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Seizui Kamereon – (Chameleon Essence)

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Seizui Kamereon – (Chameleon Essence) Empty Seizui Kamereon – (Chameleon Essence)

Post by Mirage Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:45 am

Ok, sorry... I turned this into a jutsu and moved it to my list to be approved as a jutsu. I deleted the topic where it was approved by Kyouken when i moved it to my jutsu list. I then decided that I want to keep it as a kekkei genkai. So you can ignore this, it has already been approved.

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Seizui Kamereon – (Chameleon Essence)

Type of Kekkei Genkai: Ability

Rank: S

Description: Those with this kekkei genkai have no elemental affiniaties. Their chakra is pure. This ability allows them to change their chakra so that it has an elemental affinity. This is done by absorbing chakra from other sources. Whatever element their chakra is, the user’s chakra becomes that element. They can only have one chakra type at a time but also have the ability to combine and mix any two elements. This is done after absorbing chakra from two sources. They can also mimic any jutsu that she sees while having the same chakra type.

  • Has no elemental jutsu what so ever and have no dominant element. This means that unless they absorb someone elses chakra, they cannot use any elemental just or combinations. Cannot use fire, wind, water, earth and so on.
  • The elements that the user uses must be gained from people other than them selves.
  • Every time their chakra element changes, a timer is set. After ten minutes, their chakra goes back to being pure.
  • If mixing chakra, they can only launch one attack before their chakra becomes pure again.
  • Their body will reject the last element that they absorbed after changing. Meaning, if they absorb wind chakra, they can continue to absorb wind chakra. They then absorb water chakra making their chakra water type but they cannot absorb wind chakra or any combinations with wind in them (one example is ice) because it was the last type that they were, prior to water.
  • If the user either mixes two elements, or absorbs a mixed element, their body rejects chakra from both the mixed element and the two elements that originaly made it.
  • Can only copy jutsu that is used while having the same chakra. So if they had just absorbed wind chakra, they could now copy wind jutsu that is used. They could not copy water jutsu while having wind chakra.
  • If using with an ally, it hurt the ally because their chakra has been absorbed.
  • This can be used against the user by knowing what type of attacks they will be using at all times.
  • If absorbs chakra from someone that has all five elements like the Rinnegan holder, she must use a mix within ten minutes, or else she will not be able to absorb wind, water, earth, lightning, fire or any of their combinations. This basicaly locks the user from ever using this kekkei genkai again.

Example 1: Kirin sent the man flying as her fist hit his face. But that was all that she needed. Because he had wind nature chakra, her own chakra turned to wind chakra. She had once fought a man that used a wind jutsu against her and now she could finaly try it, only because she had wind chakra.

Making her handsigns, Kirin launched her attack. “Wind Tunnel” A tunnel of wind burst towards her enemy just as he stood up. He managed to dodge it just in time. His partner used his body flicker and kicked Karin in the side. Kirin willingly absorbed some of his chakra changing her wind nature to water nature.

The first man suddenly appeared next to Kirin and held her by the throat. Because she had just had wind chakra before the water, she could not absorb his chakra. Her body rejects the chakra of the previous element.

Example 2: Kirin sent the man flying as her fist hit his face. But that was all that she needed. Because he had wind nature chakra, her own chakra turned to wind chakra. His partner, being of the water type, was the second one to feel her might. At the instant that her fist struck him. She decided to absorb his chakra while keeping the wind chakra. The two mixed together within her body to form ice. However, she was now only able to use ONE jutsu, and then her chakra would go back to being pure.

“Ice Pillar!!!” Ice pillars rose up under each enemy but unfortunately missed. Karin’s chakra then went back to being pure, allowing her no jutsu of her own. Because Ice was a mix of both water and wind, she would not be able to absorb either of those type. She would have to absorb something other than wind or water before she would be able to absorb those elements again.

Karin would not be able to absorb the chakra of her two enemies anymore.

Example 3: Kirin sent the man flying as her fist hit his face. But that was all that she needed. Because he had Ice nature chakra, her own chakra turned to Ice chakra. She now could use any ice jutsu that she knew untill her chakra ran out. Had she made the mix using two different chakras, she would only be able to use one ice jutsu. But because Ice was a mix of both water and wind, she would not be able to absorb either of those type. She would have to absorb something other than wind or water before she would be able to absorb those elements again.

Example 4: Kirin sent the man flying as her fist hit his face. But that was all that she needed. This man had both wind and water chakra and because of that, her own chakra turned to wind and water. She could now use bothe wind and water jutsu seperate. But if she chose to mix them, she would only be able to use one Ice jutsu.

The second enemy appeard behind her and kicked her in the side.

  • Scenario 1: Kirin then willingly absorbed some of his chakra on impact. This weakened him a bit. This man had earth chakra. Because she already had two elements, she could choose which one to mix the earth with. Kirin decided to mix the earth with her water chakra to produce plant...... After using a plant jutsu, her chakra went back to being pure. She was now unable to absorb either earth , water or plant jutsu untill she absorbed another type.
  • Scenario 2: Kirin then willingly absorbed some of his chakra on impact. This weakened him a bit and changed her chakra to earth. She could now use earth chakrs but was now unable to absorb either wind or water jutsu untill she absorbed another type.

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Join date : 2008-11-21

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