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Uchiha (Hyuuga) Kiyoko [It's not what you think.]

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Uchiha (Hyuuga) Kiyoko [It's not what you think.] Empty Uchiha (Hyuuga) Kiyoko [It's not what you think.]

Post by Aki Tue May 26, 2009 4:21 pm

NOTE: As far as anyone knows, she is an Uchiha. NO ONE KNOWS SHE IS A HYUUGA.

Last Name: Uchiha (Hyuuga) [See history.]
First Name: Kiyoko
Nickname(s)/Alias(es): N/A
Age: 16
Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan
Gender: Female
Rank: Genin
Skill Level: Chunin
Birth Village/Place: Kaminari no Kuni & Konohagakure no Sato
Current Allied Village & Loyalties: Sunagakure no Sato
Alignment: Neutral
Long, nearly waist length, pitch black hair and gloomy, cold, pitch black eyes. Her cold black eyes often makes other people turn away from her along with her dark like aura due to her being so negative. She wears a short, thin, slightly tight, slightly revealing, thin, dark black tank top. She usually wears a pair of dark black shorts that are really short. A pair of ankle length black socks with ninja sandals. Along with all of that, she wears a pair of tough, dark black fingerless gloves with Konohagakure no Sato’s symbol on her right glove, and the Sunagakure no Sato symbol on her left glove. A necklace made from an unknown black substance bears the Uchiha Clan symbol within a circle on the front, the back being that of yin and yang. Her long hair is usually down and behind her, but it often falls in front of her face, hiding it and giving her either an evener colder appearance or depressed, suicidal one. As she suffers from insomnia, there are usually dark circles under her eyes, but these are hardly ever noticeable. Along with her high metabolism rate and rarity of eating, she appears quite skinny and is essentially underweight, roughly weighing in at 90lbs. She is also a bit on the short side, being only 5’.
-Likes: Reading, writing, drawing, sleeping in, daydreaming, kids, and listening to music.
-Dislikes: Working, arrogant/cocky/close-minded/loud/optimistic/perverted people, lights in general.
-Phobias/Fears/Hates: Snakes, heights, needles, being touched, spiders, and insects.
-Flaw(s): Laziness and a bad memory.
-Quotes: “Like I care.” “Shut up.” “You’re annoying.” “Mhmm...”
History: [See following posts.]
Specialty: (Kekkei Genkai/Byakugan/Gentle Fist Style) Taijutsu, Ninjutsu
Techniques: Techniques
Element: Raiton (Dominant), Katon (Has yet to implement it in battle)
  • Exploding Notes
  • Kunai
  • Shuriken

Goal(s): Die...

Last edited by Aki on Wed May 27, 2009 5:08 pm; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : Fixing things so I can be in Sunagakure, and added in links.... again. This time I forgot to edit apperance.)

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Join date : 2008-12-13
Age : 31
Location : I don't know anymore....

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Uchiha (Hyuuga) Kiyoko [It's not what you think.] Empty Re: Uchiha (Hyuuga) Kiyoko [It's not what you think.]

Post by Kenshi Tue May 26, 2009 4:25 pm



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Uchiha (Hyuuga) Kiyoko [It's not what you think.] Empty Re: Uchiha (Hyuuga) Kiyoko [It's not what you think.]

Post by Aki Tue May 26, 2009 4:26 pm


The cry of a newborn pierced the chilling night air. The full moon cast a pale silver light on everything, and the stars were shining brightly. The faint wind rustling the first few dry leaves of autumn, taking out the scent of fresh blood and sweat. As the moon passed over a particularly dark spot, the area lit up slightly with the moon’s rays. In the arms of a distraught woman, with dark black hair and lavender eyes, laid a newborn child. She caressed the child with gentle fingers and smiled slightly, her eyes drooping with exhaustion, but bright with excitement and joy.

Next to her was a man with dark black hair and eyes. His hand was glowing a soft green as he healed a cut across the woman’s upper left leg and lower right leg. The cuts were deep and would have taken several days to heal if it were not for the medical advances the ninja world had gone through. And even though he had healed her as much as he could, her wound was still open and bleeding profusely. He needed to stop the bleeding or else the woman would faint or die from blood loss. “What will you name her?” he asked quietly, trying to calm her down as he moved onto other areas of her body where she had been injured.

“... Her name... it’s Kiyoko... she will... be one to...” mumbled the woman, but her eyes were already glazing over, despite what the man was trying to do to save her life. The dark haired man struggled to heal her as much as he could, but in a few seconds he stopped. He knew it was useless. She was dying and there was nothing he could do for her. The child in her arms was quiet and began to wonder if the child was dead as well. He wouldn’t be surprised if she wasn’t. “Kiyoko...” mumbled the woman one last, and then she was dead.

The man closed her eyes and took a look at the child. Is she dead? He picked up the young girl and felt a small heartbeat, very faint. He closed his eyes and let out a breath. Why Lia? Why? You should have told us... If you had told us you wouldn’t have died. His eyes snapped open as a twig snapped. His ninja senses kicking in he quickly found the enemy ninja. At least being an ANBU wasn’t wasted. he thought, holding Wren with one arm and gathering wind chakra in his other arm.

From behind him emerged another human form, for a second he was going to unleash the wind chakra in his hands, but he soon recognized the man. It was his teammate. He release the wind chakra from his hand and it hit the enemy ninja, killing him. The man who had just arrived looked down at their comrade and then lifted up his mask, he had the woman’s mask in his other hand. “... What happened? I thought they were after me, but when I was doubling back I... found this...” he said quietly with some trouble, holding up the woman’s mask. “What happened Sennyo?”

At first Sennyo didn’t answer him and then he slowly let out a breath. “... She was pregnant Ametschi....” He stopped and let it sink in. The mask fell from Ametsuchi’s hands and he stared at Sennyo, looking for an explanation. Sennyo turned so that the moonlight would fall on Kiyoko and then he began to speak, “This is her daughter... your daughter... Lia named her Kiyoko. I think she had a reason behind it but... she didn’t get to finish.”

“I... I see,” breathed Ametsuchi. He awkwardly walked over to Sennyo and took Kiyoko in his arms. He couldn’t help but notice how much Kiyoko was like her mother. “D-Do you think she’ll be like me? Her eyes... they aren’t...” Ametsuchi didn’t get to finish his sentence as a gaping hole filled up the lower portion of his body. He was dead in an instant. Sennyo barely managed to catch Kiyoko before she fell to the ground.

Amet... I’ll get revenge for you! I promise you that much. I’ll take care of Kiyoko too Lia, I owe you that much... thought Sennyo as he released another wave of wind at the attacker. Without waiting to see if the enemy was dead, Sennyo let loose a giant fireball, destroying the bodies of his fellow comrades and the surroundings. Sennyo activated his Sharnigan and sped off into the night, intercepting attacks from enemy ninja until he reached the border between Hi no Kuni and Kaminari no Kuni.

Once he had made it into his home land he deactivated his Sharnigan and looked down at Kiyoko. “You’re so young, and you have yet to cry,” he murmured in amazement. Kiyoko was slightly covered in blood and wide awake, but she wasn’t crying. Sennyo took a few minutes to wipe the blood off of her and then hurried off towards Konohgakure no Sato. In a few days he finally made it and gave a quick report to the Hokage before heading off to the Uchiha compound, asking the Hokage not to divulge the news of Kiyoko’s existence.

Sennyo went home to his family of two exhausted, but determined to keep Kiyoko’s existence a secret. He didn’t want the Hyuugas to brand her as a lesser member like her father. He talked to his wife, who was due to have another child within a few days, to accept Kiyoko as her own. His wife readily agreed. Within the next day she had given birth to their son and with Kiyoko they were announced to the Uchiha Clan as twins.

No one questioned Sennyo and his wife about Kiyoko as she did have dark hair and dark eyes. Kiyoko would live her life as an Uchiha with Sennyo and his family of three now: Mitsukai, Tenshi, and Kyonshi. The only strange thing about Kiyoko was that she didn’t cry or sleep much, let alone eat. This troubled Sennyo greatly and made Mitsukai think Kiyoko wasn’t worth raising since she seemed dead already.

Pre Academy

Its been three years since Kiyoko was born. Tenshi has just entered the Academy at the age of four and is doing well. Kyonshi is three as well, but he is already showing signs of being a ninja, only Kiyoko hasn’t. Even so, Sennyo still shows affection for her. Mitsukai watches from the sidelines disapproving of her husband liking an orphan. She is tempted to tell the Hyuugas of Kiyoko just so she can get rid of her and get Sennyo to love his sons.

Kiyoko is still the same as she was three years ago. She doesn’t eat or drink, nor does she sleep often. Even so, she is proving to be an intelligent child. As Sennyo is an ANBU he is rarely home and since Mitsukai doesn’t truly care about her, Kiyoko is able to do as she pleases. Young as she is, Kiyoko knows how to read. As each day goes by, her vocabulary increases, as does her ability to read, moving on from children’s books to short stories to novels.

The more Kiyoko reads, the more she learns. Before long she had learned how to write by herself, her handwriting slowly improving as she practiced. Kiyoko never wrote on paper though, she scribbled down words and sentences with a stick on dirt. After awhile, Kiyoko became satisfied with her reading and writing skills and began to explore other area of interest. This included drawing, music, and last but not least, jutsu.

Kiyoko would discover her true identity as a Hyuuga by the time she was five and would then go to the Hyuuga compound with one of her friends, Hyuuga Hitomi, pretending to be intrigued and impressed with the Byakugan when in truth she was studying them to learn how to master her own abilities as a Hyuuga. The Hyuugas, having no problem with a Uchiha child watching allowed Kiyoko to watch them train and practice, after all, she was only four.

Though Hitomi considered Kiyoko a friend, Kiyoko found that Hitomi was quite annoying... being so optimistic. Kiyoko only tolerated Hitomi because this was the only way she could learn the secret techniques of the Hyuuga. After learning from the Hyuugas, Kiyoko would go home and begin to practice, either in her room or outside in a secluded place where no one could find her.

Within the home of Sennyo, Mitsukai would give Kiyoko the hardest and most complex chores, of which Kiyoko never did and got beaten for. Mitsukai would be careful of where she hit Kiyoko and made sure that Sennyo never knew of it. Kyonshi thought it was quite fun to watch Kiyoko being beaten as he was spoiled by Mitsukai more than was needed. Kyonshi himself would aid his mother in tormenting Kiyoko.

Kiyoko would take it all without a noise and crawl to her room when they were done. The pain didn’t hurt her too much, but instead seemed to awaken her and feed her. The pain, both physical and mental would be what fueled Kiyoko’s anger and then hatred later on in life. Due to the near daily beatings, Kiyoko learned some minor healing jutsus in order to reduce the pain slightly, but she would never go on to learn more about it. She found healing somewhat annoying as she enjoyed the sight of blood and if you healed yourself, the blood tended to stop flowing.

Sennyo would come home early one day and witness Mitsukai’s beatings though and save Kiyoko from being beaten by Mitsukai. He would also talk to Kyonshi and tell him that as Kiyoko’s brother he was supposed to protect her seeing as she was only a girl and younger than him, he said the same to Tenshi even though Tenshi already cared about Kiyoko like an older brother should.

Amazingly, despite her obvious talent and skill, she was never enrolled in the Academy early. But that is mostly due to the fact that she never revealed these abilities to anyone. But it was odd... Kiyoko didn’t speak like a five year old, nor did she act like one. Instead, she seemed much older, too old for a normal five year old kid.


Kiyoko was now seven and had finally been enrolled in the Academy. Kiyoko never paid attention in class, usually pretending to be sleeping or daydreaming. The thing about Kiyoko was that she was extremely lazy and didn’t like to work. Though she already knew the basic jutsus and could have flunked every test but managed to pass the Genin test, she didn’t. Kiyoko viewed it as a doorway to more work, so she purposely chose not to do anything at all, even for the test of becoming a Genin.

Her teachers suspected Kiyoko of being a Shikamaru, but they couldn’t figure out a way to test Kiyoko into taking an I.Q. test or any kind of test that could measure her intelligence level. And after awhile, they just gave up on trying to test Kiyoko and simply accepted her as the worse student in history. Kiyoko had a perfect zero average.

Sennyo would encourage Kiyoko to study more and become a Genin, but didn’t care too much if she did become a Genin or not as he simply wanted her to be happy. Mitsukai would become horrified though, as a supposed Uchiha, Kiyoko was giving the Uchiha an incredibly bad reputation. Mitsukai wanted to disown or kill Kiyoko more than ever now. Tenshi was accepting of Kiyoko just like his father and even went as far as to attempt to teach Kiyoko how to be a ninja. Kyonshi took his mother’s side.

When Kiyoko was ten years old, Sennyo died on a mission and life would become a living hell for her. Without Sennyo there to protect her, Mitsukai was able to make Kiyoko’s life miserable. Mitsukai would also convince Tenshi that Kiyoko was nothing but a hindrance and that she was already dead to begin with, so there was no use in her living, and that the best thing they could do for her was to let her die.

The Uchihas would drive Kiyoko insane to the point of suicide that Kiyoko locked herself in her room all day and night. Half the time she wasn’t even in her room. Her friendship with Hitomi had died after Hitomi had a crush on Kyonshi and didn’t believe a single word Kiyoko said about Kyonshi being an arrogant, bragging, bully. Kiyoko was truly alone. She began to live out on the streets of Konoha like the orphan she was.

This was perfectly fine with Mitsukai and she feigned sadness at Kiyoko living out on the streets. Whenever people asked her why Kiyoko was out on the streets, she simply said “The girl hates me, I don’t know why, but she does. And now she won’t ever come home. I don’t want to force her to come back if she doesn’t want to.” which was usually followed by a tearful remembrance of Sennyo.

In time, in the eyes of the residents of Konoha, Kiyoko was a rouge, a thief, and a liar. Though she still attended the Academy even though she was thirteen, no one thought she was lazy genius anymore. She was causing problems for everyone. She stole from the merchants, stealing food, drinks, and clothing. She doesn’t steal for herself (a lot), she steals for the other orphans (mostly). Kiyoko doesn’t care for anyone other than herself, but she does relate to the orphans and since they still have some hope in living, she helps them.

Asides from that, she hunts for her own food, usually fowl or fish, and lives in the forests surrounding Konoha. Kiyoko is content with life, having to do hardly anything asides from pursuing her own interests. She still teaches herself and continues to learn each day and has perfected some of her jutsus.

Post Academy

Now sixteen, Kiyoko has finally graduated from the Academy after a returning squad catches Kiyoko practicing some of her jutsus, though they are unaware of her Byakugan abilities. The squad, a well renown one in Konoha, swear to the Hokage that Kiyoko has abilities far beyond that of an Academy Student and needs to be trained in the way of ninjas before she harms herself and others. Kiyoko graduates hating life even more, wishing she really would just die. Though Kiyoko had indeed become a Genin, many people in the village disapproved her and in response, the Hokage asked her to leave Konoha. Being her uncaring self, she agreed and left for Sunagakure.

I hate this so much. Why me? I was perfectly fine doing nothing. Geez... crazy ninja. But since I passed maybe I’ll die even sooner now. I wonder who my team is... the crazy Hokage never said anything about a sensei or a team. What did that Hokage say again? Oh yeah! “Don’t worry, you’ll know by tomorrow. Where did you say you lived again?”

Kiyoko sighed. Idiot. Like I’d ever tell you all where I live. Hmm... Where did I tell him to send me the letter or whatever it was? .... Uh.... Let’s see..... the er.... hmmm..... I don’t remember. Guess I’ll just see the Hokage tomorrow then. Kiyoko let out a small yawn and stared up at the night sky.

Guess I should go to sleep... if I can, stupid insomnia. Life just hates me... Kiyoko sighed. Why don’t I just die already then? Not like I’m not going to die. I’m gonna die eventually anyway. Stupid life... Kiyoko closed her eyes and tried to go to sleep and failed. Instead she sat up and leaned against the tree that was serving as her bed tonight and stared at the star filled sky. A shooting star went by.

I wish I would die... thought Kiyoko, closing her eyes and then slowly opening them. “Tomorrow’s going to be an... interesting day...” mumbled Kiyoko, her voice light and soft.

Last edited by Aki on Tue May 26, 2009 6:34 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Fixing things so I can be in Sunagakure)

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Uchiha (Hyuuga) Kiyoko [It's not what you think.] Empty Re: Uchiha (Hyuuga) Kiyoko [It's not what you think.]

Post by Kenshi Tue May 26, 2009 4:27 pm



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Uchiha (Hyuuga) Kiyoko [It's not what you think.] Empty Re: Uchiha (Hyuuga) Kiyoko [It's not what you think.]

Post by Aki Tue May 26, 2009 6:36 pm

Er... Added in more history:

Though Kiyoko had indeed become a Genin, many people in the village disapproved her and in response, the Hokage asked her to leave Konoha. Being her uncaring self, she agreed and left for Sunagakure.

I just wanted to be a ninja of Sunagakure... sorry. Still approved right?

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Uchiha (Hyuuga) Kiyoko [It's not what you think.] Empty Re: Uchiha (Hyuuga) Kiyoko [It's not what you think.]

Post by Kenshi Tue May 26, 2009 6:51 pm



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