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Obito/Shikama's Summonings [DONE]

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Obito/Shikama's Summonings [DONE] Empty Obito/Shikama's Summonings [DONE]

Post by Aki Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:37 pm

Summoned Creature or Item: Kuromaru/Ninja Hound Pack
Summoner: Shikama/Obito/Ninja Hound Pack
Kuromaru faithfully follows Shikama like any other pet dog, but in reality he is a ninja dog, part of a ninja hound pack. It is unclear at which point Obito learned how to summon the dogs, but apparently he did. Shortly after he was changed by the Mizukage, Kuromaru would come of his own means to follow Shikama around, protecting him and trying to help him recover.

In the ninja pack, Kuromaru has the lowest position. Above him is Kiyoko, then Kagemaru, his father, and lastly Yukimaru, the leader of the pack. Interestingly enough, the names of the pack all correspond with Obito's supposedly dead teammates: Kokoro, Kagemusha, and Yukio. All members of the pack are roughly 15 to 18 years old in human years.

The members of the pack are able to speak the human language and have some degree of chakra, though it is unclear if they can perform any jutsu themselves asides from summoning one another. The pack is notably stronger, faster, and more intelligent than any normal dog.
-A pitch black dog, stands up to Obito's waist when sitting. He is the stealth member of the pack, the quietest and quickest of the whole pack. His dark fur allows him to hide in the shadows and easily attack unsuspecting ninja. When with Shikama, he summons Kiyoko forth to aid in battle when he sees the need. Note that Obito must summon Kuromaru, only Shikama does not have to.
-Light brown, almost reddish dog, a little taller than Kuromaru. She is the most thoughtful and caring of the pack, she usually defends Shikama as the pack advances on the target. Kiyoko has the ability to sense the chakra levels of an opponent and often decides whether they should flee or fight. She also stops fights between Yukimaru and Kagemaru, and acts like a mother for Kuromaru. Once summoned by Kuromaru, Kiyoko summons Kagemaru.
-Black dog with a dark gray shuriken shaped scar on his chest, almost as tall as Yukimaru. He and Yukimaru do not get along well, thus the scar on his chest, but he is strong and wise. He comes up with many of the plans the pack uses and supports Yukimaru in battle. Once summoned by Kiyoko, Kagemaru summons Yukimaru.
-Pure white dog, tallest of the pack, reaching Obito's elbow when sitting. The leader of the pack, he expects all of his commands to be obeyed without question and will punish those who do not follow orders, even Shikama himself.

The ninja pack being able to summon one another being an advantage to Shikama/Obito as it appears as if they very strong, being able to summon three/four creatures without feeling the least bit exhausted.
As the pack and Obito/Shikama have not formed a very close bond, the relationship between the summoner and the summons are strained. Obito has a little more control over them, but asides from that the pack is still "wild". Along with Yukimaru and Kagemaru getting into fights almost constantly.

Summoned Creature or Item: Kitsune
Summoner: Obito/Shikama; Kokoro(deceased)
The life long partner of Kokoro, now serving Obito/Shikama. She has a very close bond with Obito/Shikama as Obito/Shikama and Kokoro had always been together and Kitsune slowly grew attuned to her master's partner. When Kokoro died, Kitsune felt like dying as well, but she remained because of a chakra system similar to her master. She would find Obito after weeks of searching and give him the fox summoning scroll, allowing him to choose whether or not he would like to summon foxes.

After Obito had made his decision, he signed a contract with the foxes. It is unknown if he signed a contract with the foxes before or after his contract with the ninja dogs, but it is assumed to be with the foxes as he is more close to Kitsune. Kitsune would then become the fox Obito summoned.
Small reddish colored fox. Can easily be carried in arms or ride on shoulders.
Very curious and intelligent. Playful, but can be serious when it comes to work.
Specializes in fire jutsus. Most of these jutsus are either "breathing" out fireballs or flames. Small form makes Kitsune extremely fast and almost un-catchable. Claws can also be a little dangerous, along with her bites. She is stronger than any normal fox.
Though she can be a formidable opponent, it is easy to draw her away simply by luring her with food, in particular chocolate. On the other hand, if you do give her chocolate... she goes a little insane, hyper, and uncontrollable. Either way, she will end up losing focus and be more of a problem to both ninja than an aid. But if she does get hyper off of the chocolate her attacks become much stronger, it's only a matter of controlling where and when the attacks are launched. After being given the chocolate, Kitsune will suffer from a sugar rush depletion.

Okay... I'm probably gonna give them a jutsu or two, but I don't know when, I can't exactly think of them either... (Is still suffering from sugar rush depletion.) And yeah, this is all c/p from RPG...

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Join date : 2008-12-13
Age : 31
Location : I don't know anymore....

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Obito/Shikama's Summonings [DONE] Empty Re: Obito/Shikama's Summonings [DONE]

Post by Guest Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:42 pm



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