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Is this really the end?

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Is this really the end? Empty Is this really the end?

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:31 pm

Sirens, lights flicker on and off, men and women's voices. Thats all Shin could hear. His body, it was number than anything possible. He felt something go into his wrists, both of them were fairly sharp. All he felt was the needle sliding in his skin, and then his muscles. A cup went over his nose and mouth, as two tubes were put into his nose. Air was being pushed into his nose, and air was pushed into his mouth as well. He experimentally twitched his fingers. Just moving his fingers, he could feel them, they were stiff. He tried to open his eyes, as light was shining down on him. The nurses around him were very happy to see him finally woken up. Shin breathed in deeply, feeling his lungs tighten up. He winced, but opened his eyes fully. Everything was blurry, just for a few seconds. His vision sharpened, taking a look around with his eyes. He could only see the ceiling and a few things around. He heared a faint beeping, as he slowly turned his head to a moniter that had his heart rate on it. Shin sighed, thinking back to the fight.

It was pretty intense, as he remebered the last move that totally put him out. Shin was stupid enough as to go against the rotation of chakra, which ripped up his hand and arm severely. Blinking, he looked at his arm. Moving it from the covers very slowly and gently, he lifted up his arm. He saw all the bandages wrapped around his hand, wrist, and all up to his shoulder. The IV's were in his skin, as the medical tape just wrapped around it. He sighed, until he heared some nurses talking to a doctor. "He would probably have to retire from being a shinobi... In this condition he's in, theres no possible way he could go on..."Shin gasped as he over heared the doctors, "His organs are so.. Re-aranged and damaged, along with his arms and legs."She continued, as she walked out of the room, continuing the convorsation. Shin clenched his fist and closed his eyes tightly. He couldnt believe he wouldnt be able to be a shinobi anymore. If there was only one way, one way at all, he would use it, He had to become a ninja again.
Shin Uchiha
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:19 pm

***Few weeks before "Daybreak"******

The hospital doors open slowly, a blindfolded man walks in, unnoticed by those that were around him. He was wearing a simple attire of an all black outfit, matching simular to that of someone that was familar to the village as a threat to them. The man, Kudara, walks throughout the hospital hallways seeing the people act very casual. Kudara notice that the ninjutsu was a success and this would be very efficient for future missions for him. Aftering the realization of the great success of this invisibility ninjutsu, Kudara begins to search out for a young and resilent boy who was from the Uchiha clan. He was considered one of the few surivivors of the Uchiha, last heard from Kudara's brother, Kyouken. Walking around the hospital gave him memories of times he came to hospital to visit old friends that were dying or injured dramatically during the dangerous mission in A.T.A in ANBU. Kudara could only sigh remembering them but he knew that the task on hand was much more important then anything else.

One of the hospital doors was slightly open, seeing alittle light coming out of the small crack of the doorway Kudara sneaks over there and peaks his eye into the little crack. He saw a young boy who has simular characteristics of an Uchiha, the spiked hair, the onyx colored eyes, but what made him notice his features was not the fact that he appeared to have the Uchiha features it was his facial expression. He saw the sadness of someone who had just lost a family member, or had just lost a great battle. That appearance was simular to that of Itachi and Sasuke, two renowned Uchiha members that had been good friends with Kudara at a time.

He enters the room, the door slightly open but it appeared that no one had entered. Kudara puts his hands together


As he released the jutsu that was cast upon him, his body began to become very tangible and animate. Slowly, Kudara was revealed to the Uchiha.

Kyouken Uchiha
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:03 pm

Shin was staring at the ceiling above him. He was trying to occupy himself by finding patterns in them that seemed interesting. He sighed, being annoyed by the faint beeping that a moniter beside him gave off, it was his heart rate. He began to think about his father; He would be greatly dissapointed in Shin right about now for losing to his own team mate. His mother, oh what would she do? She would probably just baby him and say he did a good job, but his father on the other hand would be shameful to have a son like him. Shin began to have tears dwell up in his eyes. All this was so much for him. He was not able to be a ninja again. He was not able to have his team mates right there beside him right now. He had many losses right now, but that wouldnt get the best of him.

Click, Clack, a soft tapping in the hallways, Shin could hear. That, and the blood running through his veins from the IV injected into his wrist. He sighed, knowing it hurt too much to even turn his head to see. It was possibly a nurse, coming to check up on him on his hourly notice. But it wasnt. "Release..." Shin heared, but it was in Japanese form. On the corner of his eye, he saw a man appear from some sort of invisible jutsu. The man looked like an Uchiwa to him. Spikey black hair and onyx eyes. He spoke to Shin. He tried his best to talk back, but the cup on his mouth blocked that. He took his left hand, slowly, taking it off his mouth. His left arm had many bruises and scars on it, while there was a very noticible hole in his shoulder from the senbon Dageki threw at him. "Konnichi wa..."Shin said in a soft, painful voice. His reports were over on the table next to him, able to show everything that was wrong with him. "W-Who are you?"He asked, coughing. This time, a small amount of blood trickled down his mouth and chin. It was better than the gallons he was puking up during the fight.
Shin Uchiha
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:07 pm

After seeing the blood coming out of Shin's mouth, Kudara walks over to Shin's bed, he see's a cloth that was on the table right next to him and grabs it. He sits down besides him and see's that his body was in much pain. He begins to wipe off the blood off his mouth and chin.

"Dont stress yourself, young one, you are in no shape or form to perform any task at the moment, even talking. I rather you just listen then you getting stirred up. If you wish to talk, stay calm and try not to become so easily excited"

Kudara removes the clothe away from Shin and place it back on the counter. To Shin, he could not see Kudara's eyes. It was covered in a all black blindfold that hid everything around his eyes. Could it be possible that Kudara was blind? But now did Kudara easily come up and wipe up the blood off his mouth and chin so easily. To a blind man with extraordinary abilities it would've been a few seconds before he came over to assist him. There was so many questions that was probably going through Shin's mind right now. Kudara looks beside the bed and grabs the chart where hold the information and current statistics on Shin. He slowly glances over it, reading every little detail, every little crook and cranny that could be found. He flips through the pages of Shin. He lets the paper fall back on the chart and gives off a depressing sigh

"Well, it seems you have been fighting in the chunin exams and been defeated by a Hyuuga. Well correct me if im wrong but you were fighting a person who can attack the internal parts of the human body including nervous system, blood flow throughout the body, muscles, and more importantly your heart and lungs. From what I can see that you just coughed up, you probably got damaged internally whether its the lungs or the heart, you still coughed up the remanants of blood that is probably lodge in your stomach. But thats not the worse case scenario"
Kudara looks at his arms, he see's much damage to it. The use of jutsu's would be useless to him even if he would be able to recouperate. The amount of damage to the nerves were completely shot. Whoever did this to the Uchiha was certainly not holding back on him. The Hyuuga would be a dangerous foe in the near future if he continues to train in the arts of the shinobi. Kudara stands up

"No......your arms, your legs, all of the internal organs have been completely torn by the strongest style in Konoha. I know this cause i practice the gentle fist. But the one thing that is on your mind is that because of the severity of the damage that has happen to your body, do you think you'll ever become a shinobi ever again? Do you think that you'll be able to practice the power or the way of the ninja?"

Kudara sighed again getting depressed from just hearing his own words "It would make you suicidal if you were not to become a shinobi because something inside of you is stirring, something of dark and terrible power. You have hatred, you have revenge, you have desire, lust for power. You want it and yet you are here in this hospital bed told that you can never become a shinobi again.....well my boy, you either one blessed person or one cursed person to meet me cause I wish to give you back your powers as a shinobi and possibly become a person of either destructive, chaotic power or peaceful, tranquil power that is in store for you"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:30 pm

Shin felt relieved as this kind man wiped the blood from his chin and mouth. He smiled a bit, the muscles in his mouth not as sore as they were. His vision was getting a tad sharper as the minutes passed on. He looked at the charasteristics of the man. His face; mouth and nose, seemed to be gentle looking. He couldnt see his eyes, as he was very confused on how he could even see Shin. He continued to wonder, but he didnt speak. He listened. He watched. He learned. Once he had heared the summary of his own accident, he frowned, sighing softly. He hated the word 'Defeated', especially by a Hyuuga. His own team mate. He watched the man's reaction. He seemed to be very depressed about Shin's situation.

The last statement tore his heart. "Do you think you'll ever become a shinobi ever again?" hit him once again in the mind and heart. He wished he could do something, and anything, to help him. Shin felt that he would give anything to be a ninja again, anything at all. It was a fact that his own iternal organs were just about as fucked up as anything on his body. His legs, numb. His arms, ached. He was a mess. Shin looked down and continued to listen to the man's soothing, but riggid voice. He felt somewhat comforted.

'Hatred... Revenge... Desire..... Power...' All those thoughts were going through the boy's head as he listened, closer and closer to this man. He was begining to understand what he was trying to explain. This man... He could possibly make Shin able to practice the arts of being a Ninja again. He could possibly help Shin become better, better than all his team mates. He wanted to kill Dageki. He had that intent. The intent to.. Destroy.

Shin turned his head slowly to the man, opening his mouth. He had energy to speak, as he wanted to share his deepest thoughts about the situation. "Your words... They are deep."He stopped and took a breath, continuing, "I will do whatever you tell me... Whatever you need, want, wish... I just want to become a ninja again... Please, I'll give my life to you."He was trying to get to the point. He would serve under the man, even if he didnt know Shin, he would do absolutely anything. "I will leave anything, everything, everyone... Corrupt me with your demonic powers..."He coughed and shut his eyes tightly. This was the path he wanted to choose.
Shin Uchiha
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:51 pm

Through the completely black blindfold, a flame aura came from his eyes. His body, began to radiate a flame like aura. It was not burning nor was it even hot to the touch, it was a cool flame that was comforting and was riveting to watch. Kudara stands over the boy, hearing the statement "I will do whatever you tell me... Whatever you need, want, wish... I just want to become a ninja again... Please, I'll give my life to you." was something that he had heard from his other students have said to him in the past. Kudara, using his right hand which had a distincit ring on it that had a joker face in the middle of the ring, took of his blindfold revealing his eyes.

"Then if you truly want to serve me, you must begin to understand who I truly am. I am not an Uchiha, but I have the characteristics of an Uchiha. I am a Rihatsu, a Caelum clan member who helped the Uchiha years back way before you were born my boy. My family have assited your clan for a century and now we are here to assist you again. I feel as though I must abide your clan again for what I have done to your clan in the past and I have much regret. You are one of the few Uchiha left standing and seeing a clan of such power and destruction die would make this world seem smaller"

Kudara stares into Shin's eyes. It was like staring into the universe itself, seeing the stars, the galaxies, the universe itself in Kudara's eyes. Staring into it was both a blessing and curse at the same for it began to show Shin's future

"Seeing which path you take, if you take the path of revenge, the path of chaost and "the end" method, you will certain destroy your foes, your power would put fear into the shinobi, the villages would try and hunt you down, trying to destory your presence, trying to get to you or try and obtain your eyes. Your power will certainly be great but in the end you will be cast away and be the loner that you will become. If you take the path of light, those who are your enemies will still fear you, but your allias will trust you, they will have hope, they will have much to learn from you for you are the seed that will make a new era for shinobi but moreso your clan"

Kudara body began to radiate more power "Now boy, chose your path. No matter what path you take, I will train you to whatever power you take"
Kyouken Uchiha
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:07 am

Shin watched the aura, it felt warm, but not hot. He felt somewhat welcomed to this man. He felt comfortable around him. He looked into his 'eyes' as he began to listen to him. Shin was shocked to hear that this man, was not an Uchiwa. Caelum clan? He thought. He had never heared of such a clan. It could have been possible that this clan could have been on the other side of the world. Or even maybe, from the stars and space itself. It was a mystery to Shin, that he had to learn more about. Shin knew he was one of the remaining Uchiha, as he remembered the dreadful wipe-out about 25 years ago, maybe more. He had to live on and find, reunite, and produce more clan members. He had to live on. He had to have a legacy. He had to be known one way or another.

It seemed as if this man could possibly tell the future. But he would have to see about that. Shin thought deeply about his choices; Mad with power, or Strength in Light? He felt okay about both, but he knew that the more power he had, the more stronger he would be. His heart couldnt decide on both, nor his mind. He breathed in deeply, this would take him nothing more than a few minutes or so to decide. He had the intent to kill two people... Dageki, the person who put him in this mess, and the one whom killed his beloved father; Yottsu and Roku. If he surpassed both of them, he would prove to the world that he was not a failure.

"My final decision... Is that I want to become a master of Chaos... I want to bring fear in the eyes of humanity. I want to kill, kill to live. I must have my revenge... I want to show them all that Uchiha Shin is no longer a failure... I will surpass them.." His voice, low and deep. This was his chosen path. This was going to be his future.
Shin Uchiha
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:25 am

Kudara nods to his decision. Although he was not allowed to choose the path for Shin, he was only able to guide him to the path, he felt this was wrong of him. He has taught a few people on the path of hatred and revenge because at one time, Kudara was on that same path. He was a killer, he had once caused more destruction then anyone could ever imagine. Shin was in that seat of chaos. Seeing that his abilities are far capable of causing more harm then help, he guessed that his choice was the right one. He was not allowed to change time nor change history for it was against his rules and his code to do so, he can only guide those in time and only change it when it is totally nesscary.

This boy......could he possibly be.....?

Kudara did not want to think about that thought. It was something Kyouken, his older brother, was dicussing about. About how the world itself would end, both Kyouken and Kudara have visions of these events and Kyouken said that a Uchiha would be one to help destroy this world. But Kudara could have been wrong, he could had been mishearing things like usual. He puts the blindfold back around his eyes and sits down beside Shin. He looks at him, he notice the passion and desire he had in him, he saw that Shin wanted to ask so many things to him, about his relations with the Uchiha and the Rihatsu, the eyes, his power, why did he come to him now. So many questions and so little time. Kudara stares at Shin

"You have take this path, and I can see in your heart that you are just like a Uchiha I once encountered 25 years ago. He was just like you, had those same eyes......of revenge, of hatred, of power, of desire, of passion. He made your heart sink not out of fear but out of sadness and torment. To see this young man devestated me. But in the end, it was that same sadness and torment that saved him. I believe that you took this path not for the power but for some goal that seem to be looked at as unethical and unmoral. What is in this world we live in? People kill just to kill, humans take lives just for the pleasure of it. The sick and twisted hearts of men makes the human race seem.......animalistic, cruel, socially darwinistic......but you have a purpose. I dont think you would have that mind set if the events that happen to you occured. You would be a ordinary shinobi just like anyone else who lives in this village. You have a gift boy, fate has turn itself inside out for you"
Kudara folds his arms "My apologize, i seem to have been ranting for a minute. It seems you have much to ask me before we ahead towards your next part of your training boy"
Kyouken Uchiha
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:38 am

Shin listened to the man's speach, thinking quite deeply about his words. Yes, he did infact want to become evil for a very good reason. He wanted to grow strong and kill those who purposely made him who he is now. He wanted to have his sweet revenge on those. He was not wanting to kill just normal citizens for the pleasure, he wont let himself become that. He would destroy those that oppose him. Shin wanted to make people learn, that not all things in life will come to them in goodness. There are always a bad side to everything. Events will occur to change their life, just like they changed Shin's. "Fate has turned itself inside out for you." Those words very much got him thinking. 'Fate...'He thought. What was his fate indeed?

"I do have a goal, sir..."He responded to a statement he pointed out to him. He wanted to accually tell this man more about himself, and he wanted to learn more about him. "I have a dream.. That one day, I will meet up with the person who murdered my father.. And I will do what Dageki did to me..."He told him, as he went on, "And Dageki.... I will kill him to gain..."He stopped. He thought about the legends that went on for years and years. Madara killed his brother for the Eternal Mangekyou. Itachi Uchiha killed his team mate to obtain his own Mangekyou. It was time that Shin did the same. "Mangekyou Sharingan."He whispered. He looked directly at the man with a small grin. "I know im not strong enough to do so, but thats why I guess I need to become powerfuller."he ended his statement and looked at him once more before looking forward with his head and eyes, "I want to know your name, and what you can teach me... I want to become your legacy once you die."He sighed and waited.
Shin Uchiha
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Mar 14, 2009 7:19 pm

From what Kudara heard from Shin, he wanted to know his real name. There is only a few people that are in the family that knows his true name. He was told from his eldest brother never to say to anyone, students and all, about his real name. The apparent name "Volo" is sacred amongst the Caelum family and should not be known to human beings ears. Even though the Caelum family has helped and even favor the Uchiha clan, they have not ever gave out there true names, his father even gave a false name which was Sojobo.

"I can not tell you my real name, for it is something that I have never told anyone but my family about. However, what I will teach you will suit you and only you. You are one who achieves power, to obtain such great power, you'll need great and extremely difficult training that will transform your body into a complete chaotic machine. From what I see, you specialize in Katon Ninjutsu. It is my recessive ability but I know much about Katon. From what I will teach you will be the quinessential power of enlightenment of this element. The Katon Kaika technique (lit, Enlightnment of the fire arts), it is based off the one ability of Chakra Kaika (lit, Enlightenment of Chakra) a ability that was taught to the clan of the Uchiha, Caelum and Hyuuga. The ability was lost over time since the shinobi feared it would've ended the ways of the shinobi and considered a forbidden technique because of its capabilities"

Kudara turns his hands around to show his palms. In his palms was a wave of heat coming out of his hands. Before long a spark appeared and fire arose up from his palm. The flames was powerful but did not harm anything that was around it. The fire was more powerful then that of using Katon Ninjutsu

"This power does not require handseals, you, your chakra and your element become one with each other as though you are fire itself. This is the power of the Kaika abilities"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Mar 14, 2009 7:32 pm

Shin frowned as he heared he wouldnt tell him his name. But, listening further, he smiled. He was going to be tought the techniques that would make him a true chaotic machine. Shin wanted to be just as powerful as the S-Ranked ninja out there in the world before them. He wanted to become just as powerful as the legendary Madara, or even Itachi. It was time that he was passed down that power, that title. He felt good about being able to destroy. He listened more and more, taking in information that would help him along the lines. 'Katon Kaika?'He thought to himself. He listened more. Shin was amazed that he would be tought such an extreme technique. He would be very happy to learn this 'Kaika'. He wanted to be able to control his Katon element, hoping it would make him just as great as those Uchiha that surpassed any other shinobi.

As soon as the man's speech was over, Shin watched the fire appear in his palm. This fascinated him very much. He smiled widely, as he weakly took his hand out from under the covers and reached out, slowly putting his hand near the fire. It was hot, but he felt comforted as he felt the aura. His smile was happy and soft, as he put his arm back down. "Thank you, sir..."He said and felt the tears of joy in his eyes, but held them back and looked at the man once more, "I would be delighted to learn about the Kaika... I want to become one with my chakra and fire itself.."He said softly as he looked him in the 'eyes', "What do you want me to call you, if I dont know your name?"He asked in curiousity.
Shin Uchiha
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Mar 14, 2009 7:53 pm

Kudara closes his hand diminishing the fire that is flowing in his hand, he closed it into a hard fist seeping away the rest of the flames, he had forgotten that the powers of the Kaika is alot more powerful and takes alot more restriction to diminish the flames. Smoke comes out of through the cracks of his fingers, the black smoke resembled that of death. Kudara looks up at Shin

"My boy, you can call me Kudara Uchiha. That was the alias name that I gave myself when I once "worked" for Konoha......"

Kudara became silent, he hate saying the words Konoha for what they have done to him. He was a caring person and shows it constantly through his facial expression and his joyous, comical attitude but when he says Konoha, his anger, rage, chaotic personality comes out in a matter of that of a eye blinking. His hair somewhat shotted upwards, a devilish smile which showed his canine like teeth

"Konoha, the one place that turned me into a monster, a monster that they called me the once and feared "God Killer". I turned Konoha enemies into mush, I destroyed thousands if not millions of people with the slash of this blade, with this blade I cut open the bodies of humans pouring out the blood of thousands like water coming down from a waterfall. I burned my victims with the flames that resembled hellfire, electrictuted those that would try and stop me, all for the sake of Konoha"

He grabbed Shin and looked directly at him, the eyes of the kings doujutsu flared up, it began to flare up out of his blindfold with the intense heat of the color red "If I could do it again I would, I would make them burn, I would turn them all into nothingness, and when I would be done I would go and burn Konoha to the ground, make them plead and beg for there pathetic existance they call a life. I would make them eat there own selfs, make them fight one another like animals. I would make them kneil towards me and bow before I take there live again. WHY? SO I CAN BECOME NOT JUST A GOD KILLER BUT THERE CREATOR. I DESPISE KONOHA WITH THE PASSION OF SATAN HATING GOD FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE TO HIM. I WOULD MAKE THEM BURN!!!!!"

Kudara then came back to his sense, his eyes, hair and his facial expression went back down to a calm and dormant state. Kudara sat back in the chair not knowing what he had just done. This was the side that those who have fought Kudara have to fear, his "dark" personality that was much chaotic, this would probably entice Shin almost to see that someone like him could obtain this type of mentality. Kudara rubs his hair hoping that no one would had heard that cause if they did then there would be much bloodshed that Kudara must end. Kudara breathes in deeply

"Forgive me for my behavior, I have much resentment for this village. They have done so much awful and horrible deeds that I cannot forgive. It has been difficult for me to forget the past. I've seen so much......death and violence in my life that it became normal to me, a friend dying everyday didnt even bother me, not once has it. I was in the same path you were in, revenge, I wanted to destroy the one that took my mothers life away from me. I wanted to make him bleed and burn. But....." he pause and waves his hand "That is another story for another time my young student"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:16 pm

Shin smiled as he heared the man's name. Kudara. That is his new master's name, as he will call him that from now on. He wanted to show respect to this man that would give him his shinobi life back to him. He watched the odd reaction of Kudara, seeing as his whole face and his voice rise. A bit of pain went to his arm, looking down as Kudara's strength clenched his skin, but since his whole arm seemed to be numb, he could only feel a bit. It stung. Shin was in a state of shock as he watched blankly at Kudara's shouting of hatred of Konoha. He bit his lip, seeing as he was dealing with a true killer. Shin did not want to make this man angry, as he stayed silent after he had gotten done with his fearful yelling and shouting.

He took his arm back once Kudara released it from his clutch, putting it back on his bed. He looked down, seeing as it was red. He sighed, looking back up at him. He listened more. He learned more about this man. He wanted to kill everyone and everything in konohagakure itself, seeing how much hatred and destruction he had for it. He learned that Kudara was once in the same situation. His mother was killed, but Shin's father was killed and his mother died of a disease.

"Kudara-Sama.."Shin uttered the words slowly, it felt good to him. "Teach me all that you can, teach me the ways you were tought.."He stopped and took a deep breath, "Make me a killing machine."He scowled and looked at Kudara, "Please, give me back the title of a Shinobi and renew my life as a mastermind."He looked to his Konoha headband, slowly taking it in his hand as he sighed softly, "I will leave this village... And one day come back to the people who dare oppose me. The last thing they will see is a slash through the leaf."He spoke with a deep, silent tone, as he looked up to Kudara again. He waited for the man to take him away. Take him away to his new life.
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:51 pm

Kudara stands up again and this time began to take the needles out of Shin's arm. The heart monitor, which beeped out every heartbeat from Shin, stopped when Kudara took it off of Shin. This would sound the nurse who was a seventy meters away from the room the room. This would send the blue team, a special squad of medical ninjutsu that were legendary for resuictating back the dead. Kudara had to hurry, knowing that the blue medical squad were to come in and find out that he was the one trying to make escape with Shin, he would have to deal with them. They would probably then send in another squad of medical and possibly send in a team of jounin that would surely try and take down Kudara. This would cause a chain of events that would probably put Konoha in danger for he was invovled in a organization that would force Konoha into war. Kudara thought this up quickly in a matter of a few seconds trying to take out of needles and monitors that were on Shin.

Kudara gives Shin a quick pain medicine so he wont have to feel the pain that was coming from his arms and legs. He did not have time to give him medicine for his internal pains like his organs cause that would take more time and Kudara did not have this at the moment. The beeping continue to come go off, Kudara could hear footsteps from the nurses and probably the blue squadron. This did not cause panic among Kudara but it made him increase his movements. To Shin, Kudara was moving very fast as though there was four or five of him. This would make anyone that was new to the Tenshu Hitokoki's movement to feel slighlty disoriented and possibly queezy, which Kudara did not want for Shin's organs was more in a fatal state then anything. Kudara then says to Shin

"As a Caelum I have a ability that makes me travel around in high speeds that you wont notice but the side effects will be slightly....well uncomfortable to you"

He picks him up off the bed, he turns his head and see's a nurse, in that brief milesceond the nurse could not see him off the corner of her eyes but in a few seconds she would obviously notice him. To both Shin and Kudara, time seemed to slow down. A few seconds felt like a few minutes then a few hours. The nurse's and the medical squads movement had slow down to a point where it seems they were not moving at all. Kudara looks at Shin "We have not stopped time but my body can travel at high speeds, right now i am vibrating so fast that they cannot see my presence and because you are touching me, they cannot see you too. I have not affected time, but the Tenshu Hitokoki is much more than meets the eye. Or rather, the blink of an eye"

Surroudning both Kudara and Shin, a black subtance was surrounding him. It resembled the color of Kudara's hair and was shining. Kudara then began to run, his movement so quick and precisely fast that when Shin blinked his eyes they were in the village of the waterfall. They were miles away from Konoha, it took a brief moment for him which would actually take days for anyone else to get to Takigakure no sato. Kudara was at the gateway of Takigakure no sato. He begins to walk into entrance hoping to find his fellow student. Walking through the waterfall village was a mystery to anyone, a outsider finding the way into Takigakure was almost a concerning issue. Kudara, continuing to walk with Shin in his arms with his legs dangling from his arms, looks at Shin and begins to explain him about whats about to happen

"I dont have the nesscary ability to heal your body, I could recreate your body with the technology that I have been able to do but I know one of my students, who is a very good medical specialist, can heal those arms, legs and organs for you. Im sure he'll do it for you since you are my student now"
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:02 pm

Shin felt the needles of the IV's slip out of his arms and wrists, as he blinked once, there were just a few Kudara's, and another blink, he was in Kudara's arms. He felt protected as he was in the man's arms, knowing nothing bad would come apon him. His comforting aura soothed him, even if he wanted to panic because he had not known what had happened. 'What amazing speed..'Shin thought as he looked at the nurse, seeing as she stopped moving completely. He blinked once more and opened his eyes, seeing as they were in the waterfall village. His stomach felt upset from the whole movement of speed, but it settled down a bit. His legs and arms dangling from his side as he kept his neck up, looking around for a brief moment. "I would be greatful of that offer, sir."He told him with a soft smile, 'I'll finally become a ninja again...'Shin thought over and over, loving that fact. He waited for this man to take him in and heal his organs and limbs.
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:17 pm

A man slept againts a sign that was sitting out in front of a kitchen that had a line of people in it. Inside screams were heard not of pain but of pleasure. Men and women moaned as they had reached a blissful climax from the one man who was a god among women and a saint among men. A man who cooked so good that a single lick sent you into a burst of orgasmic cooking.

The sign read M & K's kitchen of eternal pleasure. The man asleep againts the sign was nothing more than the emotionless bastard himself Mizo sangana. He shuttered and opened his eyes knowing something was here. A smile creeped across his face as he jumped up both his feet landing on the ground. He stretched his arms and let out a long yawn.

He shivered his black clothes going back into place his hair instantly going back to its spiked forward self his eyes blank and his posture perfect. He walked forward his boots hitting the ground leaving small indents from the sheer weight of 650 pounds hitting the ground. He walked forward and then in a instant dissapeared as he hit a run.

In a blast of wind a man stood next to Kudara and the uchiha shin. The man wore shades and a smile and he looked at the kid and then kudara and he said in a cold voice his hand brining his sunglasses down to reveal 2 chillingly dark eyes "What the fucking hell? Since when were you a daddy?" Laughing at the end as he was making a joke with his sensei.

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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:38 pm

Kudara chuckled, showing his sense of humor and possibly his funny side of his personality. Kudara then walks into the back of the kitchen where they have set up a medical bed for those who moan so intensely that they are having seizures and fall over foaming from the mouth. Kudara usually jokes about why Mizo became a medical shinobi and how he can examine all of the women that come in here. It was a personal joke between them and Kudara always kid about it Mizo

He sets Shin down on the medical bed and begins to set up the equipment that was simular to that of a hospital. The Kitchen had a seperate part, it had the obvious stuff in the kitchen, a stove, mircowave, knives, measuring spoons and cups, giant sinks to wash the plates and a huge dishmachine to more of it but where Shin was staying was more of the medical side of the room. There was a heart monitor, IV's for those who are in need of medical assitance. It was more like a holding room. A few meters away from the bed was another doorway which led to another room, a surgery room, whom Mizo had created two years ago for his purpose, which had the rest of the materials needed. Kudara begins to put him IV's in his veins and began to put a sedative inside of him to make him more relax and make Shin feel no pain whatsover. He gets up away from Shin and walks over to the counter seeing that Mizo was continue to serve the orgasmic pancakes that him and Kudara serve all the time. It wasnt a 24 hour resturant but it seemed like it was all the time. Seeing the people moan and groan, reaching there peaks all the time made Kudara use to the sound. Now when he ever has sex it would just remind Kudara of the times he spent at the resturant.

Kudara then walks around the open window counter through a door and towards Mizo. He then whispers to him about Shin's situation, about how he went through massive blows through the style of the gentle fist, how his arms and legs are out of tact, his organs have been damage to a severity of never being able to use again, but they were somewhat stable. His chakra is stable and so forth. He explain this to him while Mizo was still cooking pancakes and still serving them to customers. Kudara knew that Mizo was that good cause of his pure genius of the art.
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:49 pm

Shin watched as the man served the people some regular food, as it seemed. It accually made them moan and groan, it seemed like they were given some sort of pleasure to it. He watched and listened, thats all he could really do. It made him wonder more about this man. Shin took in the features of this man; tall, wears black, has black hair, and some large boots. He seemed to look quite the nicest of men, but looks can be decieving. Shin chuckled at the fact that the man thought that Kudara was his father, but it didnt offend him at all, he found it to be quite funny.

He wondered where Kudara was taking him, as he was put into the kitchen, on a bed. It seemed that this bed had monoters and medical items within it. It had looked like the Kitchen had a hospitalized side of it. He smiled, knowing that no harm would come to Shin. He had great trust in Kudara, and his student. He felt the IV's being placed into his veins and twitched his finger a bit. He was injected with something he had seen before. It numbed his body in a matter of seconds so he would feel no pain. "What is going to happen to me, Kudara-sama?"He asked, wanting to make sure that he wasnt going to die temporarily or anything. He got comfortable as he shifted a bit before the numbing fully took over his body.
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:02 pm

Mizo nodded as he cooked smiled and he smirked as he heard the symptons. Gentle fist chakra damage, organs moved and arms and legs dislocated. He laughed and sighed and spoke at the exact same time Hehe... Either this kid has some fucking awesome stamina... or he Haha... ran straight into a Kaiten(rotation). I swear the hyuugs are one of the strangest beasts to walk this realm. Also this kids a uchiha right? Well since he is i hope you dont mind me pushing my limits."

Mizo opened a cupboard full of plates and a jar. He pulled the jar down and it revealed to be clear and full of a thick green liguid. The green liguid swished back and forth as it was placed on the counter and in the center of it was a plain eye all the optic nerves still attached. He smirked as kudara should know what he meant with this. He would cut open that kids sharingan and take the Dna from it and hope to create a copy of it in this eye.

Mizo then shrugged making a clone take up on the cooking and he walked into the lab carrying the eye. He placed it onto the table that was near the door out of the kid's sight. He then went to grab his scalpel and some medicines and eguipment. Leaving Kudara and the kid alone.

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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:21 pm

Kudara nods his head, he knew what he was going to do with the the Sharingan's DNA. It was a very powerful asset to anyone who would be able to manipulate DNA. The Sharingan is one of the most deadliest doujutsu next to the Rinnegan's sixth element ability. Whomever wields the sharingan has potential of becoming a very deadly shinobi. One sharingan eye, itself, would put fear into the eyes of the opponent. That was said by the Coping Shinobi Kakashi, all those years ago with his sharingan. Whomever Mizo was planning on doing with the Uchiha DNA was up to him, but he had doubts that Mizo would use the eye himself for he has not use for it.

Kudara sits down next to Shin, he looks at him. It was like he was being a father to the boy. He has never once had to fix up a student after a battle, certainly not this kind of situation. This would probably be the third worst pain that he'll ever had to experince. After this, it would be months of rehabilitation, then the training process. Kudara training was far more intense then any training method besides his brother whose training method was far too simular. Kudara, moving over to a cabinet next to the bed, grabs a needle shot and a serum. He shakes up the serum and inserts the needle inside of it. He sucks in alittle of the serum into the needle. He flicks on the needle and then moves the needle slowly into one of his veins on his arm and slowly presses in. In a matter of a few minutes Shin will be somewhat asleep but somewhat conscious of whats going on. He'll feel the pain but he'll be in a dream like state. Kudara moves his hand through his hair like a father caresses a son. It almost reminded him of the relationship between his brothers son's. He watch as Shin would slowly go into the dream-like state.
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:32 pm

Shin watched as Kudara shot the odd serum into his shoulder, feeling himself become drowsier. All he could see was Kudara and the ceiling. He felt from his arm, all the way down, started to go numb. His eyes felt heavier, and couldnt feel them. It felt like it took him a few seconds to turn his eyes to look at the items around him. He sighed softly, his breathing becoming heavier. He felt Kudara's hand run itself through his hair as he felt himself become more soothed and comforted. He closed his eyes all the way as he went into the dream state. Slowly, the darkness turned into a soft, peaceful dream. His body was ready for whatever Mizo was going to do to him.
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:50 pm

Mizo came back and placed a roll of tools on a small rolling table. His face turned blank and he picked up the scalpel. He leaned over and undid the kids shirt and throwing it off. He looked over and instantly saw the damage. The heart was where the stomach should be the lungs were above the hear and the stomach was next to the liver. He thought to himself Damn this kid got himself screwed up big time

Mizo then saw where he should start. He placed the scalpel at the bottom of the rib and started to cut down the center cutting the kids chest wide open. He brought his other hand and hit the bag of type O blood that was hanging next to the kid. It began to pour into the kid. He placed a oxygen mask on him and continued his work.

He grabbed the lungs of the kid gently and slowly moved the heart and lungs back to the correct positions making sure not to damage them anymore than they already were. He then moved the heart back it still beating unevenly. He then grabbed the stomach and moved it to where its supposed to be.

The system now looked back to normal but it was not done yet. Mizo moved his head down smelling the intoxicating scent of blood. He looked at each organ intently and noticed a few burst's in the chakra network intwined with the organs. He curesed silently and removed one of his white gloves. His hand glowed green and he placed his hands onto each organ sending medical chakra through them.

Instantly the dead cells seem to reverse and come back to life the chakra system slowly patching up. He smirked as he brought his hand back and whiped it off licking his fingers slightly then putting his glove back on. He pulled out a needle and began to sow the kids stomach back up with medical chakra that instantly melded the skin back togethor. He then decided it was time to work on the kids arms.

He grabbed the kids right arm and instantly twisted it seeing how far it would go and where the damage was located. He saw that the secondary artery had popped and it was leaking there was a large fracture in the arm and a crack along the entire bone. Mizo cursed again thinking of what to do next.

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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:39 am

As mizo realized what he had to do he instantly brought a scalpel to the kid's wrists and sliced a small hole where the secondary artery. He pulled the skin back slightly and then moved the artery back to the main one and poured some of his medical chakra into it and the artery then sealed togethor with the main one. He then sighed as he sewed the cut back up using the same method as the kid's chest.

Then he placed his hands onto the kid's bone and instantly the chakra system reopened and the bones began to heal. It was a slow process and the bone would never be 100% it would be stuck somehwere around 95%. He then turned his attention to the kid's wrist as it was shattered. He cursed again and then cut upen the wrist where the shatter was. Mizo then began to pull out fragments of bone from the area.

After he had pulled the fragments out he sighed as he pulled out a bag from the table and removed a piece of seditatry bone marrow. He glomped the marrow onto the wrist and placed medical chakra into it and it slowly became bone again. He then sowed back up the cut again.

He then sighed as he went to the other arm to only find out it wasnt that bad. He placed his hand over it and released the tekketsu points letting the chakra run again. He then sighed as the kid was fine. He looked over the legs and allowed for the chakra to travel and they were back to normal.

The kid would have to relax and take it fairly easy for a few weeks but he would be completely fine. He would be able to go through kudara's training in about a week. However mizo no matter how exhausted as his breaths came out in deep gasps was not done. He still had to get his reward.

Mizo moved his body to the kid's head and instantly pulled the right eye out of its socket leaving it attached. Blood began to pour from the socket and then mizo cut the back of the eye open to let puss collect onto his fingers and then sealing the eye back up using medical chakra and letting the puss drip into a cup for later placed the eye back into Shin's head and then used his medical chakra once again to stop the bleeding from the eye.

Then something odd happened the kid's sharingan eye swiitched on and showed 3 tomoes. Mizo laughed this kid took everything he could get. He laughed as he placed the cup of puss from the eye next to the jar with the eye in it. He then tore his gloves from his hands and tossed them into the trash. He moved to the sink and nimbly washed his hands.

"Well there you go good as new well actually better than new." Mizo said his hands squishing togethor to get the blood off and steralize them. He turned back to kudara and leaned againts the wall his breathing deep as he was tired. It was 55 minutes that felt like 55 years. He knew whatever this kid was he was a lucky one. Kudara was one of the greatest ninja's and teachers that walked this realm. The master of Kaika's the one who took mizo in and made him strong and powerful.

However something in the back of his head as he thought of kudara and then the files of kyouken and past mentions of akatsuki jumped into his head and it made him think. Kudara was alot busier than usual. Could something be going on? Mizo shrugged and let it slide as he waited for the kid to wake up.

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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:19 pm

It seemed forever until the surgery was over. All Shin could feel and hear was Mizo talking to Kudara, and little soft taps on his chest, eye, and arm. He woke up as he opened both his eyes, it was odd since his vision was alittle blurry and spinning. His sharingan instantly deactivated. Shin looked around and saw Kudara next to him and Mizo leaning on the wall. He took a long breath and looked at his arm. It wasnt bruised, but there were a few stitches and scars on it. His wrist and all the way up his arm. He looked down at his chest to see a longer scar from his collar bone, to his belly button. He moved his right hand to start feeling the scars, having the numbness wear down a bit. "You're an amazing surgen, Mizo-San."He smiled and then looked to Kudara, "Kudara-Sama... How long will it take me to get back up and start the training?"He asked and looked into his eyes.
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Is this really the end? Empty Re: Is this really the end?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:01 pm

After waiting for a about an hour or so, Kudara wakes up from his meditation state. His mind had seemingly fall into a deep dream as the time went by, in this realm time seems to quicken itself. Before long he was awaken. Kudara gets up from one of the seats that was next to the resting bed beside the door into the operation room. He looks over at Shin, he see's the marks where Mizo had made his marks on him, mostly that of reconnection and creating. This was the sheer genius of Mizo Sangana, only he would be able to do such abilities to another person's body. If it was left to Kudara, he would've done something with technology, he was never that good in medical ninjutsu but biotechnology he could totally do.

He looks over at Shin "Well from what I can see, it'll be a few months before you'll actually start your training, at the moment you'll need to stay in bed. Your muscles, nerves, and bone's have to recover, re-cooperate before we do any training with the body. If I start on you now, you'll be dead in the next two days cause the training that I will give you will not only just put you in life-death situation but it'll see if you're mentally strong for it, spiritually strong for it. If I did it to you know, you WILL die. I gurantee that"
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