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7 tails.

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7 tails. Empty 7 tails.

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:12 pm

Character Name: Drakken Demon
Village: Sand
Rank: (character is Genin)
Number of Tails: 7
Description of Tailed Beast: 7 tails. 6tails Except 7 tails lol (dosent wana be a badger)

List the Tailed Stages:

Passive tail:

This tail is always active and it comes with a few abilities. It allows for a semi abnormal chakra increase and a great increase in healing able to heal flesh wounds within minutes. It also allows for a magnetic field of sorts for earth. Anything thats earth based or has mostly earth will be attracted or repelled at random untill drakken can control it better (chunnin level is when you get control).

1st tail(genin)

In this tail the user is covered in green chakra and a long tail will erupt from the behind region. The user will be able to control the magnetic field completely in this tail and it allows for earth based jutsu's to a genin level to be used. The magnetic fields range is increased by 1 foot. Also a Minimal boost(1.5 times) to chakra, stamina and speed.

2nd tail(genin)

In this tail the user sprouts another tail and there fingernails become claws and they seem to elongate (there spine does) making them seem taller. It allows for a boost of 2 times the amount of chakra strength and stamina along with a increase of speed. The magnetic fields range is increased by 2 feet. (Weakness: They become slightly more curious and beast like)

3rd tail(chunnin)

The user gains a third tail and there fangs become sharp and there nose begins to sprout forward like a weasles. Fur slowly starts sprouting on top of the green chakra. The user is able to use up to B rank earth jutsu's and they can control the magnetic field even greater as if they were covered in a layer of earth they could almost float. There chakra is increased by .5 times along with the other bonuses. (weakness: after this tail they will pass out. Increases beast's control on user.)

4th tail(chunnin)

The fur that sprouted during the 3rd tail grows more and slowly covers the entire body with a small coat also gets another tail. They are forced to move on all 4's and they move with there back arched.Chakra and such is multiplied by 2 times. The magnetic field is increased by 2 meters and allows forthe jinchuurik to float around almost like hovering if there covered in a light coating of earth or metal.(Weakness: the user can only activate this stage when there completely calm in the face of death and destruction. The beast takes control of there mind and the jinchuurik cna only influence not control)

5th tail(jounin)[center]
The fur becomes thick and hard as steel itself. The chakra is boosted by 3 times and other things. The user can use jutsu's using earth up to S level. There magnetic field expands to half a mile and earth begins to tremble like a earthguake is happening. (weakness: Only induced when there heart is broken. The user becomes the beast completely and the Jinchuurik can only watch and see the destruction.

[center]6th Tail(jounin)

Complete control of earth and the user looks exactly like the bijuu. The magnetic field covers a mile and the earth in that field levitates into the air. Chakra boost and such by 5. (weakness: This can only be induced by total pure rage and anger or the bijuu's own willing from the 5th tailThe jinchuurik becomes almost non-existant)
7th tail

Bijuu is released and jinchuurik dies.

Drawbacks: see description.

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Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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7 tails. Empty Re: 7 tails.

Post by Shini Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:49 pm

This is Approved unless said otherwise.

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Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Seabrook, New Hampshire

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