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Itachi Akatakai n/f

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Itachi Akatakai n/f Empty Itachi Akatakai n/f

Post by razor_shinobi Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:15 pm

Name: Itachi Akatakai (itachi = weasel)

Age: 18

Bloodline: Hi-gan (akatakai's bloodline)

Rank: Black op
Classification: S ranked
Village: Iwagakure
Alignment: neutral

Appearance: Itachi Akatakai n/f Anbu_n10

Personality: Itachi is more or less a normal acting person who loves and hates. he fights with no expression with much calmness. he sometimes makes saracstic jokes about his oppenent which angers them and causes them to lose there cool and train of thought. he is very nice and generous which is a very uncommon thing in his clan. he is the only clan member of the akatakai who is loved and liked within the clan and he doesent take this for granted. he is very sad for his little brother Razor, but he must not interfere with his little brothers life untill Razor's life mission is over. Itachi laughs and plays even at the age of 18 and wishes a better life for his brother.

History: Itachi was born in Iwagakure 18 long years ago. from birth he was a excellent shinobi and warrior. he gained respect quick with in the village and Even after the clans secrets were spilled the village still loved Itachi because they knew he was truely good.

Itachi was put into the academy at age 6. many thought he would fail at this for his younge age but Itachi surpassed All in the academy quicker then then the 3 sannin. Many said he would become the next Kage of Iwagakure and lead them to victory and peace, but Itachi just continued his life without this in his head. his knowledge of jutsu were extraordinary high for his younge age and rank and Even the Kage respected this younge shinobi as a high leveld shinobi. Itachi graduated the academy at age 7.

Once Itachi was a gennin, he completed missions through out his life with no trouble at all. he was smarter then shikamaru, faster then rock lee, and keener sence then kiba. he was a true genius. When Itachi's brother was first born the clan sealed an anceint demon within him and banished him to a miserable end and a final mission to kill the kage, council, and elders of the village of Iwagakure and once agian bring the great Akatakai to the top. Itachi wanted no part in this but the clan made him swear to never interfere with Razor's life untill his mission was complete. Itachi was only a younge boy at the time and couldnt stop the clan so he vowed to grow stronger and kill his clan for this reason. at age 8 Itachi was a B ranked shinobi with a death toll higher then a chuunin. many feared him and ran at sight of the boy for his strength was known through out the land.

At age 9 He graduated to chuunin with a death toll of 200. he hated killing but did this for his village, his people, and his brother. He was closer and closer to reaching the point to kill his clan and get vengeance for his younge brother. Itachi had already 3 freinds die in combat and 2 sensei's. a normal kid would become one like sasuke and never talk, and hate all but Itachi was different. he was still happy and rambunctious. he loved to play with all and all loved to play with him. Death was an easy thing for him in his life and let things just flow bye without anger. He always spotted his brother alone and quiet and Itachi cried inside becuase he wasnt aloud to meet or talk to his brother or he would die and never be able to protect him for what is about to come. "poor brother" He would always say in grieve. he truly missed him.

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Join date : 2008-12-29
Location : In the KottonMouth Kingdom

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