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Bird Summonings.

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Bird Summonings. Empty Bird Summonings.

Post by Rain Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:42 pm

Summoned Creature or Item:Twin Crows.{Takita and Tero}


Description: These two twins are the sons of Gtsuiki the bird whom is the master of genjutsu. These brids are mostly an illusion. They aren't as skilled as their father but they are quite strong themselves when it comes to the area of Genjutsu. Besides their genjutsu abilities they have another ability which makes them worthy of being Gtsuiki's offspring. They are able to go from solid to not solid. Meaning they can go through anything and anything can through them, and these two brothers greatest techinques has to do with them merging together by becoming un-solidify and walk into each other and solid, making them one, these birds can also do it with other people like enemies and Tontori.


These two brothers are the same pretty much, which causes much argueing since the other thinks he is better than the other, and whenever they are in battle it becomes a battle of the two to see who is stronger. Like the typical crow persona these two are very mischevious and like to trick people, they are the exact opposite of wise. The finish each others sentences and never cease to stop talking.

Weakness: They are only capable of genjutsu. You may wonder how to defeat these crows? Well, it is almost simple these crows aren't the smartest, and are easily tricked. You want to keep the separated they are strongest when they are together, there powers combine. Simply taijutsu wont work, if they see you coming they can easily un-solidify. When they are un-solidified they are harmless and only capable of genjutsu, and can't physicaly hurt you. They aren't much of a harm but they like to mess with your head. To defeat them you must suprise them before they can un-solidify, meaning you will either need great taijutsu skills, or very fast ninjutsu. Wind is their greatest weakness when it comes to ninjutsu, wind effects them even when they are un-solidified.

Summoned Creature or Item:Suki {Daughter of The Empereor of Water}


Description: Suki is the Daughter of the greatest water, wind, and ice using bird there ever will be. Maybe Suki will be able to surpass her mother. Suki herself is only able of water and wind techinques and has yet to learn ice jutsu, but is in the progress. As far as taijutsu Suki is slow and has walking issues like most penguins she isn't able to spread her legs far apart causing her to waddle.


Suki is very sweet and acts like a little child, even though she is. She always ask random questions of things she hears or sees she can sometimes get annoying if you don't have a very patients, but a low rank like genin or chuunin she is the best your going to get for water, wind, or ice techniques.

Weakness:Suki true weakness is taijutsu and can be easily beaten that way. She simply cannot dodge fast movements. SHe can move at an okay speed but if you are fast you could easily defeat her. But with her ninjutsu she is hard to get past, she can and will stop you in your tracks with some simple techinques.

Summoned Creature or Item:Isuzu

Appearance: Looks like a normal ostriche/emu but with a red head band.

Description: Isuzu is the fastest land bird there is. He can run at speed you could never imagine. He is mainly used for transportation. When it comes to fighting, his legs can kill with almost a simple kick. He is strong and fast. He cannot fly, which is obvious since he is a land bird. He isn't capable of ninjutsu. he is a good jumper. He is only capable of one ninjutsu. He has a strong neck.

Personality:Isuzu is very loud and outgoing. Sometimes he needs a good smack in the head to be the elast concentrated.

Weakness: Genjutsu, and ninjutsu (a little). His body is he weak spot.

Posts : 145
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Join date : 2009-02-11
Location : Somewhere next to no where.

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Bird Summonings. Empty Re: Bird Summonings.

Post by Rain Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:27 pm

Note that these are only the ones she can summon.

Posts : 145
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Join date : 2009-02-11
Location : Somewhere next to no where.

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