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Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished)

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Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished) Empty Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished)

Post by resonaceaddict Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:52 pm

Name: Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya

Age: 25

Rank: A-Ranked Missing Nin, Akatsuki Hopeful

Village: Formerly Konoha

Appearance: Standing at a height of 6'2", he looks down on quite a few people. He is slim of build, having chisled musles that have been carefully toned to not bulge, built for strength in speed. His black hair falls down into his eyes, covering most of the back of his neck, adding to his crazed look. He wears Black Zori, and black pants that are torn at the bottom, with two pockets on the hip. He wears a belt that holds his ninja pouch on his back, and he has a shuriken holder on each thigh. He wears a fishnet shirt under a White shirt with the Konoha symbol in flames, with lightning crashing into it. He has his forehead protector on his forehead, with a large cut through the Konoha symbol, which is filled in with red paint. Over his shirt, he wears a Chuunin Vest that he keeps undone. On his right hand, he was able to get a sealing tattoo, and inside of it he keeps a Chain scythe, his weapon of choice when there are multiple armed foes. On his back he has a rather large seal, which has a the kanji for lightning on it. This seal is used to help him hold his multiple personalities chakra inside of himself without being killed. He carries a rolled up cloak on his back for his Mandarin jutsu.

Personality: Taakuin Hanya is a torured soul, who's mind and body created a way to protect him throughout life becasue of his grief and his over acheivements in life. He is very self-exalting, believeing himself to be the Be all to end all. He constantly studies the art of fire jutsu, and trains in their glory, usually alone. He has come to believe that one is the strongest when they are alone because he has experianced hurt like most humans should not have to in their life. He is constantly fighting off hords of Konoha Hunter Nin, which helps him perfect his ninjutsu, and he revels in the chance to practice it. When fighting, it is the only time he truly enjoys himself, being able to forget about his life, and take someone elses. He is not very calculative when it comes to fighting, running in headfirst and taking out the first one he an touch. The most important thing to him is his mission, which was instilled in him from a very young age. He goes into bouts of depression, wanting to commit suicide every time, hating his life and what he has done, but only one thing keeps him from doing that.

Ie Hanya, Taakuin's other personality. He was created by his mind when he was just becomming a Chuunin to protect him from the pain of his dead fiance, and his long dead grandparents. He was very lonely, and althogh it took awhile, Ie was created to help ease the loneliness, although it only made it worse. As Taa's feeling's change, Ie changes his motives with them, in order to protect Taa from himself. While he was being created, Taa was practicing too many overly powerful techniques for his body, so Ie was forced to develop his own lighting chakra, but because two bodies chakras cannot inhabit one body, they were forced to find a sealing master to help them hold the chakra by creating a double chakra circulatory system. Ie helps Taa in fights, able to concentrate on something completly diffrent than Taa at the time, and taking over they body when he needs to protect his host. He is very sneeky and has come to believe that Taa cannot be trusted with his own body, and for his saftey, Ie has begun to slowly weaken Taa conscience to attempt a takeover.

Last edited by resonaceaddict on Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished) Empty Re: Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished)

Post by resonaceaddict Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:36 pm

***((My post was so long i had to split it into too so that i could get it all.))***

History: for his history, im splitting it up into sections to make it easier for me

Pre-Academy Life: He was born to two ANBU opratives who were constantly gone on missions. He stayed up with his grandparents when his parents were gone, and he began dreaming about going on ninja missions. He would get together with his friends and they would all play "Ninja" him being the first picked because of his awsome skill shown from an early age. He would also disregard the feelings of his friends and often injury them gravely, nearly killing a small boy at the tender age of 5 because he held the item that was the objective to capture. His grandparents became worried and confronted his parents, who admitted to teaching him the importance of finishing the mission at any cost. This was the beggining of their mistake. They had taught their son to be cold to his friends and comrades when it came to missions.

Academy Life: He entered the academy at the age of seven, like most kids, and his raw talent was quickly discovered early on when he perfected the art of drawing on chakra and using it to preform the transformation jutsu before any of the other students had learned how to even draw upon their chakra. He was put in slightly more advanced classes and learned quickly about being a shinobi. But, tragety struck when he was 9 years old. His grandparents both died in their sleep, and he was left with his parents, who were gone most of the time. The loss had driven him deep into himself, making him overly consentrate on improving his ninja techiques, and with his parents gone all of the time, he didnt have anyone who would force him out of his grief driven stupor. He rejected friendships and just about any contact with anyone except when he was at school. He constantly hounded the teacher to teach him more advanced techiques, and finally the teacher relented, teaching him about his elemental chakra type, and showing him how to draw upon the fire deep inside. Due to his excessive training, by the time he graduated the academy, he was able to use minor fire jutsu. His parents were incredubly proud and would bost about him every chance he got. Little did they know that they had created a monster in their child that continued to grow and fester, gaining power with everytime he remebered his grandparents and being alone.

Genin Life He was promoted to the rank of Genin at the age of 13, which made him a full fledged shinobi, but also placed him on a team, an idea which disqusted him. He would still practice alone, but his leader would often force him to come and study with the other two, whom he hated. He only stayed around because his sensi was also had fire type chakra and would teach him techiques and improve him through teaching. After a particulary difficult training session, he discovered that Fire chakra could possibly be used as a method of transport through no winged flight and massive amounts of propoltion. He learned this by using his fire chakra to give him an extra push when a tree he was using as a catapult needed a littled extra push to make him fly. It also almost destroyed his feet when he preformed it. The Konoha Medics were able to heal his feet, and he was up and studying about No-winged flight and physics at the library nearly the next day. He was able to find a librarian who knew everything that he needed to know about these subjects and began training with her. She first taught him the rocket's fire had to be in the proper proportions to achieve maximum lift capasity, and had even described to him how to properly shield himself from the fire after the first time he burned his entire lower half, haveing to have it all reconstructed with Medical Ninjutsu. He had trouble with remebering the proprotions fo the fire, and had to employ the use of a cloak to help him place the boundries. About halfway during the training, he confessed his love to the librarian, and asked her to become his girlfriend, since she was only a few years older than him. She admitted having the same feelings for him, and they started going out. At the age of 16, his team and him participated in the Chuunin exams for the first time, and they did fairly well. They just barely passed the Exam part of the exam, which was extremly nerve racking for Taa, because he spent so much time strengthing his body and not his mind. The second part was a breeze for him. He killed an entire team from the mist village by himself for their scroll, even though it wasnt the one they needed. They were eventually able to gain the second scroll, and used the other one as a barter to gain another team to help them fend off all of the other contestants in exchange for the other scroll. The third part was the hardest for him. He was actually paired up aginst a shinobi from the land of Hell, who was extremly powerful in water type jutsu. He was on the verge of looseing when he pulled off a really lucky combo, and ended up winning his slot, but the exams were interupted with the death of the Tsuchikage (Rock Village Kage) and was cancled, and he was promoted to the rank of Chuunin at the age of 15.

Chunin Life: (Chunin Applicants) He was promoted at 15, and his spirits were high. He had the most beautyful girl in the world with him, he was one step higher, and he was popular through out the village for his match. He began thinking in a diffrent way, more positive and team oriented. He started training with other people and actually going out on the town, meeting new people and becoming well know. He was also becoming an excelent shinobi, being recgnoized by the Hokage, who allowed him to become one of the helpers in the Hokage's Office. He worked side by side with the Hokage, providing work as an assistant, and also providing extra bodyguarding. His parents still wernt around, but he thought of his grandparents death less often, and since he wasnt alone, he began to enjoy himself around others. When he was 17, he decided that it was time to settle down and make a family, and he asked the Tsuchi, the Librarian to marry him. She accepted with great enthusiasm, and they were planned to be wed in two months. Before the date of the wedding, something happened that would awaken the beast once more. She was sent to a small ninja village north of Konoha as a leiazon. The Hokage had wanted them to join the village because of their special gifts and sent her off to ask them. Her head was sent back by a large crow, with a message about the clan being cannabials, and that her body now fed their young. When Taa heard the news, he was struck with greif, and his anger flared up again. His inner demons were released again and he was hungry for revenge. He snuck away in the dead of night, and infultratied the village that had killed his beloved. He massacured them in a single night, his anger carrying him far beyond his natural borders. He razed every building, and he killed every inhabatant of the town, even the smallest of children. When it was all over, he was wounded and nearly dead. He was able to stagger to Otoagure and get medical treatment. The doctors discussed his growing Chakra levels, wondering what was causing this excessive growth of chakra, some speculated that there was an actual beast inside of him, but he cared not. The love of his life had died, and he was alone again. He heard wisperings inside of him, of death and destruction to all, making him think he was going crazy. He hid it though, and retrogressed. He refused to speak with anyone, and refused all human contact. He began training alone, and only taking on enough missions to survive. The Hokage dismissed him when he realized that Taa was beggining to lack on his skills, missing major details. Taa was beside himself with grief and anger. He had covered up the fact that it was him who killed the entire village, which he found out that the Hokage was going to make another attempt to become allies with them. He slowy began to hate Konoha, and constantly plots revenge on everyone, blameing all of his problems on them. When he turned nineteen, his mental health was beginning to deteriorate. The Konoha shrinks and doctors were unable to find out why, but one night, in his hospital bed alone, Ie talked to him for the first time. He explained that Taa's body and mind were trying to shield him from himself, with his history, and explained that he had his own chakra, which was lightning natured, which explained to Taa why he had been able to use Lightning chakra without having to train to achieve it. The next day, Taa pretended like nothing was wrong, and was able to fool all of the doctors into releasing him on the grounds that he was sane again. About a year later, he was 20 years old and he participated in the Jounin exams for the first time, and it was seen fit to promote him to the rank of Jounin.

Jounin Life: When he was promoted to the rank of Jounin, he was given access to secret parts of the Konoha library, and was able to dig up some more information on his Mandarin Jutsu. He slowly began to understand it more, but was unable to perfect the use of chakra as a shield to stop it from buring his legs. Ie suggested the use of a Hyuuga, but Taa was a little iffy on that subject, but he requested that the Hokage put him with a Hyuuga the next mission, and it was granted. He met Sene Hyuuga, and for Taa, it was love at first site. He didnt want to be seprated from her for a moment, and used every chance he got to ask her about chakra control, but began feeling guilty about using her and admitted to her that he had feelings for her, but was using her to learn Chakra control. She thought that it was kinda cute, and when they got back to Konoha from their escort mission, they started a relationship that involved him buying meals, and her teaching him how to manpulate his chakra in a way that would protect him from his own chakra. All the while, Ie was put to the back burner. He had discovered that when Taa was happy, Ie was non-existant. He didnt have the strenght to be more than a buzz in Taa's ear. He began to plot, trying to find ways to get back in strength. It took 3 years, but eventually Taa was able to finally master his Mandarin Jutsu, and use it to sustain flights up to 5 minutes long, but his double chakra problem was getting out of hand. He would wake up in the morning actually shooting electricty out of his body because it was trying to escape the too tight container. Sene eventually convinced him to see the doctors, who began a series of tests that would help them understand why this was happening. They called in a Fuuinjutsu master, and he was able to create a seal that would allow chakra to be stored in the user's back, and regulate it like it was an extra chakra circulatory system on his back. Ie was able to use Subliminal messageing when they had to put Taa under to convince him to get on a mission with Sene, a very dangerous one. Their job was to infultrate Oto and kill a very prominate memeber in the village. They snuck in easily, but it was getting to him. They were forced to engage multiple platoons of Jounin ninja in open battle alone. In the midst of the fighting, Ie was able to take over the body, and strike down Sene, and convince Taa that it was one of the other shinobi. Taa discovered that day that he could break the seal on his back if he used too much chakra at one time. He released the seal and all of his chakra burst forth, and he was able to kill all of the remaining ninja, and the target, and even destroy a major section of Oto before returning to Konoha as a hero. He was sent to the hospital, where he was forced to learn how to reseal his chakra so he could do it by himself, all he needed was a day of meditation. Ie was back on the hog, protecting Taa, and making all of his decisions for him. He began to convince Taa that Konoha was not a good place for him, because he would just run into more people that he could love, who would just get hurt. In reality, he was trying to keep Taa to himself so that he would always have a purpose. Two years later, he left the village, blaming the Hokage for the death of the two women he loved, not realizing that he was the cause for one.

Deserter Life: Since he has left the village, he has searched all over for the elsuive Akatsuki, and has yet to find them.

Learned jutsus:

  • Madarin Jutsu
  • Thermal Locator Jutsu
  • Thermal Strings Targeting Jutsu
  • Fire Missiles Jutsu
  • Fighting With Hell Jutsu

Weapons/items: He carries a Regular Chain scythe that is held in his right hand by a summoning tattoo

Goals: To find Akatsuki and get revenge on Konoha.


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Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 32

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Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished) Empty Re: Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished)

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:07 am

Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished) Empty Re: Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:13 am

I am sorry but akatsuki at this point is closed as we are trying to fill up the villages sorry. Sad

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Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished) Empty Re: Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished)

Post by resonaceaddict Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:03 pm

well, i wasnt going to have him join the akatsuki yet, till a spot opened, but is he still approved, or do i have to take his history back and make him a Konoha Jounin, or what ever.


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Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished) Empty Re: Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished)

Post by Shini Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:12 pm

I thought we were gonna be stricter on the ranks?

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Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished) Empty Re: Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished)

Post by resonaceaddict Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:04 pm

so whats the final verdict.


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Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished) Empty Re: Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:12 pm

Well Shini i said we would be cutting off of S rank's and if you look there applying for A rank and have gone Way beyond the minimum. And yes the approval is still there but if you want a fresh one.


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Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished) Empty Re: Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished)

Post by resonaceaddict Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:23 pm

Thank you, i will have his jutsu up in a jiffy


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Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished) Empty Re: Taakuin Hanya & Ie Hanya (finished)

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