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Time past, will the Uchiha become strong?

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Time past, will the Uchiha become strong? Empty Time past, will the Uchiha become strong?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:27 pm

It has been one year in half after Kudara had taken in Shin Uchiha from Konoha and made him one of his many apprentices that he has taken up over his course of his lifetime. Kudara had formally trained Shin to be a devastating shinobi. After the partaking of the surgery and a few weeks of recovery, Kudara had gotten to work with the boy. First he trained him with his physical body. He hates not having a shinobi who is not properly condition. It was one of the many pet peeves Kudara had when training students. At first he trained him to run for 70 miles, nonstop. He wanted Shin to have a large lung capacity so he can maintain physical endurance for extended periods of time. Next after a few months of running and strengths, Kudara trained him in the arts of taijutsu. Kudara specialized in such arts and this was one of the favorites that he had training with Shin

Kudara focused mostly on the combination of a style that had the principles of the tai chi, the hard strength of the strong fist and the mind and thought proccess of jeet Kun do, a specialize martial art that makes you your own master. Kudara, day after day, trained Shin, beating him to pulps at time when he did not do the practice skills right. He would spar with him, day after day, sometimes non-stop until he fell asleep. The brutal punches, the elegant kicks, the trips. All of which broke some of his bones, mostly his arms and ribs at times. But no matter what he did he never truly killed his spirit so he would not get up for anything. He wanted to train the boy so he would not be weak.

Next was the Kaika training, this was during the taijutsu and running periods. Kudara would usually tell Shin to go into a mediation form. Concentrating on the fire, the flames, the essence of fire itself. At times, it seemed boring, time consuming and most of the least interesting thing that could ever happen to anyone. But in due time, this made Shin much more wiser in the training cause soon after this process, the way of the Katon Kaika was easier than it looked. Shin was able to perform now seemingly hard task that would take A-ranked Shinobi years. Kudara blamed that factor on the fact that Shin was an Uchiha and Uchiha are more suscetable to the fire art.

Now it has been one year and a half and Kudara walks on the path towards Konoha with Shin. He has not changed his appearance nor has his youthful appearance of a man disipatied, it was odd for anyone to see. Kudara was wearing his akatsuki uniform.
Kyouken Uchiha
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Time past, will the Uchiha become strong? Empty Re: Time past, will the Uchiha become strong?

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:53 pm

Over the years, Shin had become more endurable to many of the attacks that Kudara had been continously throwing at him. He learned the Katon Kaika quickly, getting a great grip of everything that Kudara instructed him. He was very proud of himself for that, as he took pride in being a powerful Uchiha. His lung copasity has greatened, along with the damage his skin and body could take. It was almost like his nerves in his arms, legs, and torso were all shot and numbed. He could still fight, but without having to worry about getting harmed. He was lucky to have someone so powerful by his side, as he had changed alot over the years. He has no 'last regrets' in the people who come across him and dare to think of hurting him. He has high respect for those whom are upperclassmen, as he would like the respect back for himself.

Every step that Shin made, simply with the movement of his toes and heels all revolved around the taijutsu he was tought. His body even walked in the way of the simple stances he was tought. Never let your guard down, knowing that the outside world is full of surprises; Shin would always be ready for anything that came his way. He had always wondered what Kudara would do on his free time - If he had anything else to do but train him. This got Shin thinking, but he was always shy about asking him questions for some reason. He didnt want to get punished for asking something that sounded stupid.

Walking with Kudara by his side now, he was on a familiar trail. 'Konoha...?'He thought and looked upwards. Spikey, black hair parted over his right eye, as it was cut short as usual. He looked more mature now, adapting to the everyday training made him look more rugged and older. Looking up at Kudara, he asked him, "What are we doing here, Kudara-sama?"He wanted to know the plan. He had been yearning for a good fight for quite a while now.
Shin Uchiha
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Time past, will the Uchiha become strong? Empty Re: Time past, will the Uchiha become strong?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:44 pm

Kudara remained silent, his walking did not let up nor did he have any intentions on letting up. Kudara was on a mission that was given to him by Kyouken not so long ago. Kudara was in a ready-to-kill mode, his eye's, cold as the winter sky. His hair, lowered but spiked. His thinking was to get one thing and one thing only, to retrieve the files on store on the current 9 tailed jinchuuriki, Naruto Uzumaki.

**Four hours before**
Kudara was anixous to understand the following the mission. Its been a long time since he was assign to one, espicially after he took up apprentice of Shin Uchiha. Kyouken ceased giving him missions cause Shin was assign to him by default. He worried not only about the Shin's safety but also Kudara's. He knew that his fiery spirit would get in the way of protecting Shin, constantly, without the proper training and Kyouken knew that. He knew how Kudara and Shin thought. It was in his nature.

Kudara walks into the door, the door creaked open. As Kudara walks in he see's the rain falling down on the village through the giant window that streched and took up most of the room. The statue of the once renowned Pein has been nothing but rusted memory, the buildings however seemed to be more modernized but seemingly old buildings. In was almost looking into a mural of some sort. By the window as Kyouken, who was standing with his hands behind his back, looking outward towards the village. He heard Kudara come in

"Close the door, Volo"

Kudara closes the door behind him. He slowly walks up towards the desk that was sitting between Kyouken and Kudara. Kudara scratches his head

"You wanted me to do something for you, brother?"

Kyouken turns his head to the side to get a glance of Kudara "yes, yes I do....." Kyouken turns towards the desk and goes towards a drawer, he opens it and gets out a plained colored file on Konoha. "I'll make this brief so you can get started. Like always, the akatsuki organization is looking for the bijuu once more. They have been set free ever since the defeat of the akatsuki, ever so long ago. Like always, I've assign groups to capture these jinchuuriki's and take there bijuu. Im assigning you to the Kyuubi"

Kudara takes the file and begins to read up on Konoha. He gives a blank look at Kyouken "This is only talking about Konoha, why dont you have the information on the jinchuu.....Naruto?"

"Apparently, Naruto has gone missing for the past year and no one, not even our spies have whereabouts on where to find Naruto. Im guessing Konoha might have it since Naruto and the hokage are very, very close and knowing how they run there operations, it wouldnt shock me if they hid there information from anybody who seeks it. He is obviously a target for us since we are to hunt the bijuu. I need you to gather information on the whereabouts of Naruto with Shin. Once you gather enough information, I will assign you with another partner"

Kudara gives off a small smirk "You dont trust Shin to gain the Kyuubi with me? I mean, he has the Sharingan, he could suppress the kyuubi if he has to"

Kyouken shakes his head "No, Naruto is at a different level than Shin. It would've worked when you and I were younger and he was about 16-17 years old but since he has gain much more power than the last time me and him fought. If you do run into Naruto, you will obviously have no other choice than to fight and detain him. This is your objective"

"Hai....Oni-chan...." Kudara said before disappearing

**back to the present**

Kudara see's the hokage's face's as he walked closer and closer to Konoha. He turns his head to Shin

"Alright, this mission is to inflitrate and bring back information about the whereabouts of Naruto Uzumaki. We are not suppose to make contact with any shinobi, unless provoked. You understand me? I dont want you to start killing"
Kyouken Uchiha
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Time past, will the Uchiha become strong? Empty Re: Time past, will the Uchiha become strong?

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:24 pm

Shin noticed that Kudara had ignored him and stayed silent. The look on his face seemed to be blank, which he knew he was thinking deeply. As he waited for a reply, Shin began to experiment with his Kaika. He snapped his fingers, making a small flame emit then vanish everytime, entertaining himself. He stopped as he heared Kudara speak up and tell him what they were going to do. "Hai."he said as he answered, understanding the mission he was given. He remembered alot about the Uzumaki Naruto, knowing bits of information. He knew that he was probably going to capture and extract the Bijuu from the man, seeing as that was what the Akatsuki 27 years back did. 'How would I be of use to this mission..'Shin thought and looked forward. 'Is it possible that maybe my Sharingan is useful...'He asked himself in his thoughts.

"Sou desu ne... I'm guessing we would have to break into some sort of building to get this information, ne?"He asked in a soft, calm but curious tone as he stared up at Kudara. Shin came up to about neck length of Kudara, so it was easy for him to ask questions in a soft, whisper of a tone.
Shin Uchiha
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Time past, will the Uchiha become strong? Empty Re: Time past, will the Uchiha become strong?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:48 pm

"INdeed, the information tabout Naruto Uzumaki is secured in the hokage's office. If any, our job is for someone aid as a distraction for them to focus there attention to while one of us go and retrieve it. Inside of the hokage office there is a safe for all those that are "Independent" shinobi for Konoha. Naruto information, who's probably been recently updated, is inside of that safe. Once we retrieve it, we will set forth back to base"

Kudara looks back at Shin, he knew right away that he could do a retrieval mission while Kudara can perform the distraction. He doubt Shin was ready to take on mutliple shinobi who was considered S-ranked. Kudara thought Shin could though seeing he passed all of the training gave him, but he was old school. IF a person lack experience, he would not know what to do during a situation like that. In essence, Kudara was somewhat bloodhungry, he wanted to kill the prideful bastards of Konoha but at the same time he wanted to be peaceful. He had not intended to get Shin invovled, he would've done it himself but Kyouken wanted to see what Shin had. Was in truly strong enough to be considered akatsuki material. If Kudara gave him the retrieval mission, Kyouken would know that Kudara told him to do it and would probably disapprove of it. On the other hand, if he used him for the distraction there would be a strong chance of him getting killed. Either way, Kyouken was trying to get rid of Shin. It was win/win for him. Kudara, being the strong willed that he is, did not accept that and then smiles

"What would you like to do Shin?"
Kyouken Uchiha
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Time past, will the Uchiha become strong? Empty Re: Time past, will the Uchiha become strong?

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:27 am

Shin listened to Kudara's instructions and orders. It seemed as if it was easy, but nothing is ever easy in the shinobi world these days. He thought about it for a moment as he continued to walk with Kudara. He wondered if Kudara wanted to do the running in and killing off whoever opposes him to get the safe. Although, Shin wanted to test his new Taijutsu and Kaika against the shinobi. It came to a conclusion, as he stared up at his mentor, "I will retreave the information."He said as a clear statement. This was his choice.

He had a feeling that he was going to somehow meet someone of his past as he came closer and closer to Konoha, almost under the gate. His short Katana was mounted on his right hip, as he folded his collar to go upright, wanting no one to notice his entrance. The way he walked was certain that he was in his JKD stance, as he was causious about his surroundings. He could easly take down a normal Jounin if he wished, but he wanted to wait and see what was up ahead for him. He had everything planned out already; knock out whoever comes to attack him, bash through the doors, burn the safe open, take the goods, and get out in any escape way he wanted.
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