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Daybreak - Page 2 Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Takuma Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:05 pm

(ooc: told I could come in)

Takuma was quite some distance away, but he could easily make out the two men fighting; Yoshimo and Keiteki. He was on top of a building and was actually paying attention when Yoshimo had first went towards the window and was confronted by the same men who confronted him. He didn't go anywhere near them, because a few moments later Keiteki was in the group and then a fight broke out between the two. To Takuma however it seemed that the battle was begining to wind down slightly so he stood and began to make his way over to where the men were fighting. He was on the rooftop right above the men's heads, but could only wonder if he should interrupt their fight. Well he knew he shouldn't but he was going to anyway. He performed a short series of handseals and the water from the rooftop and air mostened to make a copy of him. It was a Water Clone which then dived to where the men were standing before staring at the two and then looking at Yoshimo.

"Seems to me that you are quite strong, Yoshimo", he then turned to face Keiteki, "And you are as well... but you two can ignore me if ya wish.... just wanted to get a closer look at the fight"

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Daybreak - Page 2 Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:24 pm

As the fight between Yoshimo and Keiteki progressed, Kyouken began to analysis both shinobi. It has been a few years since he has seen Yoshimo fight, he has seen how much he has grown in his abilities. But what was still the same was his ability to hold back during a fight and how nonchalant and lazy he still is. In his case, was just another stepping stone for Yoshimo. As for the other opponent, the unknown person that has fighting Yoshimo, has much intent on fighting and killing him. This was not new to Kyouken as such members would fight each other in order to settle differences.

Jouten was still bobbing his head to the song that he was listening to. He looks up and finally sees the fight breaking out between Yoshimo and Keiteki. He laughs alitle and looks over at Kyouken, who was watching the fight. Kudara, who already knew this would break out, was leaning up against a building tapping his feet waiting for someone to interupt the battle or let them duke it out until someone got exhausted. Jouten points over to Yoshimo and Keiteki and leans his head over to Kyouken and whispers to him.

"As much as I love to see a good blood bath between two people, I dont think we want to cause attention to us if those two continue to get there fight on. Ya know what I mean? Dont get me wrong, I like the way you just stand her and watch as theses two fight each other and I love how that one person over there has the intentions to kill Yoshi boy over there. But I think we need both of them, dont you agree?"

Kyouken closes his eyes and nods his head slightly. He snaps his fingers and opens up his eyes "I think both of you two shall stop this at once, I dont want to interfer and cause you two problems. If such, I will like to get down to business and begin to talk about daybreak of you dont mind"

Kudara leans up after hearing Kyoukens words and stands beside him.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Daybreak - Page 2 Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:50 pm

A shattering of glass occured and it flew outward. A man landed in the center of the battlefield in the direct center of it. He was calm and composed and his face held hair over it with a pair of sunglasses covering the eyes. His black cloak shifted as the man turned towards yoshimo. He spoke in a cold tone of voice that instantly Kudara would know to be that of his Student Mizo Sangana.

"Yoshimo Izoto... I have a word of advice dont let your Girl stay in the office alone when shes drunk and tipsy. It makes it to easy to get what i want. You will find her most likely passed out over a plate of food. Dont worry she will be fine but she most likely passed out with more pleasure than you could ever give her."

He pulled out a mask that Yoshimo would know telling him what he got from him. He then shifted yet again seeing the Other Kid. Mizo's cold eyes flared through his sunglasses as he looked at the kid a chill flew from his eyes. Mizo then switched his gaze yet again to see the small trio and he walked closer to them he spoke coldly as he walked.

"Kyouken Uchiha, Kudara-sensei, and you i dont know you. I would like to inform you Kudara that your Lab in taki is no longer able to be used. If i may say that its rather well blown up. Now onto you Kyouken... All i can say is that you have paperwork to do "Mr. Death"."

Mizo stood right in the trios face blank and cold. He removed the sunglasses and it revealed blank eyes that if you looked beyond it was a soul of a tortured one. He turned to the right slightly and slowly walked away. This was the man named Mizo a strange character. However Mizo stopped behind the man fighting yoshimo. He whispered something.

"If you want power come with me..."

Mizo then continued his walk away from the group...

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Daybreak - Page 2 Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Uchiha Kumori Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:59 pm

"Hmmph." Keiteki said abruptly after hearing the words coming out of Yoshimo's mouth.

Keiteki then looked up at Yoshimo, and did not know what this Daybreak thing was. Keiteki was determined to find out before he ended Yoshimo. Keiteki then got ready to strike his opponent as he took up a defensive pose. Keiteki then thought and remembered something. It was those three men that Yoshimo had been speaking with. The three of them seemed somewhat familiar, with some reason. Those four men, all together, and for some reason, Keiteki felt uneasy, and then found something else happening to him. He felt some kind of dark feeling, and suddenly knew hwat was happening. It was that poison that was injected in him so long ago. It had resurfaced entirely, and had shown it's face once more, and found it's way into Keiteki's subconscious. Somehow, it reacted. The seal, on Keiteki's stomach, it was starting to prepare for it's release.

Keiteki then felt his head race with all of the thoughts and feelings about his life, and did not know what to do. He felt the pain swirling through his head, and began to enrage, and his face became angry and distressed. Keiteki then looked at Yoshimo, with a dark look on his face. Keiteki then looked at Yoshimo, angrily so, and then looked up at the three men above, watching.

"You, Yoshimo. Your power, surpasses my own, and that is what drives me to do this. You won't take me seriously, and you won't even bother taking this fight seriously either. I'll make you take me seriously, and I'm tired of being weak. I'll kill you as a testament of my power, and you will know my power, and my rage. I'll kill you knowing you fought your best. And what is this Daybreak of yours? It doesn't matter much, because I swear that I will kill you." Keiteki said.

Keiteki then felt something compelling him. He felt his body moving. It was the seal again. It was forcing Keiteki to leave. After hearing the words of a passing man, Keitkei knew what was happening, and his body had taken over his movements, and the seal was getting to him. He could not bare to look at Yoshimo's face anymore. Keiteki then looked down, and flung his hands in an X, and then, using Kizuuton Kaika, simply made a gate of metal between the two men, and began walking away, following the passerby. Keiteki looked down, and formed a metal gate, which could be closed.

"...I will find you...And when I do, I will kill you." Keiteki said, letting the darkness get one last view of the light before being dissipated. Keiteki then sprinted away, following Mizo.
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Daybreak - Page 2 Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kenshi Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:47 pm

Yoshimo squatted and sighed. The "Yoshimo" next to him reached over and massaged his shoulder and rotated it a bit in a lazy like manner which signified that he was going to release the jutsu soon.

"Don't release it just yet, I need your help."

Keiteki was a man of many emotions, but the one he was good at was his will for power. Yoshimo admired his ability to train and become stronger than anyone. He'd always been on the training field ever since Yoshimo met him, and he'd always be the one trying to get stronger, trying to work out and trying to become the best that he could become. While growing up in the ninja ranks, Yoshimo had always read about Keiteki and heard about his name. He knew he was a person of great power, and this battle was only a fraction of his power. For such a great man, his emotions would only hold him back. Yoshimo was too attached to Keiteki to let him slip away from his hands. He could not let Keiteki leave.

No matter what.

"Kyouken-sama, Jouten and Kudara-san, forgive me. I know you have been waiting for this day for years, but I must regain Keiteki even if it costs me my life. I will go after him. I will seek him, and when I find him, I will return. Please, understand."

Yoshimo stood up, and stretched his back, along with the clone in unison. They had a problem. This massive wall was in the way of Keiteki. It would have to be torn down, or have to be avoided. Yoshimo sighed at it, as if the wall had it's own persona, because it represented the bond between Keiteki and how Keiteki wanted it to be severed. Yoshimo only thought of them as hurdles. Hurdles that could be over-came.

"Alright. I need your help."

"Hai", the bunshin replied.

Yoshimo and the clone ran both started to run, as if they were playing around. Their images seemed to freeze in mid stride, as if they were frozen in time. A second later, both of the faces on the clones began to warp, and they seemed to become streamlined and their eyes began to part further and further away. It was the fastest that Yoshimo could travel, enough to make his image warp a bit. Yoshimo and the clone made it to the top, and with a burst of leg power they jumped off the top of the massive wall and soared in the air. Keiteki and some stranger were quickly making their way away from the scene, and it seemed as if Yoshimo had no hope of catching them.

"We won't catch them, they are too far ahead.", the bunshin said.

"Well then, let's go..."


Yoshimo slowed up, allowing the bunshin to position himself in front of him. His head and waist began to sink lower and lower towards the ground as he ran along with Yoshimo, building up as much energy as he could. He was planning to make a major move, one that could put Yoshimo that much closer to Keiteki. The clone jumped once, and jumped again into mid air. While jumping off in a twisting motion, the clone was facing towards Yoshimo as they both seemed to glide in the air for a split second. Yoshimo reached his hands out, accepting the clones grasp. The bunshin used all its strength to throw Yoshimo in the air as he came crashing down into the earth and disappearing, leaving Yoshimo soaring through the air. He was still very far behind Keiteki, but he was just that much closer.

Just that much closer to Keiteki.


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Daybreak - Page 2 Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:01 pm

Mizo smirked as he Pulled out a long board he grabbed the kid and he tossed him onto the board and mizo jumped onto the board also and it then took off like a rocket flying up into the air and forward faster than almost any nin could manage to keep up with.

Mizo spoke softly to the Kid "Your put that blade away and get using those wings im pushing this board as much as it can go with you on it as well so put that blade away and lets get out of here. Also dont look back it just brings doubt."

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Daybreak - Page 2 Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Uchiha Kumori Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:22 pm

"...Right." Keiteki said softly.

Keiteki put his swords all away, and then took a scroll in his pack, and sighed once again, trying not to look back, not knowing if his former friend had taken chase. But he needed to escape capture, as whatever this daybreak was, Keiteki had a bad feeling about it, and did not need it in his life. Keiteki began to wonder what Yoshimo was doing with something like that. He then took the scroll, and unravelled it quickly and skillfully, and jumped off othe hoverboard, and immediately took the Kanehajii off, and stabbed it into the scroll, but rather than rip the scroll, it was safely stored away for safe keeping. Keitkei then found himself seemingly falling to the ground, until he put his hand behind his back, and pulled some kind of switch, and his shirt seemingly split down the middle, and was hanging off in half, and soon entered the canopy of the woods, breaking the tree line.

But, as he did, wings lifted him up, and out, and the air was forced aside by the wing's powerful flapping. The wings had drastically increased in power and capacity during his training, and was easily capable of keeping up with Mizo's hoverboard, and he wasn't even attempting to go too fast. Keiteki was soaring through the air, and knew that his opponent could not hope to chase Keiteki and this man across open water. Now, the speed that they were travelling at was simply too fast for a ninja to keep up with. It'd be exceptionally hard. And once they could cross open water, than the chase would be over.

"Might I know...just who are you, and what do you want with me?" Keitkei asked, with a sorry voice.
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Daybreak - Page 2 Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kenshi Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:18 am

As Yoshimo landed back to the ground, returning to his normal pace, he could see Keiteki rise in the air. His massive wings began to unfold, and with a powerful swoop of them, Keiteki made his way into the air. He soared above the hoverboat, and out of Yoshimo's range. Who ever he was traveling with would have a hard time keeping up with Keiteki as he flew. Even Yoshimo. He stopped and slowed to a halt, creating a trail of dust to either side of him as he skidded to a halt. Yoshimo stopped and sighed, watching as Keiteki flew away from his grasp. He lifted his hands into his air, as if to grab Keiteki's image, and speaking to himself.

"One day, I will be able to keep up with you, Keiteki. One day I'll be able to fly right along side of you..."

Yoshimo grasped Keiteki's image, which was nothing more than air in the palm of his hand. He closed his eyes and hung his head low, letting his breath out. He never counted himself as stronger than Keiteki, he always wanted to just be there for him and watch out for him. Yoshimo let his hands sink his side. Keiteki's image began to go on into the sun, blinding Yoshimo's eye sight. He faded away with the light. Gone.

Gone again.

Yoshimo hung his head low. He could feel the several footsteps coming up behind him, knowing it was Kyouken, Kudara and Jouten. The sound of music playing was evidence of that.

"Kyouken-san, forgive me. I just don't know what to do for Keiteki. I promise to keep my business separate from Daybreak, but I need the power to get him to come back. I need...I need...Keiteki. I cannot sever those bonds..."


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Daybreak - Page 2 Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:34 pm

Jouten music had turned up alittle louder as it was evident when Yoshimo turned around somewhat looking over at him. Jouten did not turn to glance over at Yoshimo not once after they left the village nor was his intentions to look over at him, he seem to lack that interest and had payed more attention to his music. His body continue to move to the evergoing beat of the music that he was listening to.

Kyouken and Kudara walked up behind Jouten. Kyouken moves his hand over and takes off Jouten's headphones. Jouten grabbed his ears covering them and wondering why his headphones were gone. Kyouken puts it in the metal gourd that Jouten was carrying behind his back. Kyouken then turns his head over to Kudara, seeing that he was alittle depressed. After hearing from Mizo had destroyed the village, possibily Nail and the other scientist, there families and all the shinobi and children there made Kudara not just depressed but also upset at himself for not being there to defend the village and try to convince Mizo to stop the utter destruction and chaos he had brought. Kudara remembers seeing that Mizo had turned from the light into the dark. Kudara could only blame himself for this cause.

Kyouken could see Kudara's pain and depression. He see's that his head was somewhat down and there would be nothing he could do that would make Kudara fell better He knew from what his grandfather told him that the people in that village were all killed. Kyouken goes over to Kudara and told him

"Im sorry...."
He walks over to Yoshimo seeing that he was also sadden by the event that had just taken place. Seeing that the man that he was close to Yoshimo. Kyouken looks over at Yoshimo and said to him

"If you want him to come back, you must do what those before you had to do in order to bring those that is close to return.......and you know what that is, boy"
Kyouken Uchiha
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Daybreak - Page 2 Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kenshi Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:27 am

Yoshimo sighed once again, and turned around to face Kyouken. Of course he knew what he had to do, but there were more important things to do than running after Kyouken. Daybreak was returning to the ninja world, and Yoshimo would be busy traveling over the ninja world with Kyouken, Jouten and Kudara. He would be too busy to deal with Keiteki. He would have to save his will and desire to get Keiteki back for later on.

"I don't want to take that route, but one day it will come to that. For now we should focus on starting Akatsuki. There are several things on the agenda that need to be discussed."


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Daybreak - Page 2 Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Takuma Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:58 pm

The clone Takuma had created had for some time been ignored, but it was ok. It was really only sent to hear out what the importance of having a poker card and "Daybreak/Dawn" was. When Yoshimo then began to speak about the Akatsuki's agenda, the real Takuma slapped his forhead because he had heard other saying that Daybreak/Dawn were the codenames for Akatsuki. The conversation was getting much more interesting for him and he dived off the buildung he was on and landed beside his clone. The clone liquified as Takuma appeared at its side and dismissed it.

"Well bout time.... what do we need to discuss", Takuma said with an emotionless expression on his face.

His hood was down and out the corner of his eye he continued shooting glances at Jouten, since he was the one he was forced to fight when they first met.

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Daybreak - Page 2 Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:27 pm

Kyouken slightly nods his head to the remark Yoshimo had stated. As he walks in the middle of the small group which was called daybreak, he folds his arms using his index finger to tap on his arm as he began to think more and more. The idea's, the revolution, the changing of one generation to another was making Kyouken somewhat antsy and very annoyed at the same time. He felt very contradictied at the moment, which occurs only for him since he had a second mind who also thinks things through.

As this was occuring, Jouten, very borely and uneuthusiastic, glances over at Takuma who gave him the evil stare. A stare that not only make him feel slightly uncomfortable but very self-conscious. He leans his head over to Kudara, who had just return back to his normal optimistic state. Jouten leans over to his head

"Eh man, im just a wondering, why da hell is he staring at me like that? What da hell do you think is his problem, I mean if Kyouken recuritied some fucked up kid then that would be very awkward man" Jouten whispered into Kudara's ear

Kudara, somewhat frowning and giving him a look that says "What do you mean "what the hell you think is his problem"". He whispers back "You were the one that said and I quote "Well I should probably test the fucking kid to see if he got guts and shit". I remember well you said that. If I was that kid I would probably give you the evil eye to, I mean you annoyed the hell out of him by just coming out of nowhere trying to fight him"

"What....huh...what....what....what...." Jouten replied back. Then a awkward silence fell between them for a brief time before Jouten said "What you mean I said that....I surely dont remember saying such words"

Kudara fell over groaning at Jouten's stupidacy. Jouten has much intelligence but at times he shows the humanistic side of him if he was not the powerful shinobi he was. Kudara gets back up on his feet and rubs his nose together with his two fingers "You are certainly a trip, Jouten. How did we even pick you to join only God knows"

Kyouken brings back everyone's attention as he reaches into his pocket and brings out poker cards. It was odd, almost strange to be exact that someone of his status to carry such items like a cards. When he took out the cards, Kudara and Jouten stop there conversation and took out there cards. Kudara was holding a red joker card while Jouten was holding a King of Diamond card. Kyouken, using his left hand, takes one of the cards and flings it over to Yoshimo. It was the King of Hearts, a card which appeared to be normal but knowing Kyouken it would be further explain

"Well as you know, "Daybreak", "Akatsuki", whatever you like to call it have been like an empire. We grow then we fall. Like a phoniex, we have been strong, immortal, a legend among history. But like the phoniex, we die, fall into the ashes never to know whether we left a legacy or not. But rising from the ashes, we shall come back ten, twenty, fourty, eight times stronger then before. Like the phoniex, we rise from the ashes...."

Kyouken pulls out a joker card, it was black and blue. The joker image was simular to any joker image seen on a poker card.

"I like to start off with more so on how we will run this akatsuki. Unlike before where there was ten members, many of those ten had there own agenda's. They all had different goals but in the end, when they were called back to do there final goal, it was either achieved or was heading to be achieved. The cards that I have given you are among those that gives you domain over. The king cards are amongst the highest. The queens are the advisors, they will be a team member to the kings. The Jack cards are the reconissance squad while the ace's are the assassination squad. Like the shapes, i.e diamonds, spades, hearts and clubs will be the subordinates. The kings and queens have domain over all of the lower cards, the Jack have domain to those that are in the group, say that you are a Jack of heart, you have domain over the cards that have hearts on it The ace's are a independent group, they dont have power to control the other subordinates but the kings and queens can not control them either. Any questions so far..?"

Kyouken unfolds his arms.
Kyouken Uchiha
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Daybreak - Page 2 Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Takuma Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:29 pm

Takuma listened intently while trying not to give Jouten the evil eye any more. He began to listen to the speech and tried to keep his "cool-I-don't-care-look" when inside he was wanting to clap at the end of the supposed Leader's speech on how the group was like the phoenix. He then continued on while hearing him begin to speak about the cards when he then reached his hand into his pocket. He began searching within his pocket until he felt it, his card. He pulled it out and looked at it carefully noticing the Ace of Spades. He then looked up at the Leader when he asked if anyone had questions, because he sure did.

"Actually I don have a question about the Card thing..... I have the Ace of Spades so I'm apart of the Assassination Squad, which is kinda like the ANBU of the Organization in a sense, but is there a Leader for each of the groups? Like all the Aces report to a "Head Ace" or do all the members just do as they please?", he said while leaning back onto a wall.

He then sighed softly before waiting for his question to be answered.

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Daybreak - Page 2 Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kenshi Sat Mar 07, 2009 9:44 pm

Yoshimo took the card in his hand and examined it. He knew what his job was, but at the same time he had to do some other things. After the destruction of Pain, Akatsuki was smashed and the ninja world was far too peaceful. Yoshimo himself, or Akatsuki would change that. They had to. It was after all, a business, and a business needed people working to keep things running smooth. Someone would have to take care of Kumogakure, even though Munashii was too young to. He would either have to man it up and take on the Fourth Raikage, or let Kumogakure fall to ashes. Yoshimo had planned it also though, safely making sure that Kumogakure would have enough money to last through the hard times and if Munashii wasn't strong enough. The boy was rare talent in it's raw form, and he was similar to that of Konohagakure's "White Fang", and even his son. Munashii could do it, and he would have to whether he wanted it or not.

In response to Kyouken's words, Yoshimo finally spoke up.

"There's nothing I have a problem with, and in fact I kind of admire this idea. It will bring some more order to Akatsuki than any of the previous groups. We'll go a long way with this...Great idea Kyouken-san."

Yoshimo shoved the card in his pocket so he could remember it. As if in certain surprise, a bird's scream streaked across the sky. It was Hayabusa, back at the perfect time. The beautiful summon that Yoshimo had came across would help him in his travel, and literally cut it down in fractions. He wouldn't have to wait for anything anymore, or wait on people. Like a business, time and efficiency was of essence.

"Well that's my ride home. I'll see you all later, I must be about some business. I'll be back though...Heh, it's the first day of Akatsuki and I'm already looking at pulling some overtime..."

Yoshimo began to disappear, almost as if he was falling into quicksand. Letting his shadow consume him as it merged with Hayabusa, allowing him to use a new traveling jutsu that he acquired from a scroll. Iwagakure was back on the map, and it's shinobi nation was Yoshimo's old home. Hayabusa's and Yoshimo's shadow merged untill normal, and Yoshimo took control over the birds mind and flew off. Iwagakure would be important, not only for Akatsuki, but for Yoshimo personally. His grandfather had died there...

Maybe he could ask for some vacation time off to go visit the ol' creek...


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