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character Ideas!

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character Ideas! Empty character Ideas!

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Feb 21, 2009 2:14 am

So, I got a ton of bloodline Idea's I'll post a little about them.

Ice Bloodline- is able to reach -105 degrees Fahrenheit within a few seconds, and is immune to sub-zero temperatures around him. can freeze any moisture in the air around him into unusually hard ice, and thereby form simple objects such as slides, ladders, shields, and bats. can also augment his ice form with extraneous moisture to enhance his strength and durability, and can reshape his body's ice form at will by using any available moisture from his surrounding environment. can rebuild his ice form if any part of it is broken or if it is shattered completely without suffering any permanent damage.

Speed Bloodline- can channel a portion of the kinetic energy of the atomic motion in his body's molecules in a single direction, accelerating his body to a velocity in direct proportion to the amount of kinetic energy he has tapped. It is theoretically possible to reach 99% of the speed of light. inability to breathe at such speeds and the damage his body would suffer from wind and friction prevent him. (I'm thinking of replacing Sannam's bloodline for this one.)

Sound Bloodline- powerful lungs, throat and vocal cords could produce a sonic scream for various effects, in concert with limited, reflexive psionic powers which directed his sonic vibrations. He could hover or fly at the speed of sound, and could carry at least one passenger. He could overwhelm listeners with deafening noise, stun them with tight-focus low-frequency sonic blasts. plunge them into a hypnotic trance, disorient them, nauseate them, or simply render them unconscious. Using sonic waves, he could rapidly vibrate himself or other masses at will. He could generate sonic blasts which struck with tremendous concussive force, liquefying or outright disintegrating targets at his highest levels of power. By radiating sound waves outward and reading the feedback, he could locate and analyze unseen objects in a sonar-like fashion.

Perfect transformation bloodline- could alter his physical appearance and voice to mimic that of any other human being. His power could also transform the appearance of his costume as well to reflect the clothing worn by his chosen template.

Surival Bloodline- body is able to adapt to any situation. For example, his eyes can adapt to seeing in darkness, while his lungs can adapt to poisoned air. He can become impervious to heat or smoke in a fire, and he can grow gills when underwater.


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