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Is this really the end?

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Is this really the end? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:17 pm

Shin coughed softly, as he was shocked that he would die from the training he would be given. He did not know what was up for him, but he did know that it would be intense from the way his master explained it. He shifted his body slowly as he sighed. "Will I do anything to get myself better? like, physical rehabilitation?"He asked, as he wanted to so something physical to get ready for his training. He wanted to be strong just like Kudara, and maybe just as strong as Mizo. He wanted to learn many fighting styles and jutsu there was to learn, as he wanted to bring fear into the eyes of people who oppose him. He sighed and then rested his arms on his sides, as he sat up and winced. His muscles were sore, but they would get better over time. "I mean, if I just stay here in bed... Thats not very good for my muscles... Im used to training everyday, and my body got used to it."He told Kudara and smiled a bit.
Shin Uchiha
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Is this really the end? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:12 pm

Kudara could not help but to smile, he was so eager to get training which of course was natural for a power seeking shinobi like Shin. This was the same eager attitude Kudara had when he was young. Kudara rubs his hair holding back cause of his injuries and smiles

"Well I will get you started on physical therapy, start on some things slow then when Mizo gives you the thumbs up on whether you would be ready to train, I will begin to teach you taijutsu while my....well associate helps you with genjutsu and the Kaika techinques. With your physical physique, how well your body is able to recover, im sure it'll be no time before you get training"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Is this really the end? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:31 pm

Shin grinned brightly as he heared what Kudara had to say. He closed his eyes as he liked the feeling of his fingers going through his hair; it made him feel protected and reassured. He experimentally started to move his legs around- Only a slight sting in the bone, but he would get used to it. He shifted his body, only a few places felt the stinging too. He wanted to pursue and try to do as much physical theripy as possible. He didnt want to stay in this bed all day, hearing people moan and groan on hours. "I cant wait to start, Ot--"He stopped himself and looked down, "Kudara-Sama"He said quickly. He didnt want to call Kudara his father; his father was dead, no one could replace him. He just remembered, "The lighter!"He shouted and sat up, "Have you seen my lighter?"He asked and looked at Kudara for the answer.
Shin Uchiha
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Is this really the end? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:43 pm

Kudara sighes remembering back to where Shin had his lighter. He knew that he did not have it with him in Takigakure cause Shin was still wearing the hospital clothing. He did not pick up any of his belongings from the hospital. Kudara rubs his head out of grief cause he knew he would have to go back to the village hidden in the leaves to retrieve it. Kudara moves over to Shin placing his hands on his shoulders and slowly lowering him towards the pillow

"Relax, relax, young one, im sure you dropped it somewhere. Its ok, I'll get it for you if you wish"

Kudara was reluctant in saying he was going to retrieve, he has much regret not obtaining all of his belongings before they left, he knew that he was still a child and as such they have menmetos to remember something, he still has a necklace from his mother and father gave to him as a young child. He turns around and walks out of the kitchen/resting area and into the resturant where some customers remain and heard some soft moaning from the tables. He steps over a few men and women from the ground and pushes on the door outside into Takigakure. He then disappeared leaving nothing behind him
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Is this really the end? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:54 pm

Shin sighed softly and rested back against his pillow. He was lucky to have someone in his life to watch after him and care so much for him. He looked at the ceiling as he waited for Kudara to return. He couldnt live without that lighter he had, before his father died, he was given that lighter to show he was worthy to become an Uchiwa. He looked at his hands, how the fingerprints on them were shaped and formed, he looked at the scars and burns; they would be there forever. Shin remembered the first day he tried to blow a spit of fire, as it was a bit overpowered and ran right into his hand. Today, his burn only covered a bit of his thumb, as it was a dark reddish color. He wanted to tell Kudara a bit about his lighter when he returned. Shin smiled softly, putting his hand back down and closing his eyes for a brief moment, hoping to open them back up to see Kudara.
Shin Uchiha
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Is this really the end? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:39 pm

The moonlight had now brigthen the village hidden in the leaf. It was near midnight and mostly those who are in bed are asleep. Those who patrol hid in there places as they watch over the seemingly pleasant village. A cloud moves away from the moon slowly, brightening up more of the village but at one part of the village it was completely, this is where Kudara was at

The darkness, where anything can hide and only those who obey the laws of darkness can truly thrive in it. Kudara, was a double agent if you will, he uses darkness but stays in the light. Hiding in the streets of the village, Kudara disappears and reappears at certain spots. At one point he was on top of a village house, then the next he was on the top of Hokage's. He did this randomly, to make it think there were many of Kudara's, just to make sure that if someone were to follow him, he would confuse the opponent. But now it was time to make his way towards the hospital. He jumps down from the hokage heads, the fourth hokage's to be exact. In mid air, his body had disappeared

In a matter of seconds, Kudara appeared at the hospital. It was obviously locked from the outside and only was allowed opening for special cases like emergencies. This problem, was not actually a difficult condrum for Kudara. Kudara disapppeared and headed on top of the building. On the roof top, Kudara puts his hands together and closes his eyes

"Tenshu Hitokoki" he whispered to himself. His body began to vibrate, as he began to vibrate, his body began to sink down into the rooftop. He had to be careful though, too much molecular manipulation and he would phase through all of the hospital and into the ground, too little he would be stuck in the roof. Kudara ulitmately succeeds in through going into the hospital roof. Kudara lands on his feet and was on the third floor of the hospital. It was quiet and Kudara knew that this would a good time to get a move on into finding Shin's lighter. Kudara, as quietly as he could, ran down the hallway, although seemingly he was sprinting, this was a light jog to his body. He runs down stairs and onto the second floor where Shin room was at. Kudara walks in and see's the lighter

"Finally found it..."

As he was about to reach it, he stopped. He didnt move as there was a blade on his back. Kudara, slowly putting his hand on his katana took it out and tried to slash, only to swing at the air. Kudara was shocked at first, there was not many people who could dodge such an attack, unless......Kudara then turned around and see's a familar face.

"The hell are you doing here for?"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Is this really the end? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:52 pm

Shin sighed. It was a while since Kudara was gone. Shin became curious with his new legs and arms, as he wanted to try to see if he could walk alittle around the restraunt or room he was in. He slowly moved his arms to hold him up; he was a bit weak but he could take it. Moving his legs, he made it to where he was sitting on the side of the bed. He wanted to pursue himself and his dreams, and to do that, he had to get his ass up and do something. Shin smiled a bit and let his legs dangle from the bed side, then slowly slid down, his feet pressing against the tile floor. Expeimentally, he wiggled his toes; they were moving fine, he needed them for the balance. He placed his feet flat down, then slowly lifted himself up and off the bed. His balance was a bit uneven, but he caught on and breathed in deeply. "I did it..."He said with a grin. He was so happy to finally be able to walk again.

Hearing moans and groans coming from outside the door, he placed one foot infront of him, staying that way for a moment. He placed the other foot infront of him, he was making progress easly. 'I can do this... I can do this..."He thought to himself over and over, staying confident. He kept making that slow walking movement until he reached the door, as he put his hand on the knob and twisted it clockwise, then opening it up. He saw Mizo cooking, but stayed at the frame of the door just in case something bad happened. He examined the people eating the food, and watched Mizo-san cook for them. It seemed like a hard job, but it looked pretty fun.
Shin Uchiha
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Is this really the end? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:46 pm

"My oh my, did I truly sneak up on like that..." a calm and collective voice said behind Kudara. It was somewhat dark in the room, the moonlight sky was the only light source that did not make it completely dark. But no matter what the situation was, Kudara knew who it was. He closed his eyes and smiled as he was relieved . He shrugs his shoulders saying to him

"Brother, you know that you were always good at hide and seak and possibly the sneakest and quietest person ever to be known, not mention your speed. You truly are someone to be reckon with" he says in a polite manner. "I dont know what to do, oh the agony, the true and immense agony, whatever must I do?" He comically grabbed his hands together and does a little pose "I dont know what to doooooooooOOoooooo"

The man behind him sighes out of anguish and grabs his forehead, doing the infamous facepalm that could be heard from where Kudara was at. Kudara chuckled alittle bit hearing him cause he knew how much irritation that caused him "You can put down the blade now, big brother". Kudara turns around and see's Kyouken putting his katana back into his sheath. The blade made a odd sound, like the blade was going in the wrong way. Kyouken stares at Kudara. Kudara folds his arms

"How long were you following me?"

"Ever since I found out you left Takigakure" Kyouken replied as he sat down on the bed putting his leg on his knee. He folds his arms and looks down closing his eyes as he talked to Kduara

"Oh so your following me like you did when we were kids eh? What you think im that same twelve year old who always get into trouble"

"Thats the thing brother, you always do get into trouble. You did this when we were kids and your doing it now as a fifty year old. Do you realize that you caused Konoha into turmoil cause you kidnapped that Uchiha"

Kudara looks at Kyouken, it shocked him to hear that he knows about the Uchiha "How the hell do you know about that? I didnt tell anyone besides Mizo"

"Like I said, I've been following you.....well techincally Hitoshi was and he informed me of the situation"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! What you dont trust me now or something?!"

Kyouken puts his finger to his lips and shushes him "Be quiet, or you'll stir up more trouble than you already are"

"Im sorry, but its kinda hard to know that my own brother doesnt trust me" Kudara retorted back. He walks over to a mirror right beside the bed and leans on it with his hands on the edge of the table.

For a few minutes both of them said nothing, Kyouken had closed his eyes and began to think on some issues that might occur. Kudara hated the silence, espically Kyouken's silence for you would not know what he was thinking about or what he was doing. Finally after a few minutes, Kyouken unfolds his legs and sighed. His voice did not change one bit "Why did you take the boy with you? There is no need for more trouble, espicially an Uchiha. You know what they bring about to us and those around them. There eyes are not only dangerous but they are valuable. They are considered dangerous people to be around with. The last thing we need to have another Itachi, or Sasuke or worse off a Madara Uchiha. I should know since I was his former subordinate. The bastard. So tell me, what in your right mind made you want to take him up as an subordinate huh? Do you have regret on the Uchiha? Do you feel bad that you had to help wipe out the clan with Itachi and Madara? Is this how you going to redeem yourself?"

Kudara turns his head thinking back for a moment on the Shin. Thinking back on how he reminds him of himself. He closes his eyes and grips the table "Im doing this cause I think he'll help us in the akatsuki. Because of that eye, he can do so much for us. Once he obtains the Mangekyou sharingan, whoever teams up with him will become a threat. The boy has potential, all he needs is somebody to guide him into releasing that potential and im the one who can do it. I know I can do it. Please brother, dont make me have to get rid of him. He's been through hell. He just got done with sugery and just got done with losing his team."

Kyouken appears behind Kudara. Kudara see's him in the mirror and did not have time to react to Kyouken's movement, he knew his reaction, his speed was killer and more so than his own. Kyouken puts a hand on his shoulder. Kudara could feel the tension that built up inside of Kyouken for he knew that Kyouken despised the Uchiha clan, he despise them for what they are, espicially Madara Uchiha. Kyouken moves over to his ear "If he messes up, Im going to take charge and end him myself. Whether you approve of it or not"

"No brother" Kudara moves away Kyoukens hand "I will not allow that. I wont let you"

Kyouken got into Kudara's face. His facial expression didnt change nor does his calm voice does but his eyes change color from dark blue to red and his hair gives a overtone of black. This made Kudara fearful of his brother when he turn to that personatliy "I'll give him chances and I will be patience but when he screws up, when he feels as though he wants to betray you or me or this akatsuki, his life wont be in your hands, it'll be in mine. You got that...Volo?"

Kudara face begins to perspire alittle and he felt as though he was not able to move or talk for a moment. He swallows in some spit and nods his head. Kyouken moves away slowly from Kudara and his appearance went back to normal. Reaching into his pocket, Kyouken pulls out a lighter. It was Shin's lighter alright. Kyouken gotten to it before Kudara did and was waiting for him. He hands it to Kudara and grabs his hands and slowly closes his hand shut. "Remember what I said, Volo. I do not tolerate Uchiha's"

Silently and speedily, he disappears leaving no trace of ever being there. Kudara grabs on to the lighter and almost crushes it. Kudara puts his head down and puts the lighter in his pocket. He needs to back to Takigakure. As he walks out of the room, he turns around and looks at the moon. He see's why his brother was named after the moonlight and why those who looked at him feared him. He disappeared, using the Tenshu Hitokoki running ability to escape out of the hospital and out of Konoha

A few minutes later, Kudara comes into the entrance into Takigakure no sato. He took his time coming to the village for he was thinking deeply what Kyouken said. His attitude, his stance, his movement of Kyouken was on his mind and it slowed him down completly. He walks into the entrance and looks over to see if anyone was still left in the resturant. There were a few people, he could tell they were about done with there meals as they had just completed a orgasm and they were on the table shaking out of spasms. Kudara sighes as this was last in his mind. He did not want to inform Shin about what just happen nor tell him about what his brother would do to him. Kudara walks into the resturant and walks past the counter where he saw Mizo's clone still cooking. He opens the door into the room where Shin was at and sees him. Kudara hides all facts of himself being worried and smiles like he usually smiles. He take the lighter out of his pocket and throws it to Shin

"Found it"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Is this really the end? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:07 pm

Shin had backed away from the door frame of the hospital part of the restraunt. He looked around for a few seconds. It was already getting dark. He was thinking about everything that could have been happening to Kudara. What could have taken him so long? Shin was concerned alright, as he looked down at his feet. He saw that the nerves in his feet were making the bottom of his heels turn red. This was a good sign since he could now fully feel himself standing on the hard, cold tile floor. He heared some foot steps and his head shot upwards. It was Kudara standing at the same door frame. Shin was so glad to be able to see him, as Kudara threw the lighter to him, he caught it quickly. "Arigato Otosan desu ne!"He said happily and examined it for a while. The words "Honor" were still there, sighing softly in relief. He put the lighter in his pocket and looked back up at him.

Opening up his arms, he said, "Look! I can walk! Does this mean I could start my training?"He asked, a grin on his face as he rocked his body from side to side. He felt only sore muscles in his chest and calfs of his legs, but he could bare it. He was an Uchiha after all, he has a high tolerance for pain. Just back in the exams, he was able to stand while his organs were shot.

OOC: Trying to speed up the process of getting to the time skip~
Shin Uchiha
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Is this really the end? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:50 pm

Kudara chuckles alittle and walks over to Shin. He puts a finger on top of Shin's forehead and tips him over. He knew exactly what the outcome might be but since he was an Uchiha he could tolerate such excuriating pain. Kudara sits down on a moveable chair and rest his arms on the back part of the chair

"It depends on how you rapidly heal, but dont worry, Shin. You'll be training before you know it" he slaps Shin's back and forgot for a moment that he was still recovering

OOC: Yeah short post but hey it gets to the point and ends it
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Is this really the end? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:19 pm

Shin grinned and lost his balance unexpectedly as Kudara poked him in the head, just stumbling over a bit backwards. He put his hands out to the sides and caught himself. He sighed softly and laughed a bit, standing up on his feet again. He walked back over to Kudara and winced when he slapped him on the back, but kept it in, consuming the pain. He grinned and chuckled a bit, cracking his fingers and replied to him, "You think I could tolerate more pain when we train? I want to be able to take in hits like im numb. You think thats possible, Kudara-sama?"He asked and tilted his head. He wanted to learn everything he could from this man. His father-figure as he called him once before. He felt as if he could do anything when he was around this man, like he was safe with him. "I could already make alittle spark with my fingers.. Watch!"He grinned and put his middle finger on his thumb, then focused chakra to his finger tips. He then quickly snapped his fingers and a spark ignited from the traction of the two chakra's friction. A little lighter flame came from his thumb as it rested against his index finger.
Shin Uchiha
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