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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Lee Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:11 pm

Kaima Miatzauku had walked onto a large grassy plain, where he agreed to have a death-match from an anonymous "Dageki". He had recieved a letter which asked him to meet here, and be ready to die. Kaima had complete confidence in his ability, so he walked fearlessly onto the battlefield, paintbrush in one hand, and a blank scroll in the other.

While he waited for his opponent to arrive, he began drawing a large exploding tag symbol into the ground, the size of the base to a house. As it began to fade into the ground, Kaima saw someone in the distance walking toward him. He backed away from the exploding symbol and brought out his writing scroll. Kaima was a mute, so he could not speak allowed to his opponent. He unravveled the scroll and began to write words from it. Shortly after, a wolf that appeared to be made of ink flew from the scroll. It ran towards Dageki, and a foot before it reached him, it dissapated in a puff of smoke. Words floated slowly from the smoke, in verbal form as well as written form. "If you are Dageki, prepare for battle.." the words read.

Kaima then brought out another scroll and began to draw beasts onto it. It would take him only a few more seconds to draw the beasts that he needed to draw.


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:26 pm

Dageki walked along the dirt road to the place he was to meet the man he had challenged. One either side of him, he could see a sea of green. the blades of grass slowly wiping against one another in the light wind that blew across the mostly open landscape. There were a few trees scattered throughout the area. Most were just single entities but a few stood in groups, though a group never exceeded the number of three. Dageki was actually enjoying himself as he walked ever closer to the impending battle, where either he or the opponent would be declared dead He began to lose himself in thought and grew even more careless as he went along. He was daydreaming about back home and how he was always under so much stress there. Out here he was free, he felt free anyhow. If he had not had some many responsibilities, he probably never would have wanted to return.

He was snapped out of his daze by a poof of smoke that erupted just two feet in front of him. He snapped to attention at once and nearly missed the writing in the air that was left behind, "If you are Dageki, prepare for battle." Dageki's mood changed all at once. He went from serene and calm to an attentive shinobi, ready to kill. He placed his right foot behind him and bent his left knee, placing him in a zenkuts stance. He reached behind his head and pulled out his Bo staff, twirling it before holding it horizontally at his side with both hands. He activated his Byakuugan and was now ready for battle. He glared at the opponent known as Kaima. This was important for if he lost he WOULD die. That was not an option. Success was key, and he was needed back home.


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Lee Sat Mar 21, 2009 5:14 pm

His opponent was now only 15 feet in front of him, and Kaima had to keep his distance. He had no close ranged attacks, which is why he had to stay as far away from his opponent as possible. When he finished his beast drawing, he jumped backwards around five feet. Kaima had created five beasts. They went in order from left to right as: Lion, Falcon, Lion, Dragon, Lion. The beasts, which appeared to be made out of ink, flew from the scroll in this exact order, and began taking there positions.

The dragon coiled around Kaima, giving him a temnporary defence from most attacks. It was a slightly long dragon, so it was able to cover all areas, even his head. The only thing he could not defend was some sort of earth splitting attack. Two of the three lions went to attack Dageki, one attacking either side. These beasts could all be destroyed easily, as they weren't made of entirely solid matierial. The falcon stayed in the air, watching the two lions attack. If they had failed, the falcon would instantly swoop down and go at Dageki's head, but for now, he just stood and watched. Kaima now stood with a dragon coiled around him, allowing him site and slight movement only, but a good defence. One of the three lions also stood next to Kaima, in case he would not finish the battle as quickly as planned.

Kaima felt anxious though, as he had already used up 35% of his chakra, and his opponent hadn't even yet attacked. But Kaima did try and make a good first move, to stun his opponent and attempt to strike fear. The other reason for Kaima's anxious state of being, was that he had seen Dageki's eyes from a distance, and he noticed something that might be the death of him. The Byakugan.


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:43 pm

Dageki could only watch as his opponent began creating various beasts and such that seemed to be coming from his paper, and the ink he used to write on it. So, he is a artist warrior, fighting with untraditional forms and instead, reverting to more complex and unique ways. I like fighting people like this, more experience and much more fun. Dageki quickly began forming a plan within his head. It was abstract at first, but it began to take root and become a concrete entity in his mind. It became more complex as Kaima sent his ink animals to come and attack him already. He hadnt expected an advance this early on, but hey, you had to roll with the punches didn't you. He spun his staff around once in a 360 fashion and waited for them to come to him.

He had to be good on this. The first two were mostly decoys to the one above, the bird. Dageki might not have known except his Byakuugan gave him an unobstructed range of vision for about a mile every direction. Not much could escape his sight. He readied himself, bending his knees, and sent a little of his chakra down his Bo staff. As the two ink jungle cats came into range, he leapt forward and thrust twice with his Bo, catching them off guard and sending them back into spiritual form of chakra, lost to human use.

Next the bird came from above. It wouldn't see the next move coming. Dageki pushed the front of the staff down forcing the back end up, smashing the other end right into the bird. It was to fast for the bird to avoid, and sent it away as well. It was no longer a problem. Kaima had made a calculative error. He had used to much to test him. One of those cats would have been enough in this instance, giving him more to work with later on. At least that is how Dageki saw it. Another calculative error, he could plainly see the chakra in the ground and for some reason, it took the shape of an explosive tag. He would have to be careful, for he was sure that if he stepped on that, he would be very close to finished, and if not, finished completely.

He made a quick curve around the area of the explosive tag and ran along its edge, getting closer to Kaima. He had to assume that Kaima didn't want him getting to close, and Dageki fought best up close, he would have to do his best to get in and get out in swift succession. Confusion was the key here. Swift and precise, it was the only way.

He continued along the edge of the "tag". What exactly are you planing


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Lee Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:58 pm

Kaima was furious at the twist of events, for there was something he did not know when he excepted this challenge. His opponent had the power of the byakugan. The main portion of Kaima's strategy attacks were quite sneaky. They mostly involved attacking from different types of angles, and unexpected directions. Although he still had a couple tricks up his sleeve, the byakugan had defienetely put a huge dent in Kaima's plan.The lion was directly behind Kaima, unable to be seen because of the larger dragon spiraled around Kaima. If he couldn't trick Dageki with angles, he would trick him with timing. As Dageki approached him, Kaima prepared his feet. When Dageki was around five feet away, Kaima let his dragon spiral off, and performed a backflip. Mid-way through the backflip, roatating around 180 degrees, he signaled the lion with his hand to go forward and attack. This left Dageki almost no time to form an attack or dodge the lion beast.

Then, as he landed, he brought out his scroll once more. Getting the time he needed from being around ten feet away from Dageki, and the lion diversion, he began to draw more beasts. He only drew two of them, one being a falcon, and another a lion. The lions were his favorite to use in battle, because he could create them easily, and they were very effective. Just as before, the beasts flew from the scroll, the falcon, continuing his ascend into the air, and the lion, descending onto the ground. He kept them out of range of Dageki, just in case he needed them for an attack. They would act as a plan B, as a diversion or a defence. His dragon trailed off into the air with the falcon also.

Kaima then descided that he had enough beasts to put into play. He would need a few for someone with the Byakugan. So, Kaima activated his bloodline. He waved his hand over his eye, turning it from regular white, with a black iris, to all black, with only a distinct green pupil. He then grabbed for the giant paint brush on his back, wielding it as if it were a hammer. He could now slightly fend from attacks with this, and draw matierial straight into the air.

Although it seemed as though Kaima had wasted his chakra on that exploding tag, he still had a probable plan on how to utilize it. Now that Kaima was done setting up his battle resources, he could now fight while utilizing a little less chakra. Kaima looked towards Dageki to check if his lion had injured him.


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:46 pm

This man obviously did not know the full extent of the Byakuugan's powers. He could clearly see the lion beast behind Kaima the whole time. When Kaima stepped to the side, he knew exactly what was going to happen. It was the only logical thing. It was an obvious ploy, a common technique that could work on most ninja. The shinobi would some how conceal their weapons, or means of attack in some way, and then spring it as a trap when ever the opposition unknowingly got to close. The only way to counter act such a method, was to be prepared, alert, and have lightning reflexes, or of course, have the Byakuugan. Dageki possessed both of these. He had truly been gifted by the gods. Dageki simply thrust his staff forward, and the lion did the rest, impaling itself on his weapon, and dissipating into nothingness.

Dageki quickly turned in the direction to see that Kaima was taking this time to draw out some more animals to use for his attacks. Maybe he knew what he was doing after all. There was a chance that had all been a diversion for Kaima to get out more weapons, in which case, Dageki was some what impressed. His opponent was skilled, that was certain. How skilled, remained to be determined. Dageki made some quick judgement calls and decided it was really the only way. He would use his new ninjutsu, not something he overly liked to use, but in this case it was necessary.

Kaima kept using his beasts to keep Dageki from getting to close. He would have to use ninjutsu to force Kaima to defend and use the ample time to get in close and secure a follow up attack. That was the plan anyway.

Dageki made a few hand signs and summoned his chakra reserves after placing the staff back in its place on his back. He held his breath for a moment, letting it build, and let loose. It was his great breakthrough technique. A large gust of air escaped from his mouth, barreling towards Kaima and his ink beasts. The blast was large enough to consume all the beasts around Kaima, and flatten Kaima and send him sprawling. It would cause some slight bruising to Kaima but nothing more, the true goal, was to get into another attack as quickly as possible.


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Lee Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:57 pm

Kaima prepared his massive paint brush as he spotted his opponent performing some hand-signs. Kaima knew something was about to expel towards him by the way Dageki was stanced. After signaling his drawn beasts to flee behind him, he began to draw a rectangular shape, filling the air in front of him with an ink like substance in the shape of a rectangle. This was his ink shield jutsu. Just as he drew the last corner, the wind had reached Kaima, pushing him back onto the ground. But the center of Kaima's domino shaped defense prevented any serious damage from happening. The center had filled in, shoving the barrel of wind to the sides of his shield, blowing off in all directions but towards him and his beasts.

Kaima's mind was racing. He knew that Dageki could see past his defenses, and just like before, no surprise would work. And now, instead of being spread out like he intended for them to be, his beasts were all cooped together behind him. That's when Kaima began to formulate his plan. He signaled both his dragon and his falcon to attack Dageki. One of them coming from the right, and the other coming from the left. But this wasn't all his plan. Kaima knew that Dageki wasn't stupid, and with his quick reflexes, not to mention the byakugan, Dageki could easily develop a striking move to destroy them both at once. But the unexpected part was yet to come.

Kaima prepared his feet for this attack. It had to be perfect timing. As the dragon and falcon still trailed to Dageki's position, Kaima ran towards his block of solid ink, then proceeded to kick the large mass down straight towards Dageki. It would now hit Dageki with in a matter of seconds. The falcon coming from Dageki's right side, and the large dragon coming from the left, Dageki was left with little options, in Kaima's view anyway. The reason being, the large, drawn in exploding tag that Kaima had drawn before the match was directly behind Dageki, and if Kaima had created a stimulating enough attack, then possibly, Dageki would forget for a moment it was there, and stumble onto it.

Kaima directed his lion to run on top of the falling block, pushing it down even faster on to Dageki. Then, if all else failed, the lion would jump off and attack. Kaima was putting all he had on to Dageki right now. With all other events happening, Kaima thought that Dageki would be diverted enough to let this slide his vision, but even if it didn't, how would Dageki keep up with all of this?


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:59 pm

For many other ninja, this situation was near impossible to escape. Attacks were coming in from all angles. Though he could clearly see them all, they had been well coordinated by the opposition. Not only had his every route of escape been cut off, but there were also attacks with in attacks. Traps to most unseen. Dageki could see them though, but that really didn't matter. He was cut off. His opponent was good, well coordinated and inexplicable timing and positioning of his attacks. All in all, it would have been a flawless maneuver. He couldn't surprises a small grin as he quickly focused his chakra and the attacks from each angle approached faster and faster, closer and closer. His opponent had put a decent bit of effort in to this attack. In essence, he was trying to end this quickly it seemed, but Dageki had all the time in the world. As it turned out, this complex yet some what basic in style attack would fall to one of Dageki's most common jutsu. It was a jutsu that all members of his clan used in times like this.

His knees cocked out at different angles and his arms were splayed outwards in the air, completely horizontal. Pushing off the ground with his left foot, keeping the right one on the ground and straightening out its knee placing all balance on that foot, Dageki began to spin in a rapid movement which quickly picked up momentum. Chakra began to flow from his hands as he pushed outward with his mind, forming a dome of spinning chakra around him. All the attacks hit this shield and were forced back. The animals that hit were destroyed instantly from the intensity of the impact. The block of ink went straight through the beast that had been following behind it and right back at Kaima.

Now that all danger was gone, he stopped spinning and faced the direction of Kaima. He had to get rid of the explosive tag behind him because it was assisting Kaima greatly, though he was pretty sure that he still had the upper hand, as he still had quite a bit of chakra left and Kaima had been pouring his own out since the battle began. He reached into his belt and extracted six kunai, placing one in each space between each finger (not including the one between the forefinger and thumb,) and made a fist. He was entering a style of taijutsu he had created all his own, Gentle Fist-Kunai, a much more lethal form of the style. He had a plan to get rid of the tag, and potentially use it against the enemy. He circled around to the right and began to approach from Kaima's left side. He was running, but no where near all out. He wanted to be prepared for a counter measure on the oppositions behalf.


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Lee Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:54 pm

Kaima's hopes were plummeted through a single attack. All those traps put to waste. Kaima was having trouble finding any attack that would work on this guy, with Byakuugan, and his quick reflexes, would anything work? His only hope was that seal, if not that, then luck. Kaima's vision was blurred by his lion beast blowing up into a pond of ink in front of him. Out of his pereferals, he spotted his dragon beast and falcon beast being obliterated into ink. He then switched his eye back into a normal beast drawing state.

Woah... thought Kaima, in almost complete awe. But he had no time to figure out what the f*** just went wrong, as Dageki was approaching him from the left. Here we go again.. thought Kaima, running to the right, quickly drawing a lion as he ran. Dageki was faster then Kaima, and he was catching up quick. Kaima finished the lion, letting it flow from the paper and straight down onto Dageki. He signaled an attack for the lion as he ran, knowing it would be destroyed, like the last time, and the time before that. He was only creating a diversion for a plan of which he did not know yet, and would soon come to him.

Kaima hid from behind a tree, which was a stupid thing to do, as his opponent had the Byakugan. He only used his natural battle reflexes, which in this case, wouldn't help him at all. He realized that now. From behind the tree, the appearence of Kaima appeared in plain sight, no defenses of any sort. Paint Brush and scrolls in hand, he only stood there and watched his lion beast get destroyed.


Kaima let out a sigh. I can't fool the Byakugan with this.. the real Kaima thought from behind Dageki, hidden behind a bush. He had merely hoped that Dageki would be distracted by his ink clone, but then shortly realized that nothing up to date had passed Dageki's eye. But then, Kaima remembered something he had heard about the Bakugyan in the ninja academy. "Once active the Byakugan gives the user a near 360º field of vision except for one blind spot at the back of the neck above the third thoracic vertebra."

He remembered those words now, and quickly searched for a way to utilize that information. He stared at Dageki's neck, while he drew three more beasts on his scroll. The third beast would take less Chakra, as it was only a small spearow, but it would be the most important aspect of his next attack. From the scroll flew three beasts, a rhinocerous and a lion, acting as a diversion for the small spearow to be unseen by Dageki's 360 degree vision. The little spearow with the incredibely sharp beak flew at the neck of his opponent, aiming for Dageki's blind spot. To keep from suspicion, if Dageki had managed to unriddle the ink clone, find Kaima's position, and see the beasts, Kaima sent his rhinocerous charging straight at Dageki also, making the spearow next to it seem miniscule, none the less a harmless bird. But it wasn't so harmless.


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:34 pm

Dageki was getting realy tired of all the ink beasts, "Just a one string banjo aren't you," he called out, taunting his opponent. It had been good to him the first few times, but now it was getting old. Thought he had to stop and consider the fact that Kaima's maneuvers were just getting more complex, but it didnt appear that way to him. That was until he saw the real Kaima hiding behind a tree. That was it, his opponent must have been trying to fool him with a clone of some kind. He hadnt been paying attention before, and that was how he missed that the other was just a clone. On top of that he had three more beasts to deal with from two different origins. Two lions, one each from the clone and the real one, and a rhinoceros from the clone as well. He was getting heavier in his attacks, but at the same time, the last one seemed much more intricate and well planned.

Either the opponent was getting weaker and was running out of options, or a plan had been devised that Dageki was not able to see through. Each was just as logical a thought, because the opponent had used a large sum of chakra in his attacks, a disadvantage to attacking hard and fast, but he had also displayed a fair amount of intelligence. Dageki decided to treat the situation as though it could go either way, which was the only thing to do when you were faced with uncertainty. It was time for the tag that Kaima had hidden in the ground to blow up.

Timing had to be flawless on this. If he were able to use the shadow clone jutsu he could have ended it right here, with a synchronized attack, but he did not know shadow clones, so it was kind of a mute point. No sense on dwelling what was not available to him.

Dageki positioned himself about five meters from the tag. Perfect. All of Kaima's animals were hot on his trail, especially the lion that had come from the clone. It was nearly on his heels. Dageki hated using the same technique twice in a row, but hey, sometimes the situation called for it, and this was not about who could put on a better show.

Dageki stopped abruptly and went into another jutsu, "Rotation" he called out again, spinning violently. As he spun, he let loose all of his kunai which were swept away. and thrown in six different directions. One hit each of the beasts and the clone, they had been timed and released perfectly. Another flew straight into the tag, and the final one went into a near by shrub, useless in this particular move. The tag exploded, creating an upward force of fire and wind which expanded outwards. The explosion stretched out ten meters past the tags boundaries, and engulfed Dageki, but he was not phased due to his rotation. The shock-wave spread out much further, shaking the tree that Kaima was using as cover violently. Again, Dageki was safe.

During his spin, he noticed something, a bird flying through the air, that had charka? What? It was another one of Kaima's creations and the whole plan made perfect sense to him now. Kaima had to know about the blind spot, and was going to use the bird's small size to escape his notice and attack him from where he was most vulnerable. He could see it now, because his rotation was too fast for the bird to remain in his blind spot. Its life was over either way as the shock wave ripped through it like it was paper. I got lucky.

Eventually the blast was over and only smoke remained, which began to dissipate into the air rapidly. Dageki ceased his rotation and looked in Kaima's direction. He withdrew his bo staff again and prepared to advance. It was time.


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Lee Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:29 pm

Again?! thought Kaima. That attack again?! he yelled in his head. He had finally exploited the Byakugan's weakness, yet his attempt still was only a set up for failure. He was also running low on chakra, with around 40% left. His opponent however, had only used three jutsus, and was probably reigning supreme at 70% and no injuries. Kaima however, had been running around this whole time, tiring himself while not accomplishing anything. It was time for this to stop. Kaima had one shot, and one shot only. He had to use an attack that didn't utilize too much chakra however, in case he failed yet again.

Kaima, still in cover from behind a bush, singalled his ink clone, who had taken cover during the blast behind a tree, to run towards Dageki. Hopefully, his clone would be able to hold off Dageki for a while, while his next trick accomplished something. Kaima created seven winged animals, each at only 2% chakra each, as they were small animals: spearows. As they were all low in chakra level, hopefully they weren't big on Dageki's radar. Besides, he was fighting an ink clone with 10% of Kaima's own chakra.

Ordering the small birds to the precise area in which Dageki's blind spot was located, he sent only two down towards his neck, signalling the other 5 birds to go up higer into the air, in case Kaima may need them again. The birds were around five seconds apart, so if Dageki were to use that same rotating attack, the next spearow would have a chance at the kill.


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:44 pm

Out of now where, the ink clone Kaima had made earlier was upon Dageki in a flash. He was barely able to raise his Bo staff in time to block the big paint brush swinging at him. He began to battle the clone, trying to batter it with his Bo staff. It took him a while, but he finally managed to land a hit, square in the chest of the clone, piercing straight through it, dispersing it. The clone was no more. That was when he realized he was in trouble. He noticed a flock of birds flying around in circles up in the sky. They were the same kind as the one Kaima has used to attack him earlier and had a faint bit of chakra in them. [i[ what are they doing up there?[/i] He asked himself. It suddenly hit him, They were there in case the plan Kaima had went wrong. They were back ups. At least one bird would be closing in on him from behind, the blind spot again, the clone had been a diversion, and to overcome that, he was faced with another one, the birds up in the air.

Dageki jerked to the side, but wasnt quite fast enough. The first bird clipped his shoulder, tearing a gash in it with its talons. The second rammed straight into his shoulder blade, leaving a gash where the beak had penetrated the skin. The force of the impact was enough to destroy the one bird, and he was able to destroy the other with a flick of his wrist and jab from his Bo staff. Already the birds were sure to be on the move. He didnt even bother checking. The key was to keep moving. Using his chakra, he could run faster than they could fly after him. He had to focus on Kaima himself.

He took off running in Kaima's direction, zig-zagging all the way. A small trail of dust was kicked up as he ran, but it didnt rise more than a few inches off of the ground. The birds wouldnt catch him, but he would surely be able to get to Kaima. Such was the beauty of relying heavily on taijutsu, his body was more fit than most.


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Lee Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:14 am

In Kaima's head, he was celebarating in his head. He had finally hit Dageki. It wasn't a deadly hit like he intended, but a good hit none the less, clearly injuring Dageki. It was ironic, not to mention convenient, that Kaima's weakest animals served as the best strategy in this round, for they were the only ones small enough to not be seen through Dageki's blind spot. He looked at the burnt and ruffled ground where his seal once was. My seal is ruined.. Kaima thought. I'll have to work with these animals.

Dageki seemed to be, for some reason, zig-zagging quickly to Kaima's position beside the bush. Kaima couldn't take any hand-to-hand combat, so he had to work with the 30% chakra he had left, and hold Dageki off little by little. "Just a one string banjo aren't you," Kaima distinctly remembered Dageki yelling towards him. Well, he sort of was. He had to keep Dageki at a distance, and these animal diversions were becoming his specialty.

But this time, he would not simply take out his scroll and scribble up another beast. He had more then a couple techniques, and this seemed to be a logical time to utilize them. He stuck his normal sized paint-brush into the air, and began to twirl it around. Ink swirls surrounded his body, and right before Taku came in range for an attack, the ink engulfed him. When the ink was gone, so was Kaima. He was now a good 50 feet away from Dageki, but he could still see him quite well.

Just like before, he sent two spearows down at Dageki's blind spot. Kaima also hated using the same move twice, but it seemed to be all that has worked so far. The small birds sped down quickly at Dageki's lind spot, where a wound had been made.


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:59 am

Dageki smiled as he quickly read the situation. So the opponent could cloak himself in ink, and use that as a way to transport himself elsewhere almost instantly. In this way, Kaima could keep his distance. However, something like that would half to take at least 5%of ones chakra, so Dageki estimated he could use that manner of escape no more than seven times based on a calculation of how much chakra the opponent had already used and a statistic of the average chakra levels. His guess would not be 100% accurate, but it had to be within two uses, give or take either way. Thats when Dageki noticed that he was in trouble yet again.

There were only three birds in the sky now, and the other two he could not find. That could only mean one thing, they were in his blind spot again. The only real defense he had on this method was to use his rotation so he could spin fast enough that the birds wouldnt be able to keep up and stay in his blind spot. However, that wouldnt work, not again. He had already used it twice in quick succession which was pushing it as it was. To use it a third time in this short amount of time would be just plain stupid. He had no choice but to outmaneuver the birds. The problem was he did not know how close they were to him, so timing was not a tool available to him. He would have to run, and use chakra to make sure that he kept up a good enough pace. He had more than enough to do so at this point.

Again Dageki ran at Kaima, quickly widening the gap between him and the birds behind him. As he ran, a new plan formed in his head. A way to get rid of the birds and possibly nail Kaima too. It would be chancy, but he might be able to pull it off. He decided he would stick with his other plan for now, and if Kaima used his ink to "teleport" himself again, then he would go to the new plan. His feet began to tingle. This battle was not far from over. Either Dageki would come out the clear victor, or Kaima had something totally unexpected up his sleeve that would shock Dageki to his core and be the death of him.

There was only one way to find out.

He was fifteen feet from Kaima now. Dageki grabbed one of the five summoning scrolls off of his belt and threw it up in the air breaking the seal. Instantly a hailstorm of 30 assorted common ninja tools began to rain down on Kaima. Dageki continued running forwards, right behind his weaponry onslaught, prepared to make a follow up move if the chance presented itself.


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Lee Sun Mar 29, 2009 12:21 pm

Kaima smiled at this new attack as he put his hand over his eye to activate his bloodline. He really does want me to use up all my chakra. Well.. Kaima thought, I guess that's just what i'll have to do. Kaima realized suddenly. He couldn't keep making it with these small attacks, and he had nothing up his sleeve. He did notice one thing though, that may just work. There was two birds in the sky, which looked to be, although far away, in Dageki's blind spot. It was the two birds who attacked him before, so there were still three in the sky where he had left the others. Before he began his attack, he signalled the birds for there long journey to Dageki's neck.

He knew the perfect move for this attack, and it would take chakra. His ink shield technique. As Dageki and his storm of ninja tools approached from 15 feet of distance away, Kaima began to draw a large rectangle, which was made quickly, as it was only made to cover his body. He was finished with creating his rectangle, but something horrible happened in the time it took for the center to fill up on it's own. A shuriken flew through the shields defenses, slicing the paint canister he had on his side into halfes. He didn't mourn for the loss though. He only had around 20% chakra left anyway. If Kaima were by chance to win, it would be of this last attack, for he was no good in taijutsu.

Kaima looked at his paint-brush; It still had some ink left on it. He took out his scroll for the last time, drawing more rapidly then he ever had. He drew the beasts in this order: bear, lion, lion, lion. This was how they flew from his scroll, in order from left to right. The animals each went to Kaima's sides. The two lions going far to the right, and the lion and the bear going about eleven meters to the left.

Kaima remembered his attack on Dageki from a little while before, which forced him to use the rotation technique. Kaima, once again, ran at the block of ink and kicked it down at him. Even if he did use the rotation technique now, it would give him some time to attack. Kaima jumped back in case the wall of ink were to fall on him in Dageki's counter. This time, he didn't send all his animals at once. He would send them one at a time, forcing Dageki to use different moves or tire himself out. Luckily, maybe even kill him.

Kaima had no choice but to send these animals at Dageki in the best timing. The birds behind Dageki looked as if they were making good progress, staying in the tunnel of blindess. To keep himself away from Dageki, he sent one of his lion beasts to attack Dageki. Then, five seconds later, which is probably how long it would take Dageki to defeat the lion, Kaima sent out his bear to attack Dageki again. Kaima, and his remaining animals, yet again took off for another fifteen feet. The birds were getting closer now. They would attack after the beasts, and the wall of ink.


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:08 pm

Before Dageki had used a small version of a much more powerful jutsu. Now it was time to use it again, this time at its full force. It would take about 25% of his chakra, but it would be necessary. This attack was much more effective than rotation, but not so good at defending him. His defense was something he would have to sacrifice. If he didn't take advantage of this opportunity now, Kaima would wind up overwhelming him, and he would be screwed. It went against his normal style, but he knew that he had to bend his style some time, otherwise he could never hope to be a great ninja.

He tapped into his chakra again and began to gather wind in his chest again, gathering much more than should be there, it was compacted, so there was a lot more than would normally be there. It formed a solid state of air in his lungs, and he was temporarily unable to breathe. The ink block and the first beast began to come at him. Perfect. He let loose. It was his great breakthrough attack, but he was unable to make the words audible due to the incredible weight in his chest.

He opened his mouth, and the large some of air exploded from his chest, devastating anything in its path. It was a ridiculous amount of air. It covered quite a large area, and dodging this attack would be damn near impossible. The force of the attack forced him back at such a speed that he blew past the point at which the birds circled in the air, so he could see them clearly, he would not allow them to enter his blind spot again. The devastating blast of wind would probably destroy the beasts of ink with ease, and blow the wall of ink back at the one who had conjured it. Kaima himself would be thrown backwards a considerable distance.

This was a double edged because Dageki needed to get in close to finish the fight, but he had to get rid of Kaima's ink techniques, or he would be finished himself. Plus the birds were to high for his attack to affect them, but the damage done should be enough to put him at an advantage again. Kaima himself wouldnt be injured very much, but that was not the goal. Yet.


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Lee Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:02 pm

Kaima had thought he was far enough away by now to not be effected by any of Dageki's action, but apperently, he was wrong. A technique similar by which he had seen before from Dageki, multiplied in force, completely flipped his wall of ink and destroyed the two beasts that he sent to destroy Dageki. The wind had reached him, too, but with not enough force to harm the beasts by his sides, or Kaima himself. It only blew Dageki forwards, again, straight onto his face. Kaima stood up. How the hell...? Kaima thought. Dageki had surprised him yet again. It seemed as though Dageki was capable of so much, even excluding the famous Byakugan.

Multiple strategies were popping into Kaima's head all to much. So many strategies, and so many of them X'd out considering the Byakugan. He couldn't hide and make beasts, he couldn't fool him with position, angle, anything. And now his birds had failed there attacks, losing the blind spot behind Dageki's neck. What to do? Well, Kaima couldn't even form an attack, for he was almost clear out of Chakra. His plan would have to involve the birds in the sky, the animals by his side, and the questionable alternative.


Kaima, acting as last resort, equiped his paint-brush, then ran right at Dageki. This was a move he'd either regret, and get hurt while trying. Or a move he would be thankful for, and get hurt while trying. Either way he would be hit, because of his poor taijutsu/kenjutsu skill, but he could use himself to give his beasts a chance. He swung his paint-brush down on Dageki's head, which would be an attack blocked by Dageki's staff, most definetely. At the same time, one of his two lions, (one of which was perched somewhere along in the distance), attacked Dageki's neck from behind, with a sharp bite. Could Dageki block both at the same time?

He could tell that, like himself, Dageki had now utilized quite a bit of chakra. Not as much as himself of course, but over half of Dageki's chakra was gone to say the least. His birds stayed up in the air, Kaima not yet seeing another chance to utilize them. He was putting himself in a dangerous position, but that was what the situation called for.


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:33 pm

The attack from Kaima was a good one, but there was one major flaw. Kaima had set it up nicely and everything, just one tiny bit of logic was out of place. The timing. There was way to much distance between the two to go straight into an attack like this. Dageki had plenty of time to prepare his legs and brace himself for Kaima's attack. Plus attacks from behind, while meant to be a surprise usually, and could be used to cut an opponent off, was futile in this instance. Dageki saw all, and he still had two routes of escape. He waited till Kaima was already upon him, the boy was pretty fast, but no amount of speed could make up for the large distance between them.

His staff was already in his hand and by his side, held vertically with a slight angle, one end against the ground. When both the lion and Kaima leapt at him, he pushed down on the Bo, pushing his own body up and to the left, removing him from the path of both attacks. Kaima's paint brush came down, not on Dageki, but on his own creation, destroying it instantly. That was one more down and one to go, plus Kaima and his birds. The birds were still to far away to get his blind spot, and he made sure to keep that portion of his body opposite of there flock. The maneuver was simple but gave him an upper hand. He came at Kaima from the side, determined to nail Kaima finally. He would have gone into sixty four palms right then, but that would have left him open to the other lion and the birds, instead he used another jutsu that would use about 10% of his chakra.

"Empty Palm" he called out, extending the arm that was not holding the staff. From the palm erupted a tunnel of chakra which was his own clans. It was a pushing technique which would throw Kaima violently to his side and into anything nearby or down to the ground. Either way, the impact of the tunnel of chakra and whatever object Kaima got slammed into would both be intense ones. Plus it was such a fast technique and the birds and beast were far enough away that he could keep tabs on them and have time to react if they made a move. He let no detail go unchecked. He would win this, he wouldnt allow himself to lose.


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Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight) Empty Re: Kaima vs. Dageki (ooc fight)

Post by Lee Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:23 pm

His trap was sprung. It was not a very good trap, but he would take what he could get with this guy. Just like he himself had suspected, he would get hurt in some way. In this case, Kaima was hit with a great bursting air, just after witnessing himself destroy his own animal. He was thrust to the side with such a force that he slammed his stomach into a remaining tree, flipping him sideways a couple times in the process.

BANG! Kaima slid down, almost destroyed, barely able to move any longer. He couldn't run anymore, couldn't attack, couldn't do anything, only watch his animals put an end to Dageki. This of course, was much less likely then his opponent putting an end to him. The painted lion was que'd by Kaima's paintbrush, which was swung down on Dageki meant to be more then an attack. The lion, which saw the paint-brush, immediately jumped at the opponent, who had yet to finish his empty palm thrust directed at Kaima. When Kaima was pushed back, the lion swooped his claw down at Dageki. Dageki did have high-reflexes, but were they high enough for this?


Then, he sent 3 of his birds at Dageki. Each one of them, seven feet away form eachother. He knew this would probably do no good, but he had to use whatever he could. This was the end.


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