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The Sanzum Clan

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The Sanzum Clan Empty The Sanzum Clan

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:13 pm

Name: The Sanzum Clan

Founder: The Bennin :: Nimenka Sanzum

Secret Library, in a secret location.

The Sanzum Clan has not been around as long as some of the other clans in the world. The Sanzum Clan were once only heard of in folklore. The earliest document of the name Sanzum was used to describe the Bennin, or the Watchmen. They were said to have been scouts sent by the gods to review and assess the progress of the human race, using their extremely powerful ability, and one that was passed down to the human members of the Sanzum Clan, the Omnigan. The Bennin were said to have acted as the god's eyes and ears, letting them know of the world around them, and hiding out amongst the human populace, taking on the human form, and even deceiving the strongest of ninjas, and maintaining their hidden identity. The Bennin Organization, as it was known, kept a vast, sacred library, hidden somewhere in the world, where they stored as much information as they could find, chronicling history, the ninja world, and scientific knowledge. It was said to be hidden somewhere in the world, and was only known to the Bennin.

However, disaster came when a person known as Ni-Oushi, a powerful Shinobi from the Hidden Leaf Village, who was an accomplished sage, who concentrated on the arts of hoofed animals, discovered the Bennin. Once the word quickly spread around about the Bennin's true identity, and more importantly, their location, Citizens, Ninja, and Fugitives began to converge on their location, attempting to gain access to the vast library, and pierce into the vast knowledge hive. It was decided abruptly by the gods that they needed to cut off all spiritual alignment with the vast library, and the Bennin were cut off by the superiors, left to defend the vast library themselves, while only so few managed to get away, the rest were left to an uncertain fate. Despite the Bennin's Kekkei Genkai, there were simply too many people to handle, and they were all defeated, and captured by the Shinobi Nations.

A Kage Summit had been held in order to decide the fate of the captured creatures. They were grotesque and unusual, but they were capable of the ninja arts, which puzzled them, making them only even more dangerous to society. One Bennin, the youngest one of them, was hurt the most. He had been deserted by his higher ups, and left to die. However, an inquisitive Kunoichi had happened upon him. At first he seemed resentful of humans, but then he began to get used to her, and they eventually developed a relationship, with the girl returning often to be with him. However, it wasn't before long that the fate of the Bennin was decided. Each one of them were condemned to death, as they were considered threats to everybody around them because of their abilities. She was heartbroken when she learned that her soul mate was doomed. However, he presented her with a gift, a parting gift.

The Bennin removed his powerful eyes, and with her help, as she was training to become a medical ninja, she was given the eyes, as a reminder of him, and his sacrifice in the line of duty. The eyes were a deep violet when they were inactive, and she would always be reminded of him. The next day, he was killed by the great villages, along with the rest of his kind, in an act of discrimination and fear, each Bennin lost their lives trying to protect their gods, and protect the other side. The Bennin were not only responsible for keeping knowledge together, but also to supplying information to the dead, and making sure the deceased could keep an eye on the world, and the dead ancestors of the youth may keep a watchful eye on their descendants. However, before all of the Bennin were mercilessly executed, a speech was spoken by the leader of the Bennin.

“We have followed our orders, issued to us by our superiors, to watch this world grow and develop. We were careless, and we got too close to the thing we were monitoring, and we paid the price for not thinking. We have managed to help the great ones up until now, and now we stand here, ready to die. We carried out what we were given to do, and now it's our time. I hope that one day, this world may stop shaking, and come to an eventual standstill, and when the violence ends, the world will know peace. But for now, our doom is just another sacrifice to the cause of helping this world. If this world cannot know peace, then we have failed...” The leader of the Bennin hung his head down as he was mercilessly executed. The girl herself, however, lived on, and carried the powers of the Omnigan with her.

She began a new clan, the legacy of the Bennin, with the clan being named after the person who gave the gift to humanity, Sanzum. The Sanzum Clan was established, with their Kekkei Genkai abilities being given to them by the original receiver of the Doujutsu. The members of the clan had settled in the Hidden Mist Village. The Sanzum Clan had helped in village affairs for years, helping to interrogate targets, and were effective spies because of there Kekkei Genkai. The Sanzum Clan served the Hidden Mist Village, only because the location of the project the clan was forming in an attempt to avenge their predecessors, the Bennin, whose blood ran through their veins, effectively making them part Bennin, and felt it was their duty to take on a new responsibility.

Today, the Sanzum Clan is not high in numbers, which can be traced to the Bloodline Massacres, which left a scar on the Sanzum Clan name. The clan still serves in Kirigakure as Shinobi, but their secret project still exists, and they are always taking every chance they get to gather the information they need. They have high aims for the future, and are determined to avenge their ancestors.

That was a while ago. Today, the clan serves Kumogakure.

Special Info:
The Sanzum Clan is run and governed by the council, with an (unoffical) council leader. The council members are known as the most intelligent, the clan members with the greatest sense of write and wrong (Dictated by the clan members), and the most dedicated to the clan itself. Clan council members are chosen by the Clan members themselves. The Sanzum Council members are comprised of six individuals who each see over a different portion of the clan and it's business. The first one, sometimes regarded as the leader outside of the clan, is the man in charge of village relations and relations with other clans. The second council member focuses on money. The third usually focuses on the training of the clan's young. The fourth usually focuses on improving and increasing the power of the clan by developing new techniques. The fifth is in charge of finding and taking down Missing Ninja fro mthe Sanzum Clan, in order to preserve the Omnigan. The sixth, and sometimes regarded as the most important council member, governs and protects the Sanzum Clan Library, where all information the Nentougami organization has gathered.

Though the clan council is in charge of these matters, and they have the final say, all members have the clan do have a voice in it, and are allowed to offer their wisdom and advice, and most members of the council are attentive to this, though there have been some exceptions. Even a child has some opinion and voice in the Clan, as they believe everybody has a voice, and everybody has the potential to be a genius.

Requirements: Must be born in; You can be kicked out if the council believes it is neccesary

Current Members:
-Ikino Sanzum
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

Posts : 427
Points : 270
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2009-01-03
Location : Unknown, now go away

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