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Ukiyo Koujou

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Ukiyo Koujou Empty Ukiyo Koujou

Post by Shino_nara Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:43 am

Name: Ukiyo Koujou

Age: 16

Bloodline: Koujou Chishio: Koujou members can excrete a seed(s) through any pore in their body. Then, by channeling chakra to them, they make the seed grow at any rate they chooses. Whether it be in 1 second or 1 minute. This gives them the ability to make any plant. Depending on how large the plant is or how complex it is determines how much chakra and what rank it is. First invented by Ukiyo's grandparents, the greatest known extent of this ability was an S-rank version that the founder of the clan did, creating a skyscraper-like tree.

Rank: Genin
Classification: Will send short rp sample to first mod to post.
Village: Takigakure
Alignment: Neutral

Appearance: Ukiyo has deep green hair and eyes (caused by chlorophyll). Her hair only comes down to about past her ears and is straight. Her face is delicate, smooth skin with a short-round nose and thin pink lips. Her ears are average size, though always hidden by her hair. Ukiyo's hair is split in front, so her bangs are brushed to the sides and bushed behind her ears, leaving her forehead exposed and a cascade-look to the front of her hair.

Personality: Ukiyo has a tremendous amount of respect for all things living. Though despite this, she seems to have fun fighting and always seems to aim to kill. She has never killed anyone and ends battles before she does. Ukiyo is very carefree usually and playful. She never dated anyone, though always seems to tease boys. She is very intelligent, but often doesn't study or work because she'd rather play. Ukiyo is extremely friendly and acts innocent and weak, though she is without a doubt vicious in battle. She jokes and laughs when fighting, acting like she cares not what happens from one moment to the next. Though it is deceitful when she wants to become serious and begins fighting to win, rather than for fun.

History: Many generations ago, Koujou elders resided in Takigakure. This was under the rule of the first satoosa. The village was new and somewhat weak. Many unique ninjas and outcasts had made their home there. The village was still in distress with little order. The satoosas did their part, and the shinobi of the village help keep peace too. When the first shinobi war were occurring, Ukiyo's grandparents took refuge from the fighting in a pocket of the village, and soon were forced underground.

They survived on their vegetation, most of them being strong in farming or some form of growing plants. The war raged on for years, and when all seemed lost, they turned to fighting. Though the family had not been shinobi, so they had no former training or abilities. Their family was composed of mainly scientists and farmers. They were not dumb enough to run out into the battle field with pitch forks and spears, so the scholars of the family worked with the farms people to teach themselves ninjutsu. This was the first instance of genetic engineering that any of them had seen. What they had done was infused certain parts of the pituitary gland and DNA, and thus making a hybrid of a human from what was once Ukiyo's grandfather (the first to receive this ability). With the new implants, he now realized that his skin could excrete seeds at his whim.

Birth-Toddler Arc
Ukiyo was born on the outskirts of Takigakure. Her parents were members of the village, despite their hermit behaviors in relation to the town. When Ukiyo was born, the parents had not told anyone of her birth (the reason was that the parents had not wanted the village to know that she possessed the ability too, though Ukiyo did not know that they thought that). They raised Ukiyo themselves, teaching her about her abilities and about their views and lifestyle. They had a tremendous respect for all things living and were mainly pacifist. They worshiped plants for their roles in the world and thought they were sacred. Though Ukiyo does not fallow the same ideals, she still has a large amount of respect for plants and everything living. Ever since she began her training (a couple years before joining the academy), Ukiyo has excelled in the art. Unlike most of her clan, Ukiyo didn't need days-weeks of study to learn a new plant type. She had a brilliant mind that retained every detail of every second, allowing her to learn new plants within hours or days.

However after the second shinobi war, Ukiyo's parents were killed and she (while keeping the respect for living things) grew a new part of her that did not hate others, but simply enjoyed to fight, which encouraged her to join the academy soon after. Before joining the academy, Ukiyo could do no more than creating flowers and small bushes, the most complex thing she could make were roses with thorns or odorous plants that could kill small bugs.

Academy Arc:
She migrated to central Takigakure and joined the ninja academy. Ukiyo skimmed by in all her classes, not paying much attention to the generic material she could learn in a heartbeat. She was more interested in working on her own jutsu. Every day in the academy, Ukiyo grew gardens in her desk, each day learning something new. By th eend of each month she would admire her work at home, and move onto something more difficult. She grew infatuated and soon spent most of her days in books or out in the forests and gardens. When graduation day had come, Ukiyo could hardly make a descent clone jutsu, however could make vines and wood to construct a model of herself. When the teacher swung at her for a substitution jutsu, they were surprised to see that instead of hitting wood, their hand would be covered with seeds. By the end of her academy years, Ukiyo had taught herself how to make bamboo, vines, wood, slightly poisonous plants, and even a few plants who's biology was abnormal, though she had not even known what they could do.

Genin Arc:
Ukiyo learned under a specialties sensei (for obvious reasons) and with no teammates. She loved her sensei, being her closest friend and only person that she could even slightly relate to or call a parent figure. Though once she was passed as a genin, her sensei was killed on a mission. The leaders of the village refused to provide the exact circumstances of the death. And so with no teammates, no sensei, no parents, and hardly any friends, Ukiyo went into isolation. She has been amusing herself and keeping warm with her plants. Her self training complete and her confidence returned, Ukiyo has decided to come out and start her life again.

Speciality: Ninjutsu
Learned jutsus: Koujou Jinsei (Plant Life), Moguragakure no Jutsu (Earth Release: Mole Hiding Technique)
Elements: Earth Dom, Wind Rec
Weapons/items: no abnormal weapons
Goals: Having recently emerged from being a hermit for the past two years, Ukiyo has grown a new ambitious outlook on the world. She seems to have gotten over her parents' death completely, almost in a weird way that she is too happy after it. Ukiyo is determined to climb the ranks to become a jonin, and then possibly leaving the village that cast away her parents to their death. She has no real goals beyond that, Ukiyo is just training to become stronger and see where the adventure takes her. She hopes to meet people along the way she could start a new life with outside the village, though she has not met anybody yet and has no concrete plans yet either.

Last edited by Shino_nara on Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2009-02-08

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Ukiyo Koujou Empty Re: Ukiyo Koujou

Post by Mirage Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:56 am

Approved, but just incase you do not know, your bloodlne needs to be sumitted in the bloodline section. So i am approving your character and not the bloodline.

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Ukiyo Koujou Empty Re: Ukiyo Koujou

Post by Shino_nara Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:28 pm

increased history a little, just for fun

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Ukiyo Koujou Empty Re: Ukiyo Koujou

Post by Kenshi Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:39 pm

Arent you Shino_nara from spreebb!!!

If you are then welcome back to NN!



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Ukiyo Koujou Empty Re: Ukiyo Koujou

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:48 pm

Hey shino Nara Very Happy

I doubt you remeber me at all...

I'll give some hints.:

Naruto Rpg For fans



(thats if your the same one Very Happy )

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