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Daybreak Empty Daybreak

Post by Kenshi Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:16 am

And it begun. The return of the red sun which hangs in the air as a lantern for life. The new beginning, the new start. The arrival of an event which is called "Daybreak." They arise to the world again, to set a new day, a new time, a new beginning to the things which trouble the shinobi world. Daybreak. The Dawn.

It has finally arrived...

Yoshimo had been trapped in his Chiyu Mizubitashi for a good week or so now, and he'd been completely regenerated from head to toe, and his insides were perfectly fine. The damage from his smoking had been completely reversed, and he was now again in perfect health. He'd cracked the thick layer of oxidizing water as the medical seals released their chakra, returning it to it's water like state. He was healthy again, a clear face, clean hair, and his regeneration seal was almost complete. That morning, while Nami was sleeping he'd gotten up early, bathed, and put on some clothes. Today was the day. The day that everything would change. He'd come back.

Instead of keeping his morning routine, Yoshimo decided to get dressed and head outside. It was early and damp in Kumogakure, and the clouds seemed to be awakening from their slumber as the thin midst seemed to peel back, letting the red-orange sun protrude through it's veil. He'd traveled to the top peak of the Kage's building, which was surrounded by bushes and shrubs, which seemed be thick in green vegetation. The water from the clouds and the light from the sun kept them healthy and green, which made them a standout point for beauty in Kumogakure. Yoshimo was up there now, no man would realize how he got up there, but that he was. He was busy writing something on a seal, using a ink pen instead of writing with a brush kit. A small falcon perched next to him, eyeing the morning light for scurring creatures which hadn't yet gained their senses. That falcon would dive in, take advantage of their lack of morning senses, and feed himself. Keeping the flow of events normal.

"Hayabusa...Do not waste your time on rats..."

Yoshimo strapped the birds carry-on to his back, getting around its ruffling feathers, and slight jittering movements. The bird had spotted something, and didn't care to listen to Yoshimo. Once the carry on was strapped, he lunged in the air, taking advantage of the height. It swooped down, letting its scream pierce through the sky. Yoshimo sighed at his summon. Though it couldn't talk as other summons, it perfectly understood human complains and could aslo perfectly ignore them at times. Yoshimo patted himself down.

He was wearing his regular shinobi clothing, a jacket too similar to that of Konoha shinobi, but Yoshimo liked it more. It didn't have any of the spirals on it that Konoha shinobi wore, it was just plain and green. Strapped to his back was indeed the swords. He hadn't mastered all of the stances yet, but it wouldn't take him a while to learn. He could, if he wanted learn them in a few more training sessions. The stances were easy, in fact the kenjutsu was easy, but applying it into battle couldn't be practiced, it would have to be experienced in battle. The jacket held more pockets than the strap-shoulder Kumogakure one's, and Yoshimo's tools required a shinobi vest that could carry them all.

Even the cigarettes he was pulling out of them. A pack of light cigarettes, nothing too hard because Yoshimo didn't feel like coughing this morning, his lungs were new. Something light, that could calm his nerves as he waited. He reached for his lighter, as he let his left leg dangle over the edge of the platform, hundreds of feet above the Raikage's office. He propped his right leg up, bending his knee up and resting his right arm on the top of it. Taking a long draught breath of air in through the cigarette, and puffing it out, letting the thick white smoke haze in front of his face. With the sun on it's ascent to the pinnacle of the world, Yoshimo could watch it rise through the clouds of smoke that he blew from his nose. He paused in his breath, letting regular air take its course as the tip of the cigarette grew dim from inactivity. He began to murmur things.

"I wonder what will be on the agenda..."


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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:24 pm

"That depends whether or not how many of us show up, young Yoshimo. I thought you would've known that by now. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk I thought you learned from me." a familar depressing but tone of great wisdom said. The voice reverberated across the mind of Yoshimo Izoto. Whom was it that comes towards Yoshimo as he stood there waiting patiently for a group of men and women to come?

Three men, all wearing identical outfits of a long jacket with hoods covering their identities. They all walked simaeltously at Yoshimo, walking in a cool and calm fashion as though they meant business. One of the men put his hands around his head and leaned his head back as though this encountered was not suppose to all that serious. The one man, the one in the middle had his hands in his pocket and the last man was moving his head to a beat, moving like he had a hypnotic beat to it. The man in the middle looked over and said

"What in the world are you doing.....?"

"Moving to the mutha fuckin beat, I got my groove on. I got this new thing called a Mp3, Kudara made it for me. Said it can play over 3,000 songs and shit. I got some shit these non-shinobi are making. Never heard of it in my life but it seems to get you going and shit, called rap. Its good"

The man in the middle sighed as he approached Yoshimo. He looks at him for a brief second before taking of his hood to reveal himself to him. The obvious face of non-emotional face but the dark blue eyes of loneliness and solitude stared at Yoshimo. The other man, the one who had his hand over his head took of his hood by shaking it off with his head. The man's hair was spiked, pure jet black that spiked up like an Uchiha. He stares at Yoshimo at well but then drifted away, sorta of bored like. The last man, whom Yoshimo should obviously remember, removed his hood. His dreaded hair falls over on his shoulder. It was unkempt but very neat at the same time. A perfect contradiction hairstyle to a contradictory man. They all stare at Yoshimo for a minute before Kyouken says

"Its good to see you again, Yoshimo Izoto"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kenshi Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:22 am

Yoshimo held his position, taking a deep breath of the cigarette as he let the smoke expell from his face and cloud it. The wind seemed to let the smoke mask him for an odd moment in time, but as soon as it resumed, it disengreated the smoke, revealing his face. Yoshimo tipped the end of the cigarette on the platform of the building, letting the ashes fall to unknown depths. He stretched and yawned, getting up to face the group behind him.

"Good morning, Kudara-san, and Jouten-san. It's good to see that you are all here this morning." he knew that Kudara had heard him, but he wasn't so sure about Jouten...

Turning to Kyouken, Yoshimo quickly took a last long smoke of the cigarette, as the burnt end grew bright, and fizzed out signaling that all the tobacco had been burnt up. He tossed it over the platform, letting it fall as he blew out the smoke from the cigarette.

"Kyouken-san, it's been a long time. For a second there I thought I we'd never meet."


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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:43 pm

OOC: Permission granted to come in.

The pattering footsteps and clanging of metal signaled the arrival of a traveller, coming into the village from the main gates, coming in with an agenda, telling the guards he "Has a meeting". The clittering of metal filled the street as he walked across the stone pavement, fully prepared for this day. The man was tall, and large, and his face beared no thought, no emotion, and as he walked, people who walked past him could feel the atmosphere around him, as it was filled with dark feelings. The man had never been seen before, and nobody could really place on who he was, but all they knew was that they should stay out of his way, lest they be made a victim of his steel. The shadow of the Drakun Clan, and the Coldblood, this man was Keiteki Drakun, the Missing Ninja, from the village of which he is visiting. And he has came here for business, and has arrived for a very special reason. Now his ambitions meet reality.

Then, Keiteki saw it. As he was walking, he saw a relatively old man at the counter of a stand in the street. The moment he saw the man, he knew exactly who he was. That was Keiteki's foster father. As Keiteki walked closer and closer to him, his face did not twitch, and he did not speak. He seemed to stop breathing as he slowly went past, and time seemed to freeze, and Keiteki looked at him. He was oblivious to his true identity, and even unaware of his presence. Keiteki no longer held any emotions for this man, as that part of his life was over and done with. Now, he had a new ambition, and a new path to follow.

Keiteki simply passed by his own father, and the two never made eye contact. Keiteki then made his way to the village square, a wide, open space, with a water fountain in the middle, shops all along the sides, and people walking through. And that's when he saw him. That's when he saw his former friend, chatting with a few other people. That clothing, that face, there was no doubt as to the identity of him. His eyes told him. It was Yoshimo Izoto. Keitkei had noticed some parts of the village were in ruins. However, he knew what had happened here, and now, he knew there would only be more destruction. Keiteki made something, even the tiniest, the faintest hint of a grin, and stopped standing.

Keiteki slowly picked up his hands, and began performing handsigns, and then simply stood there, as he was initiating a jutsu, Aragane. Now Yoshi would know true pain. Keiteki was forming more metal, and using the jutsu, melting it, making a silvery, deadly burning liquid, just under Keiteki's feet, about a foot under. However, the Aragane, extended downwards, and there was a large amount under the surface, waiting to be called out.

Keiteki simply stood there, looking at Yoshimo. Keiteki smiled as he acitvated his seal, and his shadow was sucked in. The time has come.
Uchiha Kumori
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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kenshi Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:21 pm

As the cigarette fell to the village square, Yoshimo watched it trail down and hit the ground. It had landed in front of a cloaked man, maybe some stranger from some foreign village. Yoshimo turned away to face Kyouken, but something drew him back to the person. He looked closer, closer at the make up of the face. He sighed, as he knew who it was.

Keiteki Drakun.

Yoshimo looked at Kyouken once more.

"I have a matter I must attend to, you can watch if you wish..."

Stepping one leg off of the high platform, Yoshimo let his body fall from the great height, letting the wind shake his hair and rustle the shinobi uniform he'd had on. The katanas on his back seemed to let the air slide around them as he fell, drawing attention from the numerous villagers in the crowd. A space seemed to form around Keiteki, backing away from Yoshimo's landing spot.

With a thud Yoshimo landed. His legs were squatted, his hands were spread apart, and he'd landed perfectly on the balls of his feet. A small cloud of dust pushed outwards from his impact, signaling his entrace. He stood up, letting his back rise first untill he was in an erect position. He looked at Keiteki as Keiteki returned the glances.



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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:32 pm

Keiteki's slight grin grew as he heard his name spoken by Yoshimo. Keiteki was relatively surprised, as with all the clothing and physical changes done to him during his training, he would've thought that Yoshi couldn't recognize him. But he did, surely. It was those blazing, dragon eyes of Keiteki. The broken spirit of the Drakun Clan, the coldblood, has even gotten to his eyes. Keiteki made the superheated metal come even closer to the surface, but not close enough that a ninja could detect it. Since rocks cannot conduct heat, there was no way of detecting it. Keiteki knew what was going to happen, and he was prepared for a long battle. Keiteki already had a strategy in mind for this battle, and now, it was time to bring this plan to light, and break the bonds that were sown for so long. This was the time for war, as peace was no longer relevant. Keiteki opened his mouth, speaking with a cold, emotionless tone.

"So you remember me. How cute. I suppose you know why I am here. It's time that I strided across the boundaries built by my ancestors, and find my true power." Keiteki told him blatantly.

Keiteki then looked around, and then looked at Yoshimo again. "I see you're village had an incident. I remember seeing the explosion, before I left this village behind. It's slightly different than what I remember, but none of that matters now. I knew this day would finally come, and now it's here." Keiteki said, going on.

"And now, we are standing here, waiting for the other to make a move. Go on, Yoshimo, make my day." Keiteki said, with the grin on his face becoming almost sadistic, and his eyes widening, as he waited for Yoshi to say something.
Uchiha Kumori
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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kenshi Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:44 pm

Memories and events of their great past recollected into this one moment. He'd changed since they'd last met, and Yoshimo had changed also. They'd both become stronger, letting their legends travel across the wind from people to people. He was sure that Keiteki had the power enough to take out a small village by himself, but Yoshimo didn't wish to fight him. So much had changed since they had last met. Him and Keiteki, their history together was those of unbreakable bonds. But now, it was time to test that bond. Keiteki wished to sever it and Yoshimo didn't want to. He believed that Keiteki could change, and even though Yoshimo wasn't on the right path to be a saviour for someone, he still felt that Keiteki could be better off doing the right thing. Yoshimo listened, letting the wind stirr up dust as Keiteki spoke.

"This moment in time, this place, this setting will go down in history as a horrible battle between two friends. Keiteki, you don't have to do this. You don't need to sever the bond between us. You've gone out and gotten stronger and now wish to return to fight me. Keiteki I don't wish to fight..." he continued as he sighed...

"I wish to talk like civilized ninja, but if you make me fight you, I will be forced to defend myself..."

The sadistic grin spread across his face and Yoshimo realized that this wasn't the same Keiteki that he went on missions with. This wasn't the same Keiteki that he'd force to buy him ramen after missions. This was a new Keiteki, someone power hungry, someone willing to test the strength of bonds.



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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:59 pm

Keiteki listened to Yoshimo intently, and was not surprised at all. Keiteki had known Yoshimo for such a long time, and now, the friendship of which the two once shared will now be tested, and Keiteki would be pushed to his inner and outer limits. He remembered to the first time he had met Yoshimo, when they met at a ramen shop. It was those days, long ago, when he was only a Chuunin, did he meet the Izoto. Keiteki did not care any longer, as now, friendships did not matter to him. He was now only after one thing, and concerned with one thing, and that was power. His once good heart, now corrupted, was no longer able to be reasoned with. Keiteki knew that, and knew Yoshi did as well. There was no reason to stay aligned to a hidden village, and his ambitions was the only thing he needed, in his eyes. The light has been shut out, leaving nothing but an everlasting darkness. That is, only until the light can shine once again.

"Hmm?" Keiteki looked to see Yoshimo wielding swords. Quite a bit of them. "So, now you use swords? And the ones used by the former Eight Tailed Jinchuuriki. I'm surprised that you evne have such a thing in your possession. I can only wield five swords effectively, but in time, I will became the strongest man to have lived in this tiny place. Even stronger than our Raikage." Keiteki said, unaware of the fate of the previous Raikage.

"It has come to this. If you wish to live, my friend, you must defend yourself." Keiteki said, knowing it was time to begin.

Keiteki's eyes began shutting, and then shot open, and he felt his command rush through the Aragane underground, and the order was given, and the battle was waged. In a few seconds, the earth began crackling, and then, molten metal bust through the ground, burning through the rock, and dirt, and erupting all around, being directed at the spot where Yoshimo was standing. The Aragane was circling Yoshimo, and was attempting to spin him around, and quickly dissimilate his body. There was only one way out of this attack, and that was the open hole at the top of the metal. The earth below was being burned away, and being flooded with the molten metal, and there was only one way out of the attack. Keiteki then jumped into the air, and pulled out his Kinsudanki, his ten foot long blade.

Keiteki was ready to intercept Yoshimo as he was in the air. If Yoshi wanted to avoid being disintegrated, than the only real way was up, and the earth itself was being melted, there were no more shadows, as everything was now compacted, and left no space. If Yoshimo was down there, he would be dead. If he came up, he would have to duel Keiteki with his own swords.
Uchiha Kumori
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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kenshi Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:19 pm


And the battle between friends had begun.

The molten lava that surrounded Yoshimo began to case him in a dome, and if he wanted to survive he would have to act quickly. Not even giving himself time to think a formidable plan, his body began to take control as he jumped. Through training and his Sumbersion jutsu, Yoshimo had finally attained a great amount of speed. It was needed for the Kenjutsu, and Yoshimo had to get it some way.

Jumping out of the whole and in front of the dome Yoshimo drew a kunai from his hands, preparing himself for anything in his blind spot. He threw it towards the glisten of a blade has his eyes adjusted to the outside light. Yoshimo knew he couldn't waste chakra, and would have to put his ninjutsu on hold. From both left and right pockets, Yoshimo drew out two knuckle knives and strapped them in each hands. He held them close to his face, letting the sharp blades cut through the sunlight and almost become invisible. His fists were tight and crunched, and he bend his knees in preparation for Keiteki's next blow. The wind once again signaled the bond between two of them. It was being tested.

"You really want to kill me..."


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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:34 pm


Keiteki was now going to be able to duel his foe in mid air. Keiteki had succeeded in drawing his opponent in the air, as that was where he was the strongest. Because of his agility, and more importantly, his wings, he could easily interecept and destroy a flying opponent. However, this time, Keitkei knew that Yoshimo was too smart to charge him while he was in the air, as Keiteki would not dare underestimate him, or his abilities. Keiteki, now that he had a strategy prepared for the whole battle, it was now that he needed a plan to check Yoshimo, and at which point where he could declare checkmate. Keiteki knew of the great danger that those shadows possessed, and if he was caught, it would be a problem. He needed to end this as quickly as possible, lest he be subject to those strands of darkness.

Keiteki immediately pulled out a Kunai Knife when he saw Yoshimo pull out a Kunai as well, and knew he needed to disable that kunai as soon as possible. Keiteki has pulled out a kunai, and threw it at Yosimo's own, nulling the two of them. As they were flung aside by the force, Keiteki knew, because he was in mid air, he needed to act quickly in order to win this battle, as it would be essential in the following war. Keiteki decided to make it so he could predict his foe's every move, but executing this next move. It was time to play check.

It was Doshakaze, a C Ranked technique. In an instant, An extremely powerful, downward wind was blown down on Yoshimo, the wind was not strong enough to actually inflict physical damage to Yoshimo directly, but Yoshimo was not out of the struggle yet, as the Aragane was still down there, and it was waiting for him. The downpouring wind blew onto Yoshimo, and immediatley pushed him down, into the molten metal below. Keiteki was ready for this next move. When Yoshimo hit that metal, he would be captured, as Keiteki could easily harden it once he is caught in the liquid metal.

"My friend, if you wish to win a deathmatch, you must fight with the intent to kill." Keiteki said, as he reached the maximum distance he would reach in mid-air, Keitkei looked down to see the results of his attack.
Uchiha Kumori
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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kenshi Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:56 pm


Instead of being stupid and letting the wind take advantage of him, Yoshimo had to take advantage of the situation. He couldn't just dodge the technique, wouldn't be so simple. He would have to take the blunt of the attack, and dodge the metal behind him, but how could he do that? Yoshimo slapped his hands together, coating them in chakra. He'd promised himself to conserve chakra, so he wouldn't use ninjutsu to fight. He'd only use it to take advantage of the attack being used on him.

The wind was powerful, and it did push Yoshimo back, but instead of letting it catch him and drag him, Yoshimo would have to use the wind to his advantage. He backflipped as the wind came on to him, letting his hands touch the floor his legs up in the air. The wind was coming in a downward motion, and as it pushed him back, Yoshimo adapted to the force of the wind, by using chakra to stick himself to the ground beneath. The wind continued to push on, and forced him back towards the pit of lava. While upside down, Yoshimo hung his legs over his head, making a "C" with his body, letting his toes point up in the air. He let the force of the wind drag him in the lava pit, and his hands touched the lava. They wouldn't burn due to the protective layer of chakra on his hands, but as the chakra made contact with his hands, Yoshimo could feel the heat seeping through.

That's when he made the move. His toes-over-head-upside-down stance was crucial. It gave him a tremendous amount of potential energy. Throwing his legs back, as if to stand up, Yoshimo threw himself in to mid air. He jumped back, and spread his arms letting the wind push him over the pit of lava, and onto the side of a near by wall. He'd pointed the bottom of his feet towards the wall, and he used chakra on his feet to keep his position. The wind would subside soon, and Yoshimo looked at Keiteki.

"You really...want to kill me..."


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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:11 pm


Keiteki watched as his opponent skillfully managed to avoid getting killed by molten metal. Keiteki was impressed. One who could use his chakra so skillfully is a force to be dealt with, but Keiteki knew that simple tricks like that would not work on this foe. He needed to go advanced, and somehow turn the tables onto Yoshimo. Keiteki needed to think up of a plan, and quickly, or else he might be finding himself at the knees of his opponent. Keiteki got further frustrated, as his foe was able to skillfully dodge that attack, now he needed to think up of some way to gain the edge on him. Keiteki then reached the ground, with the Aragane still active, as he now had control over it, since it took chakra to chreate and then melt the metal, Keiteki then had free control over the molten metal, and now he needed to use that to his advantage.

Keiteki then used his Aragane once again, but this time, rather than attack Yoshimo, it harmlessly bursted up around him, and formed a tunnel, and at the other end was Keiteki, who was now holding his hands his Sentou Charkams. Keiteki looked down at Yoshimo, making sure that the setting inside of the tunnel was dark, like night, so it would be difficult to focus his shadows. Keiteki then raised both of his chakrams, standing in a closed postion, with one hand bending down, and the other bending up, with each chakram ready to be used. Keiteki then looked, with an endless gaze.

"If you have learned Kenjutsu, as I have, then come at me with your steel, and we shall see whos metal makes the cut."
Uchiha Kumori
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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kenshi Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:29 pm

Yoshimo didn't want to use his kenjutsu, but this fight required it. He stood there waiting for the slow molten metal to come over him. He closed his eyes and sighed, taking a deep breath. He brought his hands to eye level, with perfect posture, and put his hands in the rat handsign. His shadow began to crawl up on his legs as he released the handsign and grabbed the top swords at his right. He fingered the hilt of the katanas for a second, and with the flick of his wrists, Yoshimo launched the swords into the air.

All seven of the swords floated into the air, twirling and making *whisps* noises as the blades made their way through the air. Yoshimo's shadow clambored its way onto his black, leaving him unable to use ninjutsu. He focused, and began to stance.

Yoshimo first rose his right leg backwards, catching the sword behind his knee. He brought his knee forward, holding the katana in that position as the next katana came down in between his right thigh and his abs. Leaning forward a bit to hold the katana in place. Pushing his left arm up in the air, Yoshimo let the third katana fall in catch range of his armpit. He quickly closed his arm keeping the katana in place as the fourth katana landed on the front side of his elbow. The next two were caught in his right arm, in between the shoulders and next to his nect and the other on the underside of his elbow just like the fourth katana. The final one was caught between his teeth, and Yoshimo closed his eyes and attained balanced as he faced Keiteki in the tunnel.

Yoshimo's shadow could be seen attaching itself to the katana, holding them in place as he eyed Keiteki.

"I didn't want it to go this far.."


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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:01 pm

Keiteki was not sure if this would be easy as a whole, but he had the advantage. Keiteki watched as the metal clambered over the both of them, locking them in a close combat struggle, which was exactly what Keiteki wanted. Keiteki knew exactly what Kenjutsu was coming up next, and he himself prepared for the battle ahead. Since his foe used the swords that once belonged to the previous Jinchhuriki host, he knew that he must also know the techniques of the original host, and he knew he would be in for a rough one. Keitkei watched as Yoshimo's shadows flung the swords up in the air, and each one was caught in a specific area, and Keiteki watched as the technique was coming to light. But, as expected, Keiteki's foe was going to go far, and now Keiteki was prepared for the next attack.

"Ah, so you have partially mastered the style once used by Kirabii. Of course, being that he was the one who made the style, it's only realistic that you would be less profecient at it." Keiteki told Yoshimo. Keiteki then withdrew three Katana Swords from his Kanehajii.

He placed the first two in his hands, gripping them tightly, and then placing the third in his mouth, holding on to the hilt with his teeth, similar to what Yoshimo was doing, only with Seven Swords. Keiteki knew that the maximum amount of swords he could use at any given time was only five, where as his opponent had seven. However, Keiteki had more than just regular swords at his disposal, and with the ability to create any metal object or weapon avalaible, defeating him would be more than difficult.

"I still need to master the use of two more swords before I can compete with your seven. However, I still have the advantage." Keiteki looked at the walls around him, and then awaited his foe's next move.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kenshi Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:20 pm

"The style is the same, but Kirabi was the only one strong enough to use them. At my current strength level, I'm no where near strong enough to use the technique, but my shadow allows me to use them. I only mastered this style in hopes of using with you, not against you..."

Yoshimo sighed and held the poisition. It was up to him to make the next move. The next move also had to be a smart one, because Yoshimo would need to get out of this molten dome. The heat was bearing down on him, but Yoshimo wouldn't quit just yet. He would have to think about his next two moves. His katana were strong enough to pierce the lava due to their "chakra flow", but no stance would allow him out of the dome. He would have to be smart with his next move, but he would also have to force Keiteki to use another technique, maybe one to get him to cool the place down.

"Keiteki, forgive me for doing this..."

Yoshimo bent his left leg down and held himself there. He wasn't defending anymore, he was attacking. Yoshimo used his speed and rolled towards Keiteki. With every revolution Yoshimo pumped his leg down harder and faster, bringing a spining mass of blades towards Keiteki. Keiteki's own katana would be able to manage in this fight, but he would have to block the swords some how, or avoid the kenjutsu in all.


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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:40 pm

NOTE: It's a TUNNEL, not a dome in essence.

Keiteki's look changed from sadist to panic as he watched his opponent dahs towards him, rolling across the ground, wielding all of these blades and coming for Keiteki. Keiteki was not at first sure of how to avoid this, and even if he managed to block the first move, with all of these swords, there was no telling what damage could be done to Keiteki if this attack hit. He needed to stop this attack, but than realized that he still had his own swords, and pulled out the remaining two swords, and began the defensive, knowing that this would require most of his knowledge of Kenjutsu to block this attack.

Keiteki began by stabbing both of his swords into the ground, sort of like an X, and put his foot against the meeting point of the swords, and next was the main swords. Keiteki immediately used his strength to flip the sword in his mouth, and put the whole hilt in his mouth, and swing upwards, deflecting the other swords, and using the ones in his hands like double bladed swords to block all of the rest of them, and allow the rolling attack to pass by Keiteki, going past him, and allowing him to successfully defend himself against his opponent's attack. However, afterwards, Keiteki felt a sharp pain above his thighs. He fell to the ground, since the force of the roll knocked him down, and looked down.

One of Yoshimo's elbows had hit Keiteki in the lower elbow as he was rolling by, and hit him relatively hard. Keiteki looked at his foe, and slightly grinned. Keiteki got up once again, and looked at Yoshimo.

"What a story you have, Yoshi. But you knew you would ahve to use it sooner or later. But if you want to save your life, you're going to have to dig even deeper, and strike me." Keiteki said.

Keiteki had gathered the swords, and got ready for his opponent's next offensive. "Now make your move."
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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kenshi Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:33 pm


Yoshimo didn't do anything to get him out of the tunnel, and the only way he could is if he'd gotten rid of the kenjutsu. Either way, he was keeping his self-advantage by preserving chakra and keeping up with kenjutsu instead of using his ninjutsu now. That would send Keiteki into the air and make him at a small disadvantage. Yoshimo sighed, returning to the fourth stance. It was now or never.

Sweat dripped down from the bottom of his chin, and Yoshimo knew he would not be able to use this kenjutsu much longer if he didn't get out of this heat. His clothes were soaked in sweat and some of his hair began to come wet and trickle in his face. These were not his conditions at all. Yoshimo didn't have a summons large enough to burst through the molten tunnel, so he was stuck in untill he could get out. He would have to do it again.

Yoshimo rolled towards Keiteki once more, except a bit slower this time. He seemed to be trying to build his momentum, or trying to increase his speed, and on on his second revolution he pushed off harder but didn't complete the roll. He was upside down with the swords pointing in every which-way, as if he was slowly gliding above the ground. If Keiteki noticed, he would see two swords spinning in mid air above Yoshimo's feet. Yoshimo pushed his palms down on the ground, and pushed back, forcing his body to complete to revolution as he drew very close to Keiteki. As his body returned to a regular vertical position, Yoshimo caught the swords that were spinning above him and pointed them towards Keiteki. Since he'd had two swords pointing towards Keiteki, the sword in his mouth was also pointed towards him. If Keiteki didn't make a move he'd be stabbed and pinned, but he would still be alive because Yoshimo didn't want to aim for any vital spots.


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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:08 pm

Keiteki looked as Yoshimo had prepared for the next move to be used against Keiteki. Keiteki knew that he had the advantage in this heat hole, where his Kaika and abilities allowed him to be more resilient to the heat then his foe. Keiteki could see from the sweat all over him and the soiled clothing that the heat was dehydrating him, and soon he would become desperate. And he did., charging at Keiteki with the intent to disable him, and stop him. Keitkei knew that this would happen, as his foe was holding back against Keitkei, and he was slowly gaining more and more rage, attempting to draw out the foe within Yoshimo, and take his life knowing that Yoshimo had fought to take his. Keiteki refused to die here, and he would continue to fight this foe. However, Keiteki felt it neccesary to at least give him an honorable death, and he did not make a fatal attempt to kill him just yet.

Keiteki, once he saw what was happening, put the two swords in his hands on his legs, or rather, just one leg, and in return, drew out the Sentou Charkams. These circular had the perfect design to negate his opponent's attack, and neutralize Yoshimo's offense. He needed to cripple his foe before he even attempted to kill him, just at least so he could see his life being taken. But there was no more time to think as the attack came.

The first two swords, one of them in Yoshi's mouth, the other in his hand, the two swords that were aimed the lowest, would meet the Charkams. Using the circular openings in the device, Keiteki made the swords go through, and once they were inside, Keitkei made the charkam take a 90 Degree angle flip, catching and holding both swords that were meant to stab Keiteki. The next step was stopping the sword coming higher up at Keiteki. Keiteki knew this would be the hardest to dodge, but he knew he could still avoid it.

Keiteki first jumped up, making his head go side ways, and turning the sword, in order to meet the blade of Yoshi's own sword, which knocked it upwards, but there was more. As Keiteki jumped upwards, and the knee that was holding the swords smashed into Yoshimo's stomach, a powerful blow, that would definately damage his opponent. However, the swords were not facing that way, and therefore did not touch Yoshimo. However, the fact that the attack was iniated by a jump was more than enough force to knock Yoshimo away from Keiteki, and send him rolling to the ground. Keiteki had managed to dodge his foe not one, but twice, and now he had managed to deal a blow to him, just like Yoshi had also dealt a blow to him.

"Hmmph. Your Kenjutsu...It needs work. I doubt very much that you will stop here, but I am prepared for your next move. You see, in this tunnel, I have the advantage. If I wanted to, I could collapse it on you, and then, well, you would be dead. I have control in this place, and the fact the molten metal even extends underground makes escaping underground impossible. But for now, I would prefer to kill you in a more honorable fashion."

Keiteki then put his Charkams away, and put his swords back in their positions, the same ones that they were in previously, and awaited his foe's next move.
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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kenshi Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:21 am

Kenjutsu wouldn't cut it. Yoshimo would have to save his swords for another day. Maybe the swords weren't for him after all. He would have to start avoiding Keiteki's katana.

When Yoshimo was kicked back, he managed to get a grip of himself before crashing in to the wall of the molten lava tunnel. Keiteki was right, this wasn't his domain, or place to be. He would have to either get out or get killed. That would take some serious ninjutsu. He didn't want to use ninjutsu, but Yoshimo wasn't that far from the exit of the tunnel. Yoshimo could very well fight with kunai and explosive tags, it was what he was good at.

Picking himself up from the ground, Yoshimo struggled to his feet, dragging the katanas with him. The blow was hard, but it wasn't enough to put an end to Yoshimo, and his ability to get up was evidence of that. Something told him to use the katana again, and Yoshimo did. He assumed the seventh stance. Weilding all the katana as in the fourth one, Yoshimo simply squatted and braced himself for the next attack. He could not let Keiteki have the advantage any more, it would only spell out his defeat.

"I can't let you win Keiteki. I'm sorry."

Using a great amount of speed, Yoshimo ran towards Keiteki, letting the katana under his knees keep their place by using his shadow. With every step Yoshimo increased his speed untill his image seemed to stretch. He was getting closer and closer to Keiteki, but he would not hit him. He was aiming at something other than Keiteki, and that was the outside of the tunnel. The light was behind him, and with his speed he brushed by Keiteki, leaving the katana in his mouth inches away from the side of Keiteki's neck. Keiteki could have a window of time to close the other side of the tunnel, but Yoshimo was moving far too fast. Keiteki's senses might be a bit faster, but the molten wall probably wouldn't be.


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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:18 am

Keiteki prepared himself as Yoshimo got ready for his next Kenjutsu strike against him, and Keiteki knew he outmatched his foe's own Kenjutsu, and the tunnel made it near impossible to fight Keiteki in this place. So Keiteki prepared to defend against the next Katana attack put against him. But just as his opponent, striding across the ground, came but so close to Keiteki, he simply passed by, missing him by such a small margin, until he knew what Yoshimo was really trying to accomplish. Yoshimo had gone right past him, and was heading straight for the exit, and Keiteki immediately tried to stop Yoshimo, but by the time he could make the metal move, it was too late, as Yoshimo had already gotten through the exit, and had made it out, taking away the advantage that he had once possessed while thye were trapped in the tunnel. Keiteki knew he needed to find a way to once again take the advantage, and as Yoshimo sped out, Keiteki's look became enraged.

The Aragane began to change shape, and began to lose the guise of a tunnel, collecting into a single, huge sphere of molten metal, right behind Keiteki. The molten metal began to twitch, as Keiteki was getting ready to unleash it upon Yoshimo, and the ball soon landed on the ground, and continued to lose shape, until it took the shape of nothing more than a molten metal puddle, and a large one at that, right behind Keiteki. Keiteki knew what he had to do now, and took a stance, almost like he was about to sprint. But instead of sprinting, Keiteki jumped, high up into the air, and the it began.

Metal immediately bursted up from underground, all around Yoshimo, and immediately began taking shape in quick succession, and Keiteki had jumped inside, and as the shape closed, it was apparent that Keiteki was now going to exact his wrath. Around him and Yoshimo was a humongous three dimensional triangle, which was upside down, with another triangle above it, they formed something of a 3 dimensional diamond.

"This battle sure is tiring, but in here, I have complete control over your environment. In here, you have no hope. In here, I have you outmatched. There is no where to hide your shadows from me, as everything in here is flat and solid. And now you have no choice but to continue to fight me in close combat. You should know that this jutsu only consumes chakra when I activate it. But once I have activated the jutsu, I have free control over the metal I made using it, and so now you must face my power. If you can find the weakness of my metal trap I have made here, then you can free yourself from it, but that's if I don't kill you beforehand."

Keiteki, ending the speach, a tentacle of Aragane sprang up from the wall, and was heading straight for Yoshimo, who was standing on the only solid ground at the bottom, and Keiteki, who had hardened part of the metal, and was using chakra to stick to it.
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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kenshi Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:38 pm

He'd promised himself he wouldn't use any ninjutsu, but now was the time to break that promise. It was either do or die. He would still however try to conserve to the best of his ability, but he didn't need to use technique after technique, but he surely needed to get out of this jutsu. His speed alone wouldn't have him from the attack, so he would either need double the speed, or double the power. Either way he had to create it quickly. Yoshimo quickl sheathed his swords, kicking his limbs back into the sheaths and returning his shadow to his normal position. He was free of the kenjutsu, and if he had the time to he would probably return to it, but the scale that Keiteki was fighting was one above kenjutsu or taijutsu. Yoshimo had to think fast.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!!"

Any S Rank ninja would laugh, or prepare Yoshimo's grave. Using Kage Bunshin would probably spell out in Yoshimo's own death, but once the three clones appeared next to him, they would be able to see what he was up to. Yoshimo and two clones ran away from the jutsu, using great speed and leaving one there for impact. Before the ore could impact, the remaining bunshin jumped on top of the tentacle, using chakra on his feet to launch himself off of it and over Yoshimo and the clone that were moving just under it, but not fast enough to dodge the tentacle. Yoshimo jumped up, grabbing the flying bunshin's feet and easily gripping on with the chakra that was at its feet. The bunshin on the ground next to Yoshimo didn't jump, but grabbed Yoshimo's feet and activated chakra at it's own. It gripped the floor, and then swung around, flinging Yoshimo and the bunshin in the air. The tentacle would destroy the bunshin, but Yoshimo had made it away from the technique.

Yoshimo landed in the corner of the metal walls, fearing what would come next from Keiteki...

" really want to kill me..."


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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:56 pm

Keiteki watched as Yoshimo danced around, dodging the first strike from Keiteki's Aragane. Keiteki watched as Yoshimo used his Kage Bunshins in impressive ways to get out of the jutsu's wrath, but at the cost of one of the clones, the attack was dodged. Keiteki knew that activating Araggane took up nearly 35% of the chakra that he had, but it was all worth it, and in exchange was granted control over the molten metal. Because of Yoshimo's abilities and fighting style, there was little defense against Aragane, and it would eventually get him, even by a little, sooner or later, and when it did, Keiteki would be there, ready to deliver the final strike. Because he had used that slice of chakra, and had also used Doshakaze, he now had 55% of his chakra left, and he needed to carefully use that remaining chakra. But for now, he needed to make use of Aragane, and end this quickly.

Keiteki then made a second Aragane tentacle appear from behind Yoshimo, once again, it was large, and this time it had a hand at the end. This hand then fell down onto Yoshimo, and his clone. However, just as it hit the ground, just in case the clone got away, a second Aragane hand sprang out of the fat and thick first one, and was ready to intercept Yoshimo's clones.

"Yoshimo, if you can't die here, in this diamond, then you must get out. But how, when the boiling hot metal would just absorb the blow of your sword like syrup? Also, there is one weakness to this structure that you can use to your advantage. I want to see you find it." Keiteki told him.

"Stop holding back. You will die if you continue to do so."
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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kenshi Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:25 am

There was no way out. Yoshimo didn't know the jutsu, and he hadn't done any research on Keiteki. All he could tell that was trapped in some metal prison. Whatever exit Keiteki was talking about didn't mean that Yoshimo could get out, it just proved that there had to be a way out. What should, what would Yoshimo do?

"Kuso...These infernal walls..."

Feeling the heat of another tentacle coming behind him, Yoshimo had to think quickly and make his reactions based on the tentacle. There were several ways to dodge it, but he had to choose the simplest one. A side step to the left, towards open space would be the best option. Yoshimo quickly acted, spinning to his left in a tight circle along the wall and away from the tentacle that could have ended the battle. Keiteki's tentacles weren't that great of an attack, because the heat from the metal could be felt before the attack, and if he increased the speed the molten lava could cool off, and possibly make it harder for him to use. Thinking of all these advantages and disadvantages only made Yoshimo want to get out even more. So exactly as he thought, he did. Yoshimo took a squat, in the middle of an intense battle and put his hands together in a prayer like motion. The *clap* of his hand signaled that he was thinking of some sort of plan to get himself out of such a horrible situation.

I haven't used any tools yet, so I'm fine there. I can use my Kage Ho-Ru and dodge all of his attacks, but the chakra drain from the jutsu would put me in the same spot Keiteki is. Hmm. I have a book of explosive notes in my nin-pocket, I could possibly blow my way out. I'm still near the top of my chakra, and it would be the best bet here. Using my Kage Fuchi Kai could protect me from the blast and from the hot metal. Everytime Keiteki turns the metal into molten lava to attack me, he makes the metal layer soft first. So by using my Kage Fuchi Kai, I can blow my way out, and if he tries to cover it in molten lava, he'll make the wall weaker, and I can fall out of the jutsu that way... But the only way to monitor my time is to either count, or make a fault in the jutsu. If I do that, molten lava could seep in...I have my medical cards on me...So the Kage Fuchi Kai would be the best bet...

Yoshimo stood up tall and placed his hands together down at his sides. He sighed, wondering how long this battle would go on for. Long time friends should never meet up in the midst of a battle, but it was what Keiteki wanted.

He reached in his back pocket and took out a book of explosive notes. He placed the notes around in front of him, in a scattered like motion. If Yoshimo were to detonate the numerous amount of notes now, he would be desinegrated to nothing but ashes. The blast would be powerful, but it would also leave Yoshimo pure out of tools. The ground outside was probably too hot to place a summon for more notes on. Now or never. Yoshimo took a knee and placed his hands in the rat handsign. Rat. Bird. Tiger. Snake. The handsigns were done quickly and effectively. Yoshimo's shadow erupted from underneath him in a spiraling motion, wrapping him in a ball tigher and tigher. The whole jutsu began to encase around Yoshimo, save for his eye which could be dimly seen out of the small hole that the jutsu hadn't finished yet. Small amounts of tendrils crept across the opening as Yoshimo placed his hands in the tiger handsign allowing the book of explosive notes to sizzle.

They blew up. Every single last one of them exploded, and if it left the wall damaged, Yoshimo could get out. He would fall out of the jutsu, and he would be safe.


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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Uchiha Kumori Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:02 pm

"Well, it wasn't exactly what I had thought, but you managed to get out." Keiteki told him.

The fact was, at the beginning of the jutsu, a large amount of chakra was employed to create, and then superheat metal, and reduce it to a molten form. Because of the extreme heat and chakra used, it would leave the Aragane hot. However, due to exposure to the elements, it would eventually cool, and it would be impossible to further manipulate. Really, all that was needed was t outlast the Aragane. However, the prison was breached, and Yoshimo got out safely. Keiteki knew that it was time to get out as well. Keiteki opened a hole in the prison, and made his way out, and went to the ground, far away from Yoshimo. Keiteki then watched as the prison's once liquid surface permanently hardened, and the jutsu had ended. Keiteki knew that things were about to get interesting, but he would not dare try once again to utilize Aragane. It used up too much chakra to use it again, as it would simply be a waste of chakra.

Keiteki could see Yoshimo, and was looking straight down at him. At first, he contemplated granting himself the speed boost that was given when he used his wings, but he discounted it. He decided it was time to activate the seal. Keitkei then began pouring more of his chakra into the seal, and in a few seconds, Keiteki's shadow began to retract, and was moving up, and into the seal, where it would be sealed for the time being. Keiteki knew that his opponent had more chakra than Keiteki did at the time, so he would resort to almost exclusively using his weaponry. It was time to get on the defensive, and allow Yoshimo to strike.
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Daybreak Empty Re: Daybreak

Post by Kenshi Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:32 pm

The ball that Yoshimo was encased in fell to the ground and hit, causing a small cloud of dust to escape from beneath it. The wind passed over the battlefield, and the dark ball rolled around and rumbled a bit. It began to writhe about, and the lack of chakra supporting the jutsu meant that Yoshimo was ending the jutsu. The shadow tendrils returned to their original shape, revealing two Yoshimo's standing next to each other.

The wind passed, ruffling their spiked hair. They stood next to each other eyeing Keiteki looking for any sign of movement that could lead them to a conclusion or a possible plan of action. Now that they were on equal terms Yoshimo was not at the advantage. His soaked uniform was already getting dryer by the moment as the morning sun passed over it. He was still able to fight, and still ready for Keiteki.

In order to keep Keiteki from determining which was the real clone or not, they spoke in unison.

"Keiteki, this isn't like you. Why go to such lengths to test the bonds between us. I don't wish to fight you, I only wish to be your friend once again. I'm not the "Raikage" you think I am. Join the Daybreak...We don't need to do this."

Continuing the unison movements both of the Yoshimo's drew their knuckle knives from their side pocket, and held them at their waists, ready for anything to happen.

Last edited by Yoshimo Izoto on Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total


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