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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by tradebuzzing2 Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:26 pm

Sannam teleported into the middle of the areana, after the three hour time limit was set. He looked around as the people of Konoha gathered to watch the fights. He was glad that once again, Genins would get the chance to become chunnin. He rasied his right hand up and all the noise stopped. "Today is a grand day, you, villagers of Konoha will see Genin fight against one another to get to the rank of Chunnin. This exam marks the ninja's future. They may all become great shinobi one day, or they may stay at the same rank forever." Sannam laughed as did many of the other villagers around him. Sannam smiled as something was crawling around in his shirt. He held up a two month old baby boy. "Village hidden in the leaves, meet my son! Tenpi!" The villagers cheered as Sannam had found his son and would know have someone to live out his legacy. Sannam put his baby back down into his arms and rasied his hand once again.

"Let the battles get underway! The first fight! Shin Uchiha Vs. Dageki Hyuuga." Sannam teleported to his sit as the Genin came out. "You may start whenever you both are ready!"


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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:10 pm

Shin sighed as he heared his name called. He was shocked to hear that he would be going against his own team mate. He looked down at the field, as he focused chakra to his feet and walked down the wall, then on the dirt of the field. He looked up, seeing the Hokage, and the people around them from different villages that gathered to watch them. Shin was slightly nervous, but he would keep it to himself. "I will make you proud, father..."He whispered to himself and cracked his neck, fingers, and toes. He was ready for whatever Dageki had for him.

He began to stretch in different ways, releasing the tense muscles that would hold him back during his fight. Sharingan vs Byaakugan, eh? This would be hard for someone who has 360 degree's vision.. And for someone who can just simply see chakra flow. Even if Shin was just as wise and intelligent as a Hyuuga, Dageki was made leader for a very good reason.


Kratos walked up from behind Sannam, as he put his hand on his shoulder. "Hey there!"He said happily, then taking a glance into the field below. "I see I came just in time, the first match had started."He pointed out and stood next to Sannam, as he looked at him, then at the small baby boy he was holding. He chuckled softly in amusement as he watched the baby giggle and play around with his dad's hair and what not. "Cute kid."He commented, and then said, "Raikage sent me to assist you in Proctoring the exams. I am at your command, sir."He bowed respectfully and grinned.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Guest Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:07 pm

Dageki sighed in disapointment. He was glad his fight was first so he would be able to quickly get it out of the way. However, he was hoping to have some fun with his Gentle fist Senbon style. Being that it was Shin he was going up against, he wouldn't dare. He didnt want to use his bo style yet either. This was a creation of his that he was quite proud of. His options in this battle were slightly limited. He was still confident, he just hated limitations. They were so troublesome. He sighed and gripped the railing of the balcony he stood upone and swung himself up and over. He hurtled down at the ground thrugh the open air with overwhelming speed.

Just before he landed, he sent chakra through his feet as he would walking on water, cushioning the drop so he did not break one or both of his legs. He landed on both feet with his knees bent at extreme angles and a single hand on the gound, the other held out to the side for balance. He stood up and looked at Shin square in the eye. They were team mates but Dageki would show him no mercy, aside from trying to not cause him any permanet damage. He would not be going easy on him even though he would not be dealing death blows or trying to for that matter. He breathed softly and waited for the proctor to give the go ahead. "To bad it had to be you and me," he said calmly, "one of us will be walking away from here dissapointed yet proud of the others accomplishment. The other will stand the proud victor, bad sadened that he had to go through his friend to obtain victory."


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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:42 pm

Shin nodded his head to Dageki. His words were both deep and meaningful. He respected Dageki just as much as his clan. He wanted to make his father and mother proud of himself for ranking up. Shin wanted to become an ANBU black OPs member just like the great known Itachi, but not kill everyone in sight. Although, rank doesnt mean power, nor skill, he wants to become a great leader someday, and have a team of his own, or journey out into the world. Shin sighed and said to Dageki, "Lets not have friendship hold us back, ne?"He chuckled softly and smiled at him, as he took out a kunai, "Afterall, all of us have the same potential right now... Becoming a Chuunin."He stated, as he looked at the crowed and then at him.

His finger slipped into the hole of the Kunai, as he pulled his arm back and flung it at Dageki. It didnt hit him purposly, as it hit the wall just behind him. He put his two fingers up and silently said, "Boom..". Just then, the explosive bomb that was secretly attached to the kunai exploded. Debre flew around the two, as a cloud of smoke covered Shin and Dageki. Shin swiftly jumped backwards, taking out another kunai to protect himself from whatever came at him, wanting to see what his teammate would do.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Guest Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:55 pm

As Shin continued speaking, Dageki activated his Byakugan. He was not going to even consider this battle with out it. He could now see almost completely around him almost every direction for a very far distance. Though the distance thing was no big adcantage here, being able to see at all possible angles gave him a good footing. Shin made the first move as he knew he would. It was a simple kunai. Nothing major. Or at least thats what Dageki thought untill it went passed his head, he caught the glipmse of an explosive tag fluttering in the wind behind it. He drew his bo staff from his back holster and as soon as the kunai hit the wall behind him, he slammed it into the ground polvaulting in the air. He summersaulted above the blast, Shin couldnt see him, but he could see Shin, just barely though.

Dageki grabbed at his belt and drew one of five weapon summoning scrolls. He unclasped the hitch on it and threw it up into the air, breaking the bonds and summoning roughly thirty kunai and shuriken, all of which were aimed directly for shin. Dageki floated backdown into the smoke left over from the explosion which was now over. To shin it woud seem as though he had managed to take the blast unflinching. He smiled to think how Shin would react. He predicted frustration, but he could have been wrong. The scroll he had just deployed was sure to serve its purpose however. The battle hadn't even come close to getting serious yet.


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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:09 pm

Shin blinked once, seeing Dageki be covered in all of the smoke, and about 30 kunai and shuriken came at him from the smoke. He figured it was all from atleast one or two scrolls, he couldnt carry that much of weapons in one pouch. Shin reacted quickly and a clone was made, just by putting his two fingers together. He still had a few seconds to dodge and collide his own weapons with the assulted ones coming at him. The clone stood next to Shin, taking out a Kunai, and started to knock the shuriken out of the way with the kunai. The clone even stuck the point of the kunai into the holes, then throwing the shuriken back at more incoming ones. He started doing it with the Kunai as well.

Shin himself leaped backwards, hiding in a tree with a quick dash, almost unseen. Shin took out his Short Katana, waiting for the moment right to strike.

Last edited by Kratos Aurion on Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:47 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Put it "He started doing it with the Kunai as well")
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Guest Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:05 pm

The smoke finally cleared and there stood Dageki. His head was slightly bowed , but he could still easily see everything. What the hell was Shin doing? Didn't he know by now that hiding was almost impossible. The Byakuugan could see through almost anything. He could see his opponet and his chakra system as plain as day. For moments Dageki just stood there, watching Shin like a hawk, searching for any moves he might make. After a while he was sure that Shin was not about to move and Dageki did not want to wait around. Now was not the time. Sending chakra to his feet for extra grip on the ground, he began running as fast as possible towards the outer wall. He made it behind the tree Shin was in and began up the wall, never slowing his pace.

When he achieved the right height, he brought up his bo and twisted it into just the right spot. It fit neatly longways between the trunk of the tree and the wall, holding steadfast, and hopped ontop of it. All of this was one fluid motion. He spun on his heel and used chakra to keep his balance on the thin yet sturdy stick. He focused chakra to his hands and............."Empyty Palm Technique," Dageki let the chakra go from both of his hands as he thrust them both out at Shin's back which was roughly four meters away. The chakra escaped as a tunnel about half a meter in diameter of thin swirling chakra. It would not cut, but it would throw the target through the air and cause bruising if it hit. Right now Dageki was just trying to get him in the open, where he could be attacked much easier.


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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:28 pm

Shin was watching Dageki study him carefully. 'Dammit...'He thought as he saw his team mate look straight at him. The clone poofed away, as he blinked and saw that Dageki was gone. He didnt know where he had went. The tree branches were in his way of view. As soon as he knew it, he felt as if he was being watched. He was behind Shin. Before he could even turn around, a burst of force thrusted into his back, causing Shin to fall. During his fall, or more of a thrown fall, he turned his head downward, causing his shoulders to follow, then his stomach, and then his legs. His whole body was turned around and on the stomach. Shin put his hands downward to the ground, along with his feet downward. He slid backwards, looking straight at Dageki until he stopped, still on his hands and feet like a cat.

Standing up straight, he cracked his fingers. He felt some tight muscles in his back, as he crouched forward a bit as he felt that pain. "Good move you got there, Hyuuga!"He shouted at him, as he closed his eyes. He opened them and they were blood red, two tomoe. He could see his chakra flow now. He smirked, as he took out a windmill shuriken. He unfolded it and pulled his arm back, then thrusting it forward, releasing the demon shuriken. It came directly at Dageki, then suddenly split into two. There was one hidden underneath the shadow of the first! Now two of them were very close to hitting the ninja, it was just a matter of seconds before he could dodge them.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Guest Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:16 pm

Dageki pushed down with his feet hard, causing the bo staff to become dislodged from the tree and both he and the staff tumbled down through the air. The first shuriken thrown by Shin got lodged into the wall behind where he had stood and the other got lodged into a branch. Dageki grasped hold of his bo staff as he hell, positioning it so that it hit the ground first, stopping his fall short. He spun around horizontaly and landed on his feet at the base of the tree. He skirted arond the trunk, bo in hand and rushed at the wall. 'Shin you may be my team mate but I cant let you win this one. I have to surpass you all. I have to earn my title as team leader.' He ran up the wall for about two feet and ran along it sideways for a moment or two before leaping off and running at Shin from the side. He went around Shin, turned and came back at him. Instantly weapons began flying at Shin from all angles again. While he was on the wall he had planted a scroll across it longways and he had opened another verticaly on the other side of Shin. The weapons rained down from above and the sides, relentlessly. In addition, Dageki was running up on Shin now, able to expertly dodge each weapon for he knew where each on was going to land. He holstered his bo as he went along, he wouldnt be needing it for the time being.


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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:56 pm

Shin watched each and every movement that Dageki made. He studied him closely but from afar. His balance and all knowing moves were unmatching to Shin. He had to catch up to the Hyuuga somehow, and he had to prove to Dageki he is worth fighting and called an Uchiha. Shin then saw various of weapons fly at him again from the scroll that the boy carried with him. In a split second, Dageki began to run straight forward at himself. Shin had to react quickly or become killed by all of these dangerious items.

With the use of the Sharingan, he gained up the speed, and energy, as he made a stance. He sprung out to the side, twisting his body in mid air as he moved his arms and legs to dodge them as they came at him. Some of the simply scratched his arm or leg. His hand hit the ground, pushing up on it and continuing the movements through the air. Eventually, he landed on his feet. He had gymnastically dodged the weapons. All that log-jumping training had really paid off for that moment.

Shin stood up straight and breathed in and out deeply but heavidly. Those speedy movements surely took alot out of him. "Come on Hyuuga!"He taunted him with a hand jesture that beakoned him to come at Shin. He knew that Hyuuga's main attacks come from Taijutsu and close combat, but Dageki was a bit different. He used scrolls like TenTen did. Shin took out another one of his Demon Windmill's, as this one was a bit smaller than the other ones he used.

Unfolding the shuriken, he threw it at Dageki. It gained more and more speed, as it came close to hitting him, as he only had a few seconds to dodge it. Until that one second came, it poofed into a clone. The clone had his fist out and about to land a punch on Dageki's face.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Guest Sat Feb 28, 2009 9:36 pm

Dageki continued on his way toward Shin as the weapons flew through the air. He was slowed greately by the weaapons raining down on them, having to focus more on dodging his own attacks then getting to Shin. It didnt matter to him though. He wanted Shin to think he was safe for now. These weapons could also be used later. Right now he was just getting them all out, as well as wearing Shin down little by little. Dageki was doing his best to keep the opponet on his toes. It wasn't that hard, and it was the best way to find a weakness and an openeing for the final strike. As shin landed he was feaced with another demon windmill shuriken. Dageki was about to block it or move when it suddenly turned into a copy of Shin. He could tell it was only a copy with his byakugan. The thing was only an illusion, it had no chakra network. His byakuugan gave it away. As the clone made "contact," it dissapeared as all normal bushins did. Dageki was ready though and came at shin from the back side, going around him to keep his movement up. He was now about five meters from Shin, soon he would begin his assault for real. He continued towards Shin, not slowing, but remaing prepared for an attack from Shin. He expected one.


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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:12 pm

As soon as Shin got out of range from the weapons that had been reining on him, he watched his clone make contact with Dageki, thinking he would have damaged him some. But it seemed as if he didnt. He watched as Dageki came at him, then circled around him to where he was at his back. He closed his eyes and made a series of handsigns as Dageki was moving. He knew that the Byakuugan could see incoming attacks, but since he was turned around, Shin was hoping that he didnt know what was coming at him.

Shin breathed in deeply and turned around, facing the hyuuga. He exhaled and blew out a large jet of fire, hoping since Dageki was about 6 or 5 meters away from him, it would have hit. He kept the jet of fire going for about 8 seconds, and cut it off at 10. The embers flew away in the gust of wind. He blinked and waited for what was going to come.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Guest Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:21 pm

Dageki could tell that Shin was preparing to use a jutsu as he approached from behind. He could see Shin's elbows moving slightly but quickly as though he were making seals with his hands. Dageki was no slouch and he paid great attention to every minor detail. Shin used fire and based on the movements of his elbows up and down, it looked like this was the elemental type of technique he was about to use. Now he could easily use his rotation jutsu to block any fire attacks that came his way, but what a waste of chakra. Also there would be a small window of oppurtunity for Shin to attack him when he stopped spinning and Shin would take advantage of that. It was to risky, especialy this early in the game. He calculated his options as he continued towards Shin.

When Shin spun around, he recognized the jutsu instantly as the opponet sucked in a large amount the air. He knew that a large jet of fire was about to come his way. Dageki picked option number 2 of 4 that he had come up with and in one fluid motion, drew his bo staff and launched himself in the air, using chakra to get some serious air. He planned his projectile to last 10.5 seconds. It was the oppurtune time. More than likely the jet would last ten seconds even. Dageki knew Shin's style and had through their adventures, studied his way of thinking. This was the most likely thing for Shin to do. As he fell towards Shin, plenty of momentum and force built up, he jutted out his arm and used his other as a guide for the bo staff, sticking the end of the sturdy wooden pole out towards Shin. Specifically it was aimed towards his left collar bone. It was a weak little bone and easy to break. Dageki had calculated that he had enough force to break the bone and force the end of it backwards into Shin's chest. The pain would be intense, and his left arm would be rendered immobile, leaving jutsu out of his arsenal. It was a simple yet crushing blow, and with any luck, it would land.


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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:48 pm

Once the embers cleared, Shin saw that Dageki wasnt infront of him. Shin couldnt hide his jutsu attacks from Dageki, as he heared the Byakuugan could easly just predict the move by either watching hand movements or chakra flow. Shin had to defy the laws of the Hyuuga clan techniques and start becoming more serious with this kid. He had to come up with a technique that would put an end to this fight. One that Shin didnt even practice on, he just had to have pure luck. He would use only his intelligence and knowledge of the fight. He had a little trick up his sleeve that would surely surprise Dageki.

Shin's ear twitched to the sound of cracking in the air, it was Dageki's hands grabbing and moving around above him. He smirked, as he looked up and saw Dageki's bo staff just about 6 meters above him. He froze, as everything and everyone froze around him. Thoughts, emotions, feelings, people, attacks, everything ran through Shin's mind. He had all those thoughts just racing past his train of senses. Just then, everything went back to normal. Shin knew exactly what to do that exact, split second.

Shin did a backflip, spinning in the air as Dageki's bo staff landed in the dirt. He had finally outsmarted the Hyuuga... But just that one time. He smirked and landed in a spin, the dirt being pushed upwards, making once again, another cloud of dust surrounding him. Shin jumped backwards. That was one, intense move that he just made, as he sighed and began to breath heavidly. But as soon as the dust cleared in a current gust of wind, Shin had been already making handsigns. He put his two fingers to his mouth and blew out an oil like substance outward, then taking his lighter, and lighting the string of oil. The oil quickly caught on fire, as it began to spin in different ways, whichever way Shin controlled. Shin made the long gust of fire whip different ways towards Dageki.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Guest Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:52 pm

Another fire jutsu. Dageki couldn't help but smile. Shin was wasting away his chakra and fast. He had already used a fair amount of techniques in a very short amount of time. So far Dageki had used one medium powered jutsu, and only enough chakra to activate three scrolls, which didnt take a whole lot. He stood up and twirled his staff in bewteen his fingers for show before looking up and Shin. The whip of fire was cracking straight for his chest. If it hit, that would be troublesome for Dageki. He couldnt let it hit.

He spun around, just barely missing the whip as it grazed by. He smiled. Shin was now quite close to the wall. This was perfect for him as he was out in the open. Shin had certain exits cut off, which gave Dageki the upper hand for the moment. He had to think and act quick though. Getting in close at this point was not an option, so his Hyuuga jutsu and Bo staff attacks were out. He couldnt use his one elemental jutsu, because it was wind and no doubt Shin would be able to cause it to back fire on him. He wasn't dumb enough for that. He could use the scrolls and try to wear down Shin some more of course, but no. He decided instead to use his senbon. Most ninja carried shuriken and kunai with them at all times, but he only had those assorted randomly in the scrolls. On his personel, he carried senbon. He prefered them a lot to the shuriken and kunai. They were smaller and easier to use. THey were more ninja like in their use. They could be used to inflict major damages on the opponet like shuriken, but they could also be used for much less arcane things. They were extremely variable in their uses.

Dageki drew three senbon from his pouch on his leg, where most ninja would carry shuriken. He threw them all at Shin, each one aimed for a specif spot on Shin. One was aimed for his right shoulder joint, which would imobilize that arm. Another was aimed for his left knee, which would restrict his leg movements and manueverability. The final one was aimed for his lung. If that one hit, the battle would be over soon, forcing Shin to withdraw as his lung would slowly fill up with blood from the little wound the Senbon would make. Dageki smiled, he doubted any of these attacks, but they would serve their purpose all the same. He began preparing for his follow up manuvers, a different one for every possible out come that would depend on Shin's reaction.


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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:41 pm

As Shin closely watched Dageki's reaction to his whip of fire, which nothing but oil and the use of his lighter. He saw that the whip almost made contact to his chest. Smirking, he cut off his water chakra, causing nothing but his lighter to be the fire of the battle. He took his thumb off the wheel, and jerked his hand forward, closin the silver lighter. "Honor" was engraved in Kanji on his lighter, as he remembered his father giving him this before he had been killed. Shin shook his head, snapping out of his flash back that split moment. He then put his lighter away quickly, looking up to see what Dageki was doing.

He watched as three needles flew at him; he only had a few seconds to react before they all hit. One was coming at his shoulder, knee, and chest. He had to do one fluent move to dodge them all at once. If he did a wrong turn, he could possibly accidently have a senbon puncture his heart, or neck. Shin took a deep breath and turned his body to the side, trying to avoid most of the senbon. He closed his eyes tightly as he felt one go through his left bicepts, as he groaned in pain. It was deep, but he opened his eyes and saw that the two other ones had missed by a few centimeters, just hardly scraping his skin on his leg and chest.

Shin took the senbon slowly out of his arm, as he then ripped a piece of leather off his pant leg, and wrapping it around the wound. That would slowly stop the bleeding, hopefully. He then took a look at Dageki, who seemed to be making his way at himself, as if it was a combo of the senbon attack. He then took out his short katana with his right hand, as he held it defencively. Shin didnt need to waste anymore chakra on his ninja, as he had to use some taijutsu attacks. He came at Dageki straight forward and began to pick up speed as he ran, putting out his kanata, then swinging his arm until he got close enough and made a slashing movement at him.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Guest Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:24 pm

Finally a hit. Dageki couldnt repress a small grin as he saw Shin start to bleed. He had just made a statement by drawing first blood, so simpley too. He was glad. His slight smirk turned into a full fledged grin as Shin charged at him. He was saving him a lot of trouble. Dageki worked better from a closer angle, and Shin was closing the distance for him. He worked better close to mid range, and his staff would be more useful now. He watched Shin draw his sword but wasnt phased in the slightest. He could easlily match the Uchiha with his Bo staff. As the first kenjutsu attack came, he moved on to both deffensive and offensive in one singular motion. First he fired his elbow backwards, brining the staff down across the blunt edge of the sword. This parried the blow from Shin as well as forced the sword back at the wielder, causign one of three things. Either Shin would suffer a minor injury form his own blade, or he would be cast off balance, o rbest of all, he would give Dageki his back, and that would spell defeat for sure. Secondly, he dropped to one knee and flicked his wrist upwards, forcing the end of his staff up towards Shins armpit, running his Hyuuga chakra along its length. It was aimed for a spot that would one, pralyze the arm, and two, temporarily cut off the chakra supply to that arm. Both of these effects would eliminate ninjutsu and restrict his taijutsu.


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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:41 pm

Shin watched and heared the clinking of his blade against the end of Dageki's bo staff. A force hit Shin's arm, knowing it was from the move that his mate just did. Shin's arm jerked backwards from the extreme blow, but didnt give up just yet. His sharingan caught Dageki's chakra moving rapedly through one arm. The arm with the bo staff in it. He saw that it was being aimed towards his armpit as it thrusted. Shin quickly turned his wrist, having the blade swiftly cut through the air and hit the tip of the bo staff. But while the katana was in the air, Shin had easly focused fire chakra to it, hoping it would have caught Dageki's all seeing eyes off guard. The clash of both the Hyuuga chakra, and Shin's katon chakra was forceful, but he put more and more force through his arm. He wasnt going to give up just yet, he had to prove to Dageki that he was just as strong as the leader.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Guest Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:10 pm

Dageki smirked. He had covered this angle already. He knew there was the distinct possibility that the opponet could bounce back and counter his bo staff. This all worked out for Dageki though. He was still on one knee, and so was able to levr the back end of the staff against the ground, otherwise, this would have never worked, for he needed at least one free hand. The jutsu needed one single handsign. He brought his left hand over to his right, which was wrapped around the bo staff. He extended two fingers on his right in conjunction with his left to for the seal while maintaining control of the staff. Then he swiped his left hand to the side and thrust it forwards at Shin. He was in very close range and there was almost no plausible way he could miss. He was less than a meter away from the palm of his hand, so the distance his chakra had to travel was very small.

It was a jutsu he had used earlier. "Empty Palm." He glanced into Shin's face with a knowing look in his eye. A blast of chakra escaped his hand. Once it hit, he would maintain the small tunnel shape which would continue to force Shin back untill he hit the wall, causing considerable damage. If his calculations were correct, it would break at least three ribs. As long as the initial hit was a success, and probablility said that it would, all these results would occur, and also would give Dageki ample time to agian close the gap between himself and the opponet.


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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:22 pm

Shin felt a sudden force of chakra hit him in his chest. He let go of his katana, as it fell to the ground. Shin flew backwards, but he felt as if his body was frozen, as if his nerves had been so damaged, he couldnt do a thing. His back hit the wall, as some of the concrete cracked. He winced a bit and fell to his knee's, coughing up a bit of blood. He couldnt lose, he had to prove himself worthy to Dageki, even if he didnt have that much of skill to show. He stood up, but slowly, as he looked up at him. His vision was slightly blurry, and breathing heavidly. "I WILL NOT GIVE UP!! YOU HEAR ME HYUUGA!!!?"He shouted to Dageki as he coughed up more blood. He held onto his side, as he believed he broke a rib or two. The damage to his hit against the wall wasnt that powerful, but it did hurt like hell.

He staggered to Dageki, as he took out a few shurikens with his left hand, parting them between his fingers. He threw them all at him. He winced a bit at his own movements, but he was going to stand his ground for as long as he could. Shin then crossed his two fingers, "Bushin no Jutsu!"He commanded, as two clones appeared next to him. He didnt want to waste as much chakra making a few more. He needed to conserve it all. The clones ran at Dageki, as the real Shin took out a kunai and ran at him, but stopped suddenly and threw that kunai at the ninja, leaping backwards. The clones leaped on either side of him, ready to throw a punch.
Shin Uchiha
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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Guest Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:44 pm

OOC: Ok Bao, let me make something perfectly clear, BUSHIN LIKE YOU ARE MAKING HAVE NO TRUE SUBSTANCE AND CAN NOT CAUSE ME DAMAGE BY PUNCHING ME. That is a shadow clone, not a bushin. Your accomplishing nothing by using them, especialy since my Byakuugan can tell me that they are not the real you because they do not have chakra systems, Ok. I am just letting you know. Quit wasting your chakra unless you are going to use them in a different manner from now on.

Ic: As soon as his empty palm attack hit, Dageki got up off of his knee and began sprinting after Shin. Shin was quck to recover, but Dageki could tell that he was under a decent amount of damage after that last attack. By the looks of it, he possibly had a concussion. It didnt matter to him though, Shin had just basicaly said that Dageki would have to render him immobile before this match would end. "WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PROVE?" he shouted back. Shin was being pridefully right now, and that was not a good thing, not for Shin. This was not a matter of pride, at least it wasnt supposed to be. It didnt matter why, though, all that matterred was that Dageki had to find some way to end this with out causing to much damage to his team mate.

As Dageki closed in, he was confronted with Shuriken which he quicly batted to the side with a flick of his Bo staff. Then he had to deal with two clones. Dageki completely ignored these, as he could tell neither was the real Shin and clones such as these could cause him no harm. If not for his Byakuugan, he would have tried defending himself from them, leaving himself open to a follow up attack from Shin, but he had the Byakuugan, and was able to comfortabley ignore the two clones with out worry. He continued at Shin who proceeded to throw a kunai at him, this he also deflected with his Bo staff. Shin was starting to wear down and Dageki could sense it, his attacks were much less intense and effective than what they had been before.

The last attack had jarred him, and it had to be taken advantage of. By now he was in range to attack with his Bo staff if he held it toward the bottom. He positioned his hands and let loose a flurry of attacks with the end of his Bo staff, all of them thrusts. The attack was quick, and he had his chakra run down the Bo staff initiating his "Gentle Fist - Bo style," a Dageki original. He gifted the attack with a name, "SIxty-four Palms." Though it was not his palms, the attack was the same, only with hsi staff instead of his hands. He had keapt the name to stick with tradition and the end results would be the same.


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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:00 pm

OOC: okay okay, I will remember that from now on.


Shin had been outmatched by Dageki. It seemed as if it were the end for him once and for all. The surprise attack came at him with a furry of jabs from his bo staff. Almost each one of them landed. Shin had enough chakra to swiftly move his body in twitches to avoid some of the attacks. The bo staff's end jabbed his shoulders, knee's, stomach, almost everything it could touch. The powerful attack sent Shin flying backwards again once it was done, as he slid on his back in the ground. He just laid there for a few moments, his bruised and bleeding legs attempting to move around, as he felt them start becoming numbish. The nerves were damaged horrificly. All he could do was just lay there for the time being. But in those few seconds, he sat up, putting his legs underneath him. "W-What am I trying to prove?"He looked up at Dageki from the ground. He chuckled softly and spit out some blood that happened to come up with his laugh. "I want to prove.. To my deceased father... That I am a worthy Uchiha... MY NAME WILL BE REMEMBERED!!!"He shouted to him, as he stood up. His legs trembling and shaking. "I will avenge my father.. I will live his life like he would have wanted me to... I want to make him proud..."He clenched his fists and bit his lip. He was shaking now. Shin let a few tears flow down his cheeks and he shouted again, "I will stand my ground and I wont be defeated!!!!"

He groaned as he shouted. It hurt to just be speaking. His ribs were injured, possibly broken. His own legs were bruised and bleeding. He didnt stand a chance of living in this tournament, but he had to live, he had to live for his father. He shook his head and wiped away his tears, leaving smudges of blood across his face from his bloody hands and arms. He then became very enraged, as he felt his adrenaline pump through his veins, his heart raced quickly. Shin focused a bit of chakra to his feet, as he gained enough energy to run. He did run, as he began to circle around Dageki in a quick motion, just like Sasuke did to Gaara. Shin finally came out of the spinning circle, right behidn Dageki. He had Katon chakra focused into his fist. He threw his fist aimed at Dageki's back of the neck.
Shin Uchiha
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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Guest Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:28 am

Dageki kept his eyes peeled as Shin circled him with an increasing pace. He quickly calculated how much chakra he would need. This was realy the only option here. He had to use this one jutsu, there was nothing else. Well there was, but anything else he could think of was all to unorthodox and unpractical to risk at this point in the match. He had to stay focused and he had to go for ways that would most likely work, not things that were to risky, and could cause him to lose out right. That would be just plain stupidity. He focused his chakra and began to perform the juttsu.

"ROTATION." He called out, sending chakra from all his chakra points as he began to spin around like a top. His jutsu and release of chakra began at about the same time that Shin escaped his continuing cicle. He picked up speed and realy got into the jutsu. Chances were, Shin would be caught up in Dageki's swirling votex and flung to the side. Usualy this would be deffensive only and would have no ill affects on the opponet, however, Shin was badly battered from Dageki's previous attacks, and it would sure to have a very surreal affect on him furthering the damage more. Assuming that it was a succes, and chances were that it would be. There was about a 3% chance that it would not go as Dageki imagined. Still. 3% was 3% less than 100%.


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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:24 pm

Shin noticed that the moment he leaped out of the vortex, Dageki had been using his rotation technique. Perfect. Shin had his fist out, focusing more and more fire chakra into it as his fist made contact with his own chakra. He kept his body away from the chakra, as his feet stood sturdy on the ground. He was being forced backwards, from side to side, but he continued to take a step forwards. He forced and thrusted his fist into his spin, wanting to break it as he wasnt going to give up, no matter how bad this was scratching up his hand. "IM NOT GIVING UP!!"He shouted at Dageki, as he could feel his heart beating through his chest, he could feel the blood pump through his veins. Shin felt all his chakra go to his fist, as the red chakra gained its size, wanting to slow down to Hyuuga and land a hit on him. But just that second, his fist went through the rotation barrier, as he kicked off from his feet and attempted to hit him straight in the face.

OOC: Anything is possible when your pissed off and angry xD
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga Empty Re: Shin Uchiha Vs Dageki Hyuuga

Post by Guest Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:46 pm

OOC: Yes but the end result is usualy not good as you have just proven. Sorry bao, no disrespect but that was one of the dumbest things you could have done. I consulted Kaji on this to make sure.

IC: Dageki felt heartbroken as his good friend Shin broke through the first barrier of his rotation. As soon as his arm got through past the fire, it was game up. The chakra from the rotation forced itself into his arm through the tenketsu points in his arm, cutting off the suply of chakra to his hand, extinguishing the fire, unfortunately for Shin, this was not the only effect. Due to the force and speed of the rotation, chakra was force into the tenketsu points, and uncontolably flowed throughout his chakra system, damaging his organs from the inside out. It was unclear to Dageki how much damage had been done, but it could not be good, that much was certain.

Dageki quit spining instatntly, he could tell with his Byakuugan what damage had been caused by the rotation, but he could not tell all of it, nor did he want to. He looked at his friend with concern in his eye. That was possibley the heaviest blow he had ever dealt anyone, and it wouldnt have bothered him but Shin was his friend. He couldnt feel to guilty however, Shin had done this to himself, by trying to fight against the rotation, he had damaged himself from the inside out. Dageki could only stare untill he knew just how badly Shin was injured from that attack, though it had only been meant to deffend him.

The punch landed on his cheek, but it was feeble and weak, all force of it gone by the effects the rotation had had on Shin. Dageki had been to shocked to move out of the way. He moved to the side and simply stared at Shin, waiting to see if he would try to continue this battle or if this was finally the end.


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