purpose of any of this. Ill give it back to Yoshimo from here.

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Shikyo's Jutsu Empty Re: Shikyo's Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:06 pm

I find it weird that when I made a Diamond using Genin, with a Bijuu, alot of the jutsu posted here were approved with him, and he could use Lava too.

Kaji gave me permission to use the bloodline, since he doesn't use it. Well, I'm not going to make a mountain out of diamond, now am I? That would be, at least, A Ranked.

Then I guess he can't move if it's an armor of diamond :/

Well, it's only meant to defend against an attack. It's not like it's going to be very useful again, since I'm not going to be able to manipulate it further.

And I'll remove the blow up thing, then.
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Shikyo's Jutsu Empty Re: Shikyo's Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:43 pm

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Shikyo's Jutsu Empty Re: Shikyo's Jutsu

Post by Mirage Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:28 pm

We have had diamond jutsu on this site for a very long time and more than once. My very first character which i still have to this day uses crystal jutsu but also has a few diamond jutsu. I have fought alot of people who have all fought against me just fine when going up against diamond. So i see no problem with it.

Unless Yoshimo has a problem with this, I am approving it.

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Shikyo's Jutsu Empty Re: Shikyo's Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:12 pm

Name of jutsu: Naton – Edasenka (Warbow)
Rank E-S: -
Range: Mid-Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Shitaka
Element Affinity: Naton - Diamond

Using his powerful Bow and Arrow, Shikyo can use this jutsu to create arrows. Shikyo will create arrows that are composed of diamond. These incredibly sharp arrows are able to pierce through metal, and can deeply embed themselves inside of an enemy, and sometimes even completely blow a hole through the enemy. Shikyo, when creating the diamond arrows, can control their physical form, making them like a drill, have multiple points, etc, to maximize the killing potential of each shot of the arrows. Additionally, Shikyo can cause rudders to spring up on the arrows in mid flight, and sway the arrow into a different direction.

In addition, while doing this, Shikyo will put diamond “joints” on his arms, and when he wishes, he can make the diamond move, and help Shikyo pull back the bow even further to increase the range of the arrow.

In order to fire arrows, Shikyo puts himself in a vulnerable state. In addition, it usually gives away his position immediately. If he is attacked while shooting, he will probably have a hard time countering.
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Shikyo's Jutsu Empty Re: Shikyo's Jutsu

Post by Kenshi Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:56 pm



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